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HammerHead Ltd.

Moby ID: 2035

  • Tales² - Original company circa 1994

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The studio was originally established as Tales², a breakaway group from the UK studio Traveller's Tales, likely around 1994. It was based in Southport, a small seaside town on the Northwest coast of England (UK) and around 2002 it employed about 25 people. After its founding, the name was changed to HammerHead after a few months.

The studio was responsible for Shadow Master (1998 - PC and PSX), the PlayStation port of Quake II (1999), and the original PlayStation game Blade (2000). After that, no other news was heard and the website disappeared early 2002. It appears the company's directors eventually returned to Traveller's Tales, the company they originally broke away from.

Credited on 4 Games from 1997 to 2003

Jinx (2003 on PlayStation)
Blade (2000 on PlayStation)
Quake II (1997 on Linux, Windows, PlayStation...)
Shadow Master (1997 on Windows, PlayStation)

Trivia +

The company website was formerly located at www.hammerhead.ltd.uk


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