3 results for "Firelord"

COMPANY: Firebird Software
British Telecom launched this label for their move into publishing computer games in 1984, initially concentrating on budget software for systems such as the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum. They later expanded into full-price software, launching the Rainbird label, which was mostly used for...
204 games documented, including Chicken Chase.
COMPANY: Firebird Licensees Inc.
Firebird Licensees was the US office of Telecomsoft (owned by British Telecom). The company published games in the US that were released under Telecomsoft's Firebird and Rainbird labels in the UK. It was incorporated in 1985 and shutdown in April 1988. US operations were then conducted out of...
18 games documented, including Jewels of Darkness.
COMPANY: Firetoad Software, Inc.
Firetoad Software, Inc. is a Canadian game development studio based in Toronto, Ontaria. Incorporated on 6th May 2000, the studio was previously called NSD Entertainment and worked on web design and software creation. It was founded by Nathan d'Obrenan and Chad Sterling. The company's first game...
1 game documented: Hong Pong.