Koch Media Holding GmbH

Moby ID: 6492

History add

December 21, 2021

Company acquires Spotfilm Networx, a Berlin-based Advertising-based Video on Demand (AVoD) company.

August 5, 2021

Company acquires DigixArt Entertainment.

June 10, 2021

Company reveals its premium label Prime Matter.

February 14, 2018

Company acquired by THQ Nordic AB.

February 1, 2010

The company announces to close its Deep Silver GmbH development studio.

February 9, 2009

The company opens Koch Media Nordic.

July 2008

The company buys the Spanish distribution company Proein S.L. from SCi Games.

August 22, 2007

The company announces to acquire Games That Matter Productions GmbH and merges it with its Deep Silver label, rebranding the company Deep Silver GmbH (Deep Silver Vienna).

October 13, 2005

The company acquires SG Diffusion from Cedex France, enabling the company to offer specialised European publishing and distribution across six European territories.

August 11, 2003

Koch Media acquires the Austrian Distributor Dynamic Systems from its parent company JoWood Productions. As a result of the deal, Koch Media secures three years of exclusively distributions rights in Austria for JoWood products.

July 1, 2002

The company acquires EuroPress.


KOCH Media AG alters its cooperate structure to become KOCH Media Holding GmbH


KOCH Media AG, Germany is founded to unite all divisions of KOCH Media Group


Company (then a group) founded.