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Andrew Braybrook

aka: Andrew Graybrook, A. Braybrook
Moby ID: 10379

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Andrew worked at Marconi in Chelmsford, where he was a trainee programmer in the computer centre. Using CMS, CICS and Cobol, but few assemblers, he worked with a suite of IBMs. After four years he had become a trainee analyst and programmer. He had always written computer games in his spare time, using Cobol to throw up games rather than text on the firm’s computers.

After two years at this job, his Dad bought Andrew a ZX81, and he began to dabble in Basic. Andrew bought himself a Dragon 32 which he found preferable with its better keyboard and colours to play with. He saw Steve Turner’s work and became interested in it. He began to try to collate his ideas on the Dragon to see what could be achieved. Three months later, Steve Turner invited him to come work with him. In the early days, Andrew focused on the Dragon platform and mainly programming, while Steve programmed for the Spectrum and also did graphics.

Andrew Braybrook loved programing for Amiga and the C64, but after the fall of Commodore and the rise of the PC, he didn't want to work on the PC. He kept working on games with Steve until 1996 and then quit to join an insurance company.

Credited on 24 games

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Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands (1996, SEGA Saturn) Converted by Graftgold
International Moto X (1996, DOS) Managers
Virocop (1995, Amiga) Programming
Lollypop (1995, Amiga) I would like to thank
Soldiers of Fortune (1994, Amiga CD32) With Thanks to
Fire & Ice (1994, Amiga CD32) 68000 game system
Empire Soccer 94 (1994, Amiga) Coaches
Uridium 2 (1993, Amiga) By
Realms (1992, DOS) Software
Paradroid 90 (1990, Amiga) Game design
Rainbow Islands (1990, Amiga) 68000 Game System
Simulcra (1990, Amiga) Programmed by
Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road (1990, Amiga) Technical Support
Intensity (1988, ZX Spectrum) Designed by
Magnetron (1988, Commodore 64) Graphics by
Morpheus (1987, Commodore 64) Designed by
Uridium (1986, ZX Spectrum) Original design and concept by
Alleykat (1986, Commodore 64) Programmed by
Quazatron (1986, ZX Spectrum) Original game
Paradroid (1985, Commodore 64) Concept

[ full credits ]

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