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Forums > Game Talk > Game Journal: BLOITB III: The Return of BLOITB II

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 2/28/2009 3:43 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

"Dancin' Fool has done it again, he has redefined forum threads for eternity."

"For many years I was lonely and borderline suicidal. Then I started reading Drunken Irishman's posts and suddenly I felt like I had a friend. I wasn't lonely anymore. He saved my life. Thank you DI! My friend."

"DI is the saviour of our times."

"He makes me feel belonged and wanted. He makes me feel like I have a family."

"He's a great human being."

"I believe he is an alien, sent from another dimension to save this world."

"Reading DI's posts enhanced my penis by 5 extra inches. He saved my marriage."

"He puts hope and change in "Hope and Change."

"I believe in you DI!"

cough Because I could. Besides Oleg ran three separate Game Journal threads at the same time. So, time for a new one, because the last one is too big.

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Unicorn Lynx (181676) on 2/28/2009 3:01 PM · Permalink · Report


Finished "Discworld Noir" (for the second time). Sheer awesomness. Amazing dialogues. Great story. Beautiful atmosphere. Unforgettable. Have you played it, Josh? That's one game you'd appreciate, for sure.

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vedder (71470) on 2/28/2009 3:48 PM · Permalink · Report

I tried the Witcher Enhanced Edtion for a second times. Mainly because you guys over here are so psyched about it. I got exactly as far as the previous time (the first big battle in the tutorial level) before I gave up again. I don't know, the game seems like it might have interesting characters, setting, story and even ambiance. But the controls feel so dodgy and the combat is so... not fun. Not to mention that after every 10 seconds of gameplay all control is taken away from me because I have to watch some mediocre cutscenes that could've been easily done ingame without taking away control. And then you die and have to watch half of the cutscenes again because not all parts can be skipped for some idiotic reason... sigh...

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xroox (3895) on 2/28/2009 8:46 PM · Permalink · Report

Cryostasis was released here yesterday. I've been waiting for this one for a long time. So tonight I have a date with ice zombies ;)

Still playing Rebelstar: Tactical Command on the DS.

I've almost finished the GDI campaign in Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun.

And I finished Dark Sector the other week - which was fun.

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Slug Camargo (583) on 2/28/2009 8:55 PM · Permalink · Report

I think everyone can agree that "because the last one is too big" already deserves to go up in the collection of Mobygames' Trademarked Catchphrases.

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St. Martyne (3648) on 3/1/2009 6:26 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Guitar, mostly. I've recently discovered a huge pack of professionally recorded backing tracks specifically geared towards bluesrock players. It's really great, not as a great as playing with an actual band, but at least the sound is much better. ;-)

And, of course, rocking out in your pajamas in front of PC isn't as cool as it was 10 years ago. Well, at least, it beats the hell of holding a piece of joystick plastic between your balls and shouting obscenities at Meister Seymour.

I wonder, if there is a some kind of a plastic guitar controller... Nah, nobody can come up with something that stupid.

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 3/1/2009 6:58 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I played an MMO. Because it was free and it was about to be ended for all time. I wanted to see what would happen when an MMO would die. Perhaps my interest was purely philosophical - where do games go when they die? After all, you don't see a game die before your eyes everyday. Or perhaps it was just a desire to say in the end: this is why single-player games own you?

I was there when Tabula Rasa died. That's all I can say. To be blunt, nothing like that scene from Blade Runner happened. The world was still the same. The game didn't utter any meaningful phrases about the nature of it's existence. It just ended. 10...9...8... "you have been disconnected from the server". And the final four hours were pretty meh... just some big leveled monsters reappeared all the time, and we killed them, teleported to other bases, killed them and then we were transported to the final game area - The Earth. And there we killed some more until we were disconnected from the server for ever.

But it was interesting to experience the death of a game, because I've mostly been playing games that don't die. That are there forever. But this did... went out with a whimper. There is no game anymore. It's dead. It feels strange to try to understand it - I can always play Monkey Island - but this... it's gone. Strange sensation. To be never able to own a game, and to think that some stores still sale this game?

About the game itself - I started playing it two days before the end event. I actually enjoyed it. It was also interesting for me to discover how close the game was too old rpg's. Same kind of artificial mathemathical feel to it. True, this might be common with MMO's in general, but it had a taste of that Might and Magic atmosphere to it.... perhaps the same flirting with pythagorean vision of the universe. As a person who dislikes MMO's I can't really say anything about it's MMO quality - they all seem the same to me - but I enjoyed it's last moments.

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Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 3/1/2009 10:04 AM · Permalink · Report

Still playing Fallout 3, still great. Before I started playing, I was fully expecting (and looking forward to) a slightly modified Oblivion, but it's much more than that. I also didn't expect too much from the combat system, but not only does it not get old to watch you enemies get blasted into pieces in slowmo, it also has more tactical depth than I expected.

I also finally got around to trying out Deus Ex again and it's fantastic. I first tried it a few years ago, but didn't like it very much for whatever stupid reason...

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xroox (3895) on 3/1/2009 12:52 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Dancin' Fool wrote--]I played an MMO. Because it was free and it was about to be ended for all time. I wanted to see what would happen when an MMO would die. Perhaps my interest was purely philosophical - where do games go when they die? After all, you don't see a game die before your eyes everyday. Or perhaps it was just a desire to say in the end: this is why single-player games own you?

I was there when Tabula Rasa died. [/Q --end Dancin' Fool wrote--] Oh man, thanks for posting this! I promised myself that I would do exactly this - sign up for Tabula Rasa just a few days before its demise - but in the end, February came and went and took TR with it and I forgot about it ;)

So thanks for posting this report. I think it's a real shame that when these games die, they're gone forever with all their art, their creatures, worlds and experiences - all that effort the developers put into creating it and the players put into playing it.

And yes, that's probably one of the reasons I don't play MMOs.

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 3/1/2009 7:06 PM · Permalink · Report

During the brief time I spended with Tabula Rasa, I kinda started to like it's world. There was some tought out into making the world work on a storytelling level. Aside from the MMO part, it was pretty much like the original Baldur's Gate.

But it ended with the final logout. No "tears in rain", just "you have been disconnected from the server" and "there are no servers to connect to". Right now it's just the main menu, credits and the openic cinematic - that's all that is left of the game.

Concluding from my experience, I think it's wrong to sell MMO's in a physical form, because when this happens your cd's are worthless anyway. Especially considering that some stores still sold Tabula Rasa when it was already free. Just to think of poor unknowing parents who bought it as a gift to their kids, and then their kids can't play it because there is no server to log on to. "Thanks a lot Dad, you dummkopf!" Just sell them in the internet, that way it wouldn't feel so wrong.

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xroox (3895) on 3/1/2009 7:11 PM · Permalink · Report

Yeah, I saw some physical copies of Tabula Rasa a few weeks ago 'on sale' for the 'low' price of £10!

At least there's a single-player component in Hellgate: London.

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Slug Camargo (583) on 3/1/2009 10:51 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Sam Jeffreys wrote--] Oh man, thanks for posting this! I promised myself that I would do exactly this - sign up for Tabula Rasa just a few days before its demise - but in the end, February came and went and took TR with it and I forgot about it ;) [/Q --end Sam Jeffreys wrote--] Well, Kotaku posted some videos registering the historical event (?). I haven't watched any of them because I couldn't care any less about MMMOROMOSMRPG's and/or anything made by Lord British, let alone a combination of both; but hey, knock yourself out! =D

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 3/1/2009 11:32 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Sad how inherent prejudice won't let us discover some real gems - just because a guy dresses up in funny costumes doesn't mean he hasn't anything worthwile to contribute. Like U7 never happened, or in light of your favorite games - like UU never happened.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 3/1/2009 3:42 PM · Permalink · Report

Man ! Everytime I post on a old one of these, a new one comes up ! Oh well. After getting nowhere with Stretch Panic, I think I'll just finish a whole stack of games I've neglected for the last year or so. Medieval, Star Wars Star Fighter, DK Country 2, Super Mario World, and DK64. So many collectables. So many collectables. So many collectables. Oops !

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vedder (71470) on 3/1/2009 10:13 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Having enjoyed Mirror's Edge, I figured I might try another EA game. I almost bought Dead Space, but instead I opted to download it first and see if I like it or not, it being a console port and all. And wow, I'm glad I did... The game has some rediculous control scheme and you can't change it. Or actually you can, but not to any button on the right side of your keyboard... WTH!? I'm seriously dumbfounded why anyone in his right mind might have thought this was a good idea. I have my mouse in my left hand, leaving my right hand for keyboard control. I've played every shooter since Wolfenstein with the arrow keys. But now I'm just supposed to become right handed for EA's convenience?

I guess EA figured 10% of their potential customers wasn't worth the effort of a few extra lines of code...

EDIT: Luckily someone was kind enough to hack into the game and upload a arrow key setup. It's still not the best but at least I can play it now... I'll post my first impressions later.

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St. Martyne (3648) on 3/2/2009 12:08 PM · Permalink · Report

Two things I'd like to share:

  1. Witnessing the message "You have fragged sciere" on my monitor running QuakeLive is the most important moment in my life since birth. ;-) As for QL itself, I have to say I am very pleased with, it's smooth, it's free, it's fast and it's Quake 3. I think I'll make three or four customary matches every night before dosing off, at least before I get sick of the whole shallowness of the experience. Look me up as St_Martyne around 20:00GMT.

  2. Planescape: Torment is still the greatest game ever, just so you know. It also has a kick ass soundtrack, the fact I wasn't previously aware of.

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Donatello (466) on 3/2/2009 1:24 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start St_Martyne wrote--] 2. Planescape: Torment is still the greatest game ever, just so you know. It also has a kick ass soundtrack, the fact I wasn't previously aware of. [/Q --end St_Martyne wrote--]



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The Fabulous King (1332) on 3/2/2009 1:26 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

"Planescape: Torment is still the greatest game ever, just so you know. It also has a kick ass soundtrack, the fact I wasn't previously aware of."

How could you not know that? After all the "PST soundtrack is awesome, here are some samples" posts I've made. If people would listen to me more, they would be much closer to the truth.

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Sciere (932916) on 3/2/2009 3:06 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm spending way too much time on it. And I had finally shrugged off the Q2/Q3 addiction.

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chirinea (47526) on 3/2/2009 3:08 PM · Permalink · Report

Just now I saw it is free. We should arrange a game between MobyGamers in some weekend.

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Sciere (932916) on 3/2/2009 3:10 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

So far, I've found St_Martyne, Corn Popper, Sicarius and JudgeDeadd. We're getting there.

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Kabushi (263893) on 3/2/2009 3:13 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm there too.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 3/2/2009 3:57 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I just signed up.

Edit-But I might not be joining any matches soon. I'm getting that whole "punkbuster" problem everytime I play.

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Sicarius (61515) on 3/4/2009 8:32 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Kabushi wrote--]I'm there too. [/Q --end Kabushi wrote--]...and I've killed you several times already :D

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Foxhack (32137) on 3/6/2009 3:40 AM · Permalink · Report

Can people sign up now? I wanted to try it but... eh.

I still have like 300 MB of downloads to do. Stupid Unreal Tournament III forced updates...

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Foxhack (32137) on 3/6/2009 3:41 AM · Permalink · Report

I'm playing Parasite Eve.

That is all.

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Sciere (932916) on 3/6/2009 6:14 PM · Permalink · Report

I've just received the review version of The Path and I hope it's the best thing I'll play this year.

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xroox (3895) on 3/6/2009 7:51 PM · Permalink · Report

Oh man, I'm jealous :) I hope you're correct, btw.

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Sciere (932916) on 3/8/2009 1:02 AM · Permalink · Report

I just noticed our own PolloDiablo has been testing it, great!

I've been playing it for days now, and I still don't know what I'm doing or whether I'm playing it right. I just happen upon one wonderful encounter after another, and at the same time it's scaring my wits out. I don't know what other game I could possibly compare it to, it's a class of its own and it's being bloody brilliant in every way.

I'll shut up now until the release =)

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xroox (3895) on 3/8/2009 1:22 AM · Permalink · Report

drools Well, they'll be getting my money, that's for sure. Thanks for the report!

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chirinea (47526) on 3/7/2009 10:51 PM · Permalink · Report

I tried playing Quake Live, but punkbuster.exe won't let me.

Today I bought Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Battlefield 1942 for R$ 14,90 (about US$ 6,30) each. I forgot Battlefield was a MMO game, but at least it has a single player component. I played the first mission of MOHAA and I liked it. I'm gonna play it more latter.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 3/8/2009 12:22 AM · Permalink · Report

Currently playing DK Country 2 and Super Mario World. I'm trying to beat most of my unfinished games before spring.

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Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 3/8/2009 10:43 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--]Currently playing DK Country 2 and Super Mario World. I'm trying to beat most of my unfinished games before spring. [/Q --end DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--] Are you playing Super Mario World for the first time? If so, I'm jealous.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 3/8/2009 5:05 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Supernintendo Chalmers wrote--] [Q2 --start DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--]Currently playing DK Country 2 and Super Mario World. I'm trying to beat most of my unfinished games before spring. [/Q2 --end DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--] Are you playing Super Mario World for the first time? If so, I'm jealous. [/Q --end Supernintendo Chalmers wrote--]


Edit- And by first time, I meant I've never finished it before. Nor have I played it all that much.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 3/16/2009 12:20 PM · Permalink · Report

Almost finished DK64. Expect a review afterwards.

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St. Martyne (3648) on 3/23/2009 1:27 PM · Permalink · Report

Time flies by. More and more games leave me unplayed. I really hope to find some time to play Drakensang, a deliciousold school RPG. Haven't tried the Path yet, waiting for the discussion here (come on, Sam, I know you must have played it already). Zeno Clash and Braid are coming out in the next few weeks, I am not sure if I will be the first in the row to play either of them.

Sadly, this is becoming the exact opposite of what this thread is supposed to be about. I'll try to rectify it.

So, the games I've actually played recently.

House Of The Dead: Overkill for Wii. Disgusting little piece of crap. It completely missed the point of Planet Terror and missed the mark by many miles, hitting into the area of disgusting profanity, forced dialogs, uninventive gameplay and cheap imitations. Very poor.

Ex Machina. I've decided to come back to it and played for about two days. It's decent, but still doesn't manage to overcome "our Fallout/Dues Ex" syndrome of many local projects.

The Nameless Mod. It's still good. I don't know if I will manage to play it through the end, but it doesn't cease to surprise me. The level design is astounding, I just can't get enough of it. The joke of the premise grows thin with time, so it's good that the game still has a semi-serious conspiracy storyline running in the background.

Empire. Total War. Absolutely awesome! The streamlined interface, the music, the battles, the campaigns, everything is just classy in this game. I still haven't played it properly (apart from American campaign), you can blame the lack of free time for that and the fact that I still am just trying random nations in various battles situations so far. Just poking the game here and there, mainly the ground battles. But I can't wait till lead the Russian empire to its glory in a week marathon.

The only disappointment is that I really was expecting a bit of edutainment to come along. Alas, this game only sets the initial variables and where it goes from there totally depends on you. Still, while it won't teach you anything about historic events, it will at very least create a proper overview of the types and tactics of ground forces and navy used in the period. Which is cool.

Surprisingly, my computer is on very good terms with Empire: Total War. It's not full speed, but quite playable, with sacrificing much of its visual splendor.

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xroox (3895) on 3/23/2009 1:47 PM · Permalink · Report

You're right, of course ;) I finished my first playthrough of The Path a couple of days ago. It's a fascinating game with at least six different stories to tell. It's very much open for interpretation and has left me deep in thought ever since I got it. I don't really want to say much more. There's plenty of discussion out there, including angry people calling it a 'rape and murder game' (which it's most definitely not). I've drawn my own conclusions and might write a review, if I can figure out how to talk about the game without spoilerizing too much :)

I'm really fond of Ex Machina. It's not the greatest game in the world. It can be a bit dull and repetitive at times, the story is crap, but I liked it. Mainly for the simple pleasure of driving a monstrous armored truck around, blasting things to pieces and enjoying the scenery (the greenest post-apocalyptic world I've seen). Lots of interesting ways to upgrade your truck as well.

I'm not quite sure what I'm playing at the moment. I've got about 4 different games on the go.

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lasttoblame (414) on 3/23/2009 3:30 PM · Permalink · Report

Is this the place on Mobygames where you can actually talk about games? In that case, I'll stop ranting to tell you that I'm currently playing:

Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad - what can I say? Everything you've heard about this game is wrong. The 3/10's this is getting from "serious" gamesites like IGN and Gamespot only prove that professional reviewers don't know their elbow from their asshole, nor a fun, challenging game when they get one. This is a beat 'em that emphasizes style over substance. Yes, this game has babes in bikinis, zombies that are bursting with blood, and a graphics engines that's already four years old - but don't let that turn you off.

Resident Evil 5: as I said in the art debate forum, completely racist and yet completely fun. Not to mention sexist, predictable and most damning of all - completely been there, done that. It's often said that this is the same game as RE4, and they're right: it's the same, but with prettier graphics. However, all that said, I think the real controversy (for us gamers) is how easy it is. RE5 has levels and checkpoints, meaning once you struggle to the next save point, you are safe. Let it be known: it's a total sham. That, and you ability to replay easier chapters and "farm" ammunition and health packs and have them saved to your current chapter for use... not to mention as well the ability to upgrade your weapons to have infinite ammunition, and then use them on the next difficulty level. You can start on "Amateur" and blast your way to "Professional" without any difficulty. Modern games, you are making for a whole generation of gamer pussies. Stop it.

Gears of War: checking out the game that every game copies nowadays, even RE5. I haven't gotten to the "bromance" assfucking yet. Dom, I wish I could quit you. As with everything I've ever played ever since Bioshock, I am playing it on hardest difficulty.

*psst: what does BLOITB mean? Baby, Let Our Intense Truth Blossom?

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Unicorn Lynx (181676) on 3/23/2009 6:04 PM · Permalink · Report

Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad - what can I say?

I know I can say this: watch the intro. Man... I'm still having sweet dreams...

Anyway, I went to lasttoblame's place and played "Fable 2" on his Xbox 360. The game looked very promising, loved the humor and the goofy voice acting, teh visuals are sweet and cartoony, the gameplay seems fun... so the only question that remains is: will it ever come to PC or should I buy this intimidating white machine?..

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lasttoblame (414) on 3/27/2009 9:32 AM · Permalink · Report

It's about the gameplay, you pervert.

Also, don't buy a 360, buy a PS3 instead. I want to see how MGS4 looks like, and I'm never going to buy it.

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Slug Camargo (583) on 3/24/2009 1:26 AM · Permalink · Report

Still on Fallout 3. I don't understand how can anyone ever want to play anything else after this. I modded the fuck out of it, though: I had never played a RPG before and still, I just reached Vault 112 (with the virtual simulation thingie and whatnot), which I assume it's a fair deal from the ending, and I already reached the level cap. That can't be right =T So I upped it to the infinite and beyond =D

And I made the kids killable, because come on...

[Q --start lasttoblame wrote--] Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad - Yes, this game has babes in bikinis, zombies that are bursting with blood, and a graphics engines that's already four years old - but don't let that turn you off. [/Q --end lasttoblame wrote--] I'm gonna let my lack of a console do the job then =( Man, I'm probably the one pc gamer in the universe who's wishing he could play this. At least the one that admits it out loud =P

[Q --start lasttoblame wrote--] Modern games, you are making for a whole generation of gamer pussies. Stop it. [/Q --end lasttoblame wrote--] Amen to that brother. And good luck too, because they've stopped listening to this particular complaint about five years ago already.

A few weeks ago I was reading a preview for some platformer up at Kotaku, and the guy was highlighting the fact that you couldn't miss a jump as a "big plus". You can't miss a jump. In a platformer. And that's a plus. Jesus. Adalberto. Christ =(

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Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 3/24/2009 11:30 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Schadenfreude wrote--]Still on Fallout 3. I don't understand how can anyone ever want to play anything else after this. I modded the fuck out of it, though: I had never played a RPG before and still, I just reached Vault 112 (with the virtual simulation thingie and whatnot), which I assume it's a fair deal from the ending, and I already reached the level cap. That can't be right =T So I upped it to the infinite and beyond =D [/Q --end Schadenfreude wrote--]

I'm not even halfway through the main quest and I'm at level 15 (or 16?) already. Seems that the guy who made one of those mods I'll probably use was right when he said that the game punishes exploration with too much XP, which is odd, because I can hardly think of any game where exploration is more interesting.

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lasttoblame (414) on 3/27/2009 9:29 AM · Permalink · Report

The Oneechanbara Xbox 360 game is unjustly maligned. It's not a great game, but it's certainly a better game than, say, Halo Wars. Halo Wars is fan service of a franchise too chickenshit to carry on without the brilliant minds that made them so much money by way of a half ass RTS game that is not fit for even South Korean toddlers.

I'm not embarrassed to play it. I'm embarrassed to play video games, but not this game in particular. When all games by nature are a "guilty pleasure", then no game can stand over another as being "morally superior". I promise to have a review of this game up to explain everything.

Games are too easy. In fact, I predict within ten years there will be a game like this: you lie in bed, and interact with the game by blinking or talking. The thing is, whenever you want something, it will give it to you. therefore, if you say "bewbs!" then a pair of breasts will appear. If you say "blow up REaal gud!" then you will see an orgy of flame and debris. There will be no story, it will just wait for you to tell it what you want. Future nerds, however, will still decry the interface as "too clunky" and "not intuitive".

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Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 3/23/2009 3:29 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start St_Martyne wrote--]I really hope to find some time to play Drakensang [/Q --end St_Martyne wrote--] Me too. It seems a bit "provincial", but I think I could do with a more stat-heavy RPG after Fallout 3.

[Q --start St_Martyne wrote--] The Nameless Mod. It's still good. I don't know if I will manage to play it through the end, but it doesn't cease to surprise me. The level design is astounding, I just can't get enough of it. [/Q --end St_Martyne wrote--] Glad to hear that, I'll definitely give it a try once I've finished the original.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 3/23/2009 10:18 PM · Permalink · Report

Man I'm late posting lately. I finished DK64 last week and I'm now playing StarCraft 64. Still working on the DK 64 review.

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 3/24/2009 6:35 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I really hope to find some time to play Drakensang, a deliciousold school RPG.

Have you taken any serious blows to the head recently? You seem to have lost your critical edge. Seriously, "delicious old-school rpg"? Only if you consider Neverwinter Nights 2 old-school.

Still on Fallout 3. I don't understand how can anyone ever want to play anything else after this.

Because it's pretty meh. But to each his own.

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St. Martyne (3648) on 3/24/2009 7:33 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Dancin' Fool wrote--] Have you taken any serious blows to the head recently? You seem to have lost your critical edge. Seriously, "delicious old-school rpg"? Only if you consider Neverwinter Nights 2 old-school. [/Q --end Dancin' Fool wrote--]

Critical edge? I am not sure if I ever had any, at least from your point of view.

As to the Drakensang. It's delicious, because it seems to be full of content and I'm feeling eager to sink my teeth right into it.

Old-school is any modern RPG, where I can spend more than 10 minutes on the character creation screen. Including NWN2. Not that many party RPGs around either.

The game might still bad, if you read carefully you'll see that I haven't played it yet.

Anyway, it was my pleasure to explain and, of course, it is always nice to see you ask for clarifications in a well-mannered and intelligent way.

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 3/24/2009 9:22 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start St_Martyne wrote--] Critical edge? I am not sure if I ever had any, at least from your point of view. [/Q --end St_Martyne wrote--]

You mean you never went like this:

"Bitches and Pimps, from this moment I declare myself as your God. So my pimp-ass israelites, I shall now ass-rape you with the truth and nothing but the truth alone. Now listen up bitches, while you enjoy the truth inside you. [insert game name] is the best game ever. Fuck you and good night!"

Selective memory can be such a funny thing.

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St. Martyne (3648) on 3/26/2009 3:08 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start St_Martyne wrote--] Haven't tried the Path yet, waiting for the discussion here (come on, Sam, I know you must have played it already). [/Q --end St_Martyne wrote--]

No longer true.

The Path is awesome, not without annoyances, but it's still very cool and actually fun to play! I was very skeptical after miserable Graveyard, but this one is much better.

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Unicorn Lynx (181676) on 4/9/2009 3:13 AM · Permalink · Report

Hey, guess what I'm replaying now. Planescape: Torment.

I've completed the Mortuary and then I decided to start a new game. Why? Because there were already so many choices in that tiny area that I felt way too curious to try all of them out. With an Intelligence of 18, I must be able to deactivate those skeletons, huh?..

Man. They don't make games like that anymore, do they?

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Slug Camargo (583) on 4/10/2009 12:58 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I finally got around to beat Fallout 3. Is it just me having a distorted perception of things or you could easily beat the main quest in one night? In any case, I found it curious how I was much more invested in many sidequests than I was in the main one, even though it tried so hard to pull me in what with the father story and whatnot.

Maybe that was precisely it: The main quest just tried too hard and, as most things that try too hard, ended up failing; whereas the sidequests were more... ehm... "humble", so to say, in how they presented themselves, and that made them all the more charming.

In any case, this game redefined the concept of escort missions and errand-running gameplay for me. I'm not escorting anyone else in a game ever again unless he/she manages to truly move me with his/her story.

Well, off to try The Pitt now.

And then see what things are like when I go for full bad karma.

EDIT: One parting thought: Fawkes rules! =D And so does that crazy communist-fighting robot.

EDIT 2: Never found that bleeding dog either =(

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 4/16/2009 8:33 PM · Permalink · Report

After about two weeks making my game, I'm trying to finish as many games as I can before May. I've already got most of them, but still have a few left. I'm on Cool Spot now, and hoping to get on DKC2 soon.

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Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 4/23/2009 10:06 AM · Permalink · Report

I took a little break from Fallout 3 and played trough Metroid II and Super Metroid. The sound in Metroid II is pretty impressive for a gameboy game.

[Q --start Schadenfreude wrote--]I finally got around to beat Fallout 3. Is it just me having a distorted perception of things or you could easily beat the main quest in one night? [/Q --end Schadenfreude wrote--] I don't think you could beat it in one night. It's probably impossible to finish it in less than 20 hours on your first attempt without a faq. And if you play the game like you should, doing side-quest and exploring the world, you can probably sink 100 hours or more into it. I played a bit over 60 hours so far which is a lot, considering how many games bore me after just a few hours.

[Q --start Schadenfreude wrote--] In any case, I found it curious how I was much more invested in many sidequests than I was in the main one, even though it tried so hard to pull me in what with the father story and whatnot. Maybe that was precisely it: The main quest just tried too hard and, as most things that try too hard, ended up failing; whereas the sidequests were more... ehm... "humble", so to say, in how they presented themselves, and that made them all the more charming. [/Q --end Schadenfreude wrote--] It seems a lot of people say the same about Oblivion, but I thought the main and side-quests were pretty much on par in both games. Maybe some people find it disappointing that the main-quest doesn't really stand out, but I think that's not so much because the main quest is too weak, it's rather that most of the side-quest are pretty interesting.

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micnictic (387) on 4/26/2009 9:24 PM · Permalink · Report

I finally bought a Playstation 2 and currently play "Final Fantasy XII". It really is a fantastic experience so far. Exploring the city of Rabanastre and the surrounding desert landscapes is so much fun, that I always find it hard to quit the game. Yesterday I reached a flying city named Bhujerba. I don't think I'm very far, but I already spent a lot of time in this world, just travelling and enjoying the wonderful atmosphere.

The only other game I own for my new console is "Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner", which isn't very impressive at first glance. Maybe I try to dig deeper into it, but right now I don't feel like it.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 4/27/2009 8:44 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Daniel Steinbrück wrote--]I finally bought a Playstation 2 and currently play "Final Fantasy XII". It really is a fantastic experience so far. Exploring the city of Rabanastre and the surrounding desert landscapes is so much fun, that I always find it hard to quit the game. Yesterday I reached a flying city named Bhujerba. I don't think I'm very far, but I already spent a lot of time in this world, just travelling and enjoying the wonderful atmosphere.

The only other game I own for my new console is "Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner", which isn't very impressive at first glance. Maybe I try to dig deeper into it, but right now I don't feel like it. [/Q --end Daniel Steinbrück wrote--]

You MUST get ICO and Shadow of the Colosus ! No PS2 collection is comeplete without them !

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micnictic (387) on 4/28/2009 11:20 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Don't worry. I'll check these...

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Unicorn Lynx (181676) on 4/29/2009 7:54 AM · Permalink · Report

You MUST get ICO and Shadow of the Colosus ! No PS2 collection is comeplete without them !

Very true! And also God of War I and II.

Instead of the mediocre Devil Summoner, get SMT: Nocturne and SMT: Digital Devil Saga! Awesome RPGs!

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Foxhack (32137) on 4/29/2009 6:54 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm currently stumbling through Police Quest 1 VGA Remake. I got the original four game collection (the first print, not the shoddy DOSBox version) and I figured I'd give this one a shot.

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DJP Mom (11333) on 5/2/2009 1:18 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Messing around with a gasp casual game - Headspin:Storybook, via Gamers With Jobs. I didn't get very far but its kinda addicting...

(edit, no I'm not entering it, its up for grabs)

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xroox (3895) on 5/3/2009 11:36 PM · Permalink · Report

Still playing and enjoying Zeno Clash. I'm taking it slow because I'm busy with other things at the moment, and also because I keep getting my ass kicked :) Definitely a fun, recommended game though, with some of the most intense action sequences I've experienced.

I also finally bought my Nintendo DS a 'storage device' (specifically an M3DS Real) which allows me to put all kinds of emulators and other homebrew apps on there. So, thanks to that and a Sega Game Gear emulator, I played through Phantasy Star Gaiden and Phantasy Star Adventure. Both short, enjoyable, odd little games - Nothing amazing, but I liked 'em.

By the way, my weakness is Ouzo.

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St. Martyne (3648) on 5/4/2009 8:07 AM · Permalink · Report

Played the whole last evening with The Gogs.

Basically, the best sliding puzzle ever. Difficulty is just perfect, presentation is top-notch and variety in abundance to keep things fresh and interesting.

I hate sliding puzzles as much as any of you, but this little thing is just too stellar to resist.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 5/4/2009 12:05 PM · Permalink · Report

For a while now, I haven't really been able to get into any game long enough to finish it, or really enjoy it. (Except Shadows of the Empire.) I think it had to do with all the 3 and 4 dollar games I bought last year. Because of the low price I put in low investment into them and got overwhelmed because I had bought too many. But after putting up 20 bucks for KoF 98 Ultimate Match, I find myself really enjoying it. Even though it was only 5 bucks, (It's got it's manual and original cover.) I'm finally seeing what all the fuss about Beyond Good and Evil is. I found myself playing it for almost two hours straight when I got it. That hasn't happened in a long time ! I say this is going to be added to my all time favorites list after I finish it. 8)

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vedder (71470) on 5/4/2009 1:36 PM · Permalink · Report

Playing Zeno Clash. It's good. But often very frustrating. The save system can be quite a pain when it autosaves when you've only 1 hitpoint and suddenly have to fight 5 enemies of which 2 have guns...

It's not an easy game, or at least not for me. I'm playing on medium, but I must say I generally suck at beat 'm ups and fighting games.

I love the setting. And the story is quite good too. I'm quite anxious to know Father-Mother's secret. Some of the voice actors could have been better, but others (such as Father-Mother) are fabulous!

Beside its often frustrating nature, my only real complaint is how little exploration you have. Now I wasn't expecting "The Elder Scrolls" exploration. But it would have been nice if you could find some alternative paths, back alleys, ramps that allow you to attack an enemy from above, that sort of stuff. It's al very static and linear as it is right now.

All in all 8/10

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xroox (3895) on 5/4/2009 10:39 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I agree with everything you say. I started playing on 'hard' difficulty, but had to drop it to 'normal' when I repeatedly got beaten during the first Northern Gate fight. It's still quite challenging at times. The autosave can indeed be a pain, though luckily you have two save slots, and there's always the choice of starting a chapter again from the 'new game' menu.

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chirinea (47526) on 5/5/2009 3:59 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Sam Jeffreys wrote--]I played through Phantasy Star Gaiden and Phantasy Star Adventure. Both short, enjoyable, odd little games - Nothing amazing, but I liked 'em. [/Q --end Sam Jeffreys wrote--] Last time I tried playing Phantasy Star Adventure I got stuck. I don't like using walkthroughs so I left the game a bit so I could try later. Too bad my cellphone didn't save my progress, it seems, so I'll have to play it from the beginning again.

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Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 5/5/2009 10:31 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Finally got around to finishing Fallout 3 and it's one of the best games I've played in years. This statement might need some qualification, and I'm well aware of the game's flaws, but I don't want to write a full review now. One thing I love about it, is that exploration is actually exciting. Not just because the environment looks stunning (this is true for other games as well), but also because the game manages to frequently surprise you. Sure, just about everything about the setting or the story is simply a variation of well-known sci-fi or RPG clichés, but it's the amazing attention to detail and tons of little touches that make exploration that much more interesting. To give a few examples: [minor spoiler warning] in many abandoned houses you can still find functioning servant robots and order them around. In one case, you can instruct a robot to go shopping and then follow him around or you can instruct him to read a bed-time story for the kids and he will proceed to their room and start reading a story to two skeletons. Then there's that quest that involves getting the declaration of independence and of course tranquility lane... [end of spoiler] I also finally saw one of those silly random deaths of an NPC. I stepped out of a house in Megaton and Nathan fell to his death right in front of me.

I also started playing Final Fantasy XII. I have more or less conditioned myself to ignore all JRPGs, but FFXII isn't your typical JRPG and with a battle system by Yasumi Matsuno, a score by Hitoshi Sakimoto and a fantastic game world (stupid tiny cute creatures and women with bunny ears notwithstanding) you can't go wrong... I hope.

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xroox (3895) on 5/5/2009 12:29 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start chirinea wrote--]Last time I tried playing Phantasy Star Adventure I got stuck. I don't like using walkthroughs so I left the game a bit so I could try later. Too bad my cellphone didn't save my progress, it seems, so I'll have to play it from the beginning again. [/Q --end chirinea wrote--]There's no proper in-game save (It uses a password system that probably only works if you're playing in Japanese), so you need an emulator with save-states.
I got stuck as well, but it's actually a very short (1 hour - 1.5 hours) and easy game. My biggest tip for you: Use the 'look -> around' command in every location, otherwise you'll miss objects that might be lying on the floor. That's the reason I was stuck for so long.

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chirinea (47526) on 5/5/2009 12:57 PM · Permalink · Report

Yeah, I know there's no built in save, I meant I lost my emulated save-state. Even the password I got wasn't working, anyway. I was playing it on my cellphone, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't happen when running on my PC. Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a new try anytime soon.

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Unicorn Lynx (181676) on 5/6/2009 2:24 AM · Permalink · Report

Planescape... Torment... Planescape... Torment... The Nameless One... Morte... Sigil... Dustmen... Planescape... Annah... Tails... Torment... Dak'kon... Planescape... Magic... Bronze Sphere... Pharod... Torment... Ghouls... Silent King... Wererats... Planescape... Blood Clots... Tattoos... Torment...

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vedder (71470) on 5/6/2009 8:12 AM · Permalink · Report

Cranium Rats, you forgot Cranium Rats!

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Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 5/10/2009 9:40 AM · Permalink · Report

I'm also playing Cave Story which is coming to Wii btw.

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Indra was here (20746) on 5/10/2009 7:12 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start JazzOleg wrote--]Planescape... Torment... Planescape... Torment... The Nameless One... Morte... Sigil... Dustmen... Planescape... Annah... Tails... Torment... Dak'kon... Planescape... Magic... Bronze Sphere... Pharod... Torment... Ghouls... Silent King... Wererats... Planescape... Blood Clots... Tattoos... Torment... [/Q --end JazzOleg wrote--] I swear I've seen this before in a JRPG dialog!

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Slug Camargo (583) on 5/16/2009 4:29 AM · Permalink · Report

I thought about opening a thread for this, but then I thought that another Fallout 3 thread might just break the forums, so I brought it here.

So I was Winamp-shuffling through the mp3's of the awesome GNR: More Where That Came From mod for Fallout 3 (which -Three Dog's fans out there take note- adds 20 to 100 new songs, most by the same artists and all in the same mood of the original soundtrack), and I was pondering whether or not I successfully managed to make the whole world fully aware of just how much of a Fallout 3 fanboi I am.

Out of the blue, my 7 year old daughter pauses the Spongebob Squarepants DVD she was watching, steps up to me and asks:

"What's that music?"

"Ah, they're a couple of songs I just got, I'm just checking them out", I answer.

"Those are for Fallout, right?", she says.

I guess I did make my point, then.

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Unicorn Lynx (181676) on 5/16/2009 6:25 AM · Permalink · Report

Finished Planescape: Torment for the second time.

Stats at the end of the game: The Nameless One: Level 24, Mage. Wisdom 25, Intelligence 25, Charisma 23, Constitution 23, Strength 12, Dexterity 9. Could cast 4 9th level spells.

Party: Morte, Dak'kon, Annah, Nordom, Fall-From-Grace.

Ending: showed the Transcendental One the Blade of Immortal and convinced him to merge with me. Resurrected all party members.

Did most of the side quests this time, found all party members, defeated the Fiend from Moridor's Box.

No doubts: this is THE BEST GAME EVER.

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 5/16/2009 6:31 AM · Permalink · Report

Tell me more. What else did you discover about the nature of the man?

Will you re-re-review it?

By the way, I also planned to replay some 1999 classics this year - Discworld Noir and Torment - just haven't gotten around to doing it yet.

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Unicorn Lynx (181676) on 5/16/2009 1:33 PM · Permalink · Report

Tell me more. What else did you discover about the nature of the man?

Dunno, this time my TNO was especially interesting; I started him with high wisdom and intelligence, so he got the best dialogue options right from the beginning. The first time I started with lots of constitution and shit, so it took a while until it got really cool. So discovered lots of new stuff...

Will you re-re-review it?

I don't think so, my opinion hasn't changed.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 5/16/2009 1:49 PM · Permalink · Report

Just finished Guitar Hero 3 on easy a few minutes ago. Still enjoying Beyond Good & Evil, but I've hit a wall in my progress.

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xroox (3895) on 5/16/2009 4:31 PM · Permalink · Report

I finished Mirror's Edge last night. I really enjoyed it - A very satisfying game. It's just fun to run around the rooftops of the beautiful gleaming metropolis and (something that surprised me) I actually enjoyed the story. Sure, it wasn't a very good story but I couldn't help caring about the cardboard-cutout characters and hoping they wouldn't get killed. Plus Faith (under my control) developed character and went from a person who just wanted to run around and deliver packages to a person who, by the end of the game, had been pushed too far and had to take out some vengeance on the private security goons who were trying to stop her parkour-ing fun.

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Unicorn Lynx (181676) on 6/1/2009 4:16 AM · Permalink · Report

Finished "Blade Runner". Sure, it sucks as an adventure game, but I love the choices concept! In the end, paradoxically, it's a weak adventure, but a great game. I got the Dektora ending, has anyone actually choose her? :)

Playing "Phantasmagoria: Puzzle of Flesh", and it's really good! Seriously! Man, why don't they make those interactive movies any more?..

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Foxhack (32137) on 6/1/2009 5:22 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I played through Blade Runner like eight years ago and only got one ending. I don't remember what it was, but I enjoyed the game quite a bit. I got another copy of it recently through Ultimate Sci-Fi Series. I should replay it sometime.

As for A Puzzle of Flesh, I also played through the game eight or nine years ago. In fact, I bought -both- games at the same time through a mail-order service that used to offer full retail PC games at a fraction of the cost. I got stuck in places, but the game was pretty enjoyable. The Spoony Experiment played through the ENTIRE game over a long period of time, and the guy's commentary is just plain awesome. But it also contains spoilers. The ending to his videos, though... EPIC.

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—- (1617) on 6/1/2009 1:09 PM · Permalink · Report

The Spoony Experiment played through the ENTIRE game over a long period of time, and the guy's commentary is just plain awesome.

Yup, Noah's walkthrough is hilarious indeed. Certainly more enjoyable than actually playing the game.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 6/6/2009 11:55 AM · Permalink · Report

Kinda late posting this, but I finished Beyond Good and Evil, and it's now one of my all time favorites ! Now after getting the hang of it, I'm really enjoying Metal Gear Solid. Has anybody played the original PS1 game as of late ? I'm interested to know how it stacks up against later installments.

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Donatello (466) on 6/6/2009 5:09 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I haven't played any of the sequels, but Metal Gear Solid is a solid experience (no pun intended). From what I've seen, it's much more atmospheric than the later installments, sometimes downright creepy. The final fight is a bit frustrating, though.

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Slug Camargo (583) on 6/7/2009 12:59 AM · Permalink · Report

I thought this might come in handy in case someone missed them back in its day: Steam has the Penumbra trilogy for 5 US dollars for this weekend. Quite the opportunity if you ask me.

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chirinea (47526) on 6/7/2009 1:08 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Edit: forget it, I bought it.

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Sciere (932916) on 6/7/2009 6:26 AM · Permalink · Report

You won't be disappointed (except for Requiem, possibly)

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Foxhack (32137) on 6/7/2009 4:16 AM · Permalink · Report

I kinda want, but it's five bucks... :p

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Unicorn Lynx (181676) on 6/12/2009 3:01 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm playing GTA4! On PC! It runs like a dream! And it's amazing so far! Wooo-hooo!!

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St. Martyne (3648) on 6/17/2009 11:52 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Oh, boy, so much to tell.

First is, of course, is ARMA 2. I couldn't restrain myself and had to download the German version, just to check it out. It's unbelievable, there are a couple of issues, as usual, and the majority of them I suspect to be connected with the incorrectly installed patch and crack. But, I am certainly going to buy it. This is a sequel to OpFlash I've been waiting for. So many cool features and moments!

A Stroke of Fate - a Russian WWII adventure about the exploits of a Soviet spy deep in the Berlin RSHA operations under the command of gruppenführer Heinrich Müller. The game is visually outstanding and the research that went into it staggering. I'm thoroughly enjoying it at the moment.

But that's not at all! There's also a new Boom Blox and Indiana Jones for Wii. Both currently on hold, but based on a brief acquaintance, I expect Boom Blox to be oustanding, Indy less so, but I certainly look forward to returning to the Fate of Atlantis.

And, the last game I've picked up lately is the original Secret Files about the Tunguska incident. It does pale in comparison to a Stroke of Fate, but the bizarre nature of its puzzles is more than welcome after years and years of adventures trying to get rid of the "cat moustache" associations.

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 6/17/2009 12:19 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start St_Martyne wrote--]

And, the last game I've picked up lately is the original Secret Files about the Tunguska incident. It does pale in comparison to a Stroke of Fate, but the bizarre nature of its puzzles is more than welcome after years and years of adventures trying to get rid of the "cat moustache" associations. [/Q --end St_Martyne wrote--] Oh dear God, you just have no idea.

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St. Martyne (3648) on 6/17/2009 6:56 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rabbi Guru wrote--] Oh dear God, you just have no idea. [/Q --end Rabbi Guru wrote--]

No, really. I did enjoy all those stupid, ill-conceived puzzles with only a slight touch of logic behind them. I don't remember the last time I played an adventure so straight-forward in its approach to inventory puzzles design.

Basically, that was the only thing that made me complete the game. That and occasionally pretty backgrounds. The story, music, acting, writing - everything else is just as you said earlier - poor man's Broken Sword. And I am not such a big BS fan either.

If all this mediocrity was crowned with a set of realistic puzzles and plausible obstacles, I am sure I wouldn't have the patience to play past the beginning act.

EDIT: Having said that. I am really hoping for the sequel. At least the voice acting is much, much better.

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The Fabulous King (1332) on 6/18/2009 8:02 AM · Permalink · Report

It seems I accidentally used my selective reading skills. I read your post in a way that said that you think Secret Files is a good game because it avoided all those cat moustache puzzles that adventure games have lately suffered from and then I thought that perhaps you just began the game since Secret Files is known as the cat moustache puzzle ultra special ultimate x-treme edition the much improved upon sequel ultra x-treme edition III enhanced version.

I apologize.

Secret Files 2 is supposedly better than Secret Files - http://www.adventuregamers.com/article/id,1020.

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Foxhack (32137) on 6/17/2009 11:52 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start St_Martyne wrote--]And, the last game I've picked up lately is the original Secret Files about the Tunguska incident. It does pale in comparison to a Stroke of Fate, but the bizarre nature of its puzzles is more than welcome after years and years of adventures trying to get rid of the "cat moustache" associations. [/Q --end St_Martyne wrote--]... I just GOT that game (along with seven others) for five bucks! They're at my mom's place in the US, I was afraid that I'd get fined with import taxes because they still had their original price tags. :p

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DJP Mom (11333) on 6/18/2009 1:11 AM · Permalink · Report

That's what this stuff is for :)

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Foxhack (32137) on 6/18/2009 2:27 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Use that on CARDBOARD boxes? No way, Mom. No way.

I can wait until the weekend for my mom to drop them off at our house in Mexico. :p

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DJP Mom (11333) on 6/18/2009 2:47 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Kitsune Sniper wrote--]Use that on CARDBOARD boxes? No way, Mom. No way. [/Q --end Kitsune Sniper wrote--] Oh, sorry, I'm thinking - original prices, plastic wrapper...:P