Forums > MobyGames > Is there a way to get a games alternate title to be the default?
Still Alive (448) on 6/20/2024 4:23 AM · Permalink · Report
For instance I have the NES game City Connection but it shows up in my collections as 'Cruisin.' Is there a way to make the alternate title appear instead?
Skippy_Chipskunk (38591) on 6/20/2024 11:33 AM · Permalink · Report
Unfortunately there isn't. For the most part the US title is the primary title for games that were released in the US among other places. Everything else is alternate. In this particular case the Arcade title is chronologically first, which is why it is primary above the later US releases. However the search results will give you the same game as long as the alternate title sticks with the main title.