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Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

aka: Banjo to Kazooie no Daibōken: Garage Daisakusen, Banjo-Kazooie: Boutjes & Moertjes, Banjo-Kazooie: Schraube Locker

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Xbox 360 credits (2008)

424 people (380 professional roles, 44 thanks) with 437 credits.

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Development Team

Keyboard Tapping and Number Crunching Salvatore Fileccia (Freezeezy), David Pashute (Wrench Whirl), Paul Mountain (Floater), David Thomas (Trophy), John Pegg (Boggy), Mike Vine (Vinjo), James Ackroyd (Parts Store), David Allmond (Big Al), Peter Campbell (Gruntbot), Giles Evans-Pritchard, Andrew Fenwick (Klungo), Simon Gerges (Saucer of Peril), Brendan Gunn (Spring Break), Dave Herod (Daily L.O.G.), Mark Lucas (Mumbo Bombo), Robert Masella (Sticky Ball), Adam Miller (Wrench-It), Thang Phung Dinh (Torpedile), Scott Sims (Super Wheels), Nilles Sonnemans (Citrus Slick), Matthew South (Suck-N-Blow), Nikolay Stefanov (Smoke Sphere), Richard Watson (Jingaling), Tom Berry (Rustbin), James Bird (Tick Tick Bang), Andrew Patrick (Replenisher), Martin Uhrin (Up to the Oche)
Shape Making, Colouring and Scribbling Steve Mayles (Mr. Fit), Steven Hurst (Showdown), Neill Harrison (Jolly Dodger), Andrew Burt (Bottles), Andrew James (Jiggy Bank), José Fernández Castro (Jiggoseum), Elissa Miller (Merry Maggie), Ryan Stevenson (Roysten), David Rose (Banjoland), Damien Sparkes (Logbox 720), Bryan Smyth (Terrarium of Terror), Paul Cunningham (Canned and Panned), Phillip M. Jackson (Piddles), David Clifford (Collywobble), Giorgio Grecu (Game Globe), Chris Woods (Nutty Acres), Dave Buttress (Spiral Mountain), Gary Talbot (Tiptup), Matthew Osbond (Mildred), Kuan Leong Low (Mumbo's Motors - Vincent), Alex Mourant (Making Waves), Matthew Wells (Test-O-Track), Carla Prada (Coffitup), Richie Prado (Mr. Patch), Lee Burns (Jinjo Bingo)
Daft Ideas and Vehicle Gluing Gregg Mayles (Grunty), Shaun Read (Robo-Fix), Steve Malpass (Salty Joe), Gavin Price (Pikelet), Luke Munton (Loco Coco), Shelley Preston (Humba), Chris Tilston (Tooty Fruity)
Paper Shuffling, Scheduling and Shouting Andrew Wilson (Spec-O-Spy), Richard Cousins (Clockwork Caz)
Clanging and Banging Robin Beanland (Weldar's Breath), Grant Kirkhope (Clanker), Martin Penny (Flower Power Shower), Steven Burke (Winkybunion), David Clynick (Ye Olde Empty Kettle), Jamie Hughes (Jig-O-Vend), James Stant (Save Our Statue - Intern)
The Bits with Words Leigh Loveday (Spirit of Pants)
Fault Finding Anthony Salway (Salty Hippo), Sean Dudley (Dingpot - Volt)

Microsoft Games Studios

Executive Management Shannon Loftis
Lead Producer Peter Connelly
Producer Roger Carpenter
Development Manager Brian Stone
MGS Sound Designers Mark Yeend, Peter Comley, Keith Sjoquist
MGS Voice Talent Mark Yeend, Peter Comley, Keith Sjoquist, Ken Kato, Curtis Neal, Kristen Quebe, Jeffrey Linsenbigler
Test Manager Tom Arnold
Banjo Test Lead Christopher Chamberlain
Banjo Test David Johnson, Melissa Batten, Robert Lamb, Matthew Shimabuku, Joe Dunavant, John Mulhausen, Michael Swogger, Hemanshu Chawda, Justin Robey, Joe Longworth, Derek Mantey, Chris James, Josh Colas (Volt), David Ouimet (Volt), Travis Pijut (Excell Data Corporation), Leah Rivera (Excell Data Corporation), Chris Liu
GTO Shared Dev James Stabbert, Michael Vargas, Dimitri Roche, Mike Grodin, Andy Dotson
Banjo Infantry Test Lead Carolyn Cecil
Banjo Infantry Daniel Bach (Volt), Bradley Klocksiem (Excell Data Corporation), Jason Donald (Excell Data Corporation), Benjamin Harrison (Excell Data Corporation), Brad Meine (Volt), Joseph Shute (Volt), Meghan Akins (Excell Data Corporation), Eric Hanke (Excell Data Corporation), Robert Campbell (Excell Data Corporation), Justin Ice (Volt), Ben Smith (Volt), Joshua Palmer (Volt), Tyler Anderson (Excell Data Corporation), Bryan Link (Excell Data Corporation), Stephanie Mock (Volt), Jesse Heidner (Volt), Randall Lutcavich (Excell Data Corporation), Eric Brown (Excell Data Corporation), Derek Shefveland (Excell Data Corporation)
MGS Test wishes to thank Greg B. Jones, David C. Holmes, Terri Ramsey, Kelsey Palmer, Ken Lobb, T. J. Duez, All staff of the MGS Multiplayer Labs, John Rush, Cavalry Teams, Recon Teams, Black Ops Team
MGS Audio Mark Yeend, Guy Whitmore
MGS User Testing Jerome Hagen
MGS User Experience Beth Demetrescu, Ginny Baldwin
MGS Legal & Geopolitical Donald McGowan, Alan Bruggeman
Xbox Account Manager Oliver Miyashita
Xbox Developer Account Manager David Shaw
Xbox Release Management Nicole Stewart, Kevin Salcedo
XNA LIVE Server Raymond Arifianto, Daniel Berke, Steve Dolan, Isaias Formacio-Serna, Andrew Graff (NW Connection Services), Scott Grant, Malia Guerrero, Ted Howard, Hiroki Kobayashi, Dustin Rector, Randy Santossio, Will Sheehan, Benjamin Steenbock, Dave Templin, Joel Wiljanen, Stephen Yong
MS Games Operations Ken Adamson, Michelle Cohen, Robert Cornwall, Kyle Emtman, Jeremy Hall, Jason Reiner, Gregory Shay (Hewlett-Packard), Tavi Siochi, Justin Spiegelberg (Hewlett-Packard), Scott Thomas, Nairn Walker
Website Dev Christopher Barney, Jason Olsan, James O'Rourke
Web Design Ginny Baldwin, Dana Ludwig, Denise Wynn, Paul Amer
Web Content Kelly Bell, Scott Kearney
Site Manager Susan Clark
MGS Localization Lead Paul R. Chavez
Dublin Localization Project Manager David Foster
Dublin Lead IPE - Test Enda Kelly
Dublin INTL Project Engineer Levente Verő
Dublin IPE - Test Ingo Schumacher
Korean Program Manager Jae Youn Kim
Korea Test Lead In Goo Kwon
Korean Localization Program Manager Hae-jung Lee
Korea Test Jun Hee Lee
China Program Manager Rosa Ma
China Test Lead Dean Wang
China Localization Program Manager Jiliang Li
China Test Xingzhi Guan, Tao Lin
Japan Program Manager Tomoko Yamada
Japan Test Lead Fujiko Okabe
Japan Test Naoki Shigemori, Toshihiko Nishimoto, Souichiro Shimano
Japan Software Engineer Atsushi Horiuchi
Japan Contents Editor Tomoko Kometani
Taiwan Group Manager Shu-Liang Balzac Chang
Taiwan Test Lead Wen-Chin Deng
Taiwan Localization Project Manager Christina Yu
Taiwan Test Aha Chiu, Derek Tu
MGS Special Thanks Phil Spencer, Ken Lobb, James Veevaert, Chris Kimmell, Earnest Yuen, Matthew White (Matt White), Simon Harris, Yutaka Noma, Chris Lassen, Carol Rogalski, Michael Johnson, Mark Harper, Beth Honebrink, Jen Martin, Jason Graf
Havok™ Special Thanks Rory Mullane, Marc O'Morain, John Fuller, Andrew Bowell
In Memory of Lost Friends & Colleagues Melissa Batten, Lee Burns

Additional Content, Resources and Services

More Doodling and Other Artistic Things (Banjo) Stephen McFarlane, Louise O'Connor, Neil Pryce, Andrew Betts, Jason Baggett, Steven Crow, Saehoon Lee, Gareth Cook, Katherine Sellar, Ellen Holland, Richard Morrall, Patrick Rabbette, Ryan Firchau, Peter Hentze, Olivier Ladeuix, Jonathan Mummery, Keri Gunn, Andrew Thomas, Donnchadh Murphy, Gavin Flint, Ross Bury, Peer Lemmers, Stephen Payne, Alex Brown (Intern), Sarah Brown (Intern)
Compositing Monkey Lee Musgrave
Newfangled Technology (Banjo) Jim Horth, Tom Grove, Michael Boulton, Shawn Pile, Ben Miller, Richard Nguyen, Sebastian Sylvan, Henry Coupe, Anthony Ambrus
Game Scaffolding and Sticky Tape Chris Marlow, Tom Hill, Mark Wilson, John Warlow
Fault Finding (Rare) Huw Ward, David Wong
Fault Finding (Volt) Joseph Hill, Gareth Casey, Matthew Pearson, Joseph Prickett, Richard Pearce, Simon Wilkins, Alexander Hill, David Brown, Carlos Martinez-Thompson, Steve Lindsay-Neale, Daniel Botham, Richard Kadow, Jamie Cartwright, Joseph Smith, Ed Field, Ben Cotton, Phil Costello, Craig Taylor, Matthew Garthwaite, Jonathan Diamond, Charlie Catton, Kurt Mitchell, Paul Dudley, Paul Smith, Laurence Perkins, Paul Hughes, Patrick Leach
Assorted Mumbling, Screeching and Grunting Chris Sutherland, Steven Burke, Steve Malpass, Duncan Botwood, Chris Seavor, Elissa Miller, Michael Harbour
Rabid Fan Control and Media Schmoozing George Kelion
Stick Waving and Loud Trumpeting Nic Raine, James Fitzpatrick, Jan Holzner, Gareth Williams, The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
Ivory Tower Inhabitants Mark Betteridge, Simon Farmer, Lee Schuneman, Kieran Connell
Big pats on the back to William Bryan, Ed Bryan, Riko Agarie, James Lawrence, Doug Crouch, Pete Cox, Mark Green, Amrit Singh, Gareth Williams, Josh Read, Charlie Farmer, Korrol Schuneman, James Bakewell
The Rare Family Phil Tossell, Steve Horsburgh, Duncan Botwood, Chris Allcock, George Andreas, Mark Stevenson, Simon Craddick, Matthew Hill, Damiano Iannetta, Nick Burton, Eddie Sharam, Sergey Rakhmanov, Matthew Grover, Matt Perry, Daniel Carey, Dean Wilson, Jay Howse, Phil Dunne, Rod Boyd, Chris Seavor, Dermot Fanning, Wil Overton, Dean Smith, Chris Peil, Ryo Agarie, John Doyle, Gareth Lough, Bjørn Toft Madsen, Mark Bryant, Stephen Hall, Andrew Pollington, Chris Phillips, Andrew Hall, Justin Cook, Matthew Carter, Steven Brand, Adam Park, Ian Bolton, Neal Mitchell, Arturo Gutierrez Lopez, Paul J. Machacek, Ross Bullimore, Ben Wilson, Gary Richards, Joseph Humfrey, Dale Murchie, Ben Hymers, Nicholas Makin, Trevor Attwood, Rob Ware, Keith Rabbette, Mark Edmonds, Paul Mikell, David Meen, Frank Li, Simon Scarle, James Rogers, Kostas Vlahavas, Phil Cousins, David Quinn, Simona Tassinari, Ash Henstock, David Wise, Chris Sutherland, Adam Kitching, Dave Symmonds, Matthew Kemp, Dave Hill, Jafar Soltani Azad, Thomas Kuhn, Marguerite Barrett, Matthew Kemp, Felix Brann, Ali Eslami, Sally Betts, Julie Gunn, Alan Ward, Corinne Tilley, Carole Stamper, Nathan Cockburn, Michelle Everitt, Lynne Jackson, Stephen Stamper, Alan Tipper, Guy Snowdon, Jim Ballard, David Tipper, Benjamin Swinton, Elaine Burgess, Sharon Holden, Marion Storer, Diane Causon, Dawn Cole, Denise Wilson-Gleeson, Brent Poynton, Phillip Baker, James Thomas, Eoin O'Flynn, David Parkinson, Robin Moore, Eike Umlauf, Nicola Bhalerao, Charles Alexander Goatley, Harry Robinson
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Credits contributed by Popa_Ramjet.