Forums > Bugs > Conflicting rules for *some* covers found in the approval instructions.
Rwolf (23844) on 12/7/2023 10:20 PM · Permalink · Report
One rule saying multiple games in magazine covers should not be in a compilation.
Another rule saying games in a compilation should not be spread on individual game entries.
Skippy_Chipskunk (38591) on 12/8/2023 5:30 PM · edited · Permalink · Report
It is true that a magazine cover has the makings of a compilation given that it features multiple games in an accompanying CD. On the other hand, mainly one game is prominently featured on the cover and CD, while the rest are mainly demos. While it is not officially stated in the Standards, I have been made aware by other users that demos are not acceptable, which is why you don't see Capstone Software's final game in the works "Fate". It begs the question: What is the proper way to categorise a magazine cover?