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Windows credits (1997)

243 people (117 professional roles, 126 thanks) with 288 credits.

Game Design Blizzard North
Senior Designer David Brevik, Erich Schaefer
Additional Design Max Schaefer, Eric Sexton, Kenneth Williams
Lead Programming David Brevik
Programming Peter Brevik, Doron Gartner, Jon Morin, Collin Murray, Mike O'Brien, Frank Pearce Jr., Richard Seis, Patrick Wyatt, Robin van der Wel
Installer Programming Bob Fitch, Jeff Strain, Patrick Wyatt
Battle.net Programming Dan Liebgold, Michael Morhaime, Mike O'Brien
Art Directors Sam Didier, Erich Schaefer
Artwork David Berggren, Nicholas S. Carpenter, Sam Didier, Eric Flannum, Ben Haas, Joeyray Hall, Kelly Johnson, Roman Kenney, Maxx Marshall, Micky Neilson, Michio Okamura, Stuart Rose, Erich Schaefer, Max Schaefer, Eric Sexton, Brian F. Sousa, Justin Thavirat, Hugh Tom Byrne, Patrick Tougas
Technical Artwork Robert Djordjevich, Christopher Root, Mark Sutherland, Jeffrey Vaughn
Cinematic Art Director Matthew Samia, Duane Stinnett
3D Cinematic Art Sam Didier, Eric Flannum, Ben Haas, Trevor Jacobs, Maxx Marshall, Robert McNaughton, Micky Neilson, David Pursley, Matthew Samia, Ron Smorynski, Brian F. Sousa, Duane Stinnett, Patrick Tougas
Cinematic Technical Artwork Joeyray Hall
Executive Producer Allen Adham
Producer Bill Roper
Associate Producer James Phinney
Diablo Strike Team Allen Adham, Ronald Millar Sr., Mike O'Brien, James Phinney, Bill Roper, Patrick Wyatt
Music Matt Uelmen
Sound Design Glenn Stafford, Matt Uelmen
Cinematic Music and Sound Glenn Stafford
Voce Production, Directing & Casting Bill Roper, Mark Schwarz, Glenn Stafford
Story Chris Metzen, Bill Roper, Eric Sexton, Erich Schaefer
Voice Editing Glenn Stafford
Voices Steve Brodie, Paul Eiding, Michael Gough, Michael Haley, Chris Metzen, Lani Minella, Bill Roper, Max Schaefer, Mark Schwarz, Glenn Stafford, Glynnis Talken Campbell
Recording Engineer Robert Koenigsberg
Manual Design & Layout Chris Metzen, Bill Roper, Peter Underwood, Jeffrey Vaughn
German Version Medienagentur Fichtner & Meyer, Florian Mueller (Translation)
Manual Illustrations Sam Didier, Roman Kenney, Maxx Marshall, Chris Metzen
Provisional Director of QA Shane Dabiri
Lead Tester Shane Dabiri
Testers Christopher Cross, Mike Givens, David Hale, Brian Love, Hung Nguyen, Dean Shipley, Chris Sigaty, Ian Welke, James Wiggs
Compatibility Testers Russell Miller, Adam Maxwell
Additional Testers Rich Alcazar, Daniel Moore, Mike Jones, Matthew Morris, Mark Pfeiffer, Harish Rao
Quality Assurance 'Counter Intelligence' Alan Dabiri, Jesse McReynolds, Walter Takata
Network Information Services Robert Bridenbecker, Jason Schmit, Jamie Steigerwald
Customer Support Richard Amtower IV, Chad Chaudry, Roger Eberhart, Andrew Edwardson, Tony Hardy, Victor Larson, Kirk Mahony, Brandon Riseling, John Schwartz, Collin Smith, Mick Yanko
Dunsel Alan Dabiri
Mr. Dabiri's Background Vocalists Christina Cade, Karin Colenzo, Melissa Edwards, Kim Farrington
Public Relations Linda Duttenhaver, Susan Wooley-Sams
Marketing Kathy Carter-Humphreys, Neal Hubbard, Steve Huot, John Patrick
International Sales Ralph Becker, Chris Yoshimura
U.S. Sales Todd Coyle, Danny Kearns
Manufacturing Tom Bryan, John Goodman
Legal Paula V. Duffy, Eric Roeder, Paul W. Sams
Special Thanks To Prime Net, Earthlink, AOL, Compuserve, ATI, Matrox, STB, Creative Labs, Logitech, USRobotics, Gravis
Thanks To Stieg Hedlund, Matthew Householder, Ian Cloquhoun, Rod Shean, Brian Fitzgerald, Sharon Williams, Todd Schaffer, Richard Schaefer, Sandra Schaefer, Rick Bowles, Greg Bogden, Cindy Sievert, Brad Mason, Chuck Goldman, Karin Colenzo, Wendy Brevik, Jennie Brevik, Hanna Carroll, Katie Newell, Karen Weiss, Kurt Beaver, Stan McDonald, Brian Sexton, Michael Wan, Megan Williams, Jessica Gensley, Beth Ann Parks, Brian Piltin, Johnathon Root, Brett Supernaw, Sabeer Bhatia, Mark Rearick, Diane Kodama, Bernadete Sexton, Barbara Uhlmann, Patricia McDonald, Kris Kelley, Alissa Vaage, Denise Hernandez, Paula White, Rachel Marie Hawley, Laura Gaber, Isaac Matarasso, Susan Stafford, Gretchen Witte, Alan Dabiri, Walter Takata, Jason Sailor, Nathalie Didier, Nicole Welke, Dawn Caddel, Tracey McNaughton, Ray the Soda Guy, Sam Raimi, A. Guinness Brewing Co., John Woo, Chow Yun Fat, Jackie Chan, Proposition 215, Rumiko Takahashi, Bunchy & Mason, The Friends of Stan, The Zoo Crew, Team Hamro, Brazil 2001, RUSH, Cornholio, THE BROS., Dar, Emeril Lagasse, Tom Waits, Ice-Cube, The Strike Team Deflectors, Tony Levin, Big Jim and the Twins, Jag'rmeister, The Megasphere, Condor, The Allower, The Sunday Night Group, Gravitar, Steinway Pianos, Round Table Pizza, The Poxy Boggards, Urban Mystic & Co., Hunter Rose, Marly mediums in the box, sweet Poteen, Dave Scarpitti, The Byter, Bim Man, Krissann for color, Avalon Tattoo, James, Whaleboy, Dunsel Training Institute, monkeys, Dob Bole, Rootes Group, Porshe, Bongo, Scarlett, Apollo the Houser of Mediocrity, Amelias, The King, Saag, all by Davidson
In Memory of Lawrence Williams, Barbara Williams, David A. Hargrave, Tony Collin (Xatre), Thomas H. Sexton
Very Special Thanks To Bob Davidson, Janice G. Davidson, Walter Forbes
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Ray Soderlund, maxx marshall, formercontrib, Xoleras.