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Forums > News > Xoleras reaches as 4th Moby user ever the magical 60.000 barrier

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formercontrib (157434) on 3/11/2009 2:40 AM · Permalink · Report

Congratulations and a big thanks for all the work and help Oliver does. As fourth Moby user ever he beats the fantastic 60.000 contributor points barrier, keep on the great work!

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Big John WV (26946) on 3/11/2009 2:45 AM · Permalink · Report

Big congrats Xoleras and keep up the great work!!!

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Macs Black (80289) on 3/11/2009 3:06 AM · Permalink · Report


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xroox (3895) on 3/11/2009 3:20 AM · Permalink · Report

Congratulations! And thanks for approving a few items from me on this very day :)

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Servo (57052) on 3/11/2009 3:20 AM · Permalink · Report

Awesome, Oliver :) some great work for sure!

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DJP Mom (11333) on 3/11/2009 3:50 AM · Permalink · Report

Way to go, Oliver! Your ease with numbers and technical info is amazing, and then you have to go and be so nice all the time...;-)


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Xoleras (66109) on 3/17/2009 11:20 PM · Permalink · Report

Your ease with numbers and technical info is amazing

You're funny, you just can't resist a tech spec, can you, LOL!

Well, everyone has his or her special resort here. Some like to play & add indi games, or obscure games, some are here for screenshots, others wanting to get a displayed MobyRank for every game... and yes, I'm still basically here because of the tech-specs/ratings/etc.

That's mainly because I'm a "statistics fan". Not so in the overall site's statistics, but I like to browse - just for the sake of seeing it, seeing how it grows, comparing it; not for looking about something in specific - all those various lists (primarily tech-specs/ratings and companies). And if nothing is there, someone has to either add it or approve it. =)

Also interesting, my two real All Time Favourables, Unreal Tournament & Guild Wars, have in-depth statistics you can see growing over time (ngStats & the title achievement system). :)

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Sciere (932916) on 3/17/2009 11:37 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I remember you said you came to MobyGames because you had some sort of game collection (file?) where you wanted to see the USK rating for each of the titles. Look how you got reeled in eventually!

I don't recall anything about the single/multiple country system switch, just that you stopped by one day shortly after we added ratings to the site and one month later you had submitted about 20,000 tech specs and ratings, leaving us all far, far behind =)

You also became an approver quite quickly.

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Xoleras (66109) on 3/18/2009 1:02 AM · Permalink · Report

Don't mention that fiasco. =)

Yes, I was at the time looking for some sort of a game catalogue for my games. I've found a great program, with a lot of features (and statistics ;)), which was also retrieving cover scans off the internet. I did build up my collection there and I was happy.

While I do was "storing" my game packages, I never really was a collector for this kind of stuff. I think this was you who wondered that people "collecting" their games in CD wallets; but this is essentially what I do prefer (just because of the size, and therefore storing capability of my games).

So, one day I had my working game collection and realized that neither really care nor that I need this pile of crap (almost all of my game boxes) any more, so I trashed them. (What I still do, just after scanning them. ;) -- essentially I have only 8 game packages in my room which I won't trash.)

Then the program had an error one day, it couldn't retrieve the game covers any more - the downloads always timed out. So I dug a bit in the options and found out that it was retrieving the images from a site called www.mobygames.com ... and the rest is history. =)

[That's the reason why I've added so many CD-only scans at the beginning... which joyvalley is now completing. :P]

About ratings...

Well, this is a bit exaggerated. ;) Yes, I've submitted a lot, but it also took some while before I realized that the other rating systems weren't missing by design, but only by lack of information. And that a contributor could just bring up the specs, and it will be added.

Over time, I've mailed Rob the specs for SELL, aDeSe, VET/SFB, DJCTQ etc., and contributed there again. :P [This is the source of my 100 bonus points, where I also got "cheated". =)]

If at one day individual submissions from the same contributor will be consolidated, I will loose SOME points. =)

Though I'm still waiting for the Portuguese pre-PEGI-system to get "added" (opened). I once saw that it's in the system, though it can't be found via searching. (I've found it via manipulating the ID of the URL, looking what "hidden" specs etc. exists in the system. :)) Can you look back-end if this is still lurking somewhere around?

And became an approver quite quickly...

Well, this depends too. I once was asked to become an approver, but at that time I thought only the platforms listed at "become an approver" were valid spots. So this was delayed some months (half a year?) before Rob asked me again and about the reason for the decline... this was then sorted out and I've started as a PC approver. :)

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Unicorn Lynx (181676) on 3/11/2009 4:22 AM · Permalink · Report

Congrats, Oliver! Our race to the top was probably one of the most exciting MobyGames rivalries ever :) But even though I've kept a lead of several thousand points for at least two years, you persistently kept submitting stuff until your fierce opponent gave up! :)

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Xoleras (66109) on 3/17/2009 10:48 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Just to quote Indra's avatar... "Where Nerds have no life!?" =) [It's just a matter of time you can input into the project; and you're the one who has a life besides MobyGames. :P]

I've dug in the forum some time ago for nostalgia reasons, and I found these nice quotes, among many others, from 2004:

SirXerxes IS a contribution point whore.

Funny, very little did I approve most of his shit.

Just my opinion... I think this is almost cheating. I also can start submitting ratings and releases for thousands of countries - I'll also get thousands of points, but will it make MG any better? No, it'll just make it unnecessarily over-crowded...

I can't deny that I was "carried away" (a bit ;)) in my first year here, but the irony to this all is that we switched from single-country-release-info to multiple-country-release-info then back to (mostly) single-country-release-info (when distributor and product codes were added). Also of today, the game page uses the release info of the user's country if available, promoting to add various release info besides the "standards" (US & UK).

But I do wonder, was the single->multiple switch invented to stop me submitting a crapload of shit? =)

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DreinIX (10306) on 3/11/2009 5:56 AM · Permalink · Report

Congratulations Oliver!

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Sciere (932916) on 3/11/2009 7:12 AM · Permalink · Report

Great work Oliver!

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St. Martyne (3648) on 3/11/2009 8:10 AM · Permalink · Report


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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 3/11/2009 12:01 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Congratulations !!!

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vedder (71470) on 3/11/2009 12:14 PM · Permalink · Report


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Tracy Poff (2095) on 3/11/2009 6:04 PM · Permalink · Report

Congratulations! Thank you for helping us help you help us all.

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Zeikman (3410) on 3/11/2009 8:35 PM · Permalink · Report

Congratulations, Xoleras!
Where do you find the time to rack up such an amazing amount of contribution points AND provide patient answers to my questions and laments about game credits.

Kudos to you ;-)

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Alaka (108246) on 3/11/2009 9:02 PM · Permalink · Report

Not only does he contribute a large amount of info to the database, he also approves a bunch of it too. Congrats on the milestone. :)

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gamewarrior (5039) on 3/11/2009 10:36 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Good job, Oliver. You've probably approved most of my submissions, as well.

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Evil Ryu (66091) on 3/12/2009 4:48 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Congrats, Mr. Jahn! =D

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Xoleras (66109) on 3/17/2009 11:36 PM · Permalink · Report

That's easy to answer. My contribution-approval-ratio has shifted the last years mainly toward approving - most of my points are from past times. :)

But if Germany would have a 36-hour-day like Belgium apparently has, I could be much higher in ranking. =)

Also if you have any remaining questions, just ask. :)

The only thing I don't like (and hate after certain WIPs) - nothing about you, but in general - is when I write a huge text (pointing stuff out, asking etc.) and the result comes back unchanged / uncommented like someone thinking "I don't care; accept it or not, but don't bother me with it". .;) [By the way, someone actually wrote that once. :P]

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Parf (7870) on 3/12/2009 6:48 AM · Permalink · Report

Big congrats! Not only an avid contributor, but also a hardworking approver... how do you do it? :)

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chirinea (47526) on 3/13/2009 7:23 PM · Permalink · Report

Congrats, Oliver! You're really an inspiration for all of us, keeping an excellent pace of submissions in all these years of hard work. I hope you keep it up for a long time!

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Spenot (8585) on 3/14/2009 9:02 AM · Permalink · Report

Congrats Oliver! And thanks for all the hard work approving my submissions. :D

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coenak (3627) on 3/14/2009 5:34 PM · Permalink · Report

Yes, job well done! Oliver is always good at answering website questions in the forums too!

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Katakis | カタキス (43087) on 3/14/2009 11:20 PM · Permalink · Report

Since when were you interested in how many contribution points a top contributor like Oliver has?

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Xoleras (66109) on 3/17/2009 11:36 PM · Permalink · Report

Charming as always. :P

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Sciere (932916) on 3/17/2009 11:43 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Well, you were, in 2004:

"He seems like one of those guys who just want the contribution points, to outsmart Tom as the #1 top contributor."

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Xoleras (66109) on 3/17/2009 10:04 PM · Permalink · Report

A bit late, but I want to thank anyone. :)

[Besides having stress working days, I had also some stress at the relaxing times - with "migration" from XP to Vista. :( -- after all was set up, hibernation was broken and I had to format again and doing a "safe install" (install, restart, hibernate, resume, install, ...) to find the evil application that broke the system.]

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Depeche Mike (17454) on 4/10/2009 11:24 PM · Permalink · Report

Congrats Oliver :)

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Indra was here (20746) on 3/18/2009 6:36 PM · Permalink · Report

For the record, Xoleras is from South Africa. :)