Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance

aka: Guerra nas Estrelas: X-Wing Alliance, XWA
Moby ID: 1126

Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 87% (based on 29 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 55 ratings with 7 reviews)

Star Wars perfection

The Good
The last in the X-Wing games closes the trilogy with a bang (yes, trilogy. I don't want to hear anything about an "X-Wing vs Tie Fighter". Understood?). Basically it just wraps up everything the original games were known for, adds the multiplayer genius of XWvsTF and the best 3D accelerated graphics circa 1999. Plus it throws a neat collection of original features that set it as one of the best games of it's kind.

Let's deal with the graphics first. As I mentioned, the game looks niiice, real nice. It's basically the same engine of XWvsTF, but the texture detail and resolution have been completely overdone, and small details such as the cockpits now sport fully polygonal models and cleaner huds. These new cockpits work like a charm as they allow the game to let loose with all sorts of funky colored lighting (from the laser fire, explosions, etc.), the ship models seem much more detailed than before (specially notable on big ships like the Calamari cruisers) and space itself is much more detailed, with lots of colorful nebulas, asteroids, stations as well as interior locations such as space stations and platforms. Add to all of this glitz the usual LucasArts production values for a Star Wars game and you have in your hands a class-A product that just oozes Star Wars coolness, with sights that match the sounds ripped right from the movie soundtracks and SFX libraries.

The gameplay itself remains unchanged save for the premise and mission design, and it's in these two areas where the game rises above the rest of the saga and crowns itself as the definitive Star Wars space sim. Instead of being a nameless Rebel fighter you take on the role of the youngest member of the Azzameen family, a struggling merchant family that operates from a modest space station and which has to deal with piracy and shady competition from smuggling gangs. So yeah, the game doesn't start with you shooting down imperial scum from the cockpit of your X-Wing, but instead places you in the comfort of a Millennium Falcon-lookalike from which you take on a series of trading-oriented missions that serve as a tutorial to the many new gameplay additions such as turret handling and auto-docking as well as initiating the n00bs in power management and basic dogfighting.

The main hub for the game in these early moments are the living quarters of your family ship, from which you can read mails from other family members and friends as well as check out your stats, initiate the next mission or check out your always growing collection of "souvenirs" that you get from each mission (such as a contraband brandy or part of the hull of your first Tie Fighter kill). This somewhat quiet existance fortunately ends before it gets too boring and after a nasty incident with some smugglers, you find out that you have been sold out to the empire, which comes knocking at your door with guns loaded. Tragedy ensues and next thing you know you find yourself running to the Rebel Alliance for protection (and a chance for revenge). This returns the player to the classic Concourse hub we all know and love, from which you can access all the classic features in the X-Wing games such as the ship's database, training grounds and missions selection, from which you engage the Imperial forces through a series of campaigns that take you from the aftermath of the Hoth battle to some original campaigns dealing with drone fighters and Imperial battles and culminating in the battle of Endor from Return of the Jedi (more on that later on). The real genius touch however, is that the Azzameen ship remains as a sub-feature of the main Concourse, and thus allows you to switch back and forth between the militaristic Rebel/Empire conflict (which weaves it's own storyline) and your own personal struggle as you contact your surviving family members and go out in "family missions" that follow a plot of it's own. This not only keeps the gameplay always fresh as it provides a change of pace from each game style (the family missions are usually much more puzzle-oriented while the Rebel ones are more classic space dogfighting) but also serves to add a little human touch to the always stale military plots that these types of games always have. I personally couldn't care less about the nameless pilot from the original X-Wing, but your character in Alliance is someone you can relate to, because you watch how he gets developed as a Rebel fighter, deal with his friends and family, and ultimately get involved hands-on in his personal struggle.

Of course, all of this would be for naught if the game's missions were all a bunch of "kill all the Kilrathi" borefests. Fortunately Alliance is blessed with some of the best mission design ever in a space sim, throwing in every kind of mission you can think of and involving everything from head-on engagements, chases, stunt flying, etc... To keep it all fresh the game also makes a steady use of puzzle elements and scripted events, which range from simple flag-checking events to full-blown puzzles in which you have to infiltrate military enemy bases or create an ambush. The puzzle-oriented design sometimes takes too much of a front seat in some missions, but never to the extent of games like say... I-War, and ultimately serves it's purpose as a way of deepening the gameplay. And while in most games complex features like power management and weapons configuration can always be set under "safe" settings and left alone for the rest of the game, Alliance calls for you to truly understand and properly manage them (specially the power settings) which gives the game an incredible gameplay depth as well as adding a lot of adrenaline to some moments such as when you find yourself escaping to a jump node at full thrust while you pray that you can squeeze a little more speed from your power station and at the same time try to dodge incoming fire while redirecting shield strength aft... and no, those enemy flyboys aren't any idiots either...

Anyway, as I mentioned above, the game also ends with a reproduction of the Endor battle and I dare say that it's a flawless reprisal of what you saw in the movie, complete with a massive engagement with the imperial fleet (divided in 3 missions) and the final tunnel-run and final escape through the Death Star itself. Yes, the tunnel-run too, because you get to fly the Millennium Falcon itself! Waaahoo!! Now if that isn't the coolest thing ever then I don't know what is!

Oh wait, I think I do: How about the same kickass multiplayer and mission generator element from XWvsTF with the chance to fly with or against practically every ship in the Star Wars universe? No seriously, even Dash Rendar's Outrider is here, as he makes a cameo appearance along with Luke in the single player game!

The Bad
There's isn't a whole lot one can bitch about a game of this pedigree, it's downright fantastic. I will point out that there are some bugs every now and then, mostly dealing with bonus objectives, and there's the fact that the Azzameen plotline is left hanging at the end of the game... This one is really puzzling, you just get to a point in the story and then there's the battle of Endor and that's it! ?? I remember reading an official answer in a LucasArts forum about that really being the end of the game... there's no point-related secret ending as in other X-Wings... man, what a downer.

The Bottom Line
Along with Knights of The Old Republic one of the best games ever made with the Star Wars license, combing the always cool Star Wars lore with stellar production values, unprecedented gameplay depth and fantastic mission design in an airtight package. A must have for anyone that even remotely likes quality videogaming. This is as good as it gets for Star Wars fans.

Windows · by Zovni (10502) · 2005

Alliance beats them all.

The Good
After the not-so-complimentary reviews of the "heralded" X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, I was very leery about the release of X-Wing Alliance. Besides, I didn't have a computer fast enough to run it. :)

But LucasArts then re-released Alliance under their "Classics" titles. And since I have a P3 1gz, I really couldn't pass this one up. So I picked up Alliance and hoped for the best.

The best is what I got.

Right from the get-go, I have to say that graphically, It's astounding, and I honestly can't see the series getting better in that department. Running a P3 1gz machine with an NVIDIA-TNT card, the graphics are smooth and the different effects are amazing. The TIE Fighters look so "realistic" that you begin to wonder if you are watching the movies or playing a game.

The Heads-up Display (HUD) takes a bit getting used to, even though it is implemented flawlessly. For starters, Mission Objectives are displayed on the right side of the screen, so there is no more needless switching between screens. All important inbound communications are displayed on the left side. The cockpit graphics are uncluttered, but if you are used to the setup in Any of the previous sims, it will takes some getting used to. No longer are the Shield, Laser and Engine configuration bars in front, but they are tucked away on the upper left and right hand corners of the screen. Thankfully, the "Radar" circles are still in the same place :)

As for the gameplay, it rocks. You take on the role of "Ace" Azzameen, working for your parents shipping company. The first 7 missions are designed to help you learn how to control your ships, pickup cargo containers and how to locate navigation beacons.

As you play you learn about Luke Skywalker destroying the Death Star, and you hear about the Rebellion and the help you need. I won't spoil the actual game for you, but needless to say, you end up joining the Rebellion. I love the way LucasArts incorporated the gameplay with the facts and storyline from the movies. It really gives you a sense of being in the Star Wars Universe.

After joining the rebellion, you're choices of things to do are great. Remember the "Pilot Proving Ground" from the original X-Wing? It's back in Alliance, and it's unbelievable. There are 7 different obstacle courses you can fly through, each one more difficult than the previous. Personally, I enjoy flying the PPG. If you haven't played in a while, It's the perfect way to get your reflexes and timing back into tip-top shape.

Along with the regular missions, you can also play in the Combat Chamber. This allows you to play multiplayer against either the CPU or up to 16 other people over the internet. It's great to throw 1 X-Wing and about 11 TIE fighters in the mix, and see how many you can nail in 10 minutes (my personal best is 22). You can have the battle in deep space, in a junk yard (Like the PPG) or even better, an asteroid field. I always wanted to fly through the asteroid field in a YT-1300 Freighter, and now I have my chance.

Speaking of ships, the number you get to fly is staggering. With the exception of the command ships (Star Destroyers, Calamari Cruisers, etc.) you can fly almost every ship seen on the Big Screen, and all from the previous 3 X-Wing games. In fact you start out by flying a YT-1300 Freighter, similar to the Millennium Falcon (but without all the extras... I know, it's bummer).

The sound is excellent. It really captures the feel of a Star Wars Movie, and the fact the CD Tracks are pulled off the Star Wars Trilogy Boxed set is a bonus. There are musical tracks you won't get on the regular soundtracks and it sounds great.

The control of the game is very intuitive. I use a Wingman Digital 3D Joystick, and I can't believe how well the game handles. Joysticks with a twist rudder capability enable you to fly without holding down the secondary trigger button in order to rotate your craft. This makes for great combat. It takes a bit getting used to, but in the long run it helps your game.

The Bad
Nothing. It's a great game.

The Bottom Line
LucasArts did the right thing. They heard the complaints that users had about X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, made some fantastic changes and enhancements to the system, and produced a fantastic game worth owning. A must have for both space-sim and Star Wars Fans alike.

Windows · by Chris Martin (1155) · 2001

Beautiful Space combat sim!!!!

The Good
Almost everything. The graphics were crisp, and the sound could not get anymore authentic. With a multitude of ships to fly, this game is large and the replay value is enormous. You can fly up close and see every detail of the ship. And if you have 3D acceleration, your heart will skip a beat after seeing it. The gameplay is nearly identical to X-wing and Tie-fighter except that now you get to have the use of a turret.

The Bad
The loading times were slightly long and the game sometimes makes you wait for a ship to dock or a transport to reach it's destination.

The Bottom Line
This game is a masterpiece and should be owned by all.

Windows · by James Kirk (150) · 2003

Probably The Best Star Wars Game To Date!

The Good
Great graphics, sound effects, and gameplay. Cinematics are not to bad. You get to play the Battle of Endor from the Return of the Jedi! Wide variety of missions and goals. Great battles. Multiplayer is no to bad. Good sense of complexity. Flying all those cool ships from Star Wars is very cool.

The Bad
Some of the beginning missions basicly suck. Some missions drag, drag, and drag. Multiplayer can get a little laggy and all you get to use for "maps" is just plane space. Yawn! You must have a joystick to play.

The Bottom Line
Has some flaws, but great eye candy. If you like Star Wars, this one is for you. Probably the best Star Wars simulator to date!

Overall Rating: 90%

Windows · by MasterAbyss-ESB (11) · 2000

How could you not love this game.

The Good
Lucas Arts is a very good gaming company. When they have a successful game, they don't try to change much when they make a sequel. And X-Wing Alliance is just as Tie Fighter and X-Wing. Where it improves on those games is in the plot line and make your own mission scenarios. There are so many different space fighters you can fly. And, of course, great graphics and music.

The Bad
Nothing except that the Azzameen family seemed like a bunch of dorks.

The Bottom Line
You can never have enough Star Wars games.

Windows · by Attila (553) · 2001

The BEST space combat sim!!!

The Good
Everything!!! The graphics were excellent, the sounds were great, the music was INCREDIBLE!

The Bad
Nothing, except for some missions. They didn't beta this game too much, and some missions had bugs in them. Other than that, it was excellent.

The Bottom Line

Windows · by James1 (240) · 2001

Great game for Star Wars fans, but the puzzle aspects turns me off

The Good
Great "souvenirs" as rewards after each mission, plenty of Star Wars lore, nice missions with a lot of combat, some "stunt flying" (maneuver through tight spaces), and other objectives.

The Bad
Some parts TOO puzzle like. The auto-dock features don't always work and you must do manual docking. You have to be VERY precise with your shots as gun energy is extremely limited. Energy management vs. speed management can be troublesome.

The Bottom Line
XWA is an interesting title to quantify. It is a lot of things to different people... It's a bit of 3D puzzle (similar to X-Wing and TIE Fighter), it's a bit of resource management (energy management), it's a lot of 3D space combat that requires precision shooting (a LOT more precise than Wing Commander series), and the full force of Star Wars lore.

If you enjoy that type of gameplay, XWA should be right up your alley. However, it is NOT for everyone.

Graphics and sound were adequate and not quite state of the art any more, but for an older title this is expected.

Windows · by Kasey Chang (4590) · 2002

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Patrick Bregger, Scaryfun, Plok, Alsy, Pix, Tomas Pettersson, Cantillon, jean-louis, Cavalary, Tim Janssen, Jeanne, vedder, jaXen, Wizo, Venator, Apogee IV.