Forums > Off Topic > List of all games from the site
Zanton Arenok on 4/16/2019 12:45 PM · Permalink · Report
Good time of day. Is it possible to get the entire list of games from the site? Can be he there is somewhere on site? Prompt me!
vedder (73736) on 4/16/2019 5:44 PM · Permalink · Report
This lists all games on the site:
It will be divided in pages, it's not a single list. By default it will show 25 games at a time. in your account preferences you can change that to be up to 100 games at a time.
If a list is what you want, you could request an API key and generate a list from there:
damien dada on 5/7/2019 4:50 PM · Permalink · Report
Hi, I also want to get the complete list of games on the site, thanks