Forums > Suggestions > Do we really need 6 different revision types?

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Alaka (107782) on 8/9/2016 12:53 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

minor edit, edit, major edit, update, major update, replacement

Seems extremely nitpicky and not user friendly. Maybe cut it down to 3 options: I think edit (for fixes), update (for additional), and replacement would cover all the bases nicely.

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Unicorn Lynx (181681) on 8/9/2016 6:27 AM · Permalink · Report


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Karsa Orlong (151775) on 8/9/2016 6:52 AM · Permalink · Report

Correction and update would cover all the cases. Replacement optional, but I don't think this was used more than dozen times...

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Terok Nor (43393) on 8/9/2016 6:55 AM · Permalink · Report

It was used two dozen times by me alone, and I don't revise much...

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Evolyzer (21898) on 8/9/2016 8:19 AM · Permalink · Report

I guess it is mainly used for descriptions stolen from other websites..

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Terok Nor (43393) on 8/9/2016 8:34 AM · Permalink · Report

And worthless two-sentence descriptions

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Cavalary (11608) on 8/9/2016 11:14 AM · Permalink · Report

Guessing all the different types were there for the points, to separate fixing a typo from an editorial and formatting overhaul of the text and adding a little missing element from adding most things to something that barely covered the basics before.