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chirinea (47574) on 11/29/2009 10:39 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Inspired by our little discussion in that other thread, I'm here starting another "cultural" thread to ask you people: what do you drink? If you're not into alcoholic beverage, tell us what you usually drink anyway.

I myself drink lots of Coca-Cola whenever it is possible. Besides, I love tonic water and Fanta Grape. On the alcoholic side, I really enjoy cachaça, be it pure or as caipirinha. Besides, I also drink Martini every once in a while.

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vedder (75617) on 11/29/2009 11:10 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

In the summer I was drinking a lot of cassis (Blackcurrant flavoured soda), but now that it's cold again I usually drink hot tea, in a variety of flavors (black or fruit, I don't like green tea).

As for alcoholic drinks. I hardly drink anymore. Only a glass or two on special occasions. I like Belgian beers and Port. In high school I used to drink Martini and Vermouth by the bottle, but I haven't had that in years.

Edit: Next thing you know we're going to have a MobyRecipe exchange thread!

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Zeppin (8422) on 11/29/2009 11:21 PM · Permalink · Report

I almost exclusively drink PG Tips black tea throughout much of the year, however in the warmer months I tend to prefer tonic water.

In the way of alcoholic drinks I tend towards Metaxa, a Greek liquor that's a mixture of wine and brandy, though it's a bit tricky to get in the States. When I come across it I'm also rather fond of Lambic, a Belgian beer that may be the best I've ever had.

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DJP Mom (11333) on 11/30/2009 3:00 AM · Permalink · Report

Metaxa isn't so hard to get here, or at least the bars always stocked it. I thought it was the best stuff in the world for a while, and then one day I absolutely couldn't stand it any more. Amaretto was more usually my drink, and light beers.

I don't drink alcohol any more, or only on (very) rare occasions. Now I drink a lot of coffee and ginger ale and lemonade.

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Cantillon (89577) on 11/30/2009 9:34 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Agent 5 wrote--]When I come across it I'm also rather fond of Lambic, a Belgian beer that may be the best I've ever had. [/Q --end Agent 5 wrote--] Which brands do you like most?

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Zeppin (8422) on 12/1/2009 2:37 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I typically prefer Duvel Lambic, but I rather like Lindeman's Framboise.

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Cantillon (89577) on 12/1/2009 10:35 PM · Permalink · Report

If you're taking about this Duvel, it's not Lambic. :p I didn't drink Lindemans Framboise yet, but from what I read on the internet, it think it's too sweet for my taste. From all the lambic beers, I prefer Gueuze.

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Zeppin (8422) on 12/3/2009 3:03 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start lieven.dk wrote--]If you're taking about this Duvel, it's not Lambic. :p I didn't drink Lindemans Framboise yet, but from what I read on the internet, it think it's too sweet for my taste. From all the lambic beers, I prefer Gueuze. [/Q --end lieven.dk wrote--] My mistake, I seem to have managed to get myself completely turned around. :P I wouldn't consider Lindemans Framboise to be particularly sweet, and I typically prefer alcohol to be rather dry. It is sweeter than typical Lambics, though.

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St. Martyne (3648) on 11/29/2009 11:38 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm pretty much "anything goes" kind a guy. There's no alcoholic beverage I particularly dislike. I guess you could say I'm really crazy about Tequilla and any Czech beer, especially Gambrinus, Velvet and dark Kozel. Since that stuff is quite expensive to drink here on a frequent basis, I'm quite comfortable with the historically established and culturally acceptable horilka + local beer duo.

As for non-alchoholic drinks, I drink a lot of milk, kefir and buttermilk (although I am not sure if that's the right word for the weird fermented mass I consume), black strong coffee, green tea, Earl Grey and kompot. As for soft drinks, I am somewhat addicted to Schweppes, which is the only carbonated drink I have more than once a month.

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Foxhack (32131) on 11/29/2009 11:52 PM · Permalink · Report

Mexican Coca-Cola. The American one tastes awful.

I also drink iced tea.

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—- (1617) on 11/30/2009 12:24 AM · Permalink · Report

Andechser Doppelbock Dunkel: A traditional Bavarian dark strong-beer (7.1% alcohol), brewed by the comparably small monastic brewery of the Order of Saint Benedict of the Andechs Abbey since 1455.

It's not the best beer in the world - it's the only beer in the world.

God bless these monks!

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Unicorn Lynx (181645) on 11/30/2009 1:23 PM · Permalink · Report

God bless these monks!

Oh yes! This beer rules. Generally, Bavarians make great beer.

But the best beer I ever drank was Belgian. Sciere rocks :-)

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—- (1617) on 11/30/2009 7:04 PM · Permalink · Report

I've been thinking... here in central Europe the first brewhouses were established by monks, but is it a common thing for monastic orders outside of Europe to run their own breweries?

Especially in Latin America, Catholicism is obviously pretty huge, there might be some in the US, too... so, I'm curious, are there any "getting-trashed-for-Jesus"-type of beer brands where you guys live?

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Slug Camargo (583) on 11/30/2009 12:30 AM · Permalink · Report

I talked about alcohol in the other thread, but the one beverage that's second only to water in my case would be coffee. The moment some doctor or any other sadistic fucker forbids me to drink coffee, he might as well put a bullet through my head.

I drink lots of Coca Cola too, we don't have Fanta Grape but I guess I would love that (I was the single one Uruguayan who liked Cherry Coke during its brief appearance down here, I'm always up for such weird inventions), and I'm gonna go ahead and high five caipirinha! =D

Also, fyi, I'm gonna copy that phrase from your friend regarding Uruguayan beer and paste it all over the place. Pure genius.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 11/30/2009 2:42 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I'm not old enough to drink alcohol, but I usually drink soda or water most of the time. (Tap water usually. It doesn't taste that bad around here.) My favorite soda is usually Dr. Pepper, but I'm a sucker for any kind of blue soda. I like Jones Soda occasionally, because it's a lot sweeter than it's high fructose corn syrup brethern. I stayed away from it for a while after I tasted their awful tasting apple flavored soda, but I'm leaning towards it again after being quite sick of the syrupy taste of most sodas. (GameFuel in particular.) 8)

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MZ per X (3017) on 11/30/2009 10:14 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--]I'm not old enough to drink alcohol, [/Q --end DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--] Then you should move to Germany. Here, nobody cares about 12-year-olds walking around with open bottles of beer or alco-mixes. And those who cared have been beaten to hospital by drunken gangs of 14-year-olds.

No, I'm exaggerating. But I still remember that 2005 U2 gig in Berlin when some young (obvious first time) visitors from the US couldn't believe everyone around them drinking beer and having a good time, and nobody cared for them drinking beer, too. :o) That was funny.

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MasterMegid (723) on 1/5/2010 10:44 PM · Permalink · Report

Have you heard that now they are saying that coffee is good for you. It helps prevent diabetes, or something.

I am a caffine junkie personally, coffee, pepsi, etc. I like other types of "pop" also. Orange and Grape Crush are very good.

Oh, Oleg, you forgot to mention that you drink Final Fantasy's semen.

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vedder (75617) on 1/5/2010 10:52 PM · Permalink · Report

You shouldn't listen to such stories. If one research shows that something helps in preventing disease A it doesn't mean it's healthy. Because most likely it still promotes diseases B through Z.

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beetle120 (2415) on 11/30/2009 2:54 AM · Permalink · Report

Coca Cola zero for me, normal coke was not that good for me with all the sugar. As for alcoholic drinks I drink very little alcohol (about once a month or less) but when I do I like bourbon like Jack Daniel's.

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 11/30/2009 3:28 AM · Permalink · Report

Oh I drink a lot of things. In a way it's quite nice to be in the centre of russian (through them also siberian/central asian), german and scandinavian influences.

Let's see. Beer of course. Mostly euro pale lager types... well that's really the common taste I guess, but despite the normality they're easy to drink. I especially love Budvar's Budweiser, which is a czech pilsener (subcategory of pale lager). Krusovice... yeah I guess I am pretty czech beer oriented. I find Krusovice Dark to be also quite a loveable drink.

In winter times I prefer to drink schwarzbier types. They're a bit easier than ports and stouts. Ports and stouts, bocks and herbal beers are for special occasions.

Then I especially love kvass. A sad thing about kvass was that for a while there it was reduced to a status of a soft drink. Blasphemy. Fortunately it's easy to make yourself. Which brings me to another thing. Homebrewed stuff. There's a bit of chasm between homebrewed beer and kvass and their commercialized counterparts. Homebrewed stuff like has completely different tastes and traditions. In Estonia one can quite often hear "yeah it's okay, but homebeer is better". Especially if the speaker is an islander. I guess the islander homebeer is a bit similar to finnish sahti. There just came a commercialized juniper beer out, but that was just wrong.

Vodka. Sure. Vodka is great. I'm not really a brandy/cognac man and whiskey depends. I found myself agreeing with Canadian Gold quite nicely. I keep a bottle of that around... mostly for ice cream cocktails though.

I'm not much of a tea person. Nor a coffee person. If I do drink something from tea/coffee category it's usually black tea.

I'm not a wine man. Then again, depends on your definiton of wine. Fermented fruit beverages yeah, but not so much into the grapes thingy. From fruit wine I love blackcurrant wine really. I fell in love in it when I was like 12 and I had to walk home from school in a very blizzardly weather. So I was exhausted and half-dead. I went to the refrigiator, found a bottle of blackcurrant wine and then I drank it all. And from that moment ever since I just love blackcurrant wine.

Oh I do drink "real" wine too. But white wine types. Actually just icewine and riesling. That's sort of my thang. Red wine's not just my thang.

Mulled wine is a wintery must. Especially our glögg version.

I don't drink soft drinks. But a lot of juices. Apple, sea-buckthorn, grape - typical stuff like that. I make my own juices.

Of course kefir and milk too like Martyne above me. And I wonder if Martyne meant by buttermilk this? It's a bacteriased milk product. It's very popular here.

Oh, this reminds me of one local drink - kama! Great stuff that.

In springtimes I drink tree sap. I like meself some liqueurs too. Especially cream liqueurs.

What else? Can't think of anything right now.

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St. Martyne (3648) on 11/30/2009 8:39 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rabbi Guru wrote--] Of course kefir and milk too like Martyne above me. And I wonder if Martyne meant by buttermilk this? It's a bacteriased milk product. It's very popular here. [/Q --end Rabbi Guru wrote--]

Oh, I don't know. I've spent some time reading Wikipedia about all kinds of milk based products, and still have no idea what my stuff is actually called. In our family we just called it simply "kislyak" - "sour milk" basically, but that's too vague and even my local friends understand it as an entirely different thing.

We, in an nutshell, allow fresh milk straight out of cow (no pasteurizing) to go completely sour in a week or so. After that we separate some of the thick stuff from the muddy watery remains, which are apparently called "quark" and "whey" (never knew that). Then it's all mixed thoroughly, some sugar is added to make up for the sourness and we cool it down.

It's quite tasty and can even give you a little kick in the head, if you really let the milk go that is.

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Unicorn Lynx (181645) on 11/30/2009 5:30 AM · Permalink · Report

I'm a heavy black-tea drinker. I always keep black tea at home, and when I sit all day in front of the computer, submitting hentai games to MobyGames, I easily drink 7-8 cups of strong black tea.

Like chirinea, I can get addicted to Coca-Cola. I'm indifferent to most other sparkling stuff, except occasional tonic.

I rarely drink alcohol, because when I do, I usually can't stop, drink a lot and end up drunk. A beer once a week or something, in summer - that's as far as it goes, beside my getting-drunk escapades - perhaps once every three months.

But this is just when I'm in China. Whenever I get back to the Holy Land, the situation changes significantly. Israel has the best fruit juice I've ever tasted - so I begin drinking fruit juice liberally. Pommegranate, mango, peach - you name it. Ahhhh... :-)

Since Israel harbors a lot of ex-Soviet people (like my family), Russian and Ukrainian shops abound. That's where I buy KVAS, which would be the best drink in the world if not for its terrible belly-inflating properties.

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chirinea (47574) on 11/30/2009 5:50 AM · Permalink · Report

You guys mentioned milk, coffee and tea, and I don't know why I forgot to add those. Maybe because I tend to consider them part of some meals, go figure. Anyway, I play my role as a mammal pretty well, I drink three or four glasses of milk every day, but never pure: either with powder chocolate or with coffee. I don't drink pure coffee that often, only when it is fresh. As for tea, I like all kinds of it, but I'm specially fond to mate. In high-school I used to gather some friends to watch movies and drink mate tea while eating popcorn.

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J. P. Gray (115) on 11/30/2009 8:12 AM · Permalink · Report

Can't take soft drinks--too sweet. I go with (in order of frequency): water, black espresso, all kinds of tea, milk, fruit juice (the fresher the better).

As for alcoholic, I'm a huge wine fan. My favorites are usually Italian reds. With beer, I prefer dark ales--odds are if it's strong, brown and from a monastery I love it. For liquor I stick to clear stuff, straight, excepting gin, but will pretend to appreciate all varieties of peaty scotches and whiskeys because it pleases friends and family. Ever experience so much of something you don't really like that you can still tell the supposed good from the bad? That's me.

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MZ per X (3017) on 11/30/2009 8:36 AM · Permalink · Report

Interesting thread. :o)

At work I drink gas-less water most of the time, with an occasional cup of tea or artificial vitamin drink thrown in.

At home we currently stick to fruit juices, but all mixed 50/50 with pure water because of the insane amount of sugar these products contain. But the peculiar thing is that most of those commercial beverages taste much better when mixed like this. Even cola does, which I grant myself a bottle of for the weekend to serve as my "cold coffee" as I put it. Otherwise we are a coffee-free household.

When I drink beer at home it's only Malzbier, and then the only German brand of it that doesn't taste like carrot juice. Of course every other male German will frown on me, but I don't care. :o)

When I'm out I usually start with one or two beer mixes (beer/cola if I plan to stay longer and beer/banana juice if not), then switch to all colors of wine.

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DJP Mom (11333) on 11/30/2009 12:55 PM · Permalink · Report

...beer/banana juice...?

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MZ per X (3017) on 11/30/2009 1:58 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start DJP Mom wrote--]...beer/banana juice...?
ulp [/Q --end DJP Mom wrote--] Unbelievable, isn't it? :o)

But such mixes of wheat beer and fruit juice or even fruit syrup are very common in Germany. A famous mix beer is for instance the Berliner Weisse, or my home brew Leipziger Gose. Both are mostly mixed with raspberry syrup for the red mix or woodruff for the green.

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chirinea (47574) on 11/30/2009 2:42 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Erkenbrand wrote--] [Q2 --start DJP Mom wrote--]...beer/banana juice...?
ulp [/Q2 --end DJP Mom wrote--] Unbelievable, isn't it? :o)

But such mixes of wheat beer and fruit juice or even fruit syrup are very common in Germany. A famous mix beer is for instance the Berliner Weisse, or my home brew Leipziger Gose. Both are mostly mixed with raspberry syrup for the red mix or woodruff for the green. [/Q --end Erkenbrand wrote--]When it comes to mixed stuff, I love mixed fruit juices. Banana + lemon + milk is my favorite!

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Patrick Bregger (310611) on 11/30/2009 9:40 AM · Permalink · Report

In the morning a glass of milk, in the evening a glass of cocoa, when I eat outwards still apple juice, when I am sick tea. Other then that exclusively still water.

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monkeyislandgirl (8624) on 11/30/2009 10:34 AM · Permalink · Report

I'm a Coca Cola girl.....hates Pepsi.....

Um also I like Green Apple Green Tea, Nestea and green tea in general.

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Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 11/30/2009 2:17 PM · Permalink · Report

I drink fruit juice spritzers most of the time. I don't know if that's the correct translation, it's mineral water mixed with juice. Sometimes also Bionade though according to the German Wikipedia article, it's not as healthy and low on sugar as I thought. I also drink way too much coffee. Rarely less than two large mugs a day and I sometimes (rarely) break my own rule of not drinking more than three mugs a day. With lots of sugar and milk.

As for alcohol, I don't drink beer when I can avoid it. I do like wheat beer and some dark beers, but not so much that I want to make drinking beer a habit. I also don't like drinking hard stuff, but if it can't be avoided, I find Tequila and Ouzo are drinkable. I love red wine, though I'm not a connoisseur, the cheapest Dornfelder will do. I also like white wine and rosé, but I prefer red wine.

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Parf (7870) on 11/30/2009 11:29 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I'm trying to drink less soft drinks than I used to, so nowadays I tend to go for Ubuntu Cola, a fairtrade alternative to Coke (which I consume when Ubuntu isn't available). When we visit family in the US it tends to be Cherry Coke, Grape Fanta, lemonade or Ice Tea mostly, with the occasional dip in to whatever seems interesting.

During summer I usually go for Festis, a line of fruit flavored still drinks. Very refreshing when it's hot out!

When I want something hot I tend to go for black tea, sometimes hot chocolate and (purely for the caffeine) sometimes even coffee.

Alcohol happens very seldom nowadays, but I tend to like various ciders (not the dark, heavy type found in the UK however). Swedish all the way there. :)

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Indra was here (20735) on 12/26/2009 9:01 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start monkeyislandgirl wrote--]I'm a Coca Cola girl.....hates Pepsi..... [/Q --end monkeyislandgirl wrote--] My tounge has trouble identifying the "taste logic" of Pepsi. Or is there something wrong with my tounge?

But they sure make dang good ad commercials.

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Servo (57046) on 12/1/2009 3:54 AM · Permalink · Report

red wine and rum & coke are my favorite; also any many beers

I used to like whiskey, but post having one too many I can't really drink that anymore!

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Somebody bring me Sisko! (8) on 12/3/2009 8:47 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

My faves are Persian "ant's head" black tea w/ date syrup, almond milk, oat milk and coffee plus the best soda in the world, which is Lipton Sparkling Ice Tea btw.

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Matt Neuteboom (976) on 12/8/2009 2:00 PM · Permalink · Report

Hmmm, well, the drinking age in America is 21 for those who don't know, and its largely enforced by (most) beer and liquor places in and around the Manhattan area. If you find one that's sketchy enough to sell to minors, then you generally go just to get whatever cheap beer you can get your hands on. Because the drinking age is so high here, most college drinkers my age can't be too picky. No Bavarian beers brewed by monks here. :-(. Generally the rule of thumb for college students here is "if you can get your hands on it then drink it." We'd all love to have refined tastes, but that doesn't happen until you turn 21 and can buy whatever you want.

Finding beer when you're underage has evolved into somewhat of an art form come to think of it. But that's a whole different story.

In terms of alcohol, my diet usually consists of cheap frat beer and/or whatever my friends enjoy. Yuengling seems to be considered liquid gold at my college. Otherwise its poo poo like Miller High Life, Bud Light, Pabst Blue Ribbon, or, God forbid, Keystone or Natural Ice.

As for other liquors, I generally enjoy Vodka in whatever form it takes. Rum is also great as well. I like gin when its mixed with something but otherwise hate it straight. Can't stand scotch or whiskey.

Beyond alcohol, I love tea (and I mix milk in it too, which some people have told me is a little strange?) and drink it every day at work. If I drink coffee, I like it strong and dark. When the chill sets in as its doing now, I also love hot chocolate. If I'm in my dining hall I will also drink either fat free milk or just water.

I agree with whoever said that they cut their fruit drinks with water, most of the commercial stuff I find nowadays is too sugary for me too. =| I also hate soft drinks.

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 12/8/2009 5:34 PM · Permalink · Report

Plenty of booze usually own brand stuff I'm quite parshall to Tesco's value Cider, but as far as soft drinks go I like root beer, which is quite a acquired in the UK the only brand I seem to be able to find in the UK is Carters, which is made in Derby(Lol! Great football team.) I also like Dandelion and Burdock as soft drink & also as cordial, Pepsi Max, Coke Zero, Cherry Coke, Coke + Lemon, uh Vimto, I used to like Energy Drinks but I tend to stay of them cos they make me high (As In hyper not on dope.) lol!

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Unicorn Lynx (181645) on 12/8/2009 5:39 PM · Permalink · Report

I love tea (and I mix milk in it too, which some people have told me is a little strange?)

In China, milk tea (especially milk ice tea) is one of the most popular drinks; particularly young people drink it all the time. There are tons of little stores that sell only milk tea, in different flavors.

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Martin Smith (81712) on 12/8/2009 7:32 PM · Permalink · Report

I don't like tea or coffee, but I do drink too many Red Bull clones, particularly Tesco Kick and Red Rooster which are both about £1 for a 1 litre bottle. For out-and-out 'soft' drinks (after about midday) I go for either Apple Juice or Sprite mostly.

As for alcohol, I drink too much lager, mostly European ones like Grolsch and Carlsberg. I also love Cobra Beer, which is odd as it's designed to be drank with curries, which I hate. Curiously the Cobra available in the UK is Kosher. I like the odd Magner's Cider as well, especially in the summer, but hardly ever drink spirits or mixed drinks and hate wine, especially red.

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 12/9/2009 8:04 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Martin Smith wrote--]I don't like tea or coffee, but I do drink too many Red Bull clones, particularly Tesco Kick and Red Rooster which are both about £1 for a 1 litre bottle. For out-and-out 'soft' drinks (after about midday) I go for either Apple Juice or Sprite mostly.

As for alcohol, I drink too much lager, mostly European ones like Grolsch and Carlsberg. I also love Cobra Beer, which is odd as it's designed to be drank with curries, which I hate. Curiously the Cobra available in the UK is Kosher. I like the odd Magner's Cider as well, especially in the summer, but hardly ever drink spirits or mixed drinks and hate wine, especially red. [/Q --end Martin Smith wrote--] I used to drink wwaayy to many redbull clones, damn I had to have some strong meds to carm me down! P.S I nearly forgot apart from booze, soft drinks and cordial I'm a big fan of Soya milk. Mainly cos most of my buddys, peeps, friends or whatever cha call them are dairy free, but also cos I like the taste, also my gran uses it to make ready break...

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 12/9/2009 2:39 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Matt Neuteboom wrote--]Hmmm, well, the drinking age in America is 21. [/Q --end Matt Neuteboom wrote--]

That's really fucked up.

[Q --start Matt Neuteboom wrote--] I love tea (and I mix milk in it too, which some people have told me is a little strange?) and drink it every day at work. [/Q --end Matt Neuteboom wrote--]

Gotta hate these kind of people. Little strange? Eh, fuck those bitches. Their world is a small one, without knowing other systems they'll never realize that they're the prisoners of their own normality, which is just one system of man-made insanity in many. What I'm trying to say that I've mixed milk with tea my entire life and I've never given a second thought about it... which is to say that it's like a really mundane thing to do in this corner of the world.

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—- (1617) on 12/9/2009 3:57 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rabbi Guru wrote--] [Q2 --start Matt Neuteboom wrote--]Hmmm, well, the drinking age in America is 21. [/Q2 --end Matt Neuteboom wrote--] That's really fucked up. [/Q --end Rabbi Guru wrote--] That really is weird. In Germany people can legally buy as much beer and wine as they want, and roam the streets trashed once they turn 16. The heavier stuff is available from 18 onwards.

[Q --start Rabbi Guru wrote--]What I'm trying to say that I've mixed milk with tea my entire life and I've never given a second thought about it...[/Q --end Rabbi Guru wrote--] Same here.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 12/9/2009 8:38 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rabbi Guru wrote--] [Q2 --start Matt Neuteboom wrote--]Hmmm, well, the drinking age in America is 21. [/Q2 --end Matt Neuteboom wrote--] That's really fucked up. [/Q --end Rabbi Guru wrote--]

There are some people arguing that the drinking age should be lowered to 18. I think that's a pretty reasonable age. Not that I have much interest in alcohol, but Kvass sounds pretty interesting.

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beetle120 (2415) on 12/9/2009 10:35 PM · Permalink · Report

The legal age to buy alcohol (not drink, which is allowed on private property) in Australia is 18 but about 90% of 14 to 18 year olds have drunk alcohol with about a 3rd of them binge drinking in the last year. The amount of binge drinking and related violence has become national concern but all the government has done is raise the price of alco-pops (the main drink for young people) and the advertising campaign to show the negative affects of drinking.

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 12/10/2009 5:19 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rabbi Guru wrote--] [Q2 --start Matt Neuteboom wrote--]Hmmm, well, the drinking age in America is 21. [/Q2 --end Matt Neuteboom wrote--]

That's really fucked up. [Q2 --start Matt Neuteboom wrote--] I love tea (and I mix milk in it too, which some people have told me is a little strange?) and drink it every day at work. [/Q2 --end Matt Neuteboom wrote--]

Gotta hate these kind of people. Little strange? Eh, fuck those bitches. Their world is a small one, without knowing other systems they'll never realize that they're the prisoners of their own normality, which is just one system of man-made insanity in many. What I'm trying to say that I've mixed milk with tea my entire life and I've never given a second thought about it... which is to say that it's like a really mundane thing to do in this corner of the world. [/Q --end Rabbi Guru wrote--]

I agree about the it's werid to put milk in your tea, that's just plain creepy... About the alcohol thing though, though I don't think you should drink a drop before you're 18(Even though I did, but it was just to get on Mum & Dad's tictacs. Childhood, lol!) I think that 21 is excessive, think about it Elvis Presley was 42 when he died, and Jesus and gately were 33 so that's half you're life spend waiting to get the legal right to drink. Besides when you're 18 you can do everything else under the sun!

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vedder (75617) on 12/10/2009 5:34 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Jacob Quinn wrote--] I agree about the it's werid to put milk in your tea, that's just plain creepy... [/Q --end Jacob Quinn wrote--]

Are you really from Britain? When I was first in London the first thing my host mother fed me was hot tea with milk (and anise). I've always been under the impression that that was rather common in the UK.

I used to drink it when I was really young as well, but can't stand it anymore now.

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 12/11/2009 7:54 PM · Permalink · Report

I think I made a incorrect typo there, it's weird NOT TO PUT MILK IN YOU'RE TEA!

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 12/11/2009 7:55 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start stvedder wrote--] [Q2 --start Jacob Quinn wrote--] I agree about the it's werid to put milk in your tea, that's just plain creepy... [/Q2 --end Jacob Quinn wrote--]

Are you really from Britain? When I was first in London the first thing my host mother fed me was hot tea with milk (and anise). I've always been under the impression that that was rather common in the UK.

I used to drink it when I was really young as well, but can't stand it anymore now. [/Q --end stvedder wrote--]

I think I made a incorrect typo there, it's weird NOT TO PUT MILK IN YOU'RE TEA!

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DJP Mom (11333) on 12/11/2009 10:33 PM · Permalink · Report

Nothing wrong with an incorrect typo - it's the correct ones you have to watch out for! :)

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MZ per X (3017) on 12/8/2009 9:05 PM · Permalink · Report

My latest poison goes like this:

Give a finger's breadth of sea buckthorn concentrate in a glass, mingle it with some lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar, fill up with water, then churn it good.


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DJP Mom (11333) on 12/8/2009 11:04 PM · Permalink · Report

I didn't know you could get a potable liquid from sea buckthorn berries!

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MZ per X (3017) on 12/9/2009 7:24 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start DJP Mom wrote--]I didn't know you could get a potable liquid from sea buckthorn berries! [/Q --end DJP Mom wrote--] You can, so please stop drinking your body lotion ! :o) Try googling for "Weleda buckthorn juice" instead.

And I didn't know that Weleda does beauty products, too, and that those look very similar to the bottle in my fridge. Now I'm afraid a little...

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 12/13/2009 8:48 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Erkenbrand wrote--] [Q2 --start DJP Mom wrote--]I didn't know you could get a potable liquid from sea buckthorn berries! [/Q2 --end DJP Mom wrote--] You can, so please stop drinking your body lotion ! :o) Try googling for "Weleda buckthorn juice" instead.

And I didn't know that Weleda does beauty products, too, and that those look very similar to the bottle in my fridge. Now I'm afraid a little... [/Q --end Erkenbrand wrote--]

Be afraid, be very afraid!

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Indra was here (20735) on 12/13/2009 5:57 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Orange juice, mango juice, anything with Vitamin C. Other than that Earl Grey tea or Chinese tea (dang small cups). And at least 2 litres of water per day. Alchohol no longert bodes well for my system as of late.

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 12/14/2009 9:01 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Indra was here... wrote--]Orange juice, mango juice, anything with Vitamin C. Other than that Earl Grey tea or Chinese tea (dang small cups). And at least 2 litres of water per day. Alchohol no longert bodes well for my system as of late. [/Q --end Indra was here... wrote--] I however drink my tea in cups larger then my a*se. No offence!

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Matt Neuteboom (976) on 12/16/2009 2:25 PM · Permalink · Report

In China, milk tea (especially milk ice tea) is one of the most popular drinks; particularly young people drink it all the time. There are tons of little stores that sell only milk tea, in different flavors.

Oh god, I forgot to mention this! Milk tea is the loving best! Whenever my brother comes to visit me in Hoboken we always make a side trip to Chinatown in Manhattan to go to a milk tea place we both like. Also, down at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ there are a ton of milk tea places and that city doesn't even have a Chinatown. The demand from college students is so great people have set up a ton of shops that only sell milk tea.

So yea, its pretty popular here among young people too.

My grandmother wasn't British but she was always in the habit of drinking tea at tea-time, and I got the habit of putting milk in my tea from her. So I assumed most people found it strange because its a British thing and not an American thing.

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 12/16/2009 5:28 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Matt Neuteboom wrote--]In China, milk tea (especially milk ice tea) is one of the most popular drinks; particularly young people drink it all the time. There are tons of little stores that sell only milk tea, in different flavors.

Oh god, I forgot to mention this! Milk tea is the loving best! Whenever my brother comes to visit me in Hoboken we always make a side trip to Chinatown in Manhattan to go to a milk tea place we both like. Also, down at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ there are a ton of milk tea places and that city doesn't even have a Chinatown. The demand from college students is so great people have set up a ton of shops that only sell milk tea.

So yea, its pretty popular here among young people too.

My grandmother wasn't British but she was always in the habit of drinking tea at tea-time, and I got the habit of putting milk in my tea from her. So I assumed most people found it strange because its a British thing and not an American thing. [/Q --end Matt Neuteboom wrote--] I love milk tea!

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Nin Jos on 12/23/2009 6:38 PM · Permalink · Report

I drink Nestea Ice tea....I love to serve it full of ice and a stick of cigar :D

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 12/23/2009 8:06 PM · Permalink · Report

A little of topic I know but I love cherry flavored cigars, I smoke them either on pay day or anytime my uncle is in town. Anyone else like cherry flavored cigars?

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DJP Mom (11333) on 12/23/2009 10:57 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Nin Jos wrote--]...and a stick of cigar :D [/Q --end Nin Jos wrote--] Um....?

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 12/26/2009 4:13 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start DJP Mom wrote--] [Q2 --start Nin Jos wrote--]...and a stick of cigar :D [/Q2 --end Nin Jos wrote--] Um....? [/Q --end DJP Mom wrote--] Well duh! It's not like this forum is intilteled what do you drink...

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St. Martyne (3648) on 12/26/2009 10:08 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Jacob Quinn wrote--] intilteled [/Q --end Jacob Quinn wrote--]

Serious linguistic question.

What's that? Is that a hybrid word created on the remains of words "entitled" and "interested"?

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 1/10/2010 6:40 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start St. Martyne wrote--] [Q2 --start Jacob Quinn wrote--] intilteled [/Q2 --end Jacob Quinn wrote--]

Serious linguistic question.

What's that? Is that a hybrid word created on the remains of words "entitled" and "interested"? [/Q --end St. Martyne wrote--]

It is a F- graders take on entitled.

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Indra was here (20735) on 12/26/2009 9:05 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Drinking one's own urine for health reasons. Have yet to conduct further data collecting or identify whether this is true, or has water prices soared so high now? :p

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Daniel Saner (3515) on 1/4/2010 2:48 PM · Permalink · Report

In winter: "Bengal Spice" herbal tea by Celestial Seasonings with milk for "the authentic Chai taste" as the packaging states. It's heavy on the cinnamon and black pepper, very nice for those cold days. You should try it once (it's sold worldwide), most people I recommended it to nwo drink it daily :-) I'm absolutely convinced that it is the reason why I never catch a cold or the flu in winter :-D

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Depeche Mike (17454) on 1/5/2010 12:13 PM · Permalink · Report

I actually work in a Chinese Mall here and I adore Hong Kong style tea which is really strong black tea cut with condensed milk (otherwise it's so dark it's probably undrinkable). It's quite fatty so sadly I can't have it every day. I also like my Root Beer & Diet Pepsi's for general consumption. Alcoholic drinks? Chartreuse or a Belgian Trappist Beer like Rochefort 10. Anything from monks tends to be quite good in my opinion. Hey Stijn is Rochefort 10 easy to find there?

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 1/5/2010 1:31 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Lately I've been trying to stay away from sodas that have high fructose corn syrup in them, and go for sodas that are only made with real sugar (Like Jones Soda.). Pepsi recently released classic Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and Dr. Pepper with real sugar for a short run. I have to say it taste a lot better than its high fructose corn syrup relatives. At the same time I'm trying to drink less so I can loose some extra pounds.

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Parf (7870) on 1/5/2010 4:48 PM · Permalink · Report

That's kind of funny actually, as no soda here (in Sweden) uses it. Not even Coke or Pepsi. My wife (who's american) tends to laugh and say that it almost feels "healthy" to drink sodas here compared to the US ones. ;)

Although... US Cherry Coke. mmmmmmm

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MZ per X (3017) on 1/5/2010 5:43 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--]At the same time I'm trying to drink less so I can loose some extra pounds. [/Q --end DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--] I wouldn't advise drinking less for good health, but drinking different. Or do you mean you're drinking less sugar-ridden products? :-)

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 1/5/2010 11:00 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start MZ per X wrote--] [Q2 --start DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--]At the same time I'm trying to drink less so I can loose some extra pounds. [/Q2 --end DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--] I wouldn't advise drinking less for good health, but drinking different. Or do you mean you're drinking less sugar-ridden products? :-) [/Q --end MZ per X wrote--]

I gained some weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas predictably.(One too many GameFuels and other holiday treats.) I've been trying to eat less and exercise more since new years. Not that I'm overweight, just the same little too much in the middle I've had since I was about ten. And yeah, I'm staying away from the sugar filled drinks I used to drink. I used to be huge into energy drinks until I foolishly drank some N.O.S while on vacation last year. It made me so sick, I had to use a public bathroom. (Not pleasant at all.) A lesson learned the hard way.

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Indra was here (20735) on 1/6/2010 4:48 AM · Permalink · Report

Been trying the milk-tea thingy. Either it's an acquired taste, doesn't work well with Indonesian tea, or something wrong with my tongue. I think l'll stick to orange juice.

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Daniel Saner (3515) on 1/7/2010 5:56 PM · Permalink · Report

Yeah I never put milk in my tea either, except for the Bengal Spice one which is actually not even a tea because it doesn't contain any. (The French call it 'infusion', I don't know how that sort or drink is called in English though). < /smartypants >

I wouldn't put it in regular black tea, but it works quite well with that Indian-style stuff. The drink itself is definitely a matter of taste, but most people who drink it seem to prefer it with milk, including me.

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Zeppin (8422) on 1/7/2010 7:23 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Daniel Saner wrote--]Yeah I never put milk in my tea either, except for the Bengal Spice one which is actually not even a tea because it doesn't contain any. (The French call it 'infusion', I don't know how that sort or drink is called in English though). < /smartypants >

I wouldn't put it in regular black tea, but it works quite well with that Indian-style stuff. The drink itself is definitely a matter of taste, but most people who drink it seem to prefer it with milk, including me. [/Q --end Daniel Saner wrote--] In English that sort of tea is typically known as "herbal tea".

I agree, Indian tea is ideal for milk but it's outright disgusting in almost all types of black tea. As I drink black tea almost exclusively, even to the exclusion of water, I rarely have the pleasure of Bengal Spice, but the few occasions that I've had a mug it's been thoroughly pleasing.

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Virgil (8538) on 1/20/2010 8:12 AM · Permalink · Report

Most of all I drink mineral water and black tea, just gallons of tea going into me, when I spend my time near PC. I almost never drink alcohol, it's not that I got aversion for it, I've tried various drinks and there were just a few I've enjoyed. Especially don't like strong drinks, like cognac, brandy, whiskey - they taste so unnatural, I don't see any use for them rather then in cocktails. Same goes with vodka. Bottled beer I've tried tastes like carbonated piss (it's not that I tried non-carbonated, just an assumption), draught beer could be a way better, but I prefer kvass to it. I really like mead, but again, drink it seldom.

Of all wines I like a good champagne and desert wines, a big no to semi-sweet and dry ones.

I like fruit juices, but sometimes it requires a good search to find natural one in a store and I don't want to consume that liquid made from dry concentrates. What else? I like fizzy drinks, especially ones that got some natural components, but I guess they are not really good for health, so I rarely buy them.

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 1/25/2010 5:32 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Virgil wrote--]Most of all I drink mineral water and black tea, just gallons of tea going into me, when I spend my time near PC. I almost never drink alcohol, it's not that I got aversion for it, I've tried various drinks and there were just a few I've enjoyed. Especially don't like strong drinks, like cognac, brandy, whiskey - they taste so unnatural, I don't see any use for them rather then in cocktails. Same goes with vodka. Bottled beer I've tried tastes like carbonated piss (it's not that I tried non-carbonated, just an assumption), draught beer could be a way better, but I prefer kvass to it. I really like mead, but again, drink it seldom.

Of all wines I like a good champagne and desert wines, a big no to semi-sweet and dry ones.

I like fruit juices, but sometimes it requires a good search to find natural one in a store and I don't want to consume that liquid made from dry concentrates. What else? I like fizzy drinks, especially ones that got some natural components, but I guess they are not really good for health, so I rarely buy them. [/Q --end Virgil wrote--]

Drink as many fizzy drinks as you like as long as you brush your teeth afterwards!

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Chris Wright (85) on 3/2/2010 7:13 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Jacob Quinn wrote--]

Drink as many fizzy drinks as you like as long as you brush your teeth afterwards! [/Q --end Jacob Quinn wrote--]

Ugh I don't know if you are being malicious, facetious, or merely ignorant, but this is patently bad advice, The acid softens your enamel, and brushing your teeth damages it further. It goes back to normal after half an hour of course.

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 3/10/2010 7:41 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Chris Wright wrote--] [Q2 --start Jacob Quinn wrote--]

Drink as many fizzy drinks as you like as long as you brush your teeth afterwards! [/Q2 --end Jacob Quinn wrote--]

Ugh I don't know if you are being malicious, facetious, or merely ignorant, but this is patently bad advice, The acid softens your enamel, and brushing your teeth damages it further. It goes back to normal after half an hour of course. [/Q --end Chris Wright wrote--] Right... Um, maybe wait half hour then brush teeth?

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Chris Wright (85) on 3/2/2010 7:11 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start chirinea wrote--] I'm here starting another "cultural" thread to ask you people: what do you drink? [/Q --end chirinea wrote--]

French press coffee, with milk and creamed honey. Also, I am back to a Pepsi-a-day habit after going off it for a solid five years. Beyond that I just have some wine or beer occasionally if my family is having it too.

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Donatello (466) on 4/18/2010 10:50 AM · Permalink · Report

Tried rum with Coke yesterday. That was pretty nice actually. I'm not fond of alcohol, but I can see myself enjoying rum a bit two or three times a year.

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Depeche Mike (17454) on 4/18/2010 5:48 PM · Permalink · Report

Next time do Malibu Rum & Coke

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Jacob Quinn (5) on 4/27/2010 7:50 PM · Permalink · Report

I would say that I like a rum more like 365 times a year mon.

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chirinea (47574) on 4/18/2010 6:06 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Donatello wrote--]Tried rum with Coke yesterday. [/Q --end Donatello wrote--]We call that drink "Cuba Libre" down here. Is that universal?

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DJP Mom (11333) on 4/18/2010 6:20 PM · Permalink · Report

I remember people ordering Cuba Libres from way back, so, yes, universal :)

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 4/24/2010 11:40 PM · Permalink · Report

Maple sap, birch sap. It's springtime.