Forums > Game Forums > Vigilante > MSX version is unofficial/clone

Silvano Ciccioli (162) on 5/18/2020 1:10 PM · Permalink · Report
Also very simplified (3 levels). Perhaps it shoud be a separate entry

Sciere (942680) on 5/18/2020 1:19 PM · edited · Permalink · Report
Is there any further proof or references to investigate further? The original submission included this comment: "I'm quite sure it is not published by US Gold or ported by Emerald Software, although i have no hard evidence to back that up. As MSX was heavily supported by many Japanese hardware and software companies Irem converted the MSX version themselves. This is almost always (approx. 90%) the case with Japanese software companies developing software for the MSX."
If it is unofficial, we'll split it off because it needs to become a new and independent game entry. It it is official, but limited in scope, we generally prefer to keep it together as a multiplatform entry, but with a short mention in the description to explain the difference.

Infernos (49713) on 5/18/2020 2:53 PM · Permalink · Report
If it's a port of a game on the MSX or Master System from South Korea (as is this case) then you can count on the fact that the legality of these releases is highly questionable.
You can read about the Korean scene in detail here: A History of Korean Gaming

Alaka (110274) on 5/18/2020 6:13 PM · Permalink · Report
Zemina Co. probably needs to be looked into too.