Forums > Find a game > Sci-Fi shooter/adventure (prerendered graphics)

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Roman Papush on 10/27/2014 11:51 AM · Permalink · Report

It's a Sci-Fi blend of genres type of game. As far as I can remember it had three stages. First one was a shooter (not 3D, but on a prerendered backgrounds, third-person-like), where you would see your character in cover, trying to shoot the bad guys. You would move through the screens, and then the next stage would come. The second stage was a point and click adventure/quest type game. I think I got stuck on that one...

The name of the game had some letters and numbers in it. That's all I can remember. Thanks!

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66547) on 10/27/2014 12:53 PM · Permalink · Report

Sounds a bit like Access' Mean Streets, but only a bit.

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vedder (71242) on 10/27/2014 4:57 PM · Permalink · Report

Makes me think of Cyberia.