🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Namco Bandai Partners Pty Ltd.

Moby ID: 5935

History add

July 7, 2009

Atari Australia Pty Ltd. is acquired by Namco Bandai Partners and the name is changed into Namco Bandai Partners Pty Ltd.

May 8, 2003

As a result of Infogrames worldwide re-branding, the company name of Infogrames Australia Pty Ltd. is changed into Atari Australia Pty Ltd.

April 15, 2002

Infogrames Entertainment SA now holds 100% share of the company.

December 15, 1998

The majority of Ozisoft is acquired by Infogrames Entertainment SA; Ozisoft Pty Limited becomes Infogrames Australia Pty Ltd.

March 31, 1998

The name of Sega Ozisoft Pty. Ltd. is changed to Ozisoft Pty Limited.

May 6, 1992

Company founded as Sega Ozisoft Pty. Ltd.