Forums > Bugs > Unable to add a second player review
Skippy_Chipskunk (38591) on 3/22/2024 10:24 AM · Permalink · Report
There are two problems with adding a player review to a game
If you have already contributed a user player to a game, there is no direct way to add another one for a different platform.
If there is no critic review for a particular platform in the “Reviews” section, then you can’t add a player review.
I went through some trouble trying to add a second review for this game . Self-approving a critic review for the PlayStation achieved nothing, the system simply won’t let me add a player review for the PlayStation port. It’s frustrating not being able to add your own review when you have plenty to say about a game for the particular platform it was release on. Can this problem be fixed? Also the same user should be able to edit the platform and content in case of mistakes.