Forums > Off Topic > API key help
Tracy Poff (2095) on 8/15/2021 9:34 PM · Permalink · Report
tillaz87 on 8/16/2021 8:10 PM · Permalink · Report
Hi I got they key but it always gives me 401 error saying I need a key? I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly is the whole lot the key or do I need to do something extra with the two == signs at the end? I've noticed when I regenerat my key those never change. I'm lost.
thesuffering on 9/15/2021 12:01 AM · Permalink · Report
Hi tracy, I messaged you recently as well regarding API access. Would really love to use moby games as the data source for my upcoming app but need to clear up some things and get a key to check things out. Sorry to hijack, dont mean to, just didnt want to create another thread.