Forums > MobyGames > Developer splits/merges - 2021

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Freeman (65493) on 1/4/2021 7:40 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

A new thread for a new year.

Like in previous threads, if you come across a developer page that you feel requires some work, but aren't completely sure what's correct, feel free to post it here and hopefully we can get it sorted out. Just post the developer name as the subject when starting a new sub-thread.

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Freeman (65493) on 1/4/2021 7:43 AM · Permalink · Report

A repost from the previous thread:

Is Hiroshi Adachi actually an AKA that Teruhisa Hiroi went by, or a completely different person? There's currently a credits' correction for Bonk's Adventure, based on this interview, where a new Hiroshi Adachi entry is added (Teruhisa Hiroi was already credited as 'Hiroi-san'). The contributor said that the two are different people.

The wording from the interview (at least based on a machine translation) seems to support this. Take this section which talks about Adachi & Hiroi separately:



Also this tweet by GSK (based on the same interview):

"Bonk's design was based on a caricature Oji Hiroi drew of a friend from his college days—Hudson had requested a Mario-style action game from RED, and when Adachi saw this drawing he immediately came up with the name "PC Genjin" and was able to visualise a world & setting."

'Adachi' also isn't mentioned at all on Hiroi's JP Wiki page as an alternate name.

From the bottom of that interview, here's the profile of Adachi (machine translation):

"An original author, planner, writer, and illustrator who has been involved in numerous works since the founding of RED (1976), including the original work of the "Tengai Makai" series. Master of character creation with multi-creators who create works that go beyond the boundaries of genres, from bonus toys to advertising."

『天外魔境』シリーズの原作をはじめREDの設立当時(1976年)から多数の作品に関わる原作者、企画者、作家、イラストレーター。 おまけ玩具から広告までジャンルの枠を超えて創作を行うマルチクリエイターでキャラクター作りの達人。

So was Hiroshi Adachi a separate person? And if so, are any of our current profiles the same person as the Bonk character designer?

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Freeman (65493) on 1/4/2021 8:02 AM · Permalink · Report

Does anyone know if Randy Turner is the same person as Randall Turner? The bio on file for Randall Turner suggests that he's been in the games industry since that time, though I'm not sure where that claim originates from. Also, the company he's said to have founded, Horizon Simulations, is only credited on a single title and his name doesn't appear in the credits.

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Kabushi (263574) on 1/4/2021 9:21 AM · Permalink · Report

I found an ad that lists Fathoms 40 as a Horizon Simulations game. There's also an article on the company where he appears in a photo.

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Rwolf (23529) on 1/4/2021 1:17 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I see that there was a rejected (WIP timed out) credits submission from 2015 for Fathoms 40 (Apple version) with manual scans for 'Randy Turner' in addition to the existing 'Randall Turner', so yes, they are probably the same guy.

Fathoms 40 entry is missing a dev company, so maybe add that to their list then?

(There may be another, British based 'Horizon Simulations' involved in the "Falcon 4.0 Allied Force" game, as distributors in the UK in 2005. The original Horizon Simulations from 1981 is said to have been short lived as a developer, and I guess it was US based, in Oregon according to a dev bio I found for Jim Landes. Maybe the 'Horizon Simulations ltd.' is the wrong one? I think it is, seeing the company name in the screenshots for the game actually saying "Horizon Simulations, Inc" - not ltd. - I've submitted a correction for this name)

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Freeman (65493) on 1/6/2021 3:59 AM · Permalink · Report

1) Re: Horizon Simulation/Horizon Simulations - Yes, the overview on file is wrong; I had already submitted a correction. The information seems to be a mix of both companies. Horizon Simulations was founded in 1981, though I'm not sure if Randy Turner was a founder. The magazine scan Kabushi linked to mentions:

"In May 1981, Landes got a fresh start, teaming up this time with two programmers, Glenn Clapp and Jerry Adcock. The three of them created Shadowhawk I for the Apple and Atari computers. Horizon Simulations was formed in July 1981 and product was first shipped in November."

And Horizon Simulation was founded in 2003 by Paul Chaney. They're the ones who work on 'highly accurate and realistic scenery enhancements for advanced desktop simulations'.

2) As to whether it should be Inc. or Ltd., both seem to have been used. The back cover for Shadow Hawk One has Ltd., as does the manual.

3) And back to the question about Randy/Randall Turner. His LI doesn't list anything between his graduating in '79 and beginning at Stormfront in '94 so it's certainly possible. Though the fact that the timed-out 2015 submission added the name as Randall Turner doesn't mean much; he just picked the existing profile (the Randy Turner profile was created after his submission).

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Rwolf (23529) on 1/6/2021 4:54 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I retracted my correction; I cannot find the company registration online, but I consider the printed manual scans to be good enough for calling it an 'ltd.' company. The alternate .inc seems to be used for expanding companies; I admit I'm no expert in this, and it is different in the US from other countries, also different state rules on what term to use when registering a business. Either they started out small and intended to expand, but folded pretty quick.

There is an interesting company tidbit or three from another (uncredited) developer of Shadowhawk One here:

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Mtik333 (29531) on 2/20/2021 8:57 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Freeman wrote--]3) And back to the question about Randy/Randall Turner. His LI doesn't list anything between his graduating in '79 and beginning at Stormfront in '94 so it's certainly possible. Though the fact that the timed-out 2015 submission added the name as Randall Turner doesn't mean much; he just picked the existing profile (the Randy Turner profile was created after his submission). [/Q --end Freeman wrote--] Maybe the best idea would be just to ask him there via LinkedIn? If you have nothing against it, I can try.

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Foxhack (32096) on 1/4/2021 4:53 PM · Permalink · Report

I've stickied this thread.

I'll be working on the pending stuff on the 2020 thread where I can (currently working on the last big submission by Infernos from Dec 13.)

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Electric Boogaloo (1916) on 1/6/2021 1:59 AM · Permalink · Report

Fold K. Matsunami (id=768172) into Keiichi Matsunami (id=43595).

Matsunami previously worked at Video System and later co-developed the cancelled (and now resurfaced) Net Yaroze game Magic Castle with other ex-Video System developers before joining Sega.

This is their Twitter account:

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Freeman (65493) on 1/6/2021 7:31 AM · Permalink · Report


And that unreleased PSX game looks interesting. Matsunami linked to this Twitter thread about it. A link to the game (as well as an interview with the team) is available here.

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Infernos (46171) on 1/10/2021 1:26 PM · Permalink · Report

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Foxhack (32096) on 1/13/2021 5:50 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Currently working on this.

Regarding James / Jim Adkins:
I split off all the Jimmy Eat World stuff here, the Sims 3 Generations credit was a misspelled name; All of the QA work has been moved here (Spec Ops is a special case, he's listed along other folks with QA credits).

James Atkins is a different QA employee that worked at Digital Extremes. The SR4 stuff was moved to the proper profile and the Hammerbox bassist credit has been split to its own one.

Edit 1: S. Campbell, A. Gordon, W. Little, G. Eaton, and B. West done. Swan Lee was a complicated fix, I had to go into each submission and add the proper performer credits. I'll continue this tomorrow.

Edit 2: Savas Yurderi and Kavon Shah fixed; I also went ahead and fixed all the credits for the rest of the Jimmy Eat World band members. I'll do the others shortly.

Edit 3: Tarik Trotter merged and renamed to 'Black Thought' since that's his actual artist name. All his other names were moved to AKAs. Regarding Andrew White, the submission seems to have been a mistake. The images only mention 'Robinson / White' as the composers, but the only person who the song is credited to is... Smokey Robinson. I couldn't find out who this White person was, though I suspect it was Robert White, who played guitar in the session according to Wikipedia. Since I couldn't confirm this, I changed the credit to an Entity (White [Writer]). Oh and the Tegals were fixed too. :P

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Foxhack (32096) on 1/13/2021 7:03 AM · Permalink · Report

There's a company on the database called Tong King Show that is credited in a few Taito games in the early 90s for graphic work. Well, it turns out it's an artist's pen name.

Arc Hound on Twitter identified him as "Aquila Sasaqui", a.k.a. 佐々木 晃, a.k.a. Akira Sasaki; he's also stealthily identified in the credits for Kid Klown in Crazy Chase (SNES) over here and confirmed in the Japanese credits here (so that credit has to be moved to this new profile.)

This same artist also did editorial and cover work on the Dengeki magazines in the 90s, including Dengeki PC Engine. Further evidence: his LinkedIn uses the same profile image that used to be a header at his long defunct homepage.

As far as I can tell, he has nothing to do with the Omega Force staffer that currently has the Kid Klown credit.

Thoughts? :)

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Freeman (65493) on 1/22/2021 1:12 AM · Permalink · Report

Are you sure that Akira Sasaki (747389) is the same person as the illustrator? His role (at Cinema House) is for 'movie production', which would seem to be a different kind of role than his other illustration work.

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Foxhack (32096) on 1/22/2021 5:52 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

A Google Translated Wikipedia entry for Cinema House says it was a publishing company and editorial; If they dealt with books then it's possible it's the same person.

The page with the magazine covers that I linked has the same spelling as the Cinema House profile here on the site; it seems like an unusual spellilng so I think they're the same person. But since we're not sure, I'd be fine with keeping the actual illustration credits separate until we can get confirmation of that.

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Freeman (65493) on 1/22/2021 6:16 PM · Permalink · Report

Checking the source, the katakana was transcribed wrong - it should have been シネマハウト. So, I'm wondering if it's referring to this then? Also, looking at the full credits at the JP wiki, I'm guessing that シネマハウト was involved with the FMV shoot.

And just to verify, is it fairly certain that 'Tong King Show' refers to him alone? I ask since he lists it under the company part on his LI profile, so I'm not sure whether it's a small design company he ran (that had other people) or whether it was just him.

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Foxhack (32096) on 1/23/2021 6:43 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I linked to a Wayback Archive capture of his old website, which had a link that showed some of his CG Collection sets. I really think he was just one person who did artwork for Taito - and Kemco via the Dengeki connection. Also, look at the original JP credits for that Kid Klown game, they list him as ' ささき あきら (とんきんしょう)'. Sasaki Akira (Ton Kin Shou)

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Freeman (65493) on 1/23/2021 7:08 AM · Permalink · Report

The developer profile is here. So since everything is now credited to a developer, the company page can be deleted, correct?

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Foxhack (32096) on 1/23/2021 7:49 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I would say so.

Also thanks to your profile page I found more definite proof of him being that person: :D

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Rik Hideto (473347) on 1/22/2021 5:37 AM · Permalink · Report

I'll create the developer page Tong King Show and then you'll make the rename or merge.

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Mtik333 (29531) on 1/14/2021 6:12 PM · Permalink · Report

Do you know who (and when) submitted LinkedIn profile here?,322732/ -

This experience describes his work only at Sumo Digital (though he says something about 20+ years experience in bio) and it would correspond to this sheet instead:,689644/

So maybe these two entries should be merged.

Additionally, Art/Graphics credits from this sheet should be moved:,322733/

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Foxhack (32096) on 1/14/2021 9:12 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

The Linkedin profile was added in 2015, and it looks like its work history was edited in the meantime. It sucks when folks remove previous work experiences from there... anyway I agree, I think both of these profiles should be merged, and the other credit should be moved there, judging from this blurb:

I have over 20 years experience designing and building user interfaces for games and applications and have worked on many high-profile franchises over the years such Nintendo's Mario Paint, Fifa, Crackdown, Little Big Planet as well as providing a complete and front-end experience for independent developers.

Profiles fixed and merged.

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Infernos (46171) on 1/21/2021 2:36 PM · Permalink · Report

Richard Burns Rally & Others

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Foxhack (32096) on 1/29/2021 1:33 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Starting to work on this!

M. Cavalera done (also went ahead and fixed all the Sepultura band members :P)

Edit: All done. And I also went ahead and fixed all of Mandrill's members while I was at it.

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Rounin (10103) on 1/23/2021 1:45 PM · Permalink · Report

I have a slight inkling that the aliases Darkness K.K from "Hippodrome", Nervous K.K from "Caveman Ninja" and Turk K.K from "Cliffhanger" might belong to Katsumi Kurihara. Timeline and roles would fit the profile.

Also tcrf has discovered secret credits for RoboCop 2 (Arcade) where the developer is mentioned with his initials whereas in the game itself with the clear name.

Any other thoughts?

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Freeman (65493) on 1/24/2021 5:47 AM · Permalink · Report

I would agree. I'll make the changes to the credits.

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Freeman (65493) on 1/26/2021 5:33 AM · Permalink · Report

I split off a number of different entries from this Akira Inoue profile. The last one was a bit of a misc. profile with several A. Inoue & Akira I. credits.

a) The 222450 profile had an old correction on file which linked here which would seem to link the Power Instinct & Super Adventure Island II credits. I'm guessing that Milon's Secret Castle would belong here as well?

b) The credits for Sonic Labyrinth & Baku Baku Animal share a lot of staff so I'm guessing these two go together.

c) There's also:

  • Raimais - No specific role (1988/Taito)
  • Silent Scope - Graphic Design (2002/Konami) Would it make sense to split this profile into four separate entries?
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    Mtik333 (29531) on 1/26/2021 11:52 PM · Permalink · Report

    So, at first I thought that maybe these two profiles should be merged - both working only in QA area:,758563/ - 2 Gameloft games credited,593962/ - 4 EA games/DLCs and 1 Ubisoft game.

    Then, however, I noticed following LinkedIn profiles: - QA at EA in 2016, at Gameloft in 2015, - QA at Gameloft in 2013-2014, at Ubisoft in 2016-2020.

    I know that this topic is about merges/splits, not potential credits issues, but...any idea, who should be credited...for what? I haven't tried to reach any of these two guys, but maybe that would be the only way to clarify that, because I don't think current lists are correct. If so, I'll just keep this thread until I find out.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 1/27/2021 12:54 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    I would move the Disney Magic Kingdom credit from the first to the second profile.

    The first profile worked at Gameloft from August 2013 to February 2014. The second one worked October 2015 to January 2016. Magic Kingdom was released in March 2016, assuming a development time of a year, this means the second guy was definitely assigned to the game. The first guy's profile says he was working as a chef in that period. So it has to be the second guy.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 1/27/2021 8:44 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Well, I just got response from this guy ( - I could give you screenshot but emm, not sure, let me know if it is needed.

    Gameloft: - Despicable me; - Disney Magic Kingdom; - Modern Combat Warfare 5;

    Ubisoft: - Division 1 (PC); - Ghost recon (PC & Xbox); - Far Cry 5 (PS4); - Far Cry New Dawn (PC); - Division 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox); - Assassins Creed Valhalla (PS4 PC);

    And at the moment: - Subnautica (PS5, PC, WII);

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    Foxhack (32096) on 1/27/2021 11:07 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Okay, I've moved the Division 2 credit to the Disney Magic Kingdom / Despicable Me profile.

    Unfortunately The Division 2 credits don't have any source images for some reason... bleh.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 1/28/2021 6:35 PM · Permalink · Report

    So we have following profile for Ellyn Stern:

    Ellyn Stern

    However, there are two with very similar names that also include credits on voice-acting: Ellyn Stearn - Might & Magic 1994 voiceacting.

    Ellen Stern - Might & Magic 2000 + ParaWorld 2006 voiceacting.

    Now, I tried to reach her via her website Ellyn's website - no answer yet. She has resume there but no info about M&M, though her husband worked on these titles.

    Overall, I'd say it's like 90% she worked on all these titles and therefore three profiles should be merged with AKA's. Since it's not 100%, I'm asking - what do you think - should these three profiles be merged?

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    Foxhack (32096) on 1/28/2021 11:35 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    They're the same person, the credits there are typos. Both the Ellen Stern credits also feature Richard Epcar - Ellyn Stern's husband. IMDB also thinks these are by Ellyn Stern.

    I'll add the AKAs to the credits and merge them once I'm done with that. Edit: And done.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 1/30/2021 7:09 PM · Permalink · Report

    Shouldn't Ellyn Stearn also be merged into Ellyn Stern dev sheet?

    Ellyn Stearn

    In this IMDB profile this Might and Magic 1994 game is also credited under Ellyn Stern's name.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 1/30/2021 7:25 PM · Permalink · Report

    Oops I forgot to merge that. Sorry ^^;

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 1/30/2021 11:01 PM · Permalink · Report

    I'm not sure, but looks like this profile needs 3 or 4 splits.

    So, first, credits for Animal Jam matches this guy: LinkedIn

    Then, three games made by Smart Bomb are related to this guy: Some kind of blog mentions one of games he worked on

    Then, audio credits are likely going to profile with this man: Music bio

    Finally, "Stone Age" - very unlikely, but maybe this guy? Wiki entry - there is something about doing some Amiga graphics.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 1/31/2021 12:23 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    The first and second person... are the same person. :P That blog post has a link to the LinkedIn profile you posted at first.

    I agree with the music guy needing a split.

    As for the artist, I honestly doubt it's the person you think it is, since he's a political cartoonist. But I'll still split him into a new entry.

    Edit: All done.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 1/31/2021 8:44 AM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Foxhack wrote--]The first and second person... are the same person. :P That blog post has a link to the LinkedIn profile you posted at first. [/Q --end Foxhack wrote--]

    Hmm, how I didn't notice this LinkedIn profile on the right? Uhh, sorry and thanks for doing this split.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/1/2021 9:28 PM · Permalink · Report

    So there are 3 devs with this name




    I tried to contact this guy via LinkedIn, no answer yet, but what do you think? I believe 1st and 3rd might have potential due to the fact that games on 3rd profile point to 1C company where 1st guy worked. On the other hand, "Localization Manager" is far away from "Programming".

    For now I'll leave it here and come back once he responds or at the end of the week (if no answer)

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    Freeman (65493) on 2/21/2021 6:26 AM · Permalink · Report

    The 2 programming roles on 422292's profile are for Lazy Games and seem to be related to the Russian localization (he's the only credited programmer). So, even though he doesn't mention programming on his LI these are plausibly his.

    The programming roles for 769394, however, are as part of the main development team (not the Russian localization) so seem less likely to be his. War Thunder is also developed by Gaijin Entertainment.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/21/2021 7:05 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Freeman wrote--]The 2 programming roles on 422292's profile are for Lazy Games and seem to be related to the Russian localization (he's the only credited programmer). So, even though he doesn't mention programming on his LI these are plausibly his.

    The programming roles for 769394, however, are as part of the main development team (not the Russian localization) so seem less likely to be his. War Thunder is also developed by Gaijin Entertainment. [/Q --end Freeman wrote--]Well, here's what seems to be 769394's LinkedIn.

    Gaijin Entertainment - Apr 2013 - Present
    VIZERRA - Oct 2012 - May 2013
    1C Company - Jan 2007 - Oct 2012
    FSUE VNIIA - Apr 1997 - Jan 2007 (this is some sort of energy company?)
    Perfect Play Entertaiment - Nov 2005 - Nov 2006

    The three Theater of War games and Off-Road Drive in his profile are definitely his, just as you said; War Thunder is from 2012, but the credits were submitted in late 2016 so there's room for him to have been added to the staff in the meantime.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/21/2021 7:56 AM · Permalink · Report

    OK, so then we leave profiles as they are right?

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/21/2021 8:34 AM · Permalink · Report

    Yes, the second profile only needs to have its LinkedIn added.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/21/2021 5:35 PM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Foxhack wrote--]Yes, the second profile only needs to have its LinkedIn added. [/Q --end Foxhack wrote--] (apparently it's the third dev profile in my post) Done, thanks for your help.

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    MAT (241251) on 2/2/2021 3:28 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Satoshi Miura

    Satoshi Hiura

    Hiura looks like typo, maybe H looked similar to M in capital letter format. At least when it comes to ./hack games where both devs are credited under same "Movie Edit" job so there's a big chance at least that is the same person.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/2/2021 6:17 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Nope, Hiura is the correct spelling. The Japanese credits for .hack G.U Volume 3 show the Kanji as well as the English spelling; The name is correct.

    The mistake is in the Miura profile. The .hack credit should actually be for Satoshi Hiura as seen here. The submitter made a typo. I'll be fixing that credit shortly. :)

    Satoshi Miura is a separate person, a make-up artist, who shares credits in the game with Shunichi Kawada; I can't find much info on the former but the latter is credited for hair and makeup work here.

    There's also a separate Satoshi Miura who does background art in animated productions, he has a profile here.

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    MAT (241251) on 2/2/2021 9:38 AM · Permalink · Report

    Great! Thanks!

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    Infernos (46171) on 2/2/2021 12:16 PM · Permalink · Report

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    Freeman (65493) on 2/22/2021 1:09 AM · Permalink · Report


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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/2/2021 6:26 PM · Permalink · Report

    If I see correctly, we have 3 "instances" of Paul Wong. Here is what I believe needs to be done with them:

    1st Paul Wong - link - QA at Interpret:

    2nd Paul Wong - link - Director of Business at EpicSoft/Corous360:

    3rd Paul Wong - link - here we need to do following:

    • Witcher 3 credits to be moved to 2nd dev

    • Astro3D to be left here?

    • 2 Fallout Tactics credits should belong to new Paul Wong, working at Microforte:

    • Fury and Megamind should belong to the same Paul Wong as Fallout Tactics (here he worked then at Auran and THQ)

    • Emberwind - probably new dev?

    • Dreamfall Chapters - well, probably new dev...

    I'm not sure, therefore I write here.

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66801) on 2/2/2021 9:31 PM · Permalink · Report

    "I'm not sure, therefore I write here."

    That's almost Descartes, I appreciate it.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/3/2021 4:26 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    The Astro3D and Dreamfall Chapters credits should be split to their own profiles; the first seems to have no other QA credits, but a lot of the people there still kept working on that. I could find no info about any Paul Wong who supported the Kickstarter so it gets split to its separate profile.

    The Emberwind credit probably belongs to the same Auran games guy. If you look at the other QA credit for Matthew Shapiro, you'll see that he's also credited in Fury, by Auran Games, as a Junior Designer. He lists this in his LinkedIn. Paul Wong is credited in that game as a Content Designer, so I believe that specific credit should remain with the Auran guy. Also, both of them seem to have been in the same school during the same time period, according to their LinkedIn profiles! It's too much of a coincidence to not be the same two people.

    Okay, done: Astro3D credit split here, Dreamfall Chapters split here. Witcher III credit moved to the second profile.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/3/2021 6:00 PM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Foxhack wrote--]The Astro3D and Dreamfall Chapters credits should be split to their own profiles; the first seems to have no other QA credits, but a lot of the people there still kept working on that. I could find no info about any Paul Wong who supported the Kickstarter so it gets split to its separate profile.

    The Emberwind credit probably belongs to the same Auran games guy. If you look at the other QA credit for Matthew Shapiro, you'll see that he's also credited in Fury, by Auran Games, as a Junior Designer. He lists this in his LinkedIn. Paul Wong is credited in that game as a Content Designer, so I believe that specific credit should remain with the Auran guy. Also, both of them seem to have been in the same school during the same time period, according to their LinkedIn profiles! It's too much of a coincidence to not be the same two people.

    Okay, done: Astro3D credit split here, Dreamfall Chapters split here. Witcher III credit moved to the second profile. [/Q --end Foxhack wrote--]

    Ok, yeah I haven't tried to dig that far but all the dots seem to be connected. Thanks.

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    Koterminus (278506) on 2/5/2021 6:58 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    I just got confirmation that Darren Weekes (Splash Damage level designer) and Darren Weekes (G String voice actor) are the same person.

    Edit: Whoops, I should have submitted this as a correction instead... sorry about that.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/5/2021 8:00 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Could I trouble you to ask him if this is also him? I noticed the name when trying to merge the two profiles, so I figured it might be worth asking.,133646/

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    Koterminus (278506) on 2/5/2021 8:12 PM · Permalink · Report

    Of course. I asked and he said that's not him. That's two mysteries solved today. :-)

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/5/2021 9:06 PM · Permalink · Report

    Thanks. Please submit this as a dev profile correction so there's a paper trail. ;)

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    Koterminus (278506) on 2/5/2021 10:31 PM · Permalink · Report


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    Duc Nguyen (264) on 2/7/2021 5:26 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    David Crane (,467139/) - David Crane (,24639/)

    The Wikipedia page ( says he created the voice for Space Shuttle Project and he is the same guy who did Pitfall.

    Also for

    Solid Software - D. Scott Williamson

    I think D. Scott Williamson is the owner of a company called "Solid Software". (

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/21/2021 12:36 AM · Permalink · Report

    Sorry for the delay, I didn't see this post.

    [Q --start Duc Nguyen wrote--]David Crane (,467139/) - David Crane (,24639/)

    The Wikipedia page ( says he created the voice for Space Shuttle Project and he is the same guy who did Pitfall.[/Q --end Duc Nguyen wrote--]

    I am 99% sure this is correct, since he was working at Imagineering at the time. I sent him a tweet asking about this to be sure.

    [Q --start Duc Nguyen wrote--]Also for

    Solid Software - D. Scott Williamson

    I think D. Scott Williamson is the owner of a company called "Solid Software". ( [/Q --end Duc Nguyen wrote--]I am very surprised to see that there's no listing for this company! Apparently there's one in the backend, but it's never been used.

    They also programmed the SNES version of Bubsy, and it's even been mentioned in a Spanish magazine of the era. Looks like a lot of game fixing is in order.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/7/2021 5:16 PM · Permalink · Report

    So I believe we have 4 "Lu Yang" dev sheets here. Quick summary on what I found and what is wrong in my opinion:

    Lu Yang -,1003285/ - one credit, probably this one: LinkedIn

    Lu Yang -,1096568/ - probably this one: LinkedIn

    Lu Yang -,956368/ - probably OK, couldn't find him/her on web

    Lu Yang -,234125/ - LinkedIn. Few entries do not match here though:

    • Monster Hunter: World (Capcom/XPEC Art Center)

    • Final Fantasy XIV (Mineloader Software)

    • Phantasy Star Portable 2 + Shinobi + Sonic Unleashed + Altered Beast (SEGA)

    I couldn't find any Lu Yang on LinkedIn who would said he/she worked in any of these companies, so it might be that we need 3 splits. Hard to say, maybe someone else here will find something more than I found.

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/13/2021 9:12 PM · Permalink · Report

    FYI: It ended up with one split on "234125" profile - all games mentioned were moved to "new" Lu Yang.

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    MAT (241251) on 2/10/2021 1:58 AM · Permalink · Report

    Just a logical guess, but I would say that voice acting credits for Yuuko Inoue should probably be split from all the other graphics/animation related credits.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 2/10/2021 2:08 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Definitely. Anime News Network's encyclopedia has them both separately: You can compare the VA's work vs the animator's work.

    All of the voice over work is for the former. The rest (including the Design credit for Lament of Innocence) is all the animator's. I'm not sure about that Gulliver Boy credit, though, since it has a different set of kanji. I'll need to check those specific credit sources to be sure, but we might be looking at a third profile?

    Edit: It seems the animator is also credited as '井上優子' in a few productions, according to this site; the credits listed here are the same as that Anime News Network profile above. So it's just two profiles. I'll have to add the info later.

    Edit 2: JP Wikipedia has a single profile for both names. Apparently, 井上 優子 is her proper name spelling. The other one is her 'professional' name. This is backed up by AniDB.

    Profiles split, and I added the proper spelling to the VA's profile.

    user avatar

    MAT (241251) on 2/10/2021 6:09 AM · Permalink · Report

    Not sure if Tanihara is a typo.

    Kumiko Tanihira

    Kumiko Tanihara

    They seem to be in same type of work. Also basing this on this developer...

    Yukari Yamaura

    ...who has both games that splits Tanihara and Tanihira together.

    I'm adding credits for Triangle Again for the developer also credited under animation, hence noticing this.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 2/10/2021 5:26 PM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start MAT wrote--]Not sure if Tanihara is a typo.

    Kumiko Tanihira

    Kumiko Tanihara

    They seem to be in same type of work. Also basing this on this developer...

    Yukari Yamaura

    ...who has both games that splits Tanihara and Tanihira together.

    I'm adding credits for Triangle Again for the developer also credited under animation, hence noticing this. [/Q --end MAT wrote--]Yes, that is a typo. The submission images for Radiant Silvergun's credits say "Kumiko Tanihira", you can see this in a video over here. I'll merge the entries.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 2/11/2021 12:20 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Stefan Lupp - could Steffen Lupp be a typoed duplicate? That's his name as shown in the submission images for this game.

    I also suspect Dirk Sender is a typoed duplicate of Dirk Sander.

    All of these work in audio localization in Germany. I would merge them, but I'd like some additional input from other folks (specifically people who know German :P)

    Edit: Also found Klaus Schmidt, who may be a dupe of Klaus Schmid. Based on some shared credits I suspect this is the case, but there's no images on file for the credit submission...

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/13/2021 9:05 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Foxhack wrote--]Stefan Lupp - could Steffen Lupp be a typoed duplicate? That's his name as shown in the submission images for this game.

    I also suspect Dirk Sender is a typoed duplicate of Dirk Sander.

    All of these work in audio localization in Germany. I would merge them, but I'd like some additional input from other folks (specifically people who know German :P)

    Edit: Also found Klaus Schmidt, who may be a dupe of Klaus Schmid. Based on some shared credits I suspect this is the case, but there's no images on file for the credit submission... [/Q --end Foxhack wrote--]

    I don't know German but I can give my worthless feedback.

    Stefan Lupp + Steffen Lupp - I would agree, we have this "M&S Studios" mentioned in War on Terror just above his name. His LinkedIn looks emmm, poor? But points to the same company too:

    Dirk Sender + Dirk Sander - I would also agree, can't find anyone with surname "Sender".

    Klaus Schmidt - uhh, again I'm more towards "agree", LinkedIn is not very helpful this time: Maybe here it's better to find these credits images somehow. EDIT: See this: Credits

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 2/14/2021 2:33 AM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Mtik333 wrote--]Klaus Schmidt - uhh, again I'm more towards "agree", LinkedIn is not very helpful this time: Maybe here it's better to find these credits images somehow. EDIT: See this: Credits [/Q --end Mtik333 wrote--]

    Well, at least now we know what his "proper" spelling is.

    I'll have to go through the Schmidt credits, but since he's been part of that company for that long it should be easy to confirm if it is him. Thanks for the help. :)

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    Evolyzer (21898) on 2/13/2021 1:04 PM · Permalink · Report

    Kevin MacLeod and Kevin McLeod is most likely one and the same person

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/13/2021 9:16 PM · Permalink · Report

    Yeah, though one guy who's uploading some videos about this game keeps to repeat this misspell every time. Quite stubborn I'd say.

    Should I merge this or do you want to "complete" it?

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/13/2021 9:50 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    It should be merged. The MacLeod profile even has McLeod as an AKA due to how often this happens.

    On a related note, I asked him if he did QA work for EA, since there's a profile with the same name that worked on The Sims. The main profile has a single credit for that. I'm waiting for an answer to move the credit or merge the other profile in.

    Edit: He answered that he did not work in those games, so I'll move the stuff around now.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/14/2021 9:43 AM · Permalink · Report

    I didn't know we have so many "Ionescu" devs here. So let's look at what I think should be done:

    Alexandru Ionescu - Sheet - Linkedin - 2 QA credits from Ubisoft (Assassin's Creed II and Academy of Champions) inproperly assigned

    Alexandru Ionescu - Sheet - Linkedin - one QA credit (Gangstar) inproperly assigned

    Alexandru Ionescu - Sheet - Linkedin (?) - has 3 QA credits from Ubisoft and should get 2 credits from 410875

    Alex Ionescu - (no sheet) - Linkedin - should get QA credits of Gangstar

    There are some more strange derivatives like Alexandru Ionut/Cornel/Victor/Florian Ionescu, but I haven't checked them...(quite sensible to put 2nd name if there are so many guys with these "credentials")

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/16/2021 10:20 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Mtik333 wrote--]Alexandru Ionescu - Sheet - Linkedin - 2 QA credits from Ubisoft (Assassin's Creed II and Academy of Champions) inproperly assigned[/Q --end Mtik333 wrote--]

    The two Ubisoft credits here are for Alexandra Ionescu.

    [Q --start Mtik333 wrote--]Alexandru Ionescu - Sheet - Linkedin - one QA credit (Gangstar) inproperly assigned[/Q --end Mtik333 wrote--] Edit: I found this QA profile for Alexandru Florian Ionescu, who also worked on another Gangstar game. I'm thinking they might be the same person but there are a LOT of Alexandru Ionescus in the database... so I'm considering splitting him instead, because I have no way to be sure. Thoughts?

    [Q --start Mtik333 wrote--]Alexandru Ionescu - Sheet - Linkedin (?) - has 3 QA credits from Ubisoft and should get 2 credits from 410875[/Q --end Mtik333 wrote--] Looking at these Ubi credits... some of them are for Alexandra. Not Alexandru. Oy.

    Watch_Dogs 2 is correct, he's in there as Alexandru. The ACII and Driver San Francisco credits, though, are Alexandra. I'm in the process of moving them around.

    I suspect this Alex Ionescu profile is actually for Alexandra.

    [Q --start Mtik333 wrote--]Alex Ionescu - (no sheet) - Linkedin - should get QA credits of Gangstar[/Q --end Mtik333 wrote--]

    This... this is a lot of work. So other approvers, please don't merge or split these yet. The Ubi situation is a mess. And there's also this other Alexandra who worked for EA... Edit: This specific dev is "Ioana Alexandra Ionescu", as shown in the three credits she's in. The EA Alexandru is also credited with her in at least one game. I have changed her name to Ioana Alexandra.

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    S Olafsson (60793) on 2/16/2021 6:42 PM · Permalink · Report

    See the Mobygames discussion in the comments here.

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66801) on 2/16/2021 10:13 PM · Permalink · Report

    "I also made the mistake of assuming Moby Games credit pages accurately reflect the credits themselves (I know most of it is fan created and none of it fact-checked"


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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/16/2021 10:22 PM · Permalink · Report

    In their defense, a lot of the earliest credits have no sources, so they wouldn't exactly be wrong...

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66801) on 2/17/2021 2:21 AM · Permalink · Report

    We're just in the worst of two worlds, with too much slow approver rigor for impatient contributors AND lousy early contributions that sap our credibility 8)

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    Alaka (107782) on 2/17/2021 4:23 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Yeah, this entire sites credits are garbage due to one common name having an error. Brilliant deduction from that guy.

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    S Olafsson (60793) on 2/17/2021 10:13 PM · Permalink · Report

    Perhaps more importantly, what are we gonna do about it?

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/18/2021 3:50 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    I don't know.

    If only there was a good looking, fuzzy admin around that could fix things if someone told him what needed fixing.

    Edit: If you mean talking to people about it, uh, I am totally not the person for the job. My social skills are nil and honestly it would be better if one of the more senior staffers approached them. I've been here a while but I don't think I'm the right person to talk about this.

    Edit 2: Unseen 64 mentions that a canceled game at DMA Design was made by a bunch of young staffers, including the Doug Smith listed in the credits for Lemmings. So it's likely that person in the Douglas E. Smith credit listing.

    Edit 3: Aha, found a photo of Doug Smith, posted by Mike Dailly.

    I'll be tweeting at him to make sure this is the person in the credits. Edit: And now we wait and I'm gonna try to get some sleep.

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    S Olafsson (60793) on 7/1/2021 12:25 PM · Permalink · Report

    Hi, did this end up in a ditch?

    I think it is safe to say that the Lode Runner pioneer and the UK based (Psygnsis) devs are not the same.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 7/2/2021 2:22 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    oops double post

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    Foxhack (32096) on 7/2/2021 2:34 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start S Olafsson wrote--]Hi, did this end up in a ditch?

    I think it is safe to say that the Lode Runner pioneer and the UK based (Psygnsis) devs are not the same. [/Q --end S Olafsson wrote--]I never got an answer from Mike Dailly, and I couldn't figure out what he'd done exactly, so I just left it alone.

    However, based on Dailly'sCV at his website (which was seemingly posted... today?!) it helped me clear up some things:

    The Lode Runner guy is not the same as the DMA Design guy;
    The Cinemaware artist is an entirely different person, as well (this was giving me the most trouble figuring out) - turns out some of the pre-DMA Design team -played- Defender of the Crown before they formed as a company, so it's definitely a separate person;
    The Radical Entertainment programmer also appears to be an entirely different person. (Edit: Nope, see below)
    There also seems to be another guy who works on VFX stuff in movies? Apparently he was credited in "Tomb Raider VII" but I can't find him.

    So I'm going to go and fix all of those profiles later tonight.

    Edit: Okay, here we go: DMA Design Doug Smith, Cinemaware Doug Smith.

    I'm actually having issues with the main Douglas E. Smith profile - I thought the Radical Entertainment credits were for another person, but judging by the credits in Champions Forever Boxing (developed by Distinctive Software), there's quite a bit of overlap between Distinctive Software and Radical Entertainment staff... some of which also went on to work for EA Sports later on. Oh did I mention Distinctive also did work for Broderbund? The same Broderbund that published Lode Runner?

    Problem is, finding accurate information regarding this Doug Smith is almost impossible now. Because every other site copied the wrong info we had on file. Blargh.

    For the moment, I merged the profile with a single credit for 'Bill Elliott's NASCAR Fast Tracks (1991)' into the main Douglas E. Smith profile. If someone ever steps up and tells us it's not actually the same guy, it'll be easier to split them apart.

    Oh, and incidentally, I left the Final Fantasy VII credit in the Douglas E. Smith profile because it's tied to a Square LA credit - he ran that division of the company back in 1995.

    Edit 2: This CG Doug Smith might be a different one as referenced in this imdb profile. There was a "Doug Smith" from Vancouver who was at this VanArts presentation, and he's credited as working in "Tomb Raider VII". I'm guessing... did they mean Final Fantasy VII?

    Edit 3: Found it! The Final Fantasy VII Doug Smith is a completely different person! He specifically mentions Crystal Dynamics and Final Fantasy VII (Square USA) in his LinkedIn. So I'll be splitting the Square credit.

    Final edit: I asked GDRI on Twitter for help and it seems that the Distinctive Software programmer is in fact the Lode Runner guy. So that's one mystery solved.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/19/2021 8:54 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Norio Suzuki, sent as a correction by Rounin: He said that the Map Modeler credits should be split, but looking into this I noticed at least four people:

    The Nihon Falcom programmer is easy to spot (鈴木規夫);

    The Konami / Hudson programmer (鈴木規生 / credited as noriot in Dungeon Explorer II and others), which I'm pretty also worked on Gulliver Boy (the credits are in English, but it has lots of devs who worked on Bomberman), plus he's credited in Mario Party Advance (found a PDF manual with his name on it.) I also strongly suspect he also worked on the DDR games given the Konami / Hudson connection (Hudson was partially bought by Konami in 2001, this guy started showing up in DDR credits in 2002);

    I -believe- the modeler is 鈴木紀雄, based on the credits shown here:

    I couldn't find a Japanese spelling for the Mario and Sonic programmer (Arzest) since there don't seem to be any Japanese credit videos for it uploaded anywhere.

    I found the spellings via a combination of Wikipedia, the Game Staff wiki, crossreferencing the English Yokai Watch credits with JP videos, and Jisho name searches.

    Any comments before I split the profiles?

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    Freeman (65493) on 2/22/2021 2:46 AM · Permalink · Report

    Sounds good. Oh, and the JP credits for Mario & Sonic are in English, so no help there.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 7/3/2021 12:14 AM · Permalink · Report

    Better late than never, but I've split these into four:

    Konami / Hudson (noriot)
    Falcom Programmer
    Arzest programmer

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    Ritika Patel Patel on 7/3/2021 7:56 PM · edited · Permalink · Report


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    Happy _10 on 2/19/2021 4:47 PM · edited · Permalink · Report


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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/19/2021 5:54 PM · Permalink · Report

    There's a bunch of profiles that have very similar dev "ID". I wasted some time to just list them so we can clarify things in the future, uh.

    Catalin Gheorghe -,1027081/ - - looks OK

    • Moving Out - credited as Catalin Gheorge

    • Blasphemous - credited as Catalin Gheorghe

    • Monster Sanctuary - credited as Catalin Gheorge

    • Yooka-Laylee - credited as Catalin Gheorghe

    Catalin Gheorghe -,837418/ - - looks OK

    • Galaga X - credited as Catalin Gheorghe

    Catalin Silviu Gheorghe -,323864/ - - looks OK

    • Fifa 14 - credited as Catalin Gheorghe

    • FIfa 13 - credited as Catalin Gheorghe

    • Midnight Play Pack - credited as Catalin Silviu Gheorghe

    Catalin Marian Gheorghe -,877742/ - merge with 1027081?

    • BF4 Final Stand - credited as Gheorghe Catalin Marian

    Catalin Gheorghe -,361528/ - The Sims 4 credits to merge with 1027081?

    • Burnout Paradise Remastered - credited as Catalin Gheorghe

    • The Sims 4 Get to Work - credited as Catalin Gheorghe

    • The Sims 4 - credited as Catalin Gheorghe

    • BF3: Armored Kill - credtied as Catalin Gheorghe

    • BF3 Close Quarters - credtied as Catalin Gheorghe

    • Battlefield Bad Company 2 - credtied as Catalin Gheorghe

    • Create - credtied as Catalin Gheorghe

    • Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box - credtied as Catalin Gheorghe

    Catalin Ionut-Gheorghe -,393492/ - ??? hard to say if it is connected to 361528

    • Bulletstorm Full Clip - credited as Catalin Gheorghe-Ionut

    • Star Wars Battlefront - credited as Gheorghe Catalin Ionut

    • Crysis 3 - credited as Catalin Ionut Gheorghe

    • Medal of Honor Warfighter - credited as Catalin Ionut Gheorghe

    • Bulletstorm - credited as Catalin Gheorghe-Ionut

    • Crysis - credited as Catalin-Ionut Gheorghe

    • Crysis 2 (credits in Russian, I'm not good at it)

    • NFS The Run - credited as Gheorghe Catalin-Ionut

    • NFS Hot Pursuit - credited as Catalin-Ionut Gheorghe

    • NFS Shift - credited as Gheorghe Catalin-Ionut

    Catalin-Stefan Gheorghe -,761976/ - ???

    • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - credited as Catalin Stefan Gheorghe

    • Tom Clancy's The Division - credited as Catalin-Stefan Gheorghe

    user avatar

    Evolyzer (21898) on 2/19/2021 6:20 PM · Permalink · Report

    Philippe Brosseau and Philippe Brousseau is most likely one and the same person

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/19/2021 8:16 PM · Permalink · Report

    I couldn't find much from the first name, but the second has several posts in various Kickstarters. It's very likely that "Brosseau" is a misspelling of Brousseau. I'll merge these.

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    Evolyzer (21898) on 2/19/2021 6:37 PM · Permalink · Report

    Charles Kirouak and Charles Kirouac is most likely one and the same person

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/19/2021 8:11 PM · Permalink · Report

    I wasn't sure if this was the case, but I found his Facebook account, which mentions his current work at FRIMA (second account you linked) and also says "Former Floor Leader at Beenox". Beenox developed the only game Kirouak has in his profile, it's possible there's a few more for games we don't have credits for.

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    Evolyzer (21898) on 2/20/2021 2:07 PM · Permalink · Report

    yes, i am not 100% sure about this one neither

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    Evolyzer (21898) on 2/20/2021 2:08 PM · Permalink · Report

    Greg MacLean and Greg MacLean is most likely one and the same person.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/21/2021 7:53 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Evolyzer wrote--]Greg MacLean and Greg MacLean is most likely one and the same person. [/Q --end Evolyzer wrote--] What about Gregory MacLean? Here we also have only Kickstarter-related things.

    EDIT: All three profiles merged into one.

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    Evolyzer (21898) on 2/20/2021 11:52 PM · Permalink · Report

    W. G. Van Der Velden

    W.G. van der Velden

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 2/21/2021 8:20 AM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Evolyzer wrote--]W. G. Van Der Velden

    W.G. van der Velden [/Q --end Evolyzer wrote--] Seems that Rik already submitted "name error" for these two profiles. Before I do merge, one question - should this "W.G." spelling be added as AKA?

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 2/21/2021 6:23 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Having checked the credits, the credits in the first one are listed as "W.G. van". No space between the letters, and van is in lowercase. So his name should not have the space in the middle. The site should catch the different spelling and suggest it when the name is entered, so the AKA shouldn't be needed... but it would be okay to keep it just in case, so Google picks it up when it crawls the site.

    A quick Google search also suggests that his last name should be "van der Velden", as that seems to be the common Dutch spelling for the 'van der' part of the name.

    Wasn't someone on staff from that region? We should ask him to be sure before merging these.

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    vedder (71300) on 2/21/2021 7:51 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    In the Netherlands "van der" is the common spelling. In Belgium they might use capitals I think. As for first names acronyms I would write my name as P.C. van Eekelen. no spaces between the letters.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/21/2021 10:06 PM · Permalink · Report

    I found the user's Facebook page (based on FB searches of kickstarter games) and he goes by 'W.G. van der Velden'. So I think that should be his main name. No spaces, lowercase van der, so more or less like yourself. :)

    user avatar

    Freeman (65493) on 2/22/2021 3:17 AM · Permalink · Report

    None of the credits had the space between the initials (or Van Der) either, so I won't keep it as an AKA.

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    Freeman (65493) on 2/22/2021 6:01 AM · Permalink · Report

    Are Chimorin Shogun and Keigo Chimoto the same person? The game_staff site lists them as the same person, with Chimorin Shogun being used on all the Capcom titles. However, he's also credited this way on Drakengard 3 as the lead animator for Access Games - the same role that Keigo Chimoto has on Lord of Arcana.

    So, would it make sense to merge them then?

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    Foxhack (32096) on 2/24/2021 11:25 PM · Permalink · Report

    Yūichi Nakatani / 中谷祐一, AKA Violetche Nakamoto, character designer, graphic designer and manual illustrator on Samurai Shodown. He later joined Yuki (Samurai Shodown V) and now works at Examu (Arcana Heart).


    Violetche Nakamoto / Yuichi Nakatani

    I can't find much information on Nakatani. Most of the results on Google link back to that tweet...

    user avatar

    Infernos (46171) on 2/26/2021 2:11 PM · Permalink · Report

    On Hitman: Blood Money music credits (for platforms Windows, Xbox, Xbox 360) under "White Noise" there's credit for another song mixed in. What happened is that in the Manual (page 27) there's a missing song title.

    So starting with this part: "Published by Zenith Publishing Ltd. © 2003 Zenith Publishing Ltd., P. Watts (Written by), S. Gillett (Wriiten by), J. Reeve (Written by), Performed by "Airbiscuit" from the album Caldo-Freddo. Recording Copyright 2003 Zenith Café Ltd." should be under role "Wonderous" as that is the name of the Airbiscuit song in the game -

    Bullet-Proof Software games 1) Lyrane credits

    • "ESP" is Edward S. P. Rogers
    • "Tani" could be Tomoyuki Tani
    • "Nakashima" could be Yuji Nakashima
    • "Yoshida" could be Masayoshi Yoshida or Funky Yoshida

    2) Archon credits

    3) Black Onyx credits

    • "E.S.P." is Edward S. P. Rogers
    • "Joe" could be Joe B. Langdon
    • "Bob" could be Bob Rutherford

    On Alshark X68000 Credits "TAKION" is Isao Watanabe -

    user avatar

    Freeman (65493) on 11/3/2021 4:38 AM · Permalink · Report

    The BPS credits are now done.

    1) Re: Yoshida - I went with Funky Yoshida since he's credited with manual art on Archon. However, Masayoshi Yoshida is credited with the Cover Design on Microgo1 so it's possible that these are actually the same person.

    2) Re: Sakamoto - Sounds plausible. Bob Rutherford, the other programmer on Tetris, also did QA on another BPS title.

    3) Re: Kenneth C.R - I couldn't find anything, but it's certainly possible.

    user avatar

    Electric Boogaloo (1916) on 2/27/2021 7:14 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Fold Chuck Tolman (ids 270017 and 250059) into Charles Tolman (id 26240).

    They are the same person.

    Had worked at Tengen/Time Warner Interactive/Atari Games and Treyarch before co-founding The Workshop Entertainment - itself got acquired and became Skydance Interactive, where he still currently works.

    Was recently interviewed here:

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 3/23/2021 9:53 PM · Permalink · Report

    Yeah, agree, his LinkedIn confirms games from both profiles too:
    Merged. Thanks.

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 3/3/2021 7:30 PM · Permalink · Report

    It might be that this guy has to be merged with other Goopy Rossi.
    I'm not sure, but there is some old page that has his bio and mentions "Arborescence" as well as EA:
    This company is mentioned in both games from 90s (Iron Helix, Forever Growing). His LinkedIn lacks info about working at Arborescence though.
    I submitted dev correction already with all the info I put here

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 3/23/2021 9:20 PM · Permalink · Report

    Agreed and merged.

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    Duc Nguyen (264) on 3/13/2021 4:54 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Sam Ly and Sam Lee This is the same person, because he worked for Atari at that time.


    M Hoff = Morgan Hoff

    J Ritter = Jack Ritter

    M Mahar = Mike Mahar

    Also we need to split up pieces of game credits who made Radical's NES titles based on newer sources because of a lack of role identification on these people who made the game:

    The Terminator based on Staff data from the article

    Chris Robertson = Programmer

    Alan Blouin = Graphics

    Rory Armes = Producer

    Paul Wilkinson = Sound Composition

    The same also goes for the other two NES games Radical developed:

    The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (based on Staff data from the link:

    Rory Armes = Producer (also Designer)

    Ed Konyha = Graphics

    Chris Lippmann = Programmer (also Designer)

    Paul Wilkinson = Sound Designer

    And Wayne's World (the NES game) (based on the Staff data from the site)

    Chris Lippmann = Programmer (also Designer)

    Ed Konyha = Graphics

    Rory Armes = Producer (also Designer)

    Paul Wilkinson = Sound Designer

    Kevin Wilkinson = Quality Assurance

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    Foxhack (32096) on 4/2/2021 7:44 PM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Duc Nguyen wrote--]Sam Ly and Sam Lee This is the same person, because he worked for Atari at that time.[/Q --end Duc Nguyen wrote--]

    Not quite. There's a "Sam Ly" who's a stunt actor, the Halo credit is actually his.

    There's a chance the other credits -are- Sam Lee's, but I can't find any info to confirm that.

    user avatar

    Freeman (65493) on 3/27/2021 8:03 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    I'm wondering if Nobuko Hagino (no English credits) is actually the same person as Nobuko Ogino? The roles are the same; the difference is that the Hagino profile uses the 萩野 spelling for the surname (which can also be read as Ogino) while the Ogino profile uses 荻野 (can also be read as Hagino).

    I should mention that both names do have separate ANN profiles (Ogino / Hagino), though I'm wondering if this is correct. Not only are the roles the same (In-Between Check), but they're credited on a lot of the same shows (though not together, and usually with Hagino only being credited once on shows they're both credited on). For example, they credit both on Ai Yori Aoshi, but not on the same episodes (and this isn't even correct. They credit Hagino on Ep. 1 but checking the credits this was actually credited to Ogino). ANN has them both credited on Ghost Hunt, but without listing the episodes that Hagino worked on (and again actually checking the credits, Ogino isn't credited alongside Hagino on the several credits that I looked at). Finally, they credit both names on the exact same episodes of Toradora!, but looking at the credits only 荻野 信子 is credited.

    Edit: Even on shows where they only credit Hagino (eg. Bakuman), the credits actually have 荻野 信子.

    So, I'm thinking that Nobuko Hagino/萩野 信子 was likely just a mistake (possibly just by ANN, though 萩野 may have been used a few times). Thoughts on merging?

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 4/2/2021 5:08 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Ogino Nobuko vs Hagino Nobuko.

    Anidb says that Hagino is an AKA (guise) of Ogino.

    I would say that they should be merged, but... I think we'd have to add (As X) to every role in Ogino's profile?

    user avatar

    Freeman (65493) on 4/2/2021 9:56 PM · Permalink · Report

    Thanks. Anidb seems to do the same thing where they credit 'Hagino' on roles credited to 荻野 信子 (eg. ep 4 of Toradora!). So, it seems like a lot of Hagino's credits are actually just transcription errors.

    I'll merge the profiles and leave a note where 萩野 信子 was used.

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 3/28/2021 12:26 PM · Permalink · Report

    Hmmm, could it be possible that these two dev sheets point to the same guy?

    Adam King

    Adam King

    Quite odd that I cannot really find anything about this guy on the web. Or maybe there are really two animators with this name/surname and some game titles need to be transferred.

    user avatar

    Freeman (65493) on 11/3/2021 5:21 AM · Permalink · Report

    Looking through his profile (110879), almost all of his titles are from UK based studios: Eurocom, Runecraft, Acclaim Cheltenham, Pivotal Games, Codemasters, & SuperMassive. The one exception are the two 2007 titles for Ubisoft Divertissements (Montreal). This one also does seem to have a LI profile, though it only lists Ubisoft, no years.

    The 713586 profile's credit seems to be for Gameloft Barcelona.

    It's possible that they're all the same person as the years don't overlap, but it's hard to say without anything further.

    user avatar

    Freeman (65493) on 4/2/2021 6:28 AM · Permalink · Report

    Is it possible that Crude Matsuoka (クルード松岡 / Compile) is the same person as Tsuyoshi Matsuoka? I'm adding the credits for Warau Salesman and クルード松岡 is credited as the Scenario writer - the same role as Tsuyoshi Matsuoka is credited with on Super Nazo Puyo. This thread also mentions that Matsuoka spent some time at Compile. In connection to クルード松岡, I came across this Twitter comment.

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 4/3/2021 1:17 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Is there anyone who knows, why this "AKA" (Juan Logar) was added to dev sheet of Ramon Reparaz?
    Ramon Reparaz
    We also have separate profile for Juan Logar and it all seems to be quite messy:
    Juan Logar
    If my research is right, there are actually 3 actors: Ramon Reparaz, Juan Logar (Junior) and Juan Logar (Senior).
    Juan Logar Junior
    Juan Logar Senior
    Ramon Reparaz
    Someone already created dev correction, but I'm quite confused how to make it all look valid now. I'll try to meanwhile ask Juan Logar (on LinkedIn) and verify some of the games crediting him. For now, I guess someone will have to go through credits and see where Ramon Reparaz was credited as Juan Logar and...move it to Juan Logar dev sheet?

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 8/22/2021 10:47 AM · Permalink · Report

    Went through all credits in his profile and moved all credits mentioning Juan Logar either to Juan Logar or Juan Logar Senior accordingly where obvious (not always clearcut). Only "Far Cry: Instincts - Predator" and "Far Cry: Instincts - Evolution" need further cleanup as i was unable to verify credits due to lack of documentaion/videos anywhere.

    Additionally this profile very likely needs a further split since Wikipedia states that the voice actor is deceased since December 2006. The "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory" credits have Reparaz Jr. besides Ramon Reparaz indicating that there might be another dev with the same name, perhaps his son? Couldn't find anything on him though.

    Another odd thing is that in the credits of "XIII" (Remake) opposite to the original the credits for Juan Logar are all credited to Ramon Reparaz too.

    @Foxhack maybe you could dig a little deeper in the spanish speaking corner of the www? :)

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 8/22/2021 4:20 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    I keep putting this guy off, but yeah, he has a son, who is also a voice actor, and this profile is a mess. I have no idea why the Logar / Reparaz names were merged, either.

    Come to think of it, it might've been because of that XIII credit showing both of those names together? Hrm...

    Edit: Oh so not only is there a Ramon Reparaz Jr, there's also a Juan Logar Jr! Augh

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 4/25/2021 5:00 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Yeah, likely typos - can I proceed with merging or do you want to get this done? Would be good to also get screenshots to this Rolling Ronny credits submission.

    EDIT: Done

    user avatar

    Iggi (36936) on 4/29/2021 5:34 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    I assume "Oli Böttcher",646179/ is the same voice actor as "Oliver Böttcher",198477/? Unfortunately I haven't found any gameography for any of the two name variations...

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 5/3/2021 5:29 PM · Permalink · Report

    Yeah, it is very likely this is the same voice actor. I sent him e-mail to verify that and, well, if he answers, then we'll have it confirmed (or not), otherwise I'm probably going to do the merge after "week of waiting".

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 5/1/2021 8:14 PM · Permalink · Report

    I think Tony Kee and Tony Key should be merged.

    Given the timeline of their respective title list compared to the LinkedIn profile, i think Tony Key's is the coninuation of Tony Kee's.

    And comparing the credits of Catz (Nintendo DS) and Catz (Windows) in overlapping years hints further to it.

    Any objections or thoughts?

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 5/3/2021 5:37 PM · Permalink · Report

    Hmmm, you're probably right. Would be good to know though, why such change even happened and this might be something we'll never know about - maybe he'll potentially answer such question on Twitter?

    Also, we would have to clean up classification of various roles and games on his dev sheet. Gonna take week or more to make it look right.

    I'd wait for another more-experienced approver before starting any "actions" about these two dev sheets.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 5/7/2021 5:51 AM · Permalink · Report

    I'm pretty sure this is the same person.

    Kee's bio matches the information in Key's LinkedIn - his school, the years he was employed at GT Interactive and Ubisoft, and his time as a music executive. And it's the same dude in his LinkedIn photo. :p

    His Twitter seems abandoned now, though. He hasn't tweeted anything in a year.

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 5/12/2021 10:20 PM · Permalink · Report

    How best to proceed then? Is simply merging and adding Kee as an AKA sufficient?

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 5/14/2021 1:55 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Rounin wrote--]How best to proceed then? Is simply merging and adding Kee as an AKA sufficient? [/Q --end Rounin wrote--]I would say so. I'll do the merge in a bit.

    Edit: Merged. This dude is probably the one person with the most credits on the site as of today...

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 5/10/2021 9:10 PM · Permalink · Report

    I'm not quite sure, but i think Idit Sharon, Ideet Sharon and Ideet Martin are one and the same.

    This seems to be her website.

    In Micro Machines she is credited as Ideet Sharon-Martin and as she hails from Israel i think Idit is a version of Ideet. I couldn't find any resume, where she lists her work in the gaming industry though.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 5/14/2021 1:54 AM · Permalink · Report

    They are the same person - based on her LinkedIn.

    Profile 2 matches up with the Infogrames era, profile 3 matches up with her EA era in 2003-2006. She lists her first job in 1998... but her site says she graduated from Vancouver Film School in 1997 and worked as a digital animator. Which means she likely did work on Armed & Delirious.

    I'll merge the three profiles in a bit, and add the LinkedIn to the resulting profile.

    user avatar

    MAT (241251) on 5/12/2021 1:13 AM · Permalink · Report

    Both of these devs are credited under two different H.A.W.X. games. Might be the same dev.,162251/,502462/

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 5/14/2021 1:57 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start MAT wrote--]Both of these devs are credited under two different H.A.W.X. games. Might be the same dev.,162251/,502462/ [/Q --end MAT wrote--]Nope!

    Dev 1 is a Graphic Designer, Dev 2 is a Software Tester. There's some credits from Dev 1 in Dev 2's profile, I'll fix them in a little bit!

    Edit: Credits fixed. I'll add their LinkedIn pages for context.

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    Steve Coleman on 5/14/2021 10:44 AM · Permalink · Report

    Hi guys,

    There's currently one "Steve Coleman" listed, which includes both my credits (2020/2021 under Public Relations) and the credits of a dev from the 80s and 90s. Would it be possible to split these so that my credits are on a separate profile moving forward?


    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 5/14/2021 5:57 PM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Steve Coleman wrote--]Hi guys,

    There's currently one "Steve Coleman" listed, which includes both my credits (2020/2021 under Public Relations) and the credits of a dev from the 80s and 90s. Would it be possible to split these so that my credits are on a separate profile moving forward?

    Thanks! [/Q --end Steve Coleman wrote--]Done.

    If you have any websites you'd like us to add (LinkedIn profiles, etc.) feel free to submit them to this new profile. Thanks.

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 5/16/2021 1:24 PM · Permalink · Report

    Takashi Kobayashi needs a split into several profiles. As far as i can tell into following:

    1. DECO / Y'sK / Zex

    2. BPS / KAZe

    3. "Kishin Dōji Zenki" programmer

    4. The rest are several graphics and cinematics roles, which very likely belong to several other people:

    5. several RayForce title

    6. "Ultimate Muscle"
    7. "Battle Fantasia"
    8. "Gōketsuji Ichizoku"
    9. two Spike Chunsoft title
    10. "Travis Strikes Again"

    Did i miss anything? Any thoughts?

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 5/16/2021 3:39 PM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Rounin wrote--]Takashi Kobayashi needs a split into several profiles. As far as i can tell into following:

    1. DECO / Y'sK / Zex

    2. BPS / KAZe

    3. "Kishin Dōji Zenki" programmer

    4. The rest are several graphics and cinematics roles, which very likely belong to several other people:

    5. several RayForce title

    6. "Ultimate Muscle"
    7. "Battle Fantasia"
    8. "Gōketsuji Ichizoku"
    9. two Spike Chunsoft title
    10. "Travis Strikes Again"

    Did i miss anything? Any thoughts? [/Q --end Rounin wrote--]There's an animator / character designer with that name, and a director / storyboard artist. Both have different name spellings, so those credits would have to be checked against JP releases.

    I also agree with the KazE guy needing to be split.

    I haven't looked into the others yet, but would like to hear more opinions about this.

    user avatar

    Freeman (65493) on 1/11/2022 6:08 AM · Permalink · Report

    1) Original profile (46079) is the Data East/Y's/Zex developer.

    2) 1215923 is the BPS/Watermarks/Kaze dev.

    3) 1215926 is the "Kishin Dōji Zenki" programmer.

    4) 1215927 did Camera work on Travis Strikes Again for Swish Japan.

    5) 1215928 (小林 多加志) is the character designer/animator. Unfortunately, Jump Force's JP credits are in English so I'm not able to check the spelling. Battle Fantasia also might be a different person but it's hard to say without additional information.

    6) 1215932 is the episode director (Danganronpa is listed). The pending Gundam game also has the same spelling.

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 5/18/2021 8:27 PM · Permalink · Report

    I think Tac H., T. Haga and Takuya Haga are one and the same DECO developer.

    The "Captain America and the Avengers" Arcade and Genesis as well as the "Magical Drop II" Arcade and SEGA Saturn credits hint to that.

    Furthermore i have a strong suspicion the nick 3.2.1 (which is used in all "Magical Drop" titles for instance) is his fellow programmer Tomoki Mitsui, which i think is a wordplay on Mitsui mixing the different counting forms.

    3.2.1 = Mi(3)Tsu(2)i(1)
    Mi = short for Mittsu, Kun-reading
    Tsu = Romaji for Two
    I = short for Ichi, On-reading

    Any opinions on that?

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    Foxhack (32096) on 5/23/2021 5:37 AM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Trond Berntsen wrote--]Typo. Jay Garrava ->,418999/ Source -> Jay Gavarra ->,632363/[/Q --end Trond Berntsen wrote--] Original credit submission images have the right spelling. Merged.

    [Q --start Trond Berntsen wrote--]1. Nate Arches (Art),581648/

    1. Vania Maria Oei (Additional Art),632351

    2. Gabriel Dizon (Additional Testing),201335[/Q --end Trond Berntsen wrote--] If these are AKAs for people in your submission, I'm afraid I can't do much at the moment, but I hope you mentioned them in your notes. :)

    [Q --start Trond Berntsen wrote--]2. Zarif Khairuddin (Art) I think this is a same developer.,398018/,410001/[/Q --end Trond Berntsen wrote--] I agree, judging from his credits in Codemasters games. Merged.

    [Q --start Trond Berntsen wrote--]4. Cici Yap (Additional Art) I think this is a same developer.,632354,737404/[/Q --end Trond Berntsen wrote--] Confirmed via LinkedIn. Merged.

    user avatar
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    Foxhack (32096) on 6/18/2021 8:22 PM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Trond Berntsen wrote--]1. Same developer Dimitry Cheglakov,359319/,372411/ Specialbit Studio developer. Info from his credits games.[/Q --end Trond Berntsen wrote--]Confirmed. The proper spelling appears to be Dmitriy, one of the credits in the first profile is spelled Dimitry, so it's a valid AKA. Merged into 372411.

    [Q --start Trond Berntsen wrote--]2. Also same developer Vitaliy Kuzmin,314930/,1162750/[/Q --end Trond Berntsen wrote--]Agreed. 1162750 merged into 314930, keeping Vitaliy as an AKA.

    There's another Vitaliy Kuzmin credited in SnowRunner, but he seems to be a graphic engine programmer, and I couldn't find much info about him.

    [Q --start Trond Berntsen wrote--]3. Same developer from Puzzle Lab - Victoria Shishkina,384813/,1153780/[/Q --end Trond Berntsen wrote--]Merging into 384313 and keeping Viktoria as an AKA.

    [Q --start Trond Berntsen wrote--]4. Same developer Maria Shilina,53099/,418397/[/Q --end Trond Berntsen wrote--]Merged 418397 into 53099, keeping Mariya as an AKA.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 6/18/2021 5:46 AM · Permalink · Report

    It's certainly possible. There's no way of knowing where that resume came from, though, and his LinkedIn doesn't have it posted.

    That same resume you linked to also mentioned Casper for GB, and there is no mention of him in the credits. He -might- be listed in the manual but there's no scans of it online.

    user avatar
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    Foxhack (32096) on 6/18/2021 6:04 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Trond Berntsen wrote--]Same developers

    1. Christian Campbell:,31281/,430403/[/Q --end Trond Berntsen wrote--]Wow, uh... not quite. I see:

    A Crytek employee (LinkedIn) - split here
    The Kongregate / Big Fish / Mobliss / Nintendo of America dev (LinkedIn)
    Someone who worked at Activision in the early 90s and early 2000s (it can't be either of the ones above, they're both too young)
    The Age of Empires credit is for this guy (Edit: Split here)

    Which means that the Diablo II credit and the Introversion credits are for completely different people. The Diablo II credit is specifically for beta testers. The Introversion one might be for the person who started Towel Day and who is all but gone from the internet. I need to confirm names and stuff so this is going to take a while to untangle.

    Edit: Introversion Chris Campbell split here, Diablo II Chris Campbell split here.

    The Chris Campbell with a special thanks credit in Pacific Fighters was split here. None of the others seem to have any relation to the companies in the game so it's probably someone else.

    The Activision Chris Campbell has been merged with the existing entry.

    All the NOA / Big Fish credits have been merged into this profile. There was also a profile with one credit for a Pokemon game, and it fits him, since he was working at NOA at the time. [Q --start Trond Berntsen wrote--]2. Alisa Tyrrill,467674/,484043/ [/Q --end Trond Berntsen wrote--]Yeah this one is fine to merge, just lemme verify the spellings.

    user avatar

    vedder (71300) on 6/7/2021 7:56 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Main person:,2674/
    Wiki article about the man:,255501/ - Most probably same person, a special thanks in another Star Wars title from the same time he worked on Star Wars titles.,599579/ - Cult & Daggers credit most likely refers to the same person since what other Gordon Walton was influential enough to inspire someone? The other special thanks here could be anyone.,471653/ - Sim game thanking developer of sim games around the same time. Most likely same person.,197668/ - Harpoon credits are of the main person. Star Wars special thanks as well. Wheel of Fortune perhaps, he has other executive producer credits from around this time. Syndicate and Spectre are probably not him, but also unlikely to be the same person so they should be split.

    Different Gordon Waltons:,1035827/,925330/,883475/ (don't know)

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 6/18/2021 6:33 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    cracks knuckles

    255501 - Same guy.

    599579 - The Cult & Daggers dev is credited with him in Star Wars Galaxies, so I do believe it's the same person. And this RPS article all but confirms the Banner Saga credit is him. One of our guys, Gordon Walton, here in town has made a lot of games, and he said, "No, you've got to do it much faster." One of the founders of Stoic Studio also worked on Star Wars games, so...

    471653 - Also agree, same person.

    197668 - The Spectre credits are probably his, other people listed in that group have worked in simulation games. There's a chance the Syndicate credits are him, but I'll just split them to another profile.

    1035827 - It's him. The credit is a special thanks from Paul "Sage" Sage, who worked with him in Ultima Online.

    925330 - It's him. This archived post for Hero-U Project Update #86: Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption mentions Gordon Walton, who was working at Artcraft at the time. (And he still is.)

    883475 - Also him! The credits list him and J. Todd Coleman, both were at Artcraft at the time.

    I'll fix this up in the morning. :)

    Edit: LinkedIn confirms the GameTek (Wheel of Fortune) credits are his.

    Edit: All merged into the original profile, Syndicate credits split here.

    user avatar

    - - on 6/19/2021 4:42 AM · edited · Permalink · Report


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    MrFlibble (18377) on 6/21/2021 4:27 PM · Permalink · Report

    It looks like Luis Fernando Fernandez and Luis Fernando Fernández López are likely the same person, as they appear in credits alongside Daniel Navarro Medrano.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 6/21/2021 7:21 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Both this Spanish interview and this 2010 press release use the name "Luis Fernando Fernandez", omitting the Lopez.

    And it seems that this same person worked at Sony according to some interviews in Spanish I found. Two of the credits in this profile are his, the other is not (he was still at SCEE Studio so he couldn't have worked on this game. Two credits have been moved.) Edit: Also this one!

    ALSO, this one. Because Daniel Navarro's LinkedIn mentions Digital Dreams Multimedia. Which also ties these two profiles together.

    I couldn't find Luis Fernando Fernandez' LinkedIn profile so I'm not sure he has one... I wish he did, it'd make verifying this much easier.

    Edited to add: Luis Fernando Fernandez also owned a stake in PlayGiga, which was bought out by Facebook in 2019.

    Edit: I'll merge these later, but I've submitted a correction with the info listed here.

    Edit again: Missed one, 771182 [Luisfer Fernandez]

    Edit: All merged here.

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    MrFlibble (18377) on 6/26/2021 5:22 PM · Permalink · Report

    Thanks a lot for the thorough research!!!

    user avatar
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    Foxhack (32096) on 6/28/2021 2:27 PM · Permalink · Report

    IT'S YOU!

    YOU... sure have worked on a lot of things! Anyway, I've merged them. I also added a link to your LinkedIn profile. Good luck on the new gig!

    user avatar

    Michael Powell (3) on 6/28/2021 6:38 PM · Permalink · Report

    Thank you so much!!

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    Foxhack (32096) on 6/28/2021 3:44 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Looking over these credits and the information posted at Wikipedia, I think Y. Kohdoh is actually Yoshihiko Kodo - SNK had the habit of naming their presidents "Big Boss". Game Machine said he was appointed the head of SNK in 1996, and Neo Turf Masters (the only game this profile is mentioned in) was released on that year.

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 7/6/2021 12:06 PM · Permalink · Report

    I agree. GDRI has an informative short summary of Yoshihiko Kodo's involvement with Nazca and SNK along with further references as well.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 7/6/2021 6:15 PM · Permalink · Report

    I'll be merging these, then.

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 7/6/2021 10:58 AM · Permalink · Report

    Following are a bunch of german voice actors with multiple merge candidates, which i am not entirely sure about:

    Fritz Rott is very likely also Friedhelm Rott and possibly Friedrich Rott too

    Simon Roden is likely also Simon Rohden

    Jürg Löw is possibly Jörg Löw as well

    Dieter Maise is possibly Dieter Meese as well

    Hans Bayer, Hans Baier, Hans Beyer and Hans Beier are likely all one and the same

    Any opinions on the possible mergers?

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 7/6/2021 6:35 PM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Rounin wrote--]Any opinions on the possible mergers? [/Q --end Rounin wrote--]Ubisoft needs better credit proofreaders. Yeesh.

    I looked at the profiles and yeah, I'm pretty sure all of these need to be merged. Some of these only have hits online... for -us-. I'll add some "As 'badly spelled name'" to some credits before I merged them later, if that's allright.

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 7/6/2021 6:52 PM · Permalink · Report

    Fine with me. I guess the renowned french attitude might apply here: "C'est la même chose." :)

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    Foxhack (32096) on 7/14/2021 3:58 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start S Olafsson wrote--]What do ya think?,47359,29676/ [/Q --end S Olafsson wrote--]It seems possible. This thread says Anthony Mack was a coder for the Climax Group - and they directly mention Chicago Syndicate (listed in Tony Mack's profile).

    The Climax Group appears to have been called "Images Software" at one point, and Anthony's credits have two games that were ported by that company.

    Edit: And there are tons of games by Climax Group in Tony Mack's profile... so yeah it seems this might be the same person.

    Edit: I've merged both profiles, and added "As Anthony Mack" to those specific credits. He mostly appeared as Tony Mack (or Tony Mac in at least one ZX Spectrum game - Paperboy) so I've left that as his main name. :)

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    Infernos (46171) on 7/14/2021 11:40 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    1) L. Moses=Don Blaze -

    2) Steph Jeczalik=J.J. Jeczalik - he's credited on the Prodigy track because it samples an Art of Noise song

    3) Gary Langan=Gary Michael Langan -

    4) Paul Morley=Paul Robert Morley -

    5) L. Jackson=Leroy O’Neil Jackson Jr. a.k.a. Leroy Burgess -

    6) Rudolph Taylor=Rudy Taylor -

    7) A. Schreiber=Qwel

    8) N. Nirza=DJ Rhettmatic

    9) Charizma=Charles Hicks -

    10) D. Rabinowitz=Daniel Rey a.k.a. Daniel Rabinowitz -

    11) Roy Roosevelt Bonner=Leroy Bonner -

    12) R. Aguilar=Robert Aguilar=Rob Swift -

    13) Nick Millhiser=Nicholas Millhiser -

    14) Keith Thornton=Kool Keith -

    15) Ian Klimister (typo)=Lemmy Kilmister

    16) E. Schrody=Erik Schrody a.k.a. Everlast -

    17) L. DiMant=DJ Lethal

    18) Brian Johnson=Brian Johnson (AC/DC singer) -

    19) J. Scott G=Scott Giaquinta; full name is Jesse Scott Giaquinta -

    20) NBA credit from D. Stewart should be moved to Derrick Lemel Stewart=Derrick Stewart -

    21) C. Rogers Young=Carl R. Young; while NFL Street 2 credit belongs to Carlos Young -

    22) Rudolf de Borst=Rudolf DeBorst a.k.a. Dolf DeBorst -

    23) M. Brown needs a split; Tony Hawk credit belongs to Qwazaar, while Madden credit belongs to Marqus Brown -

    24) Call of Duty: Black Ops credit from Claydes Eugene Smith should be moved to Columbus Smith -

    25) Juiced credit from Chris Goss should be moved to Christopher Ryan Goss because it samples a Masters of Reality song -

    26) B. Ellis=Bradford Ellis -

    27) D. Betmead is Dominic Betmead -

    28) J. Wallace is Jimbo Wallace -

    29) P. Bentley is Patrick "Taz" Bentley -

    30) P. Hegarty is Patrick Hegarty -

    31) K. Herrmann is Kurt Herrman -

    32) M. McLoughin is Martin McLoughlin -

    33) S. Padden is Scott Padden -

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 8/21/2021 6:35 AM · Permalink · Report

    Sorry for not looking into these, I'll try to do it over the weekend.

    user avatar

    Freeman (65493) on 10/29/2021 11:43 PM · Permalink · Report

    These are all done now. For 21, the writing credit was for Carl Young, not Carlos, so I'm guessing that was just a typo?

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 7/15/2021 11:01 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Yoshinori Kobayashi needs a split into several developers. I see at least:

    1. Taito
    2. Tecmo and affiliates
    3. Nippon Ichi
    4. Game Republic

    Plus several standalone credits for DECO, Capcom, Konami, Square Enix, which are perhaps nonrelated to the above mentioned.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 7/15/2021 4:24 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Rounin wrote--]Yoshinori Kobayashi needs a split into several developers. I see at least:

    1. Taito
    2. Tecmo and affiliates
    3. Nippon Ichi
    4. Game Republic

    Plus several standalone credits for DECO, Capcom, Konami, Square Enix, which are perhaps nonrelated to the above mentioned. [/Q --end Rounin wrote--] The Live a Live credit is for the manga artist Yoshinori Kobayashi ( 小林よしのり / 小林 善範). The other art credits are completely unrelated, this was the only video game credit of his I could find. The other Square Enix one for Tactics Ogre seems to be for a publicity person.

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 7/15/2021 5:14 PM · Permalink · Report

    Ah, then the credit belongs to this Yoshinori Kobayashi. Wondered if there was a connection because of the illustration role.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 7/15/2021 7:27 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Rounin wrote--]Ah, then the credit belongs to this Yoshinori Kobayashi. Wondered if there was a connection because of the illustration role. [/Q --end Rounin wrote--]Oh good I can move it there later.

    This manga guy mentioned Live a Live being potentially released on mobile in a blogpost a few years back. And the JP Wikipedia page for the game links to him, even if his actual page doesn't even mention it.

    Edit: Credit moved!

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 7/15/2021 10:24 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Rounin wrote--]Yoshinori Kobayashi needs a split into several developers. I see at least:

    1. Taito
    2. Tecmo and affiliates
    3. Nippon Ichi
    4. Game Republic

    Plus several standalone credits for DECO, Capcom, Konami, Square Enix, which are perhaps nonrelated to the above mentioned. [/Q --end Rounin wrote--]Okay...

    Team Ninja / Tecmo: here;
    Konami dev: here;
    Nippon Ichi dev: here;
    Game Republic dev: here;
    Psychic Force dev here - note that I split him up from the other earlier credits because I wasn't sure if he's the same person from the arcade games. I decided to play it safe. (Edit: Merged back in at Rounin's suggestion)

    Some notes:
    The Heavy Metal: Geomatrix credit is for the Game Republic dev; several art and modeling staffers in that went on to work on Game Republic later on, so it makes sense that credit is his.
    The Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT credit is of the Team Ninja guy. I screwed up and thought it was a Square game, but it was developed by Team Ninja. Oops.
    I split off the Tactics Ogre and Bloody Wolf credits to their own separate profiles. I couldn't find more Data East or Square credits to go with those, so I have to assume they're separate people.

    That should be sorted out now, unless you want me to merge the Psychic Force dev back into the main Taito profile.

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 7/16/2021 12:05 PM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Foxhack wrote--] That should be sorted out now, unless you want me to merge the Psychic Force dev back into the main Taito profile. [/Q --end Foxhack wrote--] I'd keep the "Psychic Force" credit with the Taito dev, some of his programming co-workers have credits from around the same time in the early 90s.
    Otherwise very nice! Much appreciated.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 7/16/2021 3:55 PM · Permalink · Report

    Good point, I'll merge that profile back. My bad.

    I couldn't find much info about the Taito dev online, which sucks. I was hoping he'd be interviewed or something...

    user avatar

    Constantinos Tsikinis (27425) on 7/16/2021 4:58 PM · Permalink · Report,261218/ and,784925/ both have credits for the Yakuza and Kingdom Hearts series. It seems likely that the series only belongs to one dev each. The issue I'm having is that several devs might also be crammed into here ("Yuki Kato" is a common enough name, judging by the other results). To try to make sense of things, I'm listing the credits between the two pages by company:

    * Shaman King: Master of Spirits (2004)
    * Shaman King: Master of Spirits 2 (2005)

    * Blue Dragon (2006)

    * Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals (2008)

    * Infinite Undiscovery (2008)

    * Yakuza 2 (2006)
    * Yakuza 3 (2009)
    * NieR (2010)
    * Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (2010)
    * The 3rd Birthday (2010)

    Amusement Vision:
    * Yakuza 4 (2010)

    Square Enix:
    * Mario Sports Mix (2010)
    * Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter - Prologue (2017)
    * Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 ReMIX (2017)
    * Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (2017)
    * Kingdom Hearts III (2019)

    Ryu ga Gotoku:
    * Yakuza 5 (2012)
    * Binary Domain (2012)
    * Yakuza 0 (2015)
    * Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (2016)
    * Yakuza: Kiwami 2 (2018)
    * Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise (2018)
    * Judgment (2019)

    Tango Gameworks:
    * The Evil Within (2014)

    * Dark Souls II (2014)
    * Bloodborne (2015)
    * Dark Souls III (2016)
    * Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019)

    Ubisoft Osaka:
    * Sonic: Free Riders (2010)

    * Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F (2013)
    * Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd (2014)

    * WWE 2K15 (2015)

    JellyThink Inc.:
    * Transformers Devastation (2015)
    * Star Fox Guard (2016)
    * NieR: Automata (2017)
    * The Evil Within 2 (2017)

    Digital Media Lab:
    * Tekken 7 (2017)

    * Devil May Cry 5 (2019)

    I'm really not sure how to sort this out. The Avant credits would suggest that all of the Yakuza and Kingdom Hearts credits (alongside the other credits for the same companies) belong to one person, but I just refuse to believe that someone was able to work at multiple AAA studios in the same years for high-profile titles at the same time. At the very least, unless there's evidence to the contrary, the credits for Konami, Artoon, Jupiter, SHiiTAKE DiGiTAL, Yuke's, Digital Media Lab, and Capcom all seem like they each belong to separate devs.

    This thread was made at the request of Mtik333.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 7/16/2021 6:28 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    this Kingdom Hearts credit listing says Yuki Kato's name is spelled "嘉藤 有希".

    This same spelling is listed in Mario Sports Mix's Japanese manual. (As reported by Google's automatic OCR of PDFs, and which was transcribed here.)

    I also found a Famitsu article where she's interviewed here. Google Translate says that she does graphical effects for games (VFX Design.)

    So there's the people here:
    One, the Square Enix VFX artist, who has worked in Kingdom Hearts and Mario Sports Mix (the game has several Square Enix people in the credits) (嘉藤 有希);
    Two, the animator that works for Sega (Yakuza series, Mario & Sonic);
    Three, the Blazblue character designer (加藤 ユキ or 加藤勇樹);
    Four, this freelance animator that claims to have worked in Dragon Quest XI;
    Five, an animator that's credited in Star Fox Zero as being part of Jelly Think Inc. (there is almost no info about this company online, but shared staff might be able to pin this down.)
    Edit: Six, an illustrator that works for Konami on the Yugioh games, whose name is spelled 加藤友紀 according to a video and this credit list (this person did not work on Hard Corps Uprising, it was developed by Arc System Works and their in-house artists are credited on that.)

    The other profiles with the same name have works that might go with other profiles, too. This is a gigantic mess...

    Also, don't pay that much attention to publishing companies, in a lot of cases that doesn't matter, especially when it comes to art stuff. Look at any related roles and shared staff before going by publisher. A lot of folks do freelance work now. :)

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 8/3/2021 6:40 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Adding some notes for later:

    嘉藤 有希 (the Square VFX person) is credited in Kingdom Hearts 3DS, her given name is written in Kanji, and it's spelled out "Yuki Katou"; that can be seen here.

    The animator that worked for Avant Inc. (credited in Yakuza 3 at the least) is spelled 加藤 勇気 according to that game's credits, and they're also listed in Kingdom Hearts 3DS; You can see their credit here.

    I've split the artist that worked on the Phineas and Ferb games (for Altron Corporation, with one additional credit pending in the queue) here, and the Yu-Gi-Oh artist (加藤 友紀) is now here. A search of showed that this person has worked on a few Konami games doing art, so I moved the two Shaman King Metroidvania credits there (both by Konami.)

    Those two are sorted. I'll work on the other two tomorrow.

    Edit: The Dragon Quest XI animator has been confirmed to be a separate person through her online portfolio and CV. Her profile is now here. According to the Japanese credits for Dragon Quest XI, her name is spelled 加藤 由起 (see here at 44:55 minutes.)

    Edit: The Shin Megami Tensei IV Final Yuki Kato is... spelled the same as the Konami one?! See this wiki with the credits typed out, verified first via this video.

    Edit 3: So apparently the specific Yuki Kato that has worked for FromSoftware, CyberConnect2, Atlus and Sega might be the same person after all. He's credited as being part of "TASKIV Inc." in Dark Souls 2, and that company has been involved in more than a few projects that this person has appeared in.

    Edit 4: The Infinite Undiscovery one is an animator with Shiitake Digital Ltd according to this thread at Anime News Network - the main profile seems to have never been fixed, but this page that does credits similarly to us suggests that this is the right person. His Kanji is 加藤祐樹. I split him here.

    Edit 5: Welp. According to this school page, the animator in Edit 4... is the same person who worked at Sega. This directly mentions his involvement in the Ryu ga Gotoku / Yakuza series, God Eater (uncredited?), Binary Domain, and the animated shows listed above. His name is in the JP credits for Yakuza 0 at the timestamp in this video. This page also mentions the guy is a freelancer, so all the non-VFX animation credits (but not the editing ones) could conceivably be his. If only I could find some FromSoftware credits with his Japanese name...

    Edit 6: I decided to split the FromSoftware animator here. The people he's shared credits with rarely appear in the other games credited to this person, so I figured it had to be someone else. Unfortunately FromSoftware loves to have English credits, even in their Japanese releases, so I couldn't find his kanji.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 8/6/2021 9:58 PM · Permalink · Report

    Oh god. This sucked.

    I merged pretty much every animation credit for 加藤 祐樹 I found here. All of these games have shared staff in one way or another, through several companies.

    There's a few of them that are listed as 'artist', like Devil May Cry 5, but that's in the context of a cutscene, and other folks in there also worked on a Resident Evil game doing the same work, but they're correctly credited as 'Cutscene Artists' there.

    All of the VFX credits for 嘉藤 有希 remained here. They're both credited in two Kingdom Hearts games, but their roles are completely separate.

    The FromSoftware animator is here. I didn't find any shared staff so I just left him separate to play it safe. If his Japanese spelling is ever found, that should be enough info to merge or keep him separate.

    Everyone else should now be fine. Woo I'm tired.

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    Rounin (10103) on 7/17/2021 4:56 AM · Permalink · Report

    Naoki Matsuo should be split into following devs imo:

    1. Taito/Racjin/Acquire
      Later Racjin and Acquire titles have shared staff with Taito dev

    2. FromSoftware/imageepoch/Ilinx
      His Facebook resume - Ilinx (株式会社イリンクス) is mentioned at the bottom

    3. Konami

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 7/17/2021 5:42 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Rounin wrote--]Naoki Matsuo should be split into following devs imo:

    1. Taito/Racjin/Acquire
      Later Racjin and Acquire titles have shared staff with Taito dev

    2. FromSoftware/imageepoch/Ilinx
      His Facebook resume - Ilinx (株式会社イリンクス) is mentioned at the bottom

    3. Konami [/Q --end Rounin wrote--] 1: Japanese name spelled 松尾 直樹
      2: Japanese name spelled 松尾 直貴
      3: Appears to have been a producer at something called "Volante"; he seems to have only been credited in a single game, Beatmania: The Sound of Tokyo. I couldn't find any information about that company.

    Taito / Racjin / Acquire dev credits remained here; From Software developer has been moved here; Konami dev has been split here.

    And yes, the From Software dev has some really odd credits at the beginning, but it has the correct kanji spelling... so I'm pretty sure it is the same guy. Weird, but whatever.

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 7/17/2021 6:25 AM · Permalink · Report

    Many thanks. Though not mentioned anywhere in his resumes, "Case Closed: One Truth Prevails/Meitantei Conan" should also be moved to FromSoftware dev due to imageepoch link imo.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 7/17/2021 7:39 PM · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Rounin wrote--]Many thanks. Though not mentioned anywhere in his resumes, "Case Closed: One Truth Prevails/Meitantei Conan" should also be moved to FromSoftware dev due to imageepoch link imo. [/Q --end Rounin wrote--]Ah dangit, sorry, I missed that one.

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 7/17/2021 10:22 PM · Permalink · Report

    Satoshi Nakamura contains at least two profiles.

    Definitely the Koei programmer has to be split off. Question is if the early Sims/Genki (中村 智) and FACE credits also belong to the Bandai Namco dev.

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 8/10/2021 6:35 PM · Permalink · Report

    Suggested via correction by UnderdogAnomaly that all of the "Product Testing" and Quality Assurance credits be moved from Yuki Takashi to Yuuki Takahashi

    Like in many Japanese cases, I can't find any social-media links, but it could be possible that indeed all QA-related entries (and ones that are not yet classified as QA but should belong there) needs to be moved.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 8/11/2021 12:00 AM · Permalink · Report

    He's timestamped here. His first three kanji are 高橋祐 but I can't figure out what that fourth one is (OCR isn't working for me and I can't figure out how to get JWPxp to get the kanji.)

    user avatar

    Rounin (10103) on 8/11/2021 6:16 AM · Permalink · Report

    Fourth kanji is 貴.

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 8/12/2021 1:24 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Curious, Sega uses a different reading of his surname here - 髙橋 祐貴

    But, 髙 is not the same as 高, despite having the same reading.

    Another site lists it as 高橋祐貴.

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    unif uniko on 8/24/2021 12:44 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [Spam redacted]

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    Aura Triolo (137) on 9/14/2021 1:15 AM · Permalink · Report

    Found most of these back in december and forgot to do anything with them. Hopefully most of them are pretty straightforward.

    These three Dan Rosas's are the same person - I confirmed this by checking his linkedin. The "tetragon works developers" is also telling because that team was formed almost entirely of ex-KSP devs, starting out.,778714/,1116460/,970723

    These two Sorins seem extremely likely to be the same person given they share an extremely specific career discipline and work on the same game franchises.,593163/,627521/

    These two seem likely, given the name and shared outsource QA career.,735079/,1011487/

    These five Ryan Clarks are 100% the same person. I can say this with high confidence because Ryan is the head of Brace Yourself Games and a major figure in the vancouver indie dev social scene. A huge number of the games in the various "thanks" are locally developed vancouver indie games (Infested Planet, Rebuild 3, Darkest Dungeon, Bunker Punks) and many of the rest are high profile indies who almost certainly made contact with him at events like pax and gdc, where he regularly hosts parties.,201969/,1116455/,774833/,916023/,905686/

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 9/19/2021 10:10 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Dan Rosas - merged. For others, I'll update this post once done (or any questions from my side).

    Sorin Serafim - there's also third Sorin Serafim -,1168954/ - and it's the same dev according to that LinkedIn, so actually 3 merged; I put Sorin-Laurentju Serafim to AKA due to these games mentioned there like Child of Light or The Crew.

    Rafael Torner (Alvarado) - agree, his LI confirms this - - merged with Alvarado going into AKA due to Madagascar title.

    Ryan Clark - also merged, thanks a lot.

    user avatar

    inrm2 on 9/17/2021 6:46 PM · Permalink · Report,663/ This is 2 people. I initially created the entry and was wanting to update. Titles between 2000-2020 are the other Ian's work. My LinkedIn profile: Other Ian Mitchell profile:


    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 9/19/2021 10:25 PM · Permalink · Report

    Should be ready, please check.

    user avatar

    Evolyzer (21898) on 9/29/2021 6:44 AM · Permalink · Report

    Paul Abbott and Paul Abbott is most likely one and the same person

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 11/5/2021 5:45 PM · Permalink · Report

    Seems you're right - - merged, thx

    user avatar

    unif uniko on 10/3/2021 11:49 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [spam redacted]

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    Electric Boogaloo (1916) on 10/3/2021 6:18 PM · Permalink · Report

    A while back, I came across a Twitter reply from System Sacom programmer Hiroshi Ogino (there are three MobyGames listings with the same name, so I'm unsure which one matches, but he did write an e-book documenting his time at the company, which included a chapter on Gale Racer, which Sacom developed - On that reply, he was able to confirm that "Shiori Hongo" was Ogino's alias in Gale Racer (likely an anagram), while "Yoshito Kida" was an alias for System Sacom composer Hiroki Kamata (id=442302). Kida was apparently the name of a character in one of Kamata's comics he drew at the time. Would this be sufficient evidence for a developer merge/name change?

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    Electric Boogaloo (1916) on 10/24/2021 3:41 PM · Permalink · Report

    Fold Will Norble (id=204615) into Will Noble (id=133499). His name was misspelled in the Gauntlet IV attract mode (where they showed the credits for the original 1985 Gauntlet arcade game)

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 11/5/2021 5:49 PM · Permalink · Report

    Looks legit, done, thanks

    user avatar

    kirshoegor jack on 10/26/2021 3:41 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [spam redacted]

    user avatar

    Foxhack (32096) on 11/2/2021 6:23 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    I believe the single credit from this profile, and the two testing credits from this one needs to be moved to this profile.

    The Alone in the Dark credit is listed under "EDS". 538181 has a 2008 credit for testing in Chronicles of Riddick PS3 with that same company.

    Edit: This profile needs to be merged with this one. He works at Limited Run as a curator. It's the same guy.

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 11/5/2021 6:06 PM · Permalink · Report

    Both should be ready, thanks

    user avatar

    Infernos (46171) on 11/3/2021 1:00 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

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    Cantillon (81550) on 11/26/2021 10:29 AM · Permalink · Report

    This seems not to be done yet?

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 12/22/2021 11:35 PM · Permalink · Report

    not yet, maybe i'll try to pick it up before end of 2021.

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    Genu Venue on 11/26/2021 10:33 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    [spam redacted]

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 12/28/2021 12:14 PM · Permalink · Report

    seems to be finally ready, thanks a lot.

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    Cantillon (81550) on 11/26/2021 10:29 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    We had three Paul Bonner profiles: 1, 2, 3 (I archived them in These are actually two people, where some credits were mixed up between them. One guy is a programmer who started out as QA and does production too. The other one is an artist. I fixed them.

    The Special Thanks credit is the programmer, as Streamline Studios is on his LinkedIn.

    The Art credits seem to be from the same artist:

    • Confrontation (2012) - Rackham Artworks (proof, "A really old one from Rackham. The underground old city in Cadawallon. Just loved the story telling that they allowed me to do ( and the amazing concepts of Edouard Guiton")
    • Space Hulk (1993) - Manual Illustrations by (proof)
    • Dragonfire: The Well of Souls (1999) - Title Graphics (the credit is under Target Games Interactive AB. This company also made Mutant Chronicles, for which Paul did work)
    • Svea Rike (1997) - Box Art (also Target Games)
    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 12/22/2021 11:36 PM · Permalink · Report

    looks legit, good job

    user avatar

    Cantillon (81550) on 12/10/2021 1:44 PM · Permalink · Report

    I think the voice cast credits here should be split to a different developer. It is probably this actor.

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 12/22/2021 11:41 PM · Permalink · Report

    i agree to that, split two credits to,1210560/, thx

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    davep_75 (2704) on 12/12/2021 10:23 PM · Permalink · Report


    Please could Daniel Lopez Vallejo (Developer ID: 916279) be merged into Daniel Lopez (ID:100395)?

    Below is a copy of my correspondence with him, confirming he is the same person:

    Daniel López @fenedan SWE currently developing games for Nintendo Switch. Ex-cofounder of @abylight

    Hi Daniel. I hope you are well. I'm sorry to disturb you but I'm a contributor to the video games database, Mobygames, and I was just adding the developer credits to your excellent Q-Bee! game onto the system when I noticed there was already a developer listed as "Daniel López Vallejo" who is created as working on Elite Forces: Unit 77 for Abylight, which I notice from your Twitter profile, you co-foundered. Would you be kind enough to confirm if this is you or not so that I can credit Q-Bee! to the correct person? I don't like making assumptions! Gracias! Dave Pearce Nov 9, 2021, 4:48 PM

    Hi David, Yes, it is correct. I was a co-founder of Abylight and worked on Elite Forces. Thanks for adding Q*Bee! Nov 20, 2021, 5:45 PM

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 12/22/2021 11:44 PM · Permalink · Report

    yep, done, double-check with and it confirms what you provided, thanks.

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    Cantillon (81550) on 12/22/2021 8:50 PM · Permalink · Report

    I think John Gärtner and John Gaertner are the same person. Although it does seem strange that he would have two spellings in one credit listing...

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 12/22/2021 11:49 PM · Permalink · Report

    hmm, have you tried contacting this guy via ? it sounds like you're right but would be also good to check directly

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    Electric Boogaloo (1916) on 12/29/2021 4:26 AM · Permalink · Report

    Fold Xion Cooper (id=61936) and Shawn Cooper (id=1193008) into Shawn Cooper (id=73614).

    They are the same person, with "Xion" being an alternate spelling of his name.

    Eugene Jarvis video interview, revealing that Cooper was part of the Cruis'n USA team who had worked on Cruis'n Blast:

    user avatar

    Mtik333 (29531) on 1/7/2022 11:54 PM · Permalink · Report

    hmm, should it really be merged into 73614 and not 61936? i see name Xion Cooper on LI and ArtStation, so it looks to me like actually Xion should be the "main first name" and Shawn Cooper go into AKA; +

    user avatar

    Electric Boogaloo (1916) on 1/8/2022 3:21 AM · Permalink · Report

    I suppose so, considering that name is credited in more games.

    Even in Cruis'n Blast on Switch, "XION" does show as a name in the leaderboards (which I believe are dev and dev family names) -

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    Mtik333 (29531) on 1/8/2022 1:21 PM · Permalink · Report

    ok, merged, thx