Tetris Forever
Tetris Forever

Windows version

Had to put it in my attic!

The Good
I was playing this game so much, I had to pack it up, and hide it in my attic! Every few years, one of "those" titles gets introduced.....a game that literally alters the world of PC entertainment-----as you might guess: this is one of those games. So much thought and planning went into every single level.....they're fun, creative and allow for all sorts of playing styles. I liked being both commander and soldier, required to both direct the action as well as participate in it too. I liked every single weapon, but found myself toying with the different methods of using flash-bang grenades and frag grenades to handle the enemies. No small plus is the VAST availability of mods for this title.

The Bad
Sometimes, the terrorists can be downright stupid.....standing at a wall, trying to run right through it. Other than this, this game slams!

The Bottom Line
A realistic anti-terrorist game that provides a refreshing alternative to standard sci-fi First-Person shooters.

by Paul Budd (424) on June 16, 2000

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