Forums > Suggestions > BBFC descriptors

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Starbuck the Third (22601) on 2/20/2014 3:58 PM · Permalink · Report

Going through the PS3 tech spec approval queue, I came across a rating submission by MAT, in which he queries why we don't have allow BBFC rating descriptors, which is a fair point as quite a few games have these.

See here for an example:,247849/

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vedder (71300) on 2/20/2014 4:11 PM · Permalink · Report

There are 450 or so tech specs escalated in the PC queue. Many of them because of missing rating descriptors.

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formercontrib (157454) on 2/20/2014 4:46 PM · Permalink · Report

Guess that was always avoided, because of the approx. 1.5 billions of Consumer Advice possibilities, probably even the BBFC does not know overall, which existed, tons more than for ESRB or OFLC rating boards, for sure incomplete advices can be found here:

Think admins would love it, to add daily new ones of them, starting instead with before mentioned BBFC list, but instead with contributions for our existing covers could be the key, i would like to see them, too.

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CrankyStorming (2927) on 2/20/2014 5:11 PM · Permalink · Report

What about really specific descriptors like "Contains scenes of animated creatures inside a washing machine" for Rabbids Land?