Forums > Game Talk > School project - SHORT questionnaire

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Ash Brown on 3/14/2007 10:46 PM · Permalink · Report

Hi everyone

I'm doing a small project for my Media Studies course about simulator game marketing and advertising. I've done a SHORT anonymous questionnaire - I'd love it if you had 2 minutes to nip over and fill it in:

Thanks y'all


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Maw (832) on 3/15/2007 1:13 AM · Permalink · Report

Hmm...had nothing better to do so I filled it in.

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chirinea (47472) on 3/15/2007 1:14 AM · Permalink · Report

Answered. Good luck on your project, whatever it is.

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Matt Neuteboom (976) on 3/15/2007 2:02 AM · Permalink · Report

Nice questionnaire, good luck for whatever you're doing.

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NatsFan (68) on 3/15/2007 7:29 PM · Permalink · Report

Good luck with your project!

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Belboz (6512) on 3/16/2007 12:21 AM · Permalink · Report

I did my part, too! Did you?

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DJP Mom (11333) on 3/16/2007 12:45 AM · Permalink · Report

Sure did. Something irresistible about a short questionnaire on a subject you enjoy...

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Depeche Mike (17454) on 3/16/2007 5:22 AM · Permalink · Report

I hope you all picked artwork or I'll be very disappointed.

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Luis Silva (13443) on 3/16/2007 2:15 PM · Permalink · Report

I want more Roger Dean covers.

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nullnullnull (1463) on 3/16/2007 2:50 PM · Permalink · Report

filled it out.

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Ash Brown on 3/19/2007 9:52 AM · Permalink · Report

Hey, thanks everyone for filling it in, and for the feedback - much appreciated. Totally understand if you think it might be a marketing ruse or a bot, but I reckon you'd have sussed it pretty quick if it was.

I've done a zip file of the results if you're curious, here:,2734.0.html. Since crunching the data I've had more responses - up to about 74 now. I posted the link on a couple of other sites too, at and

The best response I got was for the question about how you access info about new games - in the 'Other' box someone put "Your mother", LOL

For my project I have to design a front and back cover for a fictional computer game and an advert, along with all the planning and evaluation

My made-up game is a government/economy simulation game where you have to manage a country and relations with other countries to create an eco friendly world in order to save the planet from a seemingly inevitable course to destruction from global warming/climate change! Hence the links to those two similar games I found.

I found another 'serious game' (as they're known) about solving the Middle East crisis, called Peacemaker. It's an online game at Just thought I'd pass that on coz it looks pretty cool.

I'm sure there's no-one still reading at this point, but thanks again anyway.


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Indra was here (20747) on 3/19/2007 1:01 PM · Permalink · Report

Ah an idealist. I'll give you 5 years before you realize that eco friendly doesn't make much money. Besides, the sooner we destroy this planet, the sooner we can colonize Jupiter.

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General Error (4328) on 3/20/2007 6:27 PM · Permalink · Report

Ah a cynic. I'll give you 5 years before you realize that being cynical doesn't make much sense -- it's so easy to be cynical about everything, and it doesn't advance you one step. (Don't take this personal, Indra -- I know you're not a cynic. Not always, anyway...)

In the end, being ecological will be the same as being economical. Big insurance companies are already aware of that fact. Of course, it will take so long for other companies to realize that it'll probably be too late.

Personally, I like people who try to do good things, caring for good ol' Mother Earth. And I don't want to live on Jupiter! The gravity's so high, we'll all have real weight problems.

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General Error (4328) on 3/20/2007 6:32 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Ash Brown wrote--]My made-up game is a government/economy simulation game where you have to manage a country and relations with other countries to create an eco friendly world in order to save the planet from a seemingly inevitable course to destruction from global warming/climate change! Hence the links to those two similar games I found.

I found another 'serious game' (as they're known) about solving the Middle East crisis, called Peacemaker. It's an online game at Just thought I'd pass that on coz it looks pretty cool.[/Q --end Ash Brown wrote--] Makes me think of two older games of the same vein -- Conflict (the home computer version) and Conflict: Middle East.

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Riamus (8480) on 3/22/2007 9:48 PM · Permalink · Report

A game came out recently that sounds just like that - Democracy.

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Riamus (8480) on 3/22/2007 9:46 PM · Permalink · Report

As a note, you can select multiple answers in your questions even though they are radio buttons. This could cause issues with your results.

Otherwise, a good survey.

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Kitty Says Meow (18) on 4/4/2007 1:34 AM · Permalink · Report

I like surveys. I'm doing it.