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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 9/1/2008 11:35 AM · Permalink · Report
Welcome !

St. Martyne (3648) on 9/1/2008 1:17 PM · Permalink · Report
[Q --start Chris Clews wrote--]Hello there! I have recently joined a few days ago because Mobygames is definitely a good site to go to when it comes to reviewing games :) [/Q --end Chris Clews wrote--]
MobyGames is a good site, period!
Welcome! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. There is a lot of helpful folk around here.

Matt Neuteboom (976) on 9/2/2008 11:19 PM · Permalink · Report
I agree with you totally. I joined MobyGames to review games as well and now I write them for the school paper. As well, my writing has improved 100% ever since then. So you've come to the right place my friend.

GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 9/3/2008 11:55 AM · Permalink · Report
Make sure it's got a good structure. Like this . And not like this .

St. Martyne (3648) on 9/3/2008 12:28 PM · Permalink · Report
[Q --start Chris Clews wrote--]Thanks, man. Could you give me a few tips on how to write good game reviews? [/Q --end Chris Clews wrote--]
There's an awesome MobyTip somewhere. Be as verbose as you can. We're not really interested if you consider the game "bad" or "good". What we really want to know is "why"! Try to concentrate on what the game means to "you"!
I particularly enjoy reviews of retro games, which include stories of relationships between the game and the reviewer. So don't try to be overly objective, since it is your unique experience with each game is what really captures mine and hopefully other MobyUsers' attention.

chirinea (47574) on 9/3/2008 2:31 PM · Permalink · Report
[Q --start St_Martyne wrote--] There's an awesome MobyTip somewhere. [/Q --end St_Martyne wrote--] If you mean our MobyStandards on reviews, here they are.

Indra was here (20735) on 9/3/2008 7:18 PM · edited · Permalink · Report
[Q --start Chris Clews wrote--]Thanks, man. Could you give me a few tips on how to write good game reviews? [/Q --end Chris Clews wrote--]
Standards for MG are as Chirinea pointed out in the link. No such thing as "good" really. More like "acceptable". Many reviewers here have different tastes and writing skills, some glorify, some trash, some talk about everything that has to do with the game except the game (which is not really acceptable :p ), some review to please the crowd, some review to please themselves. Depends.
Your first couple or more reviews, if you have never had any professional experience in writing, will more or less tend to suck. Which is fine, since it's part of the process. The approvers will probably tend to WIP (send back) your stuff mostly if it's too short or too many grammar/spelling mistakes. Otherwise, its usually acceptable.
Over time, as your writing skills progress, you'd probably look back at all those reviews you once wrote (thinking that they were a Shakespearean equivalent) and see how shitty your opinion used to be. :) Practice makes perfect.
Just make sure to use a spellchecker before submitting...the approvers are a little edgy. :)
Enjoy your stay.