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Michael Knox @mikeknox61

Contribution Score: 1 (+0 in last year)
Member Since: May 23, 2004
Yahoo! Messenger voice_to_page
Location: Las Vegas / San Diego
This user has a developer profile on MobyGames.
About Me:

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In 1989, Mr. Michael Knox founded Park Place Productions with $3,000 cash and a credit card. Through hard work and dedication, Park Place Productions became recognized as one of North America's largest independent software design and development software houses. Over the past five years the company has led the industry by developing sports titles, entertainment, educational and simulation products for many of the leading software publishing houses.

Through his company, Mr. Knox was responsible for marketing the company and the production of many major software titles. Monday Night Football, their first product sold over 100,000 units. This was followed by the original John Madden Football (the most successful sports game of all time) and NHL Hockey for the SEGA Genesis and Super Nintendo videogame platforms.

His company, Park Place Productions developed over 70 software titles and, In 1993, Michael Knox was the recipient of INC. Magazine's prestigious "Entrepreneur of the Year" award for the Greater San Diego County.

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John Madden Football SEGA Electronic Arts
John Madden Football SNES Electronic Arts
John Madden Football '92 SEGA Electronic Arts
John Madden Football '92 SNES Electronic Arts
John Madden Football '93 SEGA Electronic Arts
NFL Video Pro Football IBMPC Spirit of Discovery
NFL Football SNES Konami
NFL's Greatest Challenge SEGA CD Sega of America
Monday Night Football IBM Data East
Monday Night Football C-64 Data East
Monday Night Football AMIGA Data East
TV Sports Football IBM Cinemaware
NHL Hockey SEGA Electronic Arts
NHL Hockey SNES Electronic Arts
Joe Montana Football SEGA Sega of America
Magic Johnson Basketball SNES Virgin Games
D. Vital "Awesome baby" Basketball SEGA Tengen
David Robinson Basketball IBM Sega of America
Dream Team 3 on 3 Challenge IBM Data East
Dream Team 3 on 3 Challenge C-64 Data East
Roundball Nintendo Data East
GBA 2 on 2 Basketball C-64 GameStar/Activision
World Class Soccer SEGA Acclaim
World Class Soccer SNES Acclaim
Muhammad Ali Boxing SEGA Virgin
Muhammad Ali Boxing SNES Virgin
ESPN Baseball Tonight SEGA Acclaim
ESPN Baseball Tonight SNES Acclaim
BO Jackson Baseball IBMPC Data East
Beat the House IBMPC Interplay
Beat the House Mac Interplay
Beat the House Windows 3.1 Interplay
Beat the House Windows 95 Interplay
Beat the House II Windows 98 Interplay
Dvorak on Typing IBMPC Interplay
Dvorak on Typing Mac Interplay
Typing for Today IBM PC Interpaly
Dvorak on Typing (visually impaired) IBMPC Interplay
Body Illustrated IBMPC Spirit of Discovery
Human Calculator IBMPC Comptons New Media
Facts in Action IBMPC Spirit of Discovery
Berenstain Bears Counting IMBPC Comptons New Media
Draft 'n' Print (CAD) IBMPC Spirit of Discovery
Chessmaster Gameboy Software Toolworks
Jeopardy Windows 3.1 Gametek
Wheel of Fortune Windows 3.1 GameTek
Batman Returns IBM Konami
Sinbad and the throne of the Falcon C-64 Cinemaware
Gunsmoke C-64 Capcom
SideArms (Arcade) C-64 Capcom
Battle Bound Project C-64 Compumania
Hook Dodger C-64 Compumania
Save the Droids C-64 Compumania
The Ducks are Coming C-64 Compumania
Mine Sweepers C-64 Compumania
Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge SNES Gametek
Basic Programmer's Toolkit C-64 EPYX

and many more...