Forums > Bugs > Cannot add new credits to existing list of gamecredits
Tim Janssen (150960) on 11/23/2023 7:34 PM · Permalink · Report
I am having trouble adding extra entries to an existing list of PS4 credits for Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 ( Having added 1 group, 1 role and 1 name in the credits-entry screen, the save-button does not work and I am not allowed to get to the disambiguation screen. Do others have experienced something similar?
If I cannot amend the PS4 list of credits, I am thinking to add my credits to a different platform e.g. Xbox One.
Edwin Drost (10395) on 11/24/2023 4:36 PM · Permalink · Report
Just an idea (I hope that it will work), but what if you try to press "Reload this page" and try again? I just encountered the same thing...again. While trying to include a new name/role in the credits-entry screen (I seems to have forgotten one, oops) it did not appear at all later on. So, I went back to see if it appear there, but then it gave me an error. Because of this, I used the "Reload this page" and lo and appeared or make it possible to include the name.
PS: Sorry, if I am a bit unclear.
Tim Janssen (150960) on 11/24/2023 6:35 PM · Permalink · Report
I found the cause why I could not progress to the next screen. For reason unknown a role with no credit was added somewhere in the list of existing credits. By renaming the role, category and assigning a dummy credit to it I was able to progress to the disambiguation screen. I have submitted a few credits for this game asking the approver if he is able to delete this ghostly role and credit.