Forums > MobyGames > flight tag for X-Wing etc.?

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Rola (8478) on 2/19/2010 6:15 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm a bit puzzled as whether to use "flight" attribute for games such as X-Wing or Wing Commander. While they do try to mimic the dynamics of fighter aircraft (I've measured speed with a stopwatch once - turns out dogfights in old X-Wing really match those of WW2 planes), these are fictional space craft - a space with fantasy physics. Do we stick that "flight" tag only because the gameplay "feels like flying"? I thought sticking "simulator" is enough?

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Shoddyan (15006) on 2/27/2010 2:40 AM · Permalink · Report

Generally games like X-Wing and Wing Commander don't just get the Flight genre, they get the Flight + Sci-Fi/Space Simulation genre... between the two of them that's usually what I go searching for in the database when I have a hankering for some interstellar piloting. Plus there are some spaceflight simulations that are a bit more realistic than others...

You're correct though that technically "Flight" isn't applicable because unless we're talking about Shuttle landings and takeoffs, there's really no aircraft dynamics (heck, no air!) to mimic. Plus we're not at the point where we have a whole lot of different kinds of spacecraft development to draw comparison from. Likewise I think a game such as Dragonflight or Drakkengard is Flight + Fantasy , even though again... we have nothing to compare other dragons to really.

What you say makes sense, but I'm hesitant to agree this should be changed.