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Softdisk Publishing

Moby ID: 353

  • Softdisk, Inc. (from 1991)

Overview edit · view history

Softdisk was a publisher of "disk magazines" -- magazines distributed on disk, with programs, interviews, advertisements, etc. They were very popular from the 1980s until the mid 1990s, when the World Wide Web explosion changed the computer into a true consumer device. The programs were sometimes helpful utilities, but were mostly games you could play. Softdisk acted as a game publisher, and paid authors for their work.

A history of the company is still available on the web.

Credited on 156 Games from 1981 to 1996

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Alien Rampage (1996 on DOS, Macintosh, Antstream...)
In Pursuit of Greed (1996 on DOS)
Vor Terra (1996 on DOS)
Elkinloor (1995 on DOS)
Dangerous Dave Goes Nutz! (1995 on Apple II)
Aces Up (1994 on Commodore 16, Plus/4, Commodore 64)
Dark Designs IV: Passage to Oblivion (1994 on Apple II)
Dark Designs V: Search for Salvation (1994 on Apple II)
Dark Designs VI: Restoration (1994 on Apple II)
Curse of the Catacombs (1993 on DOS)
Dangerous Dave's Risky Rescue (1993 on DOS)
Dave Goes Nutz (1993 on DOS)
ScubaVenture: The Search For Pirate's Treasure (1993 on DOS, Windows)
Terror of the Catacombs (1993 on DOS)
Tiles of the Dragon (1993 on DOS)
Cyberchess (1992 on DOS)
Dangerous Dave Returns (1992 on Apple II)
Deep Sea Diver (1992 on DOS)
On Disk Monthly's Circuitry (1992 on DOS)
Sylvan Idyll (1992 on Apple II, Apple IIgs)

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History +


Builds intranets and extranets for companies and organizations; a new and growing market.


Launches the SPYS Program (Softdisk Pays Your Site), which lets anyone with a web site earn money from referred sales in the Softdisk download store.


Releases Screen Saver Studio, a program allowing users to create their own screen savers with no programming skill required.


Begins issuing Windows, DOS, and Macintosh software subscriptions on CD-ROM in addition to floppy-disk versions. CD-ROM versions have additional animations and demo software.


Launches an Internet software download store with both download and mail-order catalog sections.

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Trivia +

The company website was formerly located at www.softdisk.com.

Company address (1991):

Softdisk Publishing

P. O. Box 30008

Shreveport, LA 71130-0008

United States

Phone: (318) 221-8718

Toll-free Phone: 1-800-831-2694

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