Koch Media Holding GmbH
Moby ID: 6492
History add
- December 21, 2021
Company acquires Spotfilm Networx, a Berlin-based Advertising-based Video on Demand (AVoD) company.
- August 5, 2021
Company acquires DigixArt Entertainment.
- June 10, 2021
Company reveals its premium label Prime Matter.
- February 14, 2018
Company acquired by THQ Nordic AB.
- February 1, 2010
The company announces to close its Deep Silver GmbH development studio.
- February 9, 2009
The company opens Koch Media Nordic.
- July 2008
The company buys the Spanish distribution company Proein S.L. from SCi Games.
- August 22, 2007
The company announces to acquire Games That Matter Productions GmbH and merges it with its Deep Silver label, rebranding the company Deep Silver GmbH (Deep Silver Vienna).
- October 13, 2005
The company acquires SG Diffusion from Cedex France, enabling the company to offer specialised European publishing and distribution across six European territories.
- August 11, 2003
Koch Media acquires the Austrian Distributor Dynamic Systems from its parent company JoWood Productions. As a result of the deal, Koch Media secures three years of exclusively distributions rights in Austria for JoWood products.
- July 1, 2002
The company acquires EuroPress.
- 2002
KOCH Media AG alters its cooperate structure to become KOCH Media Holding GmbH
- 2000
KOCH Media AG, Germany is founded to unite all divisions of KOCH Media Group
- 1994
Company (then a group) founded.