Forums > MobyGames > Game Groups discussions

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Patrick Bregger (305122) on 8/28/2014 4:03 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

Instead of opening up one quickly forgotten thread after another, I propose we return to the old way of one thread for everything game groups.

I plan to add the following game group: Gameplay feature: Real-time with pause

This game group collects games which are played in real-time, but can be paused at any time to issue commands to player character(s), units, etc. While this term is mostly used for computer role-playing games like Darklands or the Baldur's Gate series, it can also be applied to other genres like real-time strategy (e.g. Company of Heroes) or managerial simulations (e.g. Kurt: Der Fußballmanager '99).


  • The mere presence of a pause button is not enough; the player needs to be able to issue direct or indirect commands while the game is paused which are executed after the game is unpaused.
  • Real-time with pause does not need to be the primary gameplay mechanic (e.g. a turn-based strategy game with real-time with pause battles could be entered into this group).

I wonder if I should include games which are technically not real-time with pause but allow to change the playing speed to a crawl which is practically the same as pause. But of course this needs to be properly isolated from bullet time. I am also in the market for another managerial game example which may be known outside Germany, but that is the only one I played...

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Cavalary (11608) on 8/28/2014 4:10 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Wouldn't say slowing speed to a crawl is practically the same thing as pausing. If it's something very time-sensitive, in one situation you can miss it and in the other you can't, plus in case of real pause you can go and check something else you think may be useful, like notes, guides and so on, before issuing the commands.

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Patrick Bregger (305122) on 9/14/2014 9:23 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

When nobody else has something to add, I'll go ahead with the group.

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Indra was here (20747) on 9/14/2014 10:34 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Could be changed to Theme: Real Time with Pause. Though I'd go with Semi-Real Time. Why theme? Dunno. For some strange reason the Real Time and Turn-based tags are categorized under theme. Weird.

Wonder how this will be related to the real time tags then? I figure if games have this tag, there's no need for it to be marked with real time.

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Rola (8478) on 9/15/2014 4:15 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Indra is here wrote--]Real Time and Turn-based tags are categorized under theme[/Q --end Indra is here wrote--] These were lumped as our Founding Fathers didn't want to create yet another section. That doesn't mean we have to stick to 1999 limitations. It is definitely gameplay trait.

I'd only add to description that it's sometimes called active pause.,_rounds_and_time-keeping_systems_in_games#Pausable_real-time

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Indra was here (20747) on 9/16/2014 1:25 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rola wrote--] [Q2 --start Indra is here wrote--]Real Time and Turn-based tags are categorized under theme [/Q2 --end Indra is here wrote--] These were lumped as our Founding Fathers didn't want to create yet another section. That doesn't mean we have to stick to 1999 limitations. It is definitely gameplay trait.

I'd only add to description that it's sometimes called active pause.,_rounds_and_time-keeping_systems_in_games#Pausable_real-time [/Q --end Rola wrote--] Yeah. This'll also require a lot of genre corrections if we want it to be accurate, especially since we basically lumped everything that isn't turned based under real-time. Yeah, remind me of the next person that says my game group descriptions are too specific and ask me again in 10 years.

So Timekeeping: Active Pause / Pausable Real-Time?

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Cavalary (11608) on 9/16/2014 9:46 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Pausable real-time sounds weird.

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Indra was here (20747) on 9/16/2014 1:43 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

A lot of technical terms sound weird to me, though if it's an official or at least an accepted term, when might as well. Until someone comes up with a better term in the future.

I have more aesthetic issues with the term 'timekeeping' for some strange reason.

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Cavalary (11608) on 9/16/2014 2:33 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

True, that's weird too. And I can't say I ever heard "pausable real time" before, only "real time with pause" or "active pause system".

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Terok Nor (43353) on 9/21/2014 10:38 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I just discovered the Theme: School group. How about one for higher education, i.e. university/college? Maybe including magic academies and such?

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Indra was here (20747) on 9/23/2014 10:48 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Terok Nor wrote--]I just discovered the Theme: School group. How about one for higher education, i.e. university/college? Maybe including magic academies and such? [/Q --end Terok Nor wrote--] I never understood what college means. Have trouble translating it to my country's language. Anyway...

Theme: College / University

Games that feature a higher educational facility equivalent to that of a academy, college, technical institute, university, or equivalent to that of an educational facility after graduating high school. To qualify for this game group, the educational facility should have noticeable prominence within the game.

Fictional educational facilities of fantasy or science fiction theme, may also be included. Pre-medieval or pre-industrial age educational facilities, such as Plato's Academy may also be included.

[too lazy to add the limitations right now]

[wonders why we're calling it a theme, when technically we're talking about a location]

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Donatello (466) on 6/11/2015 2:32 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Indra is stressed wrote--] [Q2 --start Terok Nor wrote--]I just discovered the Theme: School group. How about one for higher education, i.e. university/college? Maybe including magic academies and such? [/Q2 --end Terok Nor wrote--] I never understood what college means. Have trouble translating it to my country's language. Anyway...

Theme: College / University

Games that feature a higher educational facility equivalent to that of a academy, college, technical institute, university, or equivalent to that of an educational facility after graduating high school. To qualify for this game group, the educational facility should have noticeable prominence within the game.

Fictional educational facilities of fantasy or science fiction theme, may also be included. Pre-medieval or pre-industrial age educational facilities, such as Plato's Academy may also be included.

[too lazy to add the limitations right now]

[wonders why we're calling it a theme, when technically we're talking about a location] [/Q --end Indra is stressed wrote--]

What happened to this game group?`Do we have one for high school?

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Indra was here (20747) on 6/11/2015 5:33 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

It's up to the approvers to create said game group. Ask again next year. :p

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Terok Nor (43353) on 6/11/2015 6:29 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

High school should fit into the existing Theme: School group.

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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 10/19/2014 2:09 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Theme: Mental facility? Nobody wants to go there in real life, but it's present almost in every game. Among the games that come to mind are the first Black Mirror, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Alan Wake, Evil Dead: Regeneration etc.

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 10/19/2014 6:40 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Bedlam, Sanitarium

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Starbuck the Third (22601) on 10/19/2014 9:22 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start CalaisianMindthief wrote--]Theme: Mental facility? Nobody wants to go there in real life, but it's present almost in every game. Among the games that come to mind are the first Black Mirror, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Alan Wake, Evil Dead: Regeneration etc. [/Q --end CalaisianMindthief wrote--]

Just submitted.

I only gave it a basic description, so feel free to edit it once approved.

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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 10/20/2014 6:20 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Thanks. :)

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Fred VT (25942) on 10/23/2014 7:33 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

Do we have a group for games in which changing equipment results in a visual change?

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Indra was here (20747) on 10/23/2014 7:38 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Fred VT wrote--]Do we have a group for games in which changing equipment results in a visual change? [/Q --end Fred VT wrote--]None. It's still on my to do list. Female armor was once proposed, but nothing ever came out of it.

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Fred VT (25942) on 10/29/2014 1:04 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Group idea (if it doesn't already exist):

Game with tips showing during loading (please find a better name :P)

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Indra was here (20747) on 10/29/2014 1:31 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Er. Game Feature: Tips? :p

I really need a new category other than Gameplay Feature. Like this one, that is more interface related. Game Interface? Does this make any sense?

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Fred VT (25942) on 10/29/2014 1:47 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I mean tips that appear specifically as the loading screen.

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Cavalary (11608) on 10/29/2014 11:02 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

Game Feature: Loading Screen Tips?

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Fred VT (25942) on 10/29/2014 11:46 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

good wording :)

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Indra was here (20747) on 10/29/2014 11:50 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

We sure racked our brains to come up with this one. groans :p

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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/4/2015 7:31 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I have added a new game group called Setting: Orient Express (currently pending).

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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/27/2015 3:42 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

I have already submitted a group called:

Protagonist: Treasure hunter

This group includes games that feature protagonists who spend a significant portion of their lives treasure hunting, to the point that it can be considered a full-time occupation. Treasure hunters seek artifacts or riches for personal gains or unscientific reasons, be it money, glory, emotional satisfaction, hoarding, or saving the world. Some such characters can have an archaeological background, like Indiana Jones, since that is certified by an academic degree, but no modern self-respecting archaeologist would actually stoop to treasure hunting. Many early archaeologists, such as Heinrich Schliemann, are considered ordinary treasure hunters.


  • Games where seeking treasure is a secondary occupation for the protagonist, for example as a part of a quest or wilderness exploration in medieval fantasy RPGs, should not be included in this group.

It's currently pending.

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Indra was here (20747) on 1/27/2015 4:21 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Might want to include an additional or minor explanation in the existing limitations for part-time treasure hunters i.e. pirates e.g. Sid Meier's Pirates und Uncharted Waters.

I vaguely remember having a Gameplay Feature: Treasure Digging (or was it just digging?) somewhere in my bucket list.

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Rola (8478) on 1/28/2015 12:27 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

How about some peer review first, before submitting such ambiguous groups, eh?

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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/28/2015 1:43 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Well, eventually group creation will be available to all users, so the process itself should be more straightforward than casting suggestions into peer review limbo. The description is freely editable so have a go att it. Treasure hunters are well defined in both fiction and real life . I'd say not having this group is unforgivable.

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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/28/2015 2:05 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I promise i'll submit the next on the forums first. In fact anyone who has ideas for protagonist groups please write them herw or point me to them and i'll create the groups if there is a consensus.

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Rola (8478) on 2/1/2015 8:01 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I have a problem with any group that leaves a lot to interpretation. Even though you gave examples & limitations, I say that not many people would be able to differentiate such people. Heck, I'd even argue with Indy's case :) "That cross belongs in a museum!"

Before our backend gets upgraded, I'd wait with any groups that would soon require a lot of entry removal. I understand the burden of approvers.

Mind you, this is nothing personal: I often object Indra's groups, while otherwise we often team together.

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Indra was here (20747) on 2/3/2015 2:27 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rola wrote--]Mind you, this is nothing personal: I often object Indra's groups, while otherwise we often team together. [/Q --end Rola wrote--]Oh, it's personal alright. :D But, I always appreciate the input.

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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 3/1/2015 7:07 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I seek to change the text of the group to:

Protagonist: Treasure hunter

This group includes games that feature protagonists who spend a significant portion of their lives treasure hunting, to the point that it can be considered a full-time occupation. Treasure hunters seek valuable historical or prehistorical artifacts without undertaking any kind of scientific research at the place of discovery, as practiced in modern archaeology. Some such characters can have an archaeological background, like Indiana Jones, since that is certified by an academic degree, but no modern self-respecting archaeologist would actually stoop to treasure hunting. Many early archaeologists, such as Heinrich Schliemann, are considered ordinary treasure hunters. Modern treasure hunters may employ costly state-of-the-art equipment, and use science to search for artifacts, but they have little interest in researching their historical meaning in the context of the site, culture or entire civilization. Limitations:
  • Games where seeking treasure is a secondary occupation for the protagonist, for example as a part of a quest or wilderness exploration in medieval fantasy RPGs, should not be included in this group.
Related sites

The additions are shown in italics. The group can be found here.

The changes should make it clear that it's only about historical/prehistorical artifacts.

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Indra was here (20747) on 3/2/2015 4:47 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Don't forget to exclude treasure seeking pirates. Might want to remove historical/prehistorical. Don't think the time period matters e.g. Indiana Jones jumping to the future in search for Stephen Hawking's wheelchair. :p

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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 3/2/2015 7:13 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

I'll add in the bits about the pirates, but about time travel, I think Indy would be going after something considered an artifact in the future.

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BdR (7206) on 3/4/2015 3:21 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I'll just repeat my suggestion for a game group "2 games" series PS1, see also the old thread. As far as I know all games in the Playstation1 "2 games" series have been added, but adding them all into a group makes them much easier to find.

Tentative Name: PlayStation "2 games" series

Description: "2 games" is a series of twin pack games, released at the end of the economic lifespan of the original PlayStation around 2002 and 2003. The game packages all have the same cover layout; a white background with the two original covers and orange text "2 games".

Example games rayman-rayman-2-the-great-escape, 007-tomorrow-never-dies-007-the-world-is-not-enough, need-for-speed-porsche-2000-moto-racer-2, syphon-filter-2-in-cold-blood, gran-turismo-motor-toon-grand-prix-2, tekken-2-soul-blade, v-rally-eagle-one-harrier-attack, medievil-c-12-final-resistance, wipeout-3-destruction-derby-2, destruction-derby-raw-porsche-challenge, tekken-ridge-racer, tekken-2-soul-blade, bugs-bunny-taz-time-busters-wacky-races, hogs-of-war-worms, driver-driver-2

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click here to win an iPhone9SSSS (2261) on 3/4/2015 10:18 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

reading this game description, a series group is needed there.

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Patrick Bregger (305122) on 3/5/2015 6:45 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Well, not as long we have only one game on file.

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Cavalary (11608) on 3/5/2015 2:27 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Not that that hasn't been done before. Group made ahead of time for when the second will be added I imagine, but that never happened.

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Havoc Crow (29969) on 3/8/2015 9:35 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Theme: Famous politicians

This group includes games (often satirical ones) which star a real-life politician (or a political party) in a major role. This also includes games where the character in question bears a fictional name, but is still clearly a stand-in for a specific real-life politician or a political party.


I think we've got quite a few such games, off the top of my head: Super Obama World, Maggie Bird, The Politically Incorrect Adventures of Gewt Ningrich...

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Indra was here (20747) on 3/9/2015 7:59 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

We don't have a superhero game group. Not entirely sure if the best approach is a theme or a protagonists. I'm leaning towards protagonist since theme+person/profession=future trouble.

Well, that and figuring out how to exclude every major superhero license in existence. Can we say that? Exclude every major superhero license in existence?

Basically this game group is for those unknown superhero games.

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Rwolf (23529) on 3/9/2015 9:29 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

Most games make the protagonist into a superhero of sorts, though I guess you mean well-known superheros licensed/referred from comics/movies etc.

We do have this, which includes some subgroups, maybe a supergroup is possible:

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Indra was here (20747) on 3/9/2015 9:50 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

[yikes, forgot to fix the links in the Marvel game groups]

Yeah, protagonist seems to be it.

Well, as long the point is to exclude Marvel, DC, and any major licensed title, that is what I'm aiming for. Though admittedly, it technically feels wrong to exclude them just because they're too famous. Then again, there's no way to browse such not-so-famous superhero titles.

Anyway, for any approve bored enough:

Tentative Title: Protagonist: Not-So-Famous Superhero

Games where the main protagonist is a superhero, suffers delusions of grandeur, or is confusing superheroes with Liberachi's fashion sense; not popular enough to even be remotely mentioned in ComicCon and/or similar nerd conventions.


  • Popular superheroes from major company licenses such as Marvel or DC Comics should not be included here. Hint: if the game has a 'licensed title' on it, it shouldn't be here.

How about this? Don't remember the name of any games for it either. :p

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Rwolf (23529) on 3/9/2015 11:44 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Indra is here wrote--][yikes, forgot to fix the links in the Marvel game groups]


... Don't remember the name of any games for it either. :p [/Q --end Indra is here wrote--]

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Indra was here (20747) on 3/10/2015 12:15 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rwolf wrote--] [/Q --end Rwolf wrote--] That comics tag is confusing.

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 3/10/2015 2:06 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Freedom Force, Klah!, Red Hawk, Earth and Sky, Heroes Rise;...

and I always felt it odd that we couldn't get Comix Zone and the InfoComics into the Theme: Comics group just because they didn't license their heroes.

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Patrick Bregger (305122) on 3/14/2015 9:49 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

I removed Multiplayer as required feature for the Genre: 4X game group. It has no bearing on the gameplay mechanics and 4X is primary a single-player genre.

Especially considering that Sid Meier's Civilization, which is prominently featured as prime example in the description, does not fit the criteria.

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Игги Друге (46653) on 3/15/2015 1:13 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Great. That requirement must have sneaked in by mistake.

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Indra was here (20747) on 3/26/2015 5:55 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

My bad. Was pretty sure Civ 1 had multiplayer. Oh, well. Maybe I'll update it as a hybrid feature for later day 4X games.

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 3/27/2015 1:20 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

No, had to wait until CivNet for that.

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click here to win an iPhone9SSSS (2261) on 3/28/2015 10:27 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Action SATS Learning games group needed.

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Patrick Bregger (305122) on 3/29/2015 6:24 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report


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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 4/17/2015 5:38 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Didn't we have a Bestiary group? Strange I can't find it. Is it named differently?

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Indra was here (20747) on 4/17/2015 5:49 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Currently ignored. Due to problems suggesting to include it with in-game encyclopedia features as well as mechanical targets.

See: Game Group proposal #23: Bestiary

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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 4/17/2015 6:23 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Well damn. As far as my opinion is concerned, I'd prefer to have three or more groups. But the bestiary would contain all intelligent/sentient beings, including artificial ones, so for example a murderous building with AI would qualify, and would not include normal vehicles and structures; for the latter I like the prospect of a Compendium of Vehicles, a Compendium of Structures, or a single Compendium of Vehicles and Structures; finally the Encyclopedia would be a mega-group encompassing the other groups plus games with encyclopedias about planets, geography, science, etc.

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Terok Nor (43353) on 5/10/2015 12:49 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I have a question about how the two poker groups are supposed to work. There is Genre: Card / Tile game - Poker and Gameplay feature: Poker.

The gameplay feature group currently includes many "Casino" games, where Poker is just one of many included games, all of which are clearly the main attraction however, not a "side activity". I would have thought the Casino games belong in the Genre group (along with Blackjack, Cribbage, and whatever else is on offer), and not in the gameplay feature group (which I thought is more for GTA, Far Cry, Red Dead Redemption etc.). The descriptions of the two groups are somehow ambiguous in regards to this matter.

Any opinions?

Also, how does video poker fit into all this?

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Alaka (107767) on 5/19/2015 8:59 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Terok Nor wrote--]I have a question about how the two poker groups are supposed to work. There is Genre: Card / Tile game - Poker and Gameplay feature: Poker.

The gameplay feature group currently includes many "Casino" games, where Poker is just one of many included games, all of which are clearly the main attraction however, not a "side activity". I would have thought the Casino games belong in the Genre group (along with Blackjack, Cribbage, and whatever else is on offer), and not in the gameplay feature group (which I thought is more for GTA, Far Cry, Red Dead Redemption etc.). The descriptions of the two groups are somehow ambiguous in regards to this matter.

Any opinions? [/Q --end Terok Nor wrote--]

I think that is a good interpretation of how those groups should work. One group should be solely about gambling games and the other one not.

[Q --start Terok Nor wrote--] Also, how does video poker fit into all this? [/Q --end Terok Nor wrote--]

Video poker is a casino game. It's different than a normal poker game as its you vs. the casino then you versus other players. It also uses slot machine payouts and doesn't consist of players fighting over a pot. I personally would place it in its own group just like I would for Solitaire Poker. In fact, I really don't like how the poker group jams together every form of poker like they are all the same thing. I personally would like to see that group broken into the specific forms of poker that are available for play.

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Rola (8478) on 5/19/2015 4:43 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Agreed. Gameplay feature: Poker is for "poker as a minigame in otherwise non-casino game title", which usually means RPG, which means that it's the protagonist/avatar who's playing poker (not we, the player).

(phew, sounds almost like summary of "Inception" :D )

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/21/2015 4:37 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

I can edit it if you guys want. See the first paragraph of these groups for comparison:

Gameplay Feature: Fishing

Gameplay Feature: Hunting (note: haven't found a good screenshot for this group, please help)

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Terok Nor (43353) on 5/21/2015 7:57 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Please go ahead.

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Flapco (46049) on 5/21/2015 8:28 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

How about the title screen of Deer's Revenge for the hunting group.

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/21/2015 8:32 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Flapco wrote--]How about the title screen of Deer's Revenge for the hunting group. [/Q --end Flapco wrote--]Doesn't work. Screenshot should be from games not qualified for the Shooting: Hunting sub-genre. Screenshot should also directly indicate the gameplay feature of hunting.

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Alaka (107767) on 5/21/2015 8:48 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Something like this from Oregon Trail maybe.

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/21/2015 8:51 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Alaka wrote--]Something like this from Oregon Trail maybe. [/Q --end Alaka wrote--]Yeah, something like that. Unfortunately, when displayed independently, the graphics aren't that descriptive:

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/21/2015 10:07 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

While I'm at it, need better or new screenshots for some of the more obvious game groups (bite me casual screenshot contributor):

Gameplay feature: Survival cooking (font too small)

Gameplay feature: Gambling (preferably not cards)

Gameplay Feature: Torture (wouldn've someone would've had Dungeon Keeper shots for this, but nooo....)

Gameplay feature: Slavery

Or just browse Gameplay feature in the game browser.

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Terok Nor (43353) on 5/22/2015 6:40 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Indra is engaged wrote--] Gameplay feature: Gambling (preferably not cards) [/Q --end Indra is engaged wrote--]

Slot machine from Space Quest?

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/22/2015 5:30 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Terok Nor wrote--] [Q2 --start Indra is engaged wrote--] Gameplay feature: Gambling (preferably not cards) [/Q2 --end Indra is engaged wrote--]

Slot machine from Space Quest? [/Q --end Terok Nor wrote--] Probably better off going to this group Slot Machine games.

Need to fix this too.

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Rwolf (23529) on 5/22/2015 12:10 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Survival cooking: intro/training area, the game explains cooking when you get near a fire.,753883/

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/22/2015 5:32 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Aye. That'll do for now. Would like an easy shot of someone with a frying pan cooking an Orcish head, but hey. :p

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Игги Друге (46653) on 5/26/2015 1:21 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Why don't we already have a group for this?

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/26/2015 5:26 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I have no idea what that is. :p

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Rola (8478) on 5/26/2015 6:58 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Then why spamming the forum? Is Google blocked in your country?,60870/

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Cavalary (11608) on 5/26/2015 11:55 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed...

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Rola (8478) on 6/17/2015 2:58 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

After adding merely 67 wargames I'd like to ask: does that also include logic puzzles played on a hexagonal grid?

By the way: guys, don't list add-ons, gold editions or compilations!

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Игги Друге (46653) on 6/18/2015 3:38 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rola wrote--]After adding merely 67 wargames I'd like to ask: does that also include logic puzzles played on a hexagonal grid? [/Q --end Rola wrote--] I think it might warrant a separate group.

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Rola (8478) on 6/19/2015 10:35 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Игги Друге wrote--]I think it might warrant a separate group.[/Q --end Игги Друге wrote--] I'm asking because there's sometimes a very thin line between abstract logical game and war-themed strategy.

Think Hex Empire. Remove the military flavor and what remains?

BTW, even Historyline isn't a wargame proper. I'd say for a wargame you need topography and Order of Battle.

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Игги Друге (46653) on 6/19/2015 12:52 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Well, one difference could be that war games and similar genres involve moving units, whereas puzzle games basically involve swapping or blocking elements. Or that hexagonal maps are maps whereas puzzle games are axis-oriented.

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Indra was here (20747) on 6/19/2015 10:07 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rola wrote--]By the way: guys, don't list add-ons, gold editions or compilations! [/Q --end Rola wrote--]I need to add this on every game group description. Keep forgetting myself.

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Rola (8478) on 6/19/2015 10:17 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Usually it's true, but not always. Addons can change the timespace setting or offer new vehicles or minor gameplay features, but here they can't change the visual presentation of the core game.

This should be included somewhere in our Standards page (I don't see anything regarding groups).

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Indra was here (20747) on 6/19/2015 8:37 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

Well, 90% of the game group standards was created by me. :p

I'll gradually add a limitation excluding compilations and such one by one e.g.

'Please do not add compilations, gold editions, or any re-release of said game. Only the base game should be added. Add-ons and expansions should only be included if said content qualifies only the add-ons and expansions. Compilations, gold editions, and add-on (without said content) that may have been added here incorrectly, should be removed.'

Something like that. Need to fix that second sentence a bit. o_o

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chirinea (47503) on 5/28/2015 10:22 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

So, I was trying to add X-Man to the nudity group and MAT sent my contribution back, saying that it was porn and porn shouldn't be in that group, Could someone please revise that description, then, stating that porn games are not allowed? We should have some games removed also, as there are a bunch of Atari 2600 porn games there (Custer's Revenge, for instance).

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/28/2015 4:02 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I don't really understand the purpose of this group as opposed to the adult tag?

'Denotes any game with explicit nudity or sexual situations.'

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chirinea (47503) on 5/28/2015 4:21 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

I think it was really meant to denote nudity without being porn, but who knows?

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/29/2015 9:46 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start chirinea wrote--]I think it was really meant to denote nudity without being porn, but who knows? [/Q --end chirinea wrote--]I'd understand if someone were looking for porn games and found the adult tag a bit misleading. Not entirely sure what manner of perv would only be interested in nudity only games.

My personal recommendation would be to freeze this group. Gameplay feature: Nudity (player can be nude) or Protagonist: Nudist, sure, that's interesting and helpful. Nude games in itself, bears no useful merit as group, not already covered by the adult tag.

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Unicorn Lynx (181681) on 5/30/2015 3:16 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

My thoughts exactly.

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CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 5/30/2015 4:41 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Not all porn features nudity nowadays. Plus I would prefer if the Adult was not exclusively used for porn games, but also for extremely violent games as well.

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/30/2015 2:01 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

It's way easier to define pornography than it is to define violence. Though if the Germans say it's violent, then it usually is pretty darn violent.

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Игги Друге (46653) on 5/30/2015 2:06 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

Well, you have games such as Metal Gear Solid, where the protagonist may walk around naked, but with genitalia obscured.

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Indra was here (20747) on 5/30/2015 5:11 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

I'll do a complete description some other time.

Example games:

  • Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • Altered Beast series
  • Werewolves of London

Note: Not all games qualified under Theme: Werewolf allows the player to be a doggie.

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chirinea (47503) on 5/31/2015 1:28 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Indra is engaged wrote--]Example games:

  • Altered Beast series [/Q --end Indra is engaged wrote--]I wouldn't consider Altered Beast's protagonist a werewolf. Yes, he turns into a wolf in the first stage, but he also morphs into other beats, like a dragon, tiger and bear. So I would save this group for protagonists who are werewolves and no other werebeast. Also, games like Skyrim allow you to play several kinds of characters, so marking it as "protagonist: werewolf" would be like marking it as "protagonist: woman" just because it allows you to play female characters.
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    Indra was here (20747) on 6/2/2015 8:07 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start chirinea wrote--] [Q2 --start Indra is engaged wrote--]Example games:

  • Altered Beast series [/Q2 --end Indra is engaged wrote--]I wouldn't consider Altered Beast's protagonist a werewolf. Yes, he turns into a wolf in the first stage, but he also morphs into other beats, like a dragon, tiger and bear. [/Q --end chirinea wrote--] Eh? My bad then. Apparently, I never passed the wolf stage when I was a kid.
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    Indra was here (20747) on 5/30/2015 5:33 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I'll do a complete game description later.

    Example games:

    • Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
    • Zombro

    Sure is lacking entries.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 5/30/2015 5:41 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I guess sooner or later, many games between protagonist vs. theme will come into conflict. Head's up.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 6/2/2015 8:57 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Anyone have a better name for King Arthur / Camelot games?

    Best one I could think of is Theme: Arthurian Legend. Does this sound better?

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    Terok Nor (43353) on 6/2/2015 10:21 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    "Matter of Britain" is another term.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 6/2/2015 10:30 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Terok Nor wrote--]"Matter of Britain" is another term. [/Q --end Terok Nor wrote--]It's definitely more official, though unfortunately not exactly the most searchable term for gamers.

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    Rola (8478) on 6/2/2015 2:38 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    That's why we need aliases for game groups (searchable too). Because both of your proposals are valid.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 6/3/2015 1:45 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Protagonist: Demon.

    This always confused me a bit. I suspect the term 'demon' here refers more to the western interpretation, right? Only because in many places in Asia, the term 'demon' is used interchangeably in similarity with an evil spirit, ghost, or monster.

    That said, not entirely sure what a demon in the east refers to. Even akuma refers more to an evil spirit than a horned dude.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 6/3/2015 4:26 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    The original definition of the word demon in the west was also that of a "spirit". With time it was narrowed to just "evil spirit". Honestly, I'd keep the latter for the "demon group", as that's what people imagine when they hear the word. For the rest, there are specific terms such as oni, yokai, tengu etc. in Japanese.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 6/3/2015 9:25 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start CalaisianMindthief wrote--]The original definition of the word demon in the west was also that of a "spirit". With time it was narrowed to just "evil spirit". Honestly, I'd keep the latter for the "demon group", as that's what people imagine when they hear the word. For the rest, there are specific terms such as oni, yokai, tengu etc. in Japanese. [/Q --end CalaisianMindthief wrote--] It's the conflict with the ghost game group I'm worried about. After all, an evil spirit fits more in the description of a ghost than it does a demon.

    I guess physical manifestation of an evil spirit works better, not entirely sure. Oni would fit as a physical demon, an akuma not so much.

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 6/3/2015 11:34 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Just don't get tripped up on conflating the Western "demon" with the Greek "daemon"; that's a whole 'nother 'nother thing.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 6/4/2015 4:55 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I think I'm going to go with post-Christian influenced interpretations of demon. It makes little sense to use other interpretations, they seem to be the only group with a definite species split that clearly defines the difference between said demon and other monsters/spirits.

    Eastern cultures still haven't made up their mind when a demon begins and when the evil spirit ends, while the Japanese eventually ended up with ogres. Which are demons, but aren't. :p

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    Harmony♡ (21845) on 6/13/2015 3:54 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I'd like to propose name changes for two existing groups, to better encompass games that were released after these groups were made.

    First, I'd like Ar tonelico series to be renamed as Ar tonelico / Surge Concerto universe. This would allow the group to accomodate Ar nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star, Ciel nosurge ~Ushinawareta Hoshi e Sasagu Uta~, and the various rereleases of the latter. These games share a universe with the Ar tonelico games while being recognized as a separate series.

    The second gamegroup I'd like to bring up is Xenogears / Xenosaga universe, which I think could be renamed as either Xeno series or Xeno universe, to accomodate Xenoblade Chronicles and XenobladeX. The three game series together have been recognized as a singular franchise, but there is evidence that at least one of the two Xenoblade games does not take place in the Xenogears / Xenosaga universe as the game group currently recognizes it. The group description would then have to be edited in light of the fact that Xenoblade Chronicles is the sole game in the Xeno series to not feature pilotable mechs, which the description currently mentions as a core gameplay feature of the universe.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 6/13/2015 7:17 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    One of these days, someone needs to explain when a game goes under a (a) series (b) universe (c) licensees (d) games (e) quite a few other denominations that makes game group standardization a major headache.

    Don't mind me. Mine is an entirely different issue from yours. Universes and series makes me dizzy.

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    Sciere (932687) on 6/15/2015 5:42 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    These are good suggestions. but 'Ar tonelico series' can also exist as a distinct subseries, as well as 'Surge Concerto series', while a 'universe' group or an 'Ar' series (with a proper name) could be made in addition to cover all games.

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    Harmony♡ (21845) on 6/15/2015 8:27 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I wasn't aware that was an option. In that case, there need to be groups created for Xenosaga series and Xenoblade series, since the former was previously just listed in the Xenogears/Xenosaga universe group, and the latter didn't even qualify to get a group until I got an entry for the second game approved today.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 6/17/2015 5:36 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    All three groups are now pending. They will be without descriptions, but those can be added by anyone at any time.

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    Harmony♡ (21845) on 6/22/2015 10:25 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I've also got another question. What do we do about groups whose inclusion on a game's page would be considered a spoiler? Specifically, there's a game that could be added to Protagonist: Robot, but that's a revelation that comes after several hours of gameplay.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 6/22/2015 11:26 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Better not, especially if it's a revelation. Though personally, I have issues with this group. As it lumps androids in all together.

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    Alaka (107767) on 6/22/2015 11:56 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Expaja wrote--]I've also got another question. What do we do about groups whose inclusion on a game's page would be considered a spoiler? Specifically, there's a game that could be added to Protagonist: Robot, but that's a revelation that comes after several hours of gameplay. [/Q --end Expaja wrote--]

    I think I know what game you're talking about :D... anyway, if it's not an initial plot point of a story or shown early on in the game it's best to leave it out as it was most likely the developers intention to keep the reveal hidden to a certain time and could potentially ruin a player's game experience if found out earlier on than intended.

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    Terok Nor (43353) on 6/23/2015 7:49 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Wouldn't that also mean having to remove the original Metroid from the Protagonist: Female group?

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    vedder (71290) on 6/23/2015 8:19 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    It's not really a spoiler that detracts from the storyline if you know it beforehand.

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    Alaka (107767) on 6/23/2015 8:51 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Yes, theoretically it should be removed from the Female protaganist group for the first Metroid game at least. The manual purposefully lies to the player and refers to Samus as a he through out.

    Since as far as I can tell in the standards guide, this site is anti-spoiler, so unless that rule changes it should be removed if the site is to remain consistent in that regard.

    Of course if there was a way to conceal gamegroups and games within gamegroups with a spoiler tag it would go along way in helping solve this conundrum.

    Although, I do like vedder's reasoning that it should only be added as long as its not detrimental to the overall plot of the game. Of course then it becomes more of a judgement call sort of thing.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 6/23/2015 9:53 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Thirded [sic]. Especially if the main plot is revolves around the identity of said protagonist. Could say that for all game groups out there.

    Don't think any serious judgement is required though. If said information counts as a surprise to the player, it's not to be included. For the best interests of users who may have not played said games.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 7/4/2015 8:32 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I remember seeing a request for a Star Trek group without unlicensed games. The group Star Trek licensees is now pending.

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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 7/4/2015 8:39 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I would have preferred re-branding the current group as "Star Trek licensees" with an additional group for unlicensed games.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 7/4/2015 8:42 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Well, I can add that too. Are they all fan games, or are there some illegally and commercially released ones as well?

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    Indra was here (20747) on 7/4/2015 8:51 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report


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    Kabushi (263528) on 7/4/2015 9:10 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    What are all the Fallout games doing in the Wasteland universe group? These are two different worlds based on two different alternative timelines, with different characters, factions, monsters etc.

    And what about Fountain of Dreams? That doesn't seem to be the same universe either, although I haven't played it so I don't really know.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 7/4/2015 9:31 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Never really understood that game group. Probably because many fans equated Fallout as the continuation of Wasteland. Inspired yes. Same universe, no.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 7/4/2015 9:35 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Basically similar to a feature in the Faery Tale Adventure: Book I.

    Each character has one life. If that character dies, he/she is replaced by an entirely new character. Progress previous characters have made in the game are usually saved, sometimes even the remains and items.

    So it's permanent death, but not really. :p Reincarnation of sorts.

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    Harmony♡ (21845) on 7/4/2015 4:11 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    First, I'd like to propose a game group for episodic games - TV Tropes has a nice article on the concept, if anyone is unfamiliar. I'd say basic criteria for the group would be that there is a base game that contains part of the story, and later story developments are released as downloads or add-ons for that base game, and/or require save data from previous episodes before they can be played. This means the group would include games such as Ciel nosurge and Life Is Strange, but wouldn't include games like the Xenosaga series, which each have "episode" in their titles but are all completely separate releases.

    I also don't believe we have a group for customizable character appearance? I looked on Indra's profile and saw that there are plans for groups regarding race and gender selection, but I know there are also a lot of games where the player can customize their character's clothes, hairstyle, etc. Not sure if such a group should include only games where the customization choices are purely aesthetic, or if the group should also encompass games where stat-boosting armor can alter appearance, since I'd say customization more often than not isn't the main point of wearing armor in those cases.

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    Indra was here (20747) on 7/4/2015 7:03 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Complete customization would be preferable, though honestly haven't really put much thought into that one. Though on the top of my head, it would also be preferably limited to purely aesthetic customization or else it's just a character creation feature, which is roughly most RPGs. Even if it were limited to aesthetic customization, there are a lot of variations. Not sure which should be included, but the lowest bar would be choosing character portraits is definitely out. For the sake of argument before I forget, possible variables:

    1. Choosing character portraits (sometimes only).
    2. Choosing skin tone / race (sometimes only).
    3. Choosing body height and/or weight (sometimes only)..
    4. Choosing hair styles and/or beards (sometimes only).
    5. Choosing clothing (sometimes only).
    6. Manually customization of all facial features (sometimes only).

    As for episodic games, just create the proposed game group title, a rough game group description + example games and all the variables you can think of what types of games should be excluded (and why) in case of disputes. Then be ignored by approves for months. :p

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    Rola (8478) on 7/5/2015 9:36 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    1) When adding titles, should we add every single episode? Or just the one starting the series? What about collections of episodes? I'm asking because while the idea isn't bad, the way we handle groups would make this group grow very quickly into a mess.

    It's actually a nice example of why we should someday have super-groups (groups containing other groups).

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    Harmony♡ (21845) on 7/5/2015 10:12 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    My thought was to add only the initial release. And while I linked to the "full season", so to speak, of Life Is Strange, that was just because its description clearly demonstrated that the game is made up of several separate episodes. I don't think the group should contain any such compilations of episodes.

    Is it even possible for a regular user of the site to submit a new game group? I thought that wasn't possible at the moment.

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    MrFlibble (18377) on 7/15/2015 9:14 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I would like to propose the following group:

    Shareware games with built-in episode selection

    The Apogee model of shareware distribution, when a game is split into several episodes, was widely used in early to mid 90s, however not every game that was published this way had a list of episodes available as a game menu (with the registered episodes marked as unavailable in the shareware version). With early Apogee model shareware games, each episode had its own separate executable and data files. Later games could also lack an episode selection screen, instead being more of a lengthy demo with the first several levels available.

    Here's a(n incomplete) list of games that have built-in episode selection:

    • Alien Carnage
    • Alien Rampage (only in v1.0)
    • AstroFire
    • Backlash: A Turret Gunner Simulation
    • Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
    • Blood
    • Crazy Drake
    • Depth Dwellers
    • Doom
    • Duke Nukem 3D
    • Duke Nukem II
    • Evasive Maneuvers
    • Heretic
    • Highway Hunter
    • Hocus Pocus
    • Inner Worlds
    • Jack Flash
    • Jazz Jackrabbit
    • Jazz Jackrabbit 2
    • Ken's Labyrinth
    • Major Stryker
    • Mystic Towers
    • Nitemare-3D
    • Quake
    • Radix: Beyond The Void
    • Raptor: Call of the Shadows
    • Shadow Warrior
    • Stargunner
    • Terminal Velocity
    • Thor's Hammer
    • Tyrian/Tyrian 2000
    • Vinyl Goddess from Mars
    • Wolfenstein 3D
    • Xargon
    • Zone 66

    This is just what I could remember/verify so far, there are more games with this feature.

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    Donatello (466) on 8/1/2015 2:30 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Do we have a game group for remakes?

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    Terok Nor (43353) on 8/1/2015 2:35 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report


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    Jo ST (24033) on 8/20/2015 3:43 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I just added "Downfall" for the Jaguar, and noticed quite some games are using the same scheme.

    My proposal would be: Falling down games

    Description (a bit rough, my English, you know): an endless runner over platforms scrolling constantly from bottom to top, with only moving left/right is possible. Falling into the void or touching the upper border is game over.

    Games I found are (I guess there are more homebrews with that idea):

    • Fall Down
    • Downfall (unapproved, not the Windows game of the same name)
    • Downfall+ (Reboot)
    • Donkey Downfall
    • Man goes down (VCS game 2004, maybe the idea invented there)

    Any comments or more games fitting into this? (Maybe an long forgotten arcade I oversaw?).

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    Havoc Crow (29969) on 8/21/2015 5:53 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report


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    Donatello (466) on 8/21/2015 1:50 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Can we purge this group from alternative releases? It serves no purpose to have several editions of games here. Same for all Character Development groups, or, better yet, all game groups.,0/so,1d/

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    lights out party (92965) on 8/29/2015 8:55 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I think it's time for a "Furry series" game group, as Furry, Furry 2 and Furry 2 Remake is on file.

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    Cavalary (11608) on 8/29/2015 11:13 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    While we're at series groups, we now also have a Tasty Planet series (1, 2) here... Which reminded me that I should have probably asked for one for Forsaken World too back when I submitted that and the first two expansions.

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    vileyn0id_8088 (21040) on 8/30/2015 1:11 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    We might also need a "Joe Snow series" group for the first four games here:

    (...and the game group browser needs to come back.)

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    Alaka (107767) on 8/30/2015 3:02 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Tasty Planet, Forsaken World, & Joe Snow approved.

    (...and the game group browser needs to come back.)


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    lights out party (92965) on 9/25/2015 2:33 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    On the same topic, "Gunman Clive series" group for Gunman Clive and Gunman Clive 2 is needed.

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    Alaka (107767) on 9/25/2015 6:02 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start lights out wrote--]On the same topic, "Gunman Clive series" group for Gunman Clive and Gunman Clive 2 is needed. [/Q --end lights out wrote--]

    Group added.

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    lights out party (92965) on 3/26/2016 6:11 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    There should be a group for "Win the Game series" (or whatever it whould be called) with You Have to Win the Game and Super Win the Game (sequel with the same character and mostly same gameplay).

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    Rwolf (23529) on 3/26/2016 8:54 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    The first is already in this group:

    Would the second not fit there too?

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    lights out party (92965) on 4/1/2016 11:03 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    That group is not a series group, but a group with games with a similar name- and concept, and I honestly don't even think the first game fits there as it only shares the name part. The second game does not share this naming pattern (neither of them has such a concept), and thus does not fit.

    These two games are part of a series with the same character and similar gameplay and style.

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    lights out party (92965) on 1/28/2017 9:37 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    This series still has no group.

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    lights out party (92965) on 12/31/2015 11:56 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    A "NekoChan series" group is needed, for NekoChan HERO: Ninja World, NekoChan Baby HERO, Neko Land and NekoChan Hero Collection.

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    Alaka (107767) on 12/31/2015 1:05 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start lights out wrote--]A "NekoChan series" group is needed, for NekoChan HERO: Ninja World, NekoChan Baby HERO, Neko Land and NekoChan Hero Collection. [/Q --end lights out wrote--]


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    derboo (732) on 10/9/2016 8:15 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is there any formal way of submitting a group, or should I just post a suggestion here?

    The group I want to suggest is "Visual technique / style: Shadow play", for games where significant parts of the graphics are only shown as dark silhouettes.

    Here are the examples I can think of right now, but there have been dozens of indie games since Limbo imitating its look (don't know how many of them are already in the database, though).

    The Fool's Errand: Blade Warrior: Limbo: Outland:

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 10/9/2016 6:56 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Only approvers can create groups at the moment, so posting here is one option for regular users. Regarding the group is "Shadow play" an accepted term in gaming? Is this visual style clearly defined? In that case we also need a description that leaves no room for misinterpretation.

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    Tracy Poff (2095) on 10/9/2016 7:56 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I don't know how common its use is in gaming, but shadow play is a real term.

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    Evolyzer (21898) on 10/9/2016 7:59 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Yeah I know the word in the context of theater, but never heard of it in te context of gaming

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    Rwolf (23529) on 10/9/2016 11:32 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I don't know, but maybe 'Badland'/'Badland 2' would qualify? It felt a bit like silhouette characters when I played it.

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    derboo (732) on 10/15/2016 6:06 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I don't think "gaming" has an accepted term for this, because everyone seems to think Limbo invented it and everything that came after Limbo has to be described as "like Limbo". I guess it might as well be called "Visual technique/style: Silhouettes" or something like that.

    A description could read something like this: "Games where major elements of the graphics are shown as mono-colored silhouettes, which makes the game resemble traditional shadow play or other silhouette-based art forms. Different to straight monochrome games, the silhouettes are typically contrasted by a colored or greyscale background."

    Badland looks definitely like it belongs in the group too.

    Maybe there's also a way to vary the description in a way that includes games like Apotheon (or maybe it already does?), which has some detail on the silhouettes, but creates a very similar effect:

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    Big John WV (26953) on 9/11/2015 1:04 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I was wondering should Games for Gold be added as a game group or should that be relegated to trivia instead seeing how they are only free for a short time?

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    vedder (71290) on 9/11/2015 6:22 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Now there's a name I haven't seen in a while!

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    Harmony♡ (21845) on 9/22/2015 10:08 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Okay, so I want to make a game group for games featuring dragons as protagonists or major NPCs, similar to the several animal game groups we currently have. However, I have two questions first.

    One, would it be better named as Animals: Dragons, or Fantasy Creatures: Dragons?

    Two, what kind of limitations should the game group have in place so it doesn't end up as a listing of every game to ever have dragons in it? Because that would probably be most fantasy games. In other words, what kind of dragon representation in a game would count as "prominent"?

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 9/23/2015 2:27 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Protagonist: dragon would be limited but worthwhile. A restriction criterion you might want to keep in mind for a wider group would be if dragons are under player control (eg. dragon-riding).

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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 9/23/2015 5:40 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    We already have a Dragon flying group.

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    Harmony♡ (21845) on 9/23/2015 6:33 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Might be a little too restrictive, since ideally I'd also like to include games such as Dragon Cave, which revolves entirely around dragons but doesn't actually have them directly under player control.

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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 9/25/2015 11:49 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    A few days ago I submitted the group Gameplay feature: Optional Permadeath / Permanent Death. I am sure there are a lot more games out there so I invite everyone to add to the group!

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 10/25/2015 6:04 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    It has been suggested that the group Genre: Simulation - Medical be renamed to Theme: Medicine, because a lot of the entries there are not simulations. What sayeth you?

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    Kabushi (263528) on 10/25/2015 6:10 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I suggested it so I'm obviously in favour. It's easier to add a new group for simulations than going through every game and see if they fit.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 11/24/2015 6:19 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    A new group has been added, called Setting: City - Vancouver.

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    Flapco (46049) on 12/5/2015 6:48 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Genre: Run 'n' gun

    For games like Metal slug, GunForce and Spark man

    See also

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 12/9/2015 6:16 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    All right, we need a better description for the group, because two Vancouver-made, Vancouver-set games that this Vancouver-based contributor sent in, which he documented as local curios specifically due to his shared Vancouverian context with them, just got rejected because there is nothing specifically Vancouver-ish about the gameplay or assets. It's true, you wouldn't know from playing them that St. Paul's Invaders or Main Street Massacre are set-in-Vancouver unless you had a local to curate the selection for you, but nonetheless here he is and here they are. If that's not enough, then what doesn't belong in the group needs to be more clearly delineated.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 12/9/2015 4:34 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Well the main point is for there to be movement around the city. So for St Paul's Invaders something like winning a stage and then you are moved to a different region with a new picture would have worked.

    The text does say "If the city is only seen through cinematic or as an area on the map, the game should not be included in this game group.", it could say "If the city is only seen as a single photo, through a cinematic or as an area on the map, the game should not be included in this game group." but I thought that was implied to a certain degree.

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 12/10/2015 4:35 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Ehh, the setting is St. Paul's Hospital, which is in Vancouver; an in-Vancouver landmark which is even in the game's title, providing, as it does, the setting of the game.

    As for Main Street Massacre, how many SkyTrain stations would need to be included for it to qualify? I don't think at all that free movement between multiple locations within the city is implied by the current description (or all that useful a thing to track 8)

    Supposing I made a Mayor Moonbeam simulator, allowing players to make decisions about the civic government of the City of Vancouver -- taking place entirely within the Mayor's office inside City Hall at 12th and Cambie, would it also be ineligible for inclusion? (But Mass Effect 3's Vancouver, primarily composed of buildings that won't be built for 100 years yet to come, is fine.)

    I would expect a game that takes place exclusively in the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre to fit in the Setting: Paris group regardless of whether it also allowed me to visit Notre-Dame. It seems I'm not getting the intention of the groups.

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 12/10/2015 4:41 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Here, you like the quote: "If the city is only seen through cinematic or as an area on the map, the game should not be included in this game group."

    What that means to me is that if Indiana Jones gets the idol in Seattle, then gets in an airplane to Calgary, and Vancouver is seen in passing as an unvisitable location as the plane leaves its red mark across the map, then Vancouver does not qualify for inclusion in the group despite its being named and shown in passing. If the game's intro movie shows an alien space cruiser launching missiles into the distinctive BC Place stadium, but then all gameplay is presented against a plain starfield, then that game would not be eligible for inclusion, as there are no distinctive Vancouver cues present in the part of the game in which the game is played. In these cases, named and recognizable Vancouver locations are visible on-screen the entire time the game is being played.

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    Sciere (932687) on 12/10/2015 12:43 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I agree to the point that the two limitations should probably be removed. If the author's says the game takes place in Vancouver or there are clues to assume so, that's already sufficient. The visual depiction or gameplay/cinematic balance should not influence or limit the inclusion for groups where the game is said to take place. It's probably just that earlier groups made for a bad precedent model. Pseudo's example of seeing it on a map, but not visiting it, is a good example of when not to include it.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 12/16/2015 7:39 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Suppose I embark on the quest of deleting the second condition from every city group, how do we keep out the strategy games that feature the cities as simple dots on the game map?

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 12/17/2015 1:28 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Just say that the group is for games which feature the city as its main setting ,that rules out games in which it's just a thread in a grand tapestry.

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    Alaka (107767) on 12/17/2015 8:27 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    If the gameplay takes place inside the city, even with it as only a backdrop, it makes sense that the group contains the game. The developers intention should be taken into consideration too. Otherwise how would we know a game is suppose to be say set in a futuristic Los Angeles without being clued in by the developer?

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/3/2016 7:38 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I have started to write a new description template for city groups. Using Amsterdam as an example:

    Games in which at least part of the setting is the city of Amsterdam, Netherlands. The setting can be historical, present, or futuristic (including imaginary versions of the city).


    • The game must be set in the city itself, not a surrounding area. Big cities may have huge metropolitan areas around them, encompassing many other cities, towns and villages. Games set outside the city of Amsterdam, but inside its metropolitan area should not be added to this group.
    • Games that simply claim to take place in Amsterdam are permitted, even without a recognizable landmark.
    • Games that take place solely on a global or regional map featuring the city (e.g. strategy games), should not be added here.

    Thoughts, ideas, complaints?

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 1/3/2016 3:16 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    That sounds OK; the "no metropolitan area" exclusion sounds a bit nit-picky.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/3/2016 4:23 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    It may be nit-picky but consider the fact that the Tokyo metropolitan area includes the city of Yokohama, or Greater Copenhagen includes the Swedish city of Malmö. Personally, I felt that I made it clear of what a city is and what is not.

    Of course if other people think it's unnecessary, I can remove it.

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    chirinea (47503) on 1/4/2016 3:07 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I've been thinking about Rad Racer. It has courses named "San Francisco Highway", "Ruins of Athens" and "Los Angeles Night Way". You don't run through the streets of those cities, but you can see them in the background. I'd include this game in those cities groups, what do you think?

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    Victor Vance (18201) on 1/4/2016 3:38 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I was thinking about that myself. Especially old racing games have cities as "background" that can never be reached as they are practically the horizon. Personally I decided not to add them but if we decide that it is okay I can contribute a few. Maybe in this case we should mention this possibility in the group descriptions.

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    Alaka (107767) on 1/4/2016 3:39 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    In that case this is set in New York then.

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    Victor Vance (18201) on 1/4/2016 9:52 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Alaka wrote--]In that case this is set in New York then. [/Q --end Alaka wrote--]

    Depends on where the street is located! :)

    Anyway it seems to be a cutscene and the parts must be interactive to qualify. ;)

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/4/2016 7:44 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Personally, I don't think such games can be added to the city groups considering the current or revised description/rules, because they both require the games to be set in the city.

    As for the question if the rules should be modified in order to allow such games, I've no idea. I would say no, if threatened for an answer. It's hard to enforce rules when there are millions of exceptions.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/8/2016 11:08 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I have revised all the descriptions for city groups now and they are all pending in the queue, however I removed the part about the metropolitan area in the end, because I thought it might unnecessarily complicate things during the approval process.

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    jean luc on 12/11/2015 1:05 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report


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    GTramp (81959) on 1/9/2016 2:15 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report


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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 1/16/2016 4:44 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Genre: God game. According to the name, is is a genre group. According to the description, it is a protagonist group. What shall it be?

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    Alaka (107767) on 1/16/2016 4:58 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Looks to be a protagonist group by the games included so far.

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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 1/16/2016 5:04 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Well, but all games also more or less the same style of gameplay which is commonly described as "god game". The reason I ask is, of course, because I just added a game of a different genre with god as protagonist.

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    Kabushi (263528) on 1/16/2016 5:26 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    It's more like a specific game mechanic than a genre, isn't it? Games where the player can interact with the game world through god-like abilities. Not games where the player merely is a god. Then what constitutes a god-like ability might be harder to define.

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    Sciere (932687) on 1/16/2016 5:30 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Wikipedia has pretty good definitions:

    • "A god game is an artificial life game that casts the player in the position of controlling the game on a large scale, as an entity with divine/supernatural powers, as a great leader, or with no specified character (as in Spore), and places them in charge of a game setting containing autonomous characters to guard and influence."

    • "God games are a subgenre of artificial life game, where players use supernatural powers to indirectly influence a population of simulated worshipers. The genre is separate from strategy video games, because players are unable to tell specific units what to do. The genre is also separate from construction and management simulations, because gameplay revolves around growing and utilizing their supernatural powers to indirectly influence their worshipers, such as by placing a target marker or goal for the worshipers to conquer, or affect those of their opponents, such as by creating natural disasters. God games are typically single-player games played against a computerized opponent, but some involve competition between rival players."
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    Alaka (107767) on 1/16/2016 5:28 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Patrick Bregger wrote--]Well, but all games also more or less the same style of gameplay which is commonly described as "god game". The reason I ask is, of course, because I just added a game of a different genre with god as protagonist. [/Q --end Patrick Bregger wrote--]

    Reading the description again it says any genre type is allowed. I still think its meant for protaganists. Of course, if you guys want to turn ir into something else than that description needs a rewrite.

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    Havoc Crow (29969) on 1/20/2016 1:23 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I think that the Soko-Ban variants group should be renamed to simply "Sokoban variants". Sokoban is a more intuitive and frequent spelling than Soko-Ban (550,000 Google hits vs 40,000), and I sometimes end up being thrown for a loop when I fail to find the group via search box.

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    Alaka (107767) on 1/20/2016 7:54 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start JudgeDeadd wrote--]I think that the Soko-Ban variants group should be renamed to simply "Sokoban variants". Sokoban is a more intuitive and frequent spelling than Soko-Ban (550,000 Google hits vs 40,000), and I sometimes end up being thrown for a loop when I fail to find the group via search box. [/Q --end JudgeDeadd wrote--]

    You can always go the Soko-Ban / Sokoban variants route. Not pretty,but covers all the bases.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/20/2016 6:35 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    In a new revision it has been suggested to rename the current group Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn series to "Command & Conquer: Tiberium universe". I seem to recall a discussion about it on the forums, however I can't find it (or is it just me?).

    What are the opinion of the others? Wikipedia uses the term "Command & Conquer: Tiberian series", a retrospective on Eurogamer calls it "Command & Conquer - The Tiberian Saga", while wikia says "Tiberium Universe".

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    Kabushi (263528) on 1/27/2016 9:06 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    This must be the most confusing group of all: Theme: Famous musicians.

    How many of those actually fit the description? Most seem to be simple licensed titles, some are promotional games for albums, some feature artists as in-game characters or as actors, some are about fictional bands, one is licensed from a movie starring a musician and one is a Snoop Dogg voice pack for Call of Duty.

    It's of course also very subjective what is considered a famous musician.

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    Alaka (107767) on 1/28/2016 1:38 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Possible duplicate groups here?:

    Physical Bonus Content: Comic

    Games with included comics

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    Victor Vance (18201) on 1/28/2016 2:14 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I would say so, yes. The second group has the better description in my opinion.

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    Alaka (107767) on 1/28/2016 2:00 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Kabushi wrote--]This must be the most confusing group of all: Theme: Famous musicians.

    How many of those actually fit the description? Most seem to be simple licensed titles, some are promotional games for albums, some feature artists as in-game characters or as actors, some are about fictional bands, one is licensed from a movie starring a musician and one is a Snoop Dogg voice pack for Call of Duty.

    It's of course also very subjective what is considered a famous musician. [/Q --end Kabushi wrote--]

    Wow that's a mess.

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    Alaka (107767) on 1/29/2016 11:27 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Genre: Arena Shooters

    Arena Shooters are First Person Shooter games that emphasize fast paced multiplayer combat against other players or bots The shootouts typically take place in closed off arenas where knowledge of item and weapon placement and respawns are a facet of the gameplay. While Deathmatch (getting the most kills) is the typical gameplay mode, other modes like Capture the Flag and Last Man Standing:are not uncommon.

    Limitations: If the game has a single player campaign mode, it should only feature gameplay directly in the mold of an arena shooter.

    Example games:
    Unreal Tournament
    Quake III: Arena
    Cube 2: Sauerbraten

    Comments / criticisms welcome. Just putting it out there as a possible idea.

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    GTramp (81959) on 1/29/2016 11:38 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    A bit of tweaking is needed, since there are games that offer both arena-type fps multiplayer, and single-player story mode with quite different gameplay. See Judge Dredd vs Death for example.

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    Alaka (107767) on 1/30/2016 12:23 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Right, so I should remove the limitation then. I was just afraid of casting too wide of a net.

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    Kabushi (263528) on 2/13/2016 9:40 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Another problematic one: Copyright infringements. This appear to be much broader than just copyright infringements, including all kinds of legal disputes. For example, Too Human inclusion must refer to their engine licensing dispute with Epic while the Edge case was about the a trademark which they ultimately won.

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    Alaka (107767) on 2/13/2016 4:09 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Maybe just rename it to legal disputes or something similar then, so it will cover games which had any type of legal action taken against them.

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    Victor Vance (18201) on 2/13/2016 5:40 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    The funny think is I was also thinking about that issue and planed to take it to the treads later. I like Alaka´s idea. Had something similar in mind.

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    Kabushi (263528) on 2/13/2016 7:01 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I changed it to Games involved in legal disputes.

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    Alaka (107767) on 2/13/2016 8:34 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Nice. I really wish all these games had an associated trivia item of what a particular lawsuit was over. I'm guessing some of them have that info, but its tucked away by the group submission comments which are hidden from everyone.

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    Victor Vance (18201) on 2/13/2016 11:41 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Alaka wrote--]Nice. I really wish all these games had an associated trivia item of what a particular lawsuit was over.[/Q --end Alaka wrote--]

    Yes like in the group "Games referenced in movies" where according to group description "The exact reference is further explained in the trivia section."

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    Terok Nor (43353) on 3/18/2016 4:15 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I just noticed that someone added most Smurfs games to the Hanna-Barbera group. That would only make sense if any of the Smurf games were based on the cartoon specifically instead of the original comics. I can find no real evidence that any were. Most were released long after the series had finished and the one that wasn't specifically credits its license to a toy manufacturer unrelated to the show.

    If no one objects, I'll remove the Smurf games from the group.

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    Terok Nor (43353) on 4/2/2016 7:28 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    And they are gone.

    Up next: Tom and Jerry. Created by Hanna and Barbera, but not at their studio, which is what the description states. It's also not what the group was supposed to be about, I think. Hanna-Barbera means Flintstones, Jetsons, Scooby-Doo etc.

    So again, if no one objects, I will remove those games too.

    And another one: Captain Planet: H-B only worked on "The New Adventures", and none of the games in the group is based on that.

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    vedder (71290) on 4/2/2016 11:31 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Terok Nor wrote--]And they are gone.

    Up next: Tom and Jerry. Created by Hanna and Barbera, but not at their studio, which is what the description states. It's also not what the group was supposed to be about, I think. Hanna-Barbera means Flintstones, Jetsons, Scooby-Doo etc.

    So again, if no one objects, I will remove those games too.

    And another one: Captain Planet: H-B only worked on "The New Adventures", and none of the games in the group is based on that. [/Q --end Terok Nor wrote--]

    I'm fine with removing games from this group, but perhaps it's a good idea to create links in the description to the related groups such as The Smurfs and Tom & Jerry so that people who do link them can easily find them.

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    MrFlibble (18377) on 4/10/2016 4:25 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I think it would be nice to have a game group listing games that have a skirmish/multiplayer with bots mode. There are lots of games with focus on MP but not all of them have bots/skirmish AI. To the best of my knowledge, this is not reflected systematically in the database as of now.

    [Edit] Some games use the term "fake multiplayer" for this. Perhaps it would be an appropriate group name? Game Feature: Fake Multiplayer

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    Kabushi (263528) on 4/10/2016 4:46 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    There is a tech spec for bots.

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    MrFlibble (18377) on 4/10/2016 6:38 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Kabushi wrote--]There is a tech spec for bots. [/Q --end Kabushi wrote--]Cool, somehow I was completely oblivious to that :-\ Thanks!

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 8/13/2016 6:44 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    A new group called Setting: City - Stockholm has been added and is now pending.

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    Plok (236365) on 8/13/2016 10:48 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    This one: F1 series

    It should be renamed to "Codemasters' F1 series" or something of the sort. F1 is a mere abbreviation of Formula One and it's used very widely (even in the official Formula One logo by FIA), so this should make it identifiable from, say, the Formula 1 racing games group. An example of this type of naming is EA Sports NHL series.

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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 8/14/2016 6:15 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I propose to rename the group Star Trek universe into Star Trek fangames and remove all official games.

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    Terok Nor (43353) on 10/14/2016 7:35 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    A little late, but I'm all for this. Of course we can always throw official and unofficial games into the same group, but separating them and linking to each other in the descriptions gives a much better overview IMO.

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    Plok (236365) on 8/20/2016 3:01 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Why was this group made: 8-Bit series?

    I knew what I said in the notes when I said that 8-Bit Hordes belonged to the 8-Bit Armies series group, and the reasons are: it's a standalone expansion pack, it says "An 8-Bit Armies Game" in the Steam cover, and making a new group for every sequel or semi-sequel a game gets is outright stupid, like the ones for C&C Tiberian Sun, WarCraft III etc. (yet DLC/expansion entries are now having their developer info removed to avoid straining the database, and this group abundance doesn't?)


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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 8/28/2016 11:10 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Anyone against me adding a Marvel vs Capcom series group? I am surprised we don't have it yet.

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    Simon Carless (1834) on 8/28/2016 1:46 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Seems fine to me!

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    Terok Nor (43353) on 9/23/2016 10:12 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Would anyone mind me removing the Puzzle Bobble/Bust-A-Move games from the Animals: Dinosaurs group? They are apparently in because of the Bubble Bobble protagonists Bub and Bob, but those two seem to be "Bubble Dragons", so they are out according to the group description.

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 9/24/2016 2:09 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I approve of this removal.

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    Terok Nor (43353) on 10/8/2016 10:14 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    And they're gone.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 10/8/2016 9:05 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I noticed we don't have groups for Bingo games and Keno games. I was thinking of calling them "Bingo variants" and "Keno variants" since we already have "Pachinko variants", or we might take the example of the "Roulette games" and "Slot Machine games" groups and call them "Bingo games" and "Keno games". What do you people think?

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    firefang9212 (82377) on 10/8/2016 11:48 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Need a series group Decaying-Logic's Pixel Puzzles series.
    Associated games:
    Pixel Puzzles Complete Pack
    Pixel Puzzles: Japan
    Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 10/9/2016 6:14 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I've added the Pixel Puzzles series group and it is now pending. You can add a description once it is approved.

    Since nobody answered, I also added the groups:

    • Bingo (U.S.) games
    • Keno games

    As well as:

    • Jumble licensees, a very nice word game used popularly in newspapers
    • Gems Swap series, we are missing at least one game
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    firefang9212 (82377) on 10/12/2016 7:15 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Petroglyph's 8-Bit Armies series has two identical series groups, 8-Bit series, and 8-Bit Armies series. I suggest the the 8-Bit series group should be removed.

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    Sciere (932687) on 10/13/2016 9:27 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    One's been recycled.

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    Scaryfun (20359) on 10/25/2016 1:25 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I also noticed two similar groups: Berenstain Bear games The Berenstain Bear lincensees - this has one less game listed.

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    GTramp (81959) on 10/31/2016 10:12 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    How do I contribute a new game group? Can't see the link anywhere.

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    Alaka (107767) on 10/31/2016 11:49 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Are you sure you're checking the approval home page. That's where it's located.

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    GTramp (81959) on 11/1/2016 3:14 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Ah, thanks. I wasn't looking there.

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    JimmyA (9953) on 11/4/2016 11:07 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Where exactly can i find this?

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    Evolyzer (21898) on 11/4/2016 11:16 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    You need approver+/admin privileges to access the necessary panel. But you can still post your suggestins here in the forum, so an approver+/admin can create the requested group

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    JimmyA (9953) on 11/4/2016 2:22 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Please create a Game-Group called ""Classics"-Lineup by Hasbro Interactive" (Year 1999-200?) containing: - Sid Meier´s Civilization - Sid Meier´s Civilization 2 - World Circuit (1, by Microprose) - Grand Prix 2 (Sequel to World Circuit) - Grand Prix Manager 2 - Worms United - Worms 2 - Arcade Pool 2 (Team 17) - M1 Tank Platoon 2 - Star Trek Generations - Dark Earth - Transport Tycoon Deluxe - X-Com Apocalypse - Boggle - Risk - Operation - Stratego - Battleship

    All these appaered in this lineup with similar package. Many of them can be found on ebay showing package design of this group. Information was found on several discs of this "collection" Thanks!

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    Duncan Cross (2056) on 11/17/2016 8:33 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    New Group Request -- "Engine: Dream Weaver"


    Dream Weaver (not to be confused with Adobe Dreamweaver) is an adventure game authoring system for the Amiga, created by Duane Bernloehr in 1993. It can be used to create a kind of enhanced text adventure with an interface that includes a static image of the current scene, as well as GUI elements that allow the player to specify commands using the mouse, instead of typing them in.

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    Sciere (932687) on 11/18/2016 12:39 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report


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    Duncan Cross (2056) on 11/20/2016 12:01 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Thank you very much!

    There are two more groups I would like to make:

    World of Magic series

    Fantasy graphic adventure games set in the world of Kawamoon, created by The Bosco Brothers.

    Lord of Alcandria series

    A series of graphic adventure games starring Krilok Rainwood, a 13th century warrior brought back from the dead. The creator of the games explained in a 2012 interview that the first chapter introducing in the series was planned to be the third game released, but it never got past the design stage.

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    Sciere (932687) on 11/20/2016 11:21 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report


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    Duncan Cross (2056) on 11/21/2016 1:13 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Thank you!

    Okay, I have another one. The proof I have that all 5 of the following games are intended to be in the same universe is this Aminet description for the official 2002 freeware release of "Entity", here: "Graphic adventure set in the same universe as Lethal Formula, Epsilon 9 and Starbase 13. Sequel to DAS Software's F1 Licenceware game, The Experiment, also available from the Aminet."

    "A Galactic Voyages Game" is shown as one of the title card screens in "The Experiment": -- this is not the name of the developer (DAS Software) nor the publisher (F1 Licenceware) so I think it is appropriate to use this as a descriptor for games set in this shared universe, even if the other games do not necessarily use this descriptor themselves.

    Galactic Voyages games

    Games set in the Star Trek-like science fiction universe first introduced by Edmund Clay in Starbase 13, starring characters such as Yeno Hou and Bud Lightning.

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    Duncan Cross (2056) on 11/24/2016 6:41 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    GRAAL usage proof: Muscarine's official page ("created using GRAAL"), Hammy Town's Aminet package ("created using the GRAAL adventure language")

    Game Engine: GRAAL

    The GRaphic Adventure Authoring Language by Per Thulin is a system for creating point & click graphic adventures for the Amiga, first released in 1997.

    Jet Set Willy variants

    Inspired by the original Jet Set Willy (1984) and often featuring the same character, these games are flip-screen 2D platformers where your goal is to collect a large number of items scattered over a single, large map of interconnected rooms, where each room has a unique on-screen name. There is usually no concept of power-ups, extra lives, boss stages or other popular features of platform games in general.

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    Book of Ra Online on 9/11/2017 3:52 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [spam removed]

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 9/11/2017 4:43 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Give this user a wider platform, friends, they seem objective and unbiased!

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    Duncan Cross (2056) on 11/27/2016 4:55 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Relics of Deldroneye series

    Relics of Deldroneye is a series of point & click adventure games for the Amiga starring Falcon, a royal explorer (or "venturex") whose life's work is to locate and safeguard priceless artifacts for the Deldronis royal family, but finds himself prevented from fulfilling this goal as intergalactic politics unfolds around him. The series combines elements of fantasy with planet-hopping sci-fi.

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    Starbuck the Third (22601) on 11/27/2016 6:59 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Duncan Cross wrote--]

    Relics of Deldroneye series

    [/Q --end Duncan Cross wrote--]


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    Duncan Cross (2056) on 11/28/2016 8:28 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Thank you! (I noticed that the new group's title omits the word "series", though -- shouldn't it have that, just to be consistent with the titles of similar groups?)

    I have another one to request, but also, there are some requests I made in previous posts ("Game Engine: GRAAL", "Galactic Voyages games" and "Jet Set Willy variants") that haven't had a response yet -- there's no hurry, I just want to avoid having them get accidentally skipped-over...

    Setting: Inside the Human Body

    Games set inside the human body often involve miniaturizing the protagonist to minuscule size and then having them injected into a person's bloodstream, or swallowed. The 1966 sci-fi adventure movie Fantastic Voyage is often mentioned as the most obvious inspiration for this idea.

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    vedder (71290) on 11/20/2016 9:01 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    We have the following game group:

    But I would like to see a collection of any metroidvania game regardless if it's a 2D platformer or not. E.g. Metroid Prime, Okami, Arkham Asylum, etc.

    What's the best course of action? Update the group description to allow those in? Create a new Metroidvania group (with lots of overlap)? Create a non-2dplatform metroidvania group?

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    Sciere (932687) on 11/20/2016 11:22 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Would the number of games to use the concept be large enough to add it as a gameplay genre?

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    vedder (71290) on 11/20/2016 11:56 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I bet, should at least lead into the hundreds. Taking TVTropes as a reference I suggest the following description:

    Metroidvania is a portmanteau of Metroid and CastleVania and refers to games that feature the most distinctive gameplay concept of the Metroid games and later CastleVania games. Games of this genre feature a freely explorable world that is gated in content by specific abilities that need to be acquired by the player. Generally these game have a central hub from which the player can move to various interconnected levels which gradually unlock as the player acquires new skills. A large number of Metroidvania games use a side scrolling perspective like the games the name derives from but this is not a requirement. Top down (E.g. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past) or 3D games (E.g. Batman: Arkham Asylum) can also share these concepts. Metroidvania games usually feature mild RPG elements such as upgradable health.

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    vedder (71290) on 11/26/2016 1:48 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Any further thoughts on this?

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    Sciere (932687) on 11/26/2016 1:59 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I emptied the redundant Interactive Fiction with Graphics yesterday, moving everything to Interactive Fiction / Text Adventure, so the genre could be recycled. It is now available as the Gameplay genre Metroidvania. Most of the games listed in the Metroidvania game group will need to be moved over.

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    vedder (71290) on 11/28/2016 8:41 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Cool I'll have a look once I find the time!

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    vedder (71290) on 12/2/2016 7:15 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    The newfounded metroidvania genre now already has 189 games listed!

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    A.J. Maciejewski (4501) on 11/23/2016 4:49 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Can someone add a game group for Gurumin? Right now, there's just Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure but I have Gurumin 3D: A Monstrous Adventure as a pending new game entry and the 2 should be in the same group.

    If I can do this myself then I'd appreciate some instructions how to do so.


    • A.J.
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    Sciere (932687) on 11/26/2016 2:01 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report


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    A.J. Maciejewski (4501) on 11/27/2016 4:38 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Thanks! :D

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    Plok (236365) on 11/26/2016 3:46 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report


    Setting: Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Setting: Croatian (misses Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield, intro cutscene set in Nazi/Independent State of Croatia)

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    Plok (236365) on 5/26/2017 10:55 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Bump (also to prevent this thread from dying and locking out)?

    These groups would have more entries than "Setting: Baikonur Cosmodrome"

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    Ocie Bieda (7) on 12/3/2016 8:22 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I saw rail shooter and quick time events in gameplay, which were groups in the past. I saw many niche genres or gameplay elements so I was wondering about some missing genre groups. I think there are gamers who would find such groups very useful, especially because these type of games are discussed on various forums. --- 1 --- Genre: Squad Based Strategy - strategy games where each squad member has different skills or stats. Main genre is strategy, character skills and stats are already set by the game, in some cases can auto progress (Jagged Alliance), but some games may offer to chose squad members (Jagged Alliance). Example games: Commandos series, Desperados series, Robin Hood The Legend Of Sherwood, Jagged Alliance series, Lost Vikings series. --- 2 --- Genre: Party Based RPG - RPG games where player has full control over each party member with his or her different skills and stats. Main genre is RPG, and full control includes character development, inventory and equipment management and movement (so classic Fallout series does not count). Example games: Baldurs Gate series, Planescape Torment, Temple Of Elemental Evil, Wizardry series (I played only 8th, not sure about older ones), some Shadownrun games. --- 3 --- Genre: Grid Based RPG / FPP Dungeon Crawler - Games where adventure fully or partially takes a place in underground, and movement is grid based. Games where some part takes a place on surface are allowed, as long as grid movement is an element of gameplay. Example games: Dungeon Master series, The Eye Of Beholder series, Legend Of Grimrock series, The Quest, Might And Magic X (and some older, but not all were grid based).

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    lights out party (92965) on 1/23/2017 11:56 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    IMO the "Clickteam Fusion 2.5 games" and "Multimedia Fusion games" groups should be merged, as CF2.5 is despite the rebranding only a minor upgrade to Multimedia Fusion 2 - certainly far lesser than the difference between MF1.0/1.5 and MF2.

    It can also be near impossible to tell the difference between a MF2 game and a CF2.5 game as the license doesn't require disclosure of engine use, and also a project can be MF2 one day and upgraded to CF2.5 the next with no real difference unless it uses one of the new features. Really, a tiny patch can move a game from MF2 to CF2.5.

    I'd also suggest the same for the "Game Engine: Click & Create / Multimedia Fusion Express" and "Game Engine: The Games Factory" groups, as they are the same generation of Clickteam engines/software and very similar as well as in most ways fully compatible with each other.

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    lights out party (92965) on 7/4/2017 5:20 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I still think this should be done. The differences between Multimedia Fusion 2 and Clickteam Fusion 2.5 are minimal, as even the name indicates.

    (Note that they've simply removed the "Multimedia" part from the name - there was no "Clickteam Fusion 2.0" or earlier - Clickteam Fusion 2.5 is Clickteam Multimedia Fusion 2.5, a rather minor update)

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    lights out party (92965) on 1/24/2017 3:08 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    These three game "series" require new groups.

    Wacky Wheels series: Wacky Wheels and Wacky Wheels HD ALREADY DONE

    Blasting Agent series: Blasting Agent and Blasting Agent: Ultimate Edition DONE

    Odallus series: Odallus: The Dark Call, Odallus: Red Gargoyle Skin, Odallus: Royal Knight Skin, Odallus: Vampire Hunter Skin (and possibly JoyMasher Starter Pack: Odallus + Oniken) DONE

    user avatar

    lights out party (92965) on 1/27/2017 10:06 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Blue Estate as well (Blue Estate: The Game, Blue Estate: Prologue, Blue Estate: The Game - Arcade Mode) DONE

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    lights out party (92965) on 1/27/2017 10:29 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Also "The Last Door series" - The Last Door: Chapter 1 - The Letter and The Last Door: Collector's Edition DONE

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    lights out party (92965) on 7/4/2017 5:18 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    The last two mentioned (Blasting Agent and Odallus) still has no group, neither does the "Win the Game series" mentioned in a post further up. DONE

    Another series without group is the "Beach Bounce series" (Beach Bounce, Beauty Bounce, Bunny Bounce).

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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 7/5/2017 6:36 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    The groups are pending. For the Clickteam one, its probably best to file a correction to one of the games in the game group which should be removed. That process is a bit more complicated to deal with.

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    lights out party (92965) on 7/8/2017 11:24 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Well, it's still just my opinion they should be merged - and since it applies to several already existing groups I think it's fair to let people disagree.

    It could be argued that the games should be grouped by engine name rather than "generation", though I would think then it would make sense to also split the "Multimedia Fusion" group in two, for MMF1 and MMF2 . But good luck sorting those from each other...

    If no one disagrees, I suppose I'll start issuing corrections in a few days.

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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 7/9/2017 5:00 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    One correction is enough.

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    lights out party (92965) on 7/9/2017 3:15 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report


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    lights out party (92965) on 9/13/2017 5:12 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    "Beach Bounce series" still has no group.

    "Games&Girls" series should also have a group (Games&Girls / Games & Girls & Games&Girls Episode 2. DONE

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    lights out party (92965) on 1/2/2018 7:05 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    "DUX series" should have a group (DUX, DUX: Version 1.5, Redux: Dark Matters). DONE

    I also think that "Game engine: Raycasting Game Maker" should have a group, as there's been several games released using it (I've entered at least three onto MobyGames), both for freeware and commercial titles.
    It has nothing to do with "GameMaker", and is not related in any way to that engine. It's used for creating Wolfenstein 3D-like 2.5D FPS games.

    At the top of my head I can think of the games Merger 3D, Cornflakestein and Cyber Utopia that uses it.
    The engine has a very distinct style and easily identifiable quirks. DONE

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    lights out party (92965) on 1/3/2018 7:02 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Also "Kero Blaster series" should have a group: Kero Blaster, Pink Hour, Pink Heaven

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    lights out party (92965) on 4/16/2018 11:05 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    "XXZ series" should have a group (XXZ, XXZ: XXL, and additional DLC which is not in the database and a sequel coming soom)

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    Rwolf (23529) on 4/16/2018 11:20 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    There are 12 entries on Steam for these games (bundles, passes, dlc:s etc.) so, I have submitted a new group for them.

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    lights out party (92965) on 5/26/2018 11:47 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Series without groups:
    "Rad Rodgers series" (Rad Rodgers: World One & Rad Rodgers - and, I believe, a mobile phone game I haven't played)
    "Princess Remedy series" (Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt and Princess Remedy in a Heap of Trouble)
    Beach Bounce series still has no group.

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    Alaka (107767) on 5/26/2018 6:01 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start lights out 10000 wrote--]Series without groups:
    "Rad Rodgers series" (Rad Rodgers: World One & Rad Rodgers - and, I believe, a mobile phone game I haven't played)
    "Princess Remedy series" (Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt and Princess Remedy in a Heap of Trouble)
    Beach Bounce series still has no group. [/Q --end lights out 10000 wrote--]

    All have been submitted.

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    lights out party (92965) on 6/18/2018 5:43 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    "Carpe Diem series" (Carpe Diem & Carpe Diem: Reboot)

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    Alaka (107767) on 6/18/2018 6:06 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start lights out 10000 wrote--]"Carpe Diem series" (Carpe Diem & Carpe Diem: Reboot) [/Q --end lights out 10000 wrote--]


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    lights out party (92965) on 9/11/2018 8:07 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    "Foto Flash series" needs a group (Foto Flash & Foto Flash II)

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    Alaka (107767) on 9/11/2018 3:46 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start lights out 10000 wrote--]"Foto Flash series" needs a group (Foto Flash & Foto Flash II) [/Q --end lights out 10000 wrote--]

    Submitted. Don't you have approval access though? You should be able to submit these series groups on your own if that is the case.

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    firefang9212 (82377) on 2/1/2017 4:33 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    The Criminal Girls series has two duplicate groups (here, and here). One of them should be removed.

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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 7/5/2017 6:41 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    It's probably best to submit a correction to one of the games. That's a bit complicated.

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    Terok Nor (43353) on 3/5/2017 10:07 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I have created a few groups that include launch title lineups for various consoles, separated by regions.

    Feel free to add to this list. Issues to keep in mind: backwards compatibility (including downloadable emulated titles) should probably not count and be explicitly ruled out for platforms that support it. And naturally, these groups should be very well sourced (i.e. copying from Wikipedia is not enough). While Japanese releases are usually well documented, I imagine finding data for Western launches can be pretty hard, at least with anything pre-Dreamcast. Contemporary magazine/newspaper articles are probably the best sources there (plus Usenet), but distinguishing between actual launch titles and "launch window" titles would need to be done.

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    Plok (236365) on 4/11/2017 11:28 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    New series group needs to be made: "Ski Resort Tycoon series".

    • Ski Resort Tycoon
    • Ski Resort Tycoon II
    • Fast Food Tycoon & Ski Resort Tycoon
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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 7/5/2017 6:40 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    The group is pending.

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    MrMamen (11747) on 5/29/2017 11:32 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I suggest adding a group for Fireman Sam games. Similar to the postman pat group:

    The fireman sam files I find on file so far is:

    I'm sure there are even more games, not currently on file.

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    Patrick Bregger (305122) on 7/5/2017 6:39 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    The group is pending.

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    Plok (236365) on 5/30/2017 12:48 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Group creation request: The Sims 4 expansions.

    Currently there are none on MobyGames, but there's about 20 on Origin, and I will get to them as soon as the remaining Sims 3 expansions are approved and added to groups.

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    Cantillon (81488) on 7/7/2017 1:43 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I propose the following group. Any comments or ideas?

    Setting: Space station / Spaceship

    This group includes games that are set, partially or entirely, on-board a space station or spaceship.

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    Rwolf (23529) on 7/7/2017 11:39 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Possibly too inclusive - what space-games would not fit such a group?

    user avatar

    Terok Nor (43353) on 7/8/2017 5:51 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Would probably need the limitation that the player is not in control of the ship.

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    Cantillon (81488) on 7/10/2017 6:35 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Setting: Space station / Spaceship

    This group includes games that are set, partially or entirely, on-board a space station or spaceship, where players are neither directly nor indirectly in control of this spacecraft.

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    Sciere (932687) on 7/10/2017 8:31 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    added (here)

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    Alaka (107767) on 7/10/2017 9:06 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    This may be overlapping with this group Setting: Earth's Orbit.

    Not sure though...just wanted to mention its existence too.

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    Cantillon (81488) on 7/11/2017 7:43 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Some games will be in both groups indeed.

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    Cantillon (81488) on 7/11/2017 7:43 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I see a lot of games are added already. I'm wondering about games like Star Trek: 25th Anniversary though. The group now says the player should also not be in control of the ship indirectly. Would people prefer for these kind of games to be removed, or for that indirect control limitation to be removed?

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    Terok Nor (43353) on 7/11/2017 7:56 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Yeah, I added about a hundred games, that was fun.

    25th Anniversary is in because you visit various ships and stations in the adventure segments, not because you control the Enterprise herself. I paid attention to that and always explained my reasoning in the comments. The limitation must absolutely not be removed or way too many Space Flight games would get added.

    Maybe there is also need for a further limitation: many space sims (think Wing Commander, X-Wing etc.) have segments aboard motherships or space stations, but these are mostly just elaborate menus or are only there for cutscenes/story. The actual gameplay (i.e. the space flight) does not take place aboard these ships or stations, meaning those games should not be part of the group.

    Another thought: must the ships actually be in space? Or is being designed for space enough? I'm thinking of crashed ships like the Vortex Rikers in Unreal.

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    Cantillon (81488) on 7/11/2017 8:01 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Terok Nor wrote--]25th Anniversary is in because you visit various ships and stations in the adventure segments, not because you control the Enterprise herself. I paid attention to that and always explained my reasoning in the comments. The limitation must absolutely not be removed or way too many Space Flight games would get added.[/Q --end Terok Nor wrote--] Aah, I see. I'm not sure if I can see these comments as approver+. [Q --start Terok Nor wrote--] Maybe there is also need for a further limitation: many space sims (think Wing Commander, X-Wing etc.) have segments aboard motherships or space stations, but these are mostly just elaborate menus or are only there for cutscenes/story. The actual gameplay (i.e. the space flight) does not take place aboard these ships or stations, meaning those games should not be part of the group. [/Q --end Terok Nor wrote--] Yes, I will add this. [Q --start Terok Nor wrote--] Another thought: must the ships actually be in space? Or is being designed for space enough? I'm thinking of crashed ships like the Vortex Rikers in Unreal. [/Q --end Terok Nor wrote--] I'm inclined to say it should not be in space. Being designed for space is enough. What is your opinion?

    user avatar

    Cantillon (81488) on 7/11/2017 8:05 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Cantillon wrote--] Aah, I see. I'm not sure if I can see these comments as approver+. [/Q --end Cantillon wrote--] Found this.

    user avatar

    Terok Nor (43353) on 7/11/2017 5:22 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Cantillon wrote--] [Q2 --start Terok Nor wrote--] Another thought: must the ships actually be in space? Or is being designed for space enough? I'm thinking of crashed ships like the Vortex Rikers in Unreal. [/Q2 --end Terok Nor wrote--] I'm inclined to say it should not be in space. Being designed for space is enough. What is your opinion? [/Q --end Cantillon wrote--]

    I'm all for including such ships.

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    Lain Crowley (6629) on 7/13/2017 1:38 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I'd really like some kind of game group for interior decorating, but I'm not sure how stringent it would have to be to meet the ~moby standards~. There's three different tiers of decorating I can think of: freeform decorating (Minecraft, Skyrim, Terraria), player choice decorating (Saints Row 2, Also Skyrim), and flat upgrade decorating (Overlord, Sleeping Dogs, Assassin's Creed 2). I have no problem with all three being in one game group.

    Kinda feel like the only games that wouldn't fit would be something like Ark Fatalis, where there is no real player domicile. But even then all the cells in the game are static, so nothing's stopping you from arranging some items to make a favorite fire pit more homey.

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    Lain Crowley (6629) on 7/27/2017 4:55 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    OK, how about this:

    Gameplay feature: Interior Decorating

    Games where the player can spruce up the interior of a domicile with furnishings.

    This can include:

    • Games where a home-like area is enhanced with decorations from a player's accomplishments.
    • Games where the player invests game currency in renovating and decorating a location as they see fit
    • Games where a player can build the entire house, or town, themselves, and place all items therein as they please.
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    Cantillon (81488) on 7/27/2017 5:12 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Any examples? Can only think of The Sims.

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    Lain Crowley (6629) on 7/27/2017 7:40 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Can I? :D (This is literally my favorite game feature in games)

    First is the entire Animal Crossing franchise, to the point where they made a game (Happy Home Designer) where that is all you do.

    Go Vacation, Bandai's Wii Sports Resort knockoff, has a house you can fill with junk:

    Suikoden 3 expanded the onsen decorations from 1&2 to being able to place art all throughout the central hub mansion. That also returned in Suikoden 5.

    The Scarface game was terrible for a lot of reasons, but I really liked the mansion decorating feature:

    This video shows off a house in Test Drive Unlimited 2. You can change the style of furniture, upholstery color, wallpaper, and flooring in all the homes in the game:

    Then there's games like Minecraft and Terraria, where you naturally gravitate towards building a house for convenience sake, and tons of items in the game exist purely for aesthetic decoration. In Terraria and Dragon Quest Builders (and maybe Minecraft, I'm not familiar with modern Minecraft) decorating rooms in specific ways will turn them into stores or buildings with unique purposes.

    Oh, and for one of my all time favorites for its pure inexplicable nature: the room in Dracula's Castle in Harmony of Dissonance that Juste decides to decorate with furnishings found around the castle:

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    Pseudo_Intellectual (66794) on 7/27/2017 1:56 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    if memory suggests correct, this is also a very common device in some mobile games

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    Rwolf (23529) on 7/30/2017 10:29 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I don't know if it is a recurring theme with this series, but I recently watched a playthrough of 'Kirby's Epic Yarn' for Wii U, and it seemed all the rewards for completing the levels were used for decorating apartments in a house; wallpaper, furniture etc, this leading to more NPC:s moving in and offering various missions for the player to complete, in a circular fashion.

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    Plok (236365) on 7/23/2017 5:44 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    New group suggestion: "U.S. Navy Fighters series"

    Games: U.S. Navy Fighters

    Marine Fighters (expansion for former)

    U.S. Navy Fighters Gold

    Jane's Combat Simulations: U.S. Navy Fighters '97

    All done by EA and its subsidiaries, the last one making use of their famed Jane's license.

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    OmegaPC777 (8239) on 7/30/2017 3:31 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    New game group suggestion: .io games

    Games so far: and

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    Foxhack (32096) on 8/28/2017 9:55 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    New group request: Framework: Cocos2d-x.

    It's mostly used on phone games, but there are a bunch of Windows ports that still use it (most notably, DotEmu's botched up Neo Geo ports.)

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    DemonikD (968) on 9/6/2017 11:18 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    New group suggestion: "Jessica series"

    Games: Jessica: Secret of the Caribbean | Jessica: Mysterious Journey | Jessica. Mystery of Courchevel

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    Plok (236365) on 9/8/2017 4:24 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    New group request: "Thy Dungeonman series"

    Games: Thy Dungeonman

    Thy Dungeonman II

    Thy Dungeonman 3

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    Lain Crowley (6629) on 9/18/2017 5:17 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Would it be possible to get the Dynasty Warriors Gundam games moved from the Dynasty Warriors group into a new group called Dynasty Warriors Gundam / Gundam Musō? The games are completely separate from the Dynasty Warriors series, and were only named as such because Dynasty Warriors has better brand recognition in the states than Gundam.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 9/19/2017 10:53 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Wouldn't they still be a part of the overall Musou series?

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    Lain Crowley (6629) on 9/20/2017 12:52 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Yes, and they already are:

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    Foxhack (32096) on 9/20/2017 1:08 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Aaaaaaah, gotcha. Yeah I agree, they need to be split.

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    Plok (236365) on 9/19/2017 10:36 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Puzzle Pirates: Dark Seas series needs to be renamed to simply "Puzzle Pirates series". Somehow we don't have the original Puzzle Pirates game (which I remember playing briefly way back in the day).

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    Iggi (36936) on 11/5/2017 12:34 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    It's there, but it's (correctly) called Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 9/22/2017 1:55 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    We need a KenKen / MathDoku group. Imagine my surprise when I saw this in the Sudoku group.

    I'm not sure if there are any other games in the genre here, but SquareLogic should not be in the Sudoku group at least. :P

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    vedder (71290) on 9/22/2017 6:16 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Removed from the group!

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    Lain Crowley (6629) on 9/29/2017 1:15 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Now that we have two AKB games we could use an AKB Licencees group:

    IIRC at least one of these games had an individual special edition for literally every girl in the group, so, uh, good luck to whoever is going to attempt that, MAT :)

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    Foxhack (32096) on 9/30/2017 11:18 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start Lain Crowley wrote--]IIRC at least one of these games had an individual special edition for literally every girl in the group, so, uh, good luck to whoever is going to attempt that, MAT :) [/Q --end Lain Crowley wrote--]The magic of copy and paste, mate.

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    gingerbeardman (879) on 1/15/2018 11:51 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I had previously request this:,2/dgb,4/dgm,214080/

    And somebody else here:,2/dgb,10/dgm,239054/


    This group contains games that involve wheeled vehicles, such as cars, hitting soccer balls into goals.


    Car Polo (1977)

    Wild Wheels (1990)

    Street Racer (1994)

    Road Trip (2002)

    Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars (2008)

    GTi Club: Supermini Festa (2010)

    Soccer Rally (2012), Soccer Rally 2 (2014) (for iOS/Android, not currently on mobygames)

    Rocket League (2015)


    ExciteBots (love that game) is an interesting one as it combines lap races with hitting soccer balls into goals. I've left the description above loose enough to include it. If we wanted to be more strict, the game would have to have two competing teams and end-to-end action, which would mean ExciteBots would not qualify.

    Happy to discuss.

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    Barbarian_bros (15271) on 3/2/2018 10:56 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Need a group for : -Mission Sunlight (1998) -Monet : mystery of the Orangerie (2000)

    Same producers (Media Factory/Index), same developer (Index+/Wanadoo), same plot : explore paintings in real-time 3D.

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    Rwolf (23529) on 3/2/2018 12:12 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Maybe a generic group for "Inspiration: Painters" could be useful? Not sure how many games there are like those two, but there could surely be more such games.

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    Barbarian_bros (15271) on 3/2/2018 12:31 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    This specific series only have 2 games... but it should be enough for a group. Many series only have a game and its sequels.

    But a generic 'Inspiration : Painters' group should exists too.

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    Havoc Crow (29969) on 3/2/2018 2:30 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    In that case I'd suggest the name "Theme: Famous painters" or "Theme: Famous artists", similar to the Theme: Famous musicians or Theme: Famous politician groups we already have.

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    Rwolf (23529) on 4/16/2018 2:35 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I submitted the 'Famous painter' group, but did not require the artists to be present in the game, as I think a focus on their works are more important. (unlike the musicians & politicians themes, where they must be in-game as characters, according to the descriptions)

    Not sure about grouping the two games as such, since they are not sequels, even if both are hidden-object games by the same company. One is a more common detective story, while the other has a more 'magically fixing the world' tone to the story.

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    Rebound Boy (20236) on 5/11/2018 11:49 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Impressions' Micro Miniatures wargaming system (which is the tactical part of the game, which is in some cases the whole game):

    Rorke's Drift
    Fighting for Rome (aka Cohort)
    Cohort II
    Edward Grabowski's The Blue & The Gray
    D-Day: The Beginning of the End

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    Foxhack (32096) on 5/21/2018 9:19 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    How about Games with Board Games?

    A bunch of DVD Player games would fit, as would those weird Odyssey2 games.

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    vedder (71290) on 5/22/2018 7:39 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I just realized our game group for the sport Handball covers two completely different sports which are apparently both called Handball.

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    Barbarian_bros (15271) on 9/7/2018 10:18 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Need a groupe for the Once Upon A Time series by Coktel Vision : -Once Upon a Time: Baba Yaga ( -Once Upon A Time: Abracadabra ( -Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood (

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    MAT (241251) on 9/7/2018 1:02 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I've submitted a group with those three games in it. Should be approved soon... I hope :)

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    Foxhack (32096) on 9/19/2018 9:51 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Game group:Arcade-exclusive Neo-Geo Games
    Some games were only released on MVS (Arcade only) format but not in AES (home console) format.

    How's this sound?

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    MAT (241251) on 9/20/2018 12:33 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Not so good, imho, because at first all were exclusive until console emulated versions appeared. So this group won't add new titles, but will probably have to remove games from it and possible reach zero entries if all games end up ported to home consoles.

    Do those games all use same arcade system? If so, that is the thing they are grouped under already.

    I don't think we have groups for exclusives. Any game with only one platform is an exclusive... except in cases when we split same game into several entries because of slight platform variations, lol.

    Edit: We could have "Platform Exclusive" checkbox under genres next to Licensed and Regional Differences. Those could then be selected for exclusive platform games, and easily removed when game stops being an exclusive, some 2, 5 or 50 years after. What about that suggestion?

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    Foxhack (32096) on 9/20/2018 4:39 AM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start MAT wrote--]Not so good, imho, because at first all were exclusive until console emulated versions appeared. So this group won't add new titles, but will probably have to remove games from it and possible reach zero entries if all games end up ported to home consoles.

    Do those games all use same arcade system? If so, that is the thing they are grouped under already.

    I don't think we have groups for exclusives. Any game with only one platform is an exclusive... except in cases when we split same game into several entries because of slight platform variations, lol.

    Edit: We could have "Platform Exclusive" checkbox under genres next to Licensed and Regional Differences. Those could then be selected for exclusive platform games, and easily removed when game stops being an exclusive, some 2, 5 or 50 years after. What about that suggestion? [/Q --end MAT wrote--]The group is for Neo-Geo home systems only. These games were NOT released in home Neo-Geo cartridge format, regardless of what other systems they appeared on via emulation. You can modify a cart so it works on a home console, but you still don't have an official home release.

    A list:

    Of those, Gururin, Shock Troopers and Zed Blade are on Arcade Archives, and it appears they run in arcade mode, not home mode. The rest of the games are unlikely to be released because the publishers no longer exist, are zombie corporations that license out their IP, or (in the case of Konami / Hudson) they don't care.

    The important part is making a distinction for games that aren't available in home cartridge format on the Neo-Geo.

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    MAT (241251) on 9/21/2018 12:53 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Basically games that don't have Neo Geo platform attached as well are those you want to group. I guess you could since we use groups for grouping pretty much anything. If you think the info is useful to have, sure, making a group for it can't do any harm.

    However, isn't this like making a group for DOS games that only appear in CD-ROM format and not on Floppy Disk format? We can see which DOS games come on floppy and which on CD, but we cannot see CD games that weren't released on Floppy Disk and vice-versa. This is the type of group you wish to create. Just not sure how useful that is since those arcades are all gone now, you probably won't see anyone thinking "oh, I wanna go play some NG arcade exclusive titles, let's see which titles they are so I can go to my local arcade place and try only those I can't play at home on my Neo Geo".

    I don't think having "CD only DOS releases" group would be worth having since noone will search for it that way, but if you see the logic in having something like that, go for it and create a group. Like I said, having an extra group, useful or not, can't hurt anyone and it doesn't affect and game specs so it's fine.

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    Foxhack (32096) on 9/24/2018 2:54 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    You know what, maybe we could get rid of the Neo-Geo CD Exclusive tech spec and make it a game group.

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    MAT (241251) on 9/24/2018 9:43 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Well, seeing how it only has one game in it it's not technically a "group" :) But if you create that group with at least 2 titles, then yeah, sure, let me know when you do and I'll remove this tech spec then.

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    chirinea (47503) on 9/22/2018 11:37 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Go for it.

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    Ms. Tea (75080) on 9/26/2018 2:06 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    I have a game group request. I'm adding several games in a series of 100-yen budget games released by the Daiso discount chain. One is already added by someone else:

    Title: "Daiso The Game Series" Description: "The Game Series is a line of budget-price CD-ROM games sold by Japanese discount store chain Daiso for 100 yen. Many of the games in this series are reissues of dōjin games released earlier by independent game developers."

    In case the moby tags get eaten by the forum, "Daiso" should link to

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    MAT (241251) on 9/26/2018 7:59 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Created "Daiso Game Series" group. It's pending approval, but it's there and once you add more games we can add them to the group.

    I had no idea Daiso sold games. Haven't noticed any in the past 10 years so it must've been back during Win 95/98 era, I suppose.

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    Ms. Tea (75080) on 9/29/2018 5:51 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Thank you!

    Yeah, this was back around 2002-2004. They're all advertised as Windows 95/98/XP compatible. There was a total of something like 72 total; there's a list here: I've got nine of them from a Canadian Daiso.

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    S Olafsson (60793) on 9/26/2018 11:31 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Is this a label or a group?

    Maxx Out

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    Havoc Crow (29969) on 10/12/2018 3:15 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Gameplay feature: Color-blind mode

    Games which allow the player to choose an alternate graphical theme, easier to read for color-blind players and/or players without color monitors.

    Limitations: Merely having several color themes available is not enough; there must be an option that is specifically indicated as "color-blind mode", "b/w mode" etc.


    • Mam Plan ("The player can choose alternate graphics for the tiles to make them easier to tell apart on a black-and-white screen.")
    • Kulki ("Turning on the mono monitor mode will make it easier to play on a black-and-white monitor")
    • TwoDots ("Colorblind mode")


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    Alaka (107767) on 10/12/2018 6:15 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    [Q --start JudgeDeadd wrote--]Gameplay feature: Color-blind mode

    Games which allow the player to choose an alternate graphical theme, easier to read for color-blind players and/or players without color monitors.

    Limitations: Merely having several color themes available is not enough; there must be an option that is specifically indicated as "color-blind mode", "b/w mode" etc.


    • Mam Plan ("The player can choose alternate graphics for the tiles to make them easier to tell apart on a black-and-white screen.")
    • Kulki ("Turning on the mono monitor mode will make it easier to play on a black-and-white monitor")
    • TwoDots ("Colorblind mode")

    Thoughts? [/Q --end JudgeDeadd wrote--]

    Yes, I like this. This seems to be an important feature for many puzzle games as matching colors tends to be a stalwart of that genre.

    I think the limitation should be a little loosened though. I would say any game that uses color as an important part of gameplay but enables a color blind person a way to experience it even without explicitly stating its a color blind mode should still be allowed in the group.

    For example Puyo Puyo Tetris lets the players use a letter skinned set however the player has to earn it since its not unlocked from the start, but once its unlocked a color blind person should be able to enjoy the game with far less difficulty. Maybe change the group name from Color-blind mode to Color-blind accessibility.

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    Rwolf (23529) on 10/13/2018 12:44 PM · edited · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Hmm, I recall a relatively modern Windows game offering some two or three versions of the screen palette, to make it suitable for different types of colour-blindness. Now if I only could remember the name of the game...

    Edit: Found it - two games actually: 'Borderlands 2' and 'Borderlands the pre-sequel' both have the same choices for three different types of color-blindness in the main menu:s video settings: Deuteranopia, Protanopia,Tritanopia. (all of which made me look them up on wikipedia).

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    Ms. Tea (75080) on 11/29/2018 8:28 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Game group request:

    Title: "M2 Shot Triggers series"

    Description: "M2 Shot Triggers is a series of arcade-perfect home versions of shmups ported by M2 Co., Ltd. It includes games originally developed by various companies."

    The series's site is here: Moby currently has entries for three of the games in the series, and my contribution of a fourth is currently pending, so I think it makes sense to group them together. Thanks!

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    Barbarian_bros (15271) on 3/3/2019 11:54 AM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    New Game group request: "The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes".

    This group should include the game series by Mythos/EA : - The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel ( -The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo (

    I think this 2 games should be in a specific group to help people to find them among the huge amount of Sherlock Holmes themed games.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 3/3/2019 8:01 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Pending approval.

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    Infernos (46145) on 3/3/2019 1:01 PM · Reply · Permalink · Report

    Group clean up/rename requests.

    1) Remove from True Golf Classics series group: Harukanaru Augusta, T&E Selection, Eight Lakes G.C. and Golf.

    The games that got released under the True Golf Classics name are: Waialae Country Club, Pebble Beach and Wicked 18 (Devil's Course). That's it.

    2) For Harukanaru Augusta series group I propose changing the group name to 3D Golf Simulation/Harukanaru Augusta to include 1983 original (3-D Golf Simulation), all the Harukanaru Augusta games and the course add-ons for it.

    Regarding what is an add-on for what... well, it gets complicated. From what I can tell: First three course disks add-ons (Eight Lakes, T&E Selection and Waialae) work with the system disk (version 1.00) that came with original release of Harukanaru Augusta (1989). In 1991 Harukanaru Augusta HD (Hard Drive Edition) comes out, this release has version 2.0 system disk. In 1992 Pebble Beach no Hatou comes out, this, if I understand correctly, is a standalone release and also came with version 2.0 system disk. Final course add-on - Devil's Course only works with version 2.0 system disk. But Ver.2.0 is also compatible with previous course add-on disks.