Armed and Dangerous
Moby ID: 11308
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Xbox credits (2003)
182 people (104 professional roles, 78 thanks) with 207 credits.
Credits |
Created & Developed by | Planet Moon Studios |
Published by | LucasArts |
Planet Moon Studios |
Conceived and Designed by | Tim Williams, Bob Stevenson, Nick Bruty |
Additional Design | Aaron Loeb, Scott Guest, Dave Aufderheide, Martin Brownlow, Jim Mazrimas |
Produced by | Aaron Loeb |
Executive Producers | Bob Stevenson, Nick Bruty |
Lead Programmer | Scott Guest |
Programming | Dave Aufderheide, Martin Brownlow, Jim Mazrimas |
Art Direction | Nick Bruty, Bob Stevenson |
Character Design | Bob Stevenson, Nick Bruty, Tim Williams |
Art & Additional Character Design | Ken Capelli |
Movies Written and Directed by | Tim Williams |
Animation | Shawn Nelson |
In-game Dialogue Written by | Aaron Loeb, Tim Williams |
Additional Art | Heather Capelli |
LucasArts |
Producer | Dan Pettit |
Lead Sound Designer | Michael Frayne |
Sound Designer | Ellen Meijers-Gabriel |
Associate Sound Designer | Jim Diaz |
Foley Supervisor | Nick Peck |
Foley Artist | Marnie Moore |
Foley Intent | Ben Hayes |
Foley Recorded at | Perceptive Sound Design |
Original Music Composed by | Anna Karney |
"Save the Last Pint" Written by | Tim Williams |
Performed by | Tim Williams and The Timtones |
Music, Score and Arrangement by | Anna Karney |
Associate Producer | Shara Miller |
Level Designers | Xiang Dong Zou, Greg Sarjeant, Quentin Westcott, Chris Hockabout, Jeffrey Sondin-Kung, Michael Cheng |
Modelers | Yurik Riegel |
Character and Set Modeler | Martin Yee |
Texture Artists | Ashot Melkumov, Kevin Evans |
Animators | Joe White, Karin Nestor |
Concept Artist | Ian Berry |
Technical Artists | Raven Alef, Nicholas Harter |
Post Production Effects Artist | Eric Antanavich |
Technical Director | Nick Pavis |
Localization Producer | Hiromi Okamoto |
Voice Director | Darragh O'Farrell |
Senior Voice Editor | Cindy F. Wong |
Assistant Voice Editors | G. W. Childs, Harrison Deutsch |
Voice and International Coordinator | Jennifer Sloan |
Voice Cast |
Brother Zoltan | Daniel Riordan |
Captain 1 | Patrick Fraley, Rob Paulsen |
Captain 2, Monk 1, Old Man Peasant | Philip Proctor |
Goliath, Stig | Dave Boat |
Grunt 2 | Lewis Macleod, Rob Paulsen |
Grunt 3, Peasant Boy, Peasant Man 2 | Anthony Green |
Henry | Darren Norris |
Indian Peasant, Q, Russian Captain | Patrick Fraley |
Jonesy | Jeff Glenn Bennett |
Kato | Rob Paulsen |
King | Tony Jay |
Leper Boy, Leper Woman, The Lady of the Pond | Michelle Arthur |
Lily, Mother | Kath Soucie |
Mayor, Messenger | Jeff Glenn Bennett |
Old Woman Peasant, Peasant Man 2, Vindaloo | Lewis Macleod |
Peasant Keeper | Corey Burton |
Peasant Woman 1 | Carolyn Seymour |
Q1-12, Shrub Patrol #1 | Darren Norris |
Rexus | John Mariano |
Rome | Brian George |
Shrub Patrol #2 | Corey Burton |
Voices Recorded at | Advantage Audio, Screenmusic Studios |
The Rest |
Lead Tester | David Silverstein |
Assistant Lead Tester | Bertrand Reyes Estrellado |
QA Testers | David Ong, Orion Tiller, John Shields, Ahmad Abbott, Catherine Sheu, Zak Huntwork, Justin van Alstyne, Troy Sims, Eric Marriott, Welbon Salaam |
International Lead Tester | Phillip Berry |
Director of Marketing | Liz Allen |
Product Marketing Manager | Sam Saliba |
Senior Marketing Coordinator | Matthew Shell |
Public Relations Manager | Ellen Lynch |
Internet Marketing | Jim Passalacqua, Chris Adams |
Package Design | BLT & Associates Inc. |
Manual Writer | Matthew Keast |
Manual Editor | Brett Rector |
Manual Design | Cassia Dominguez |
Sales & Channel Marketing | Meredith Cahill, Alyxandra Huynh, Greg Robles, Katy Walden, Mike Maguire, Tim Moore |
Director of Sales Operations | Jason Horstman |
Product Support Supervisor | Jay Geraci |
Hint Line Supervisor | Tabitha Tosti |
QA Supervisor | Chip Hinnenberg |
Manager of Quality Services | Paul Purdy |
Manager of Art | Matthew White |
Manager of Technical Art | Mike Swanson |
Special Effects Supervisor | Ken Henderson |
Burning Goddesses | Wendy Kaplan, Kellie Walker |
LucasArts Thanks |
LucasArts Would Like to Thank | Simon Jeffery, Robin Dyer-Pettit, Christian & Meghan, The Harter Family, Ann Becker, Vanessa Jardin, Larissa Twardy, Jason Lauborough, Sheep and Penguins and Moles everywhere, Jessica Scianna, Scott, Nick, Chelsea Taylor, Allison Zimmerman, James Miller, Mike Minahan, Mark Subotnick, Maria & Zac, Lisa, Olive, Gus, Scritch, Gi, Daniel Atkins, Jersey Jim Nestor, Tyler |
Planet Moon Thanks |
Planet Moon Would Like to Thank | Neil Young, Simon Jeffery, Natashia, Milo, Lola Stevenson, Doug, Rory Stevenson, George and May Stevenson, Allyn Bruty, Angelia & Elliot Bruty, Tony and Inje Bruty, Helen, Jack, Steven Murray, David & Linda Welty, Fran & Hubby Scout, Maggie, Angelika and Lily Williams, John, Mel, Livvy, Tamzin, Sorcha, Clarinda Williams, Jane Heber, John Williams, Hannah Heber, Wally and Betty Tompkins, Claire Guest, Holly Guest, Jack & Ann Guest, Hannah, Robert, Katie Jackson, Andrea Aufderheide, Andie Brownlow, Rozanne, Heather Capelli, Eva Capelli, Ragged Robin, The Philosopher L.K., Roberts, Michael Evans, Doctors Greg Zeschuk & Ray Muzyka, Travis Williams, Matt Firme, Katie, Blake, Maggie Nelson, Roo Nelson, Little E. Hutchens, Sausalitto Bike Path Commission |
Very Special Thanks |
Very special thanks to | George Lucas |
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MobyPro Early Access
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- Star Wars: Republic Commando, a group of 43 people
- Star Wars: Battlefront, a group of 42 people
- Gladius, a group of 37 people
- Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, a group of 36 people
- Star Wars: Battlefront II, a group of 34 people
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Other Games
MobyPro Early Access
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- George Lucas on 231 other games
- Corey Burton on 144 other games
- Dave Boat on 136 other games
- Darragh O'Farrell on 134 other games
- Kath Soucie on 133 other games
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Credits contributed by JPaterson.