Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Description official descriptions
Four thousand years before the events depicted in the Star Wars movies, the political and ideological situation is not much different from what we have seen in the prequel trilogy: the Republic and the Jedi Order are fighting against two powerful Sith lords, Darth Revan and his apprentice, Darth Malak. It is said that the former was successfully defeated by the Jedi, and that Darth Malak betrayed his mentor and is planning to take on the Republic by himself. His aggression is so successful that some Jedi have decided to join his ranks. A seemingly ordinary soldier of the Republic is traveling aboard a space ship that is attacked by Darth Malak's minions. Narrowly escaping, the soldier meets a female Jedi named Bastila, one of those who have fought Darth Revan in the decisive battle. With her help, the soldier must learn to become a Jedi, stop Darth Malak, and discover the truth about his or her own past.
Knights of the Old Republic is a role-playing game that uses the Star Wars D20 rule system, which is similar to the 3rd Edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Character development and combat are handled similarly to BioWare's previous RPGs such as Baldur's Gate series. Combat engine follows similar "real-time with pause" rules. There are only three active combatants on the player's side (as opposed to six in Baldur's Gate). Several characters join the party and can be switched at the player's will.
Eventually, the protagonist will have to train at the Jedi academy to earn a lightsaber and force moves. Force powers include stun, force pull (which pulls opponents or objects toward the player-controlled character), the Jedi Mind Trick, which persuades people to see things the player's way, and many others. The player has various weapons at his or her disposal, from the lightsaber to blasters, grenades, ion rifles, etc.
Throughout the game, the player will visit many Star Wars locations that appeared in the movies, such as Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wookiees, the desert planet of Tatooine, and others. Interacting with characters in various ways and performing side quests influences the protagonist's stand with the forces of Light and Darkness. The player can turn the main character into a flawless Jedi, a ruthless Sith, or anything in between. Some of the player's choices influence major events that occur within the storyline.
- 星际大战:旧共和武士 - Simplified Chinese spelling
- 星際大戰:舊共和武士 - Traditional Chinese spelling
Groups +
- 3D Engine: Odyssey
- Boss Fight Books games
- Console Generation Exclusives: Xbox
- EA Classics releases
- Force Powers-themed games
- Gameplay feature: Arena fighting
- Gameplay feature: Character development - Skill distribution
- Gameplay feature: Dating / Romance
- Gameplay feature: Gambling
- Gameplay feature: Karma meter
- Gameplay feature: Multiple endings
- Gameplay feature: Tower of Hanoi puzzle
- Games made into comics
- Middleware: Bink Video
- Protagonist: Female (option)
- Sound Engine: AIL / Miles Sound System
- Star Wars licensees
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series
- Star Wars: The Old Republic games
- Theme: Amnesia
- Theme: LGBTQ+
- Xbox Classics releases
- Xbox Platinum Hits releases
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Credits (Xbox version)
293 People (246 developers, 47 thanks) · View all
Producer | |
Assistant Producer | |
Content Coordinator | |
Lead Tester | |
Assistant Lead Tester | |
Testers | |
Lead Sound Designer | |
Additional Sound Design | |
Cutscene Mixing | |
Original Star Wars Sound Effects | |
[ full credits ] |
Average score: 92% (based on 124 ratings)
Average score: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 354 ratings with 18 reviews)
"Strike Me Down And I Will Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine"
The Good
A Star Wars RPG seems only natural. However it would be years before we ever would get one. It must have been the late 90’s when it was rumored that LucasArts was shopping around the idea. Star Wars fans every where were horrified when it was being whispered that Squaresoft would make the game. Nothing came of this until years later Bioware announced that it was working of such as game for Microsoft’s new Xbox. Would it be the game Star Wars fans have been anticipating?
In Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, you make your PC, to suit your styling. From the get go you can be a Soldier, Scoundrel, or a Scout. Set about 10,000 years before the films it is quite a different galaxy than that of the films. As the game opens the ship you are on is under siege from the Sith. After an initial game tutorial you are thrown into action. From here the ship crashes on the planet Taris. You along with new companion, Carth Onasi, most find the Jedi Knight Bastila. The plot thickens as you rescue the Jedi, and must stop the Sith invasion of Taris. And the Sith Lord Malak.
Later in the game you train to become a Jedi Knight. More specially you can be a Jedi Guardian, Sentinel, and Consular. Each has pros and cons, as well as there own light saber color. Don’t like the assigned color? Than you can change it later.
During your travels to follow in Revan and Malak’s footsteps and gain the “Star Maps”. You will gain the aid of 9 others. And travel to 7 worlds and other places. You can also complete side quest for your self and companions. Including a love quest with the lovely Bastila. If you are a female it is with Carth.
You can choose to follow virtue and the light side, or succumb to the evil of the dark side. Two ends reflect your choice as well as the fates of your party.
The game plays as we have come to expect from an RPG. You explore areas, talk to NPCS and fight. Gain experience, level up, all that good stuff.
Combat is unique. Not unlike other Bioware games like Baldur’s Gate, the combat is turn based in real time. And also based on a dice roll. You have more options here. You can attack, try for a critical attack, a flurry, or power attack. You can use items, and defend. And Jedi can use force powers. Such as heal, force push, and many others. The combat can also be paused at any time. You can also set up a queue of attacks, and what not. You can also switch to the other two in your party at any time.
The fights look more real compared to that of Baldur’s Gate. With characters always in motion. Unlike in most Console RPGS, except maybe Skies Of Arcadia. The combat is also quite fun. More so when battling Sith.
There are also great mini-game including an outer space dog fight!
Thanks to the raw power of the Xbox, this is one good looking game. The inhabitants of the galaxy look realistic. As well as otherworldly when necessary. The areas are all well designed. If a little small. The facial features are astounding. As are the light effects of clashing light sabers.
The Music is pure Star Wars. With tunes directly taken from the films. As well as new music from Jeremy Soule. The composer behind Icewind Dale’s epic score, as well as that of Morrowind and Oblivion.
The voice actors do an amazing job. And there are quite a few famous VO actors here. The sound effects are taken directly from the legendary films. And still sound great.
The Bad
The restrictions of using a dice roll are evident. And special attacks are pretty much useless against regular foes.
Many areas seem tiny. They could have been bigger. There is a plot twist midway in the game that is quite lame. And another bad one towards the end. Why Bioware?
The Bottom Line
Overall this is easily the one of the if not the best Star Wars games out there. It is also on the PC. Star Wars and RPG fans could do worse than this epic set along time ago in a galaxy far far away.
Xbox · by MasterMegid (723) · 2006
The Good
Everything was great about this game accept a few things. They had great story lines, amazing characters, and gameplay was fun.
The Bad
Well, the graphics arent that great. Uhhhh, Thats about it. With it being a RPG its replay value isnt that great, you only want to play it once or twice.
The Bottom Line
AMAZING. It is a turn based RPG. You pick your attack, and he does it. It isnt like some turn based games though, in most if you dont pick your attack your opponent dosent pick their either, your at a mini attack screen, but in this if you wait to pick your attack the game automatically picks your weakest attack against your opponent. It has a great storyling with an unpredictable twist, and amazing characters. You and 9 other people (well, 5 people, 1 wookie, 1 Twileek, and 2 droids) go on a quest for the Star Forge to either save, or destroy the galaxy. You can only travel with 2 at a time but 3 of them are jedi so you are able to have your whole party as jedi. It is an amazing game, now a platinum title for the Xbox ($19.99) so go buy it and have a blast.
Xbox · by Ray Caukwell (1) · 2007
The Good
Graphically quite splendid and early on, as you start to gain proficiency with the force, you feel as though there are unlimited possibilities for character development. The Star Wars universe is beautifully "pre-created" and you don't doubt for a second that this is the prehistory of the whole saga. I loved the Tatooine segment especially, dripping with atmosphere. Sadly though this is where the gloss starts to lose some of its lustre.
The Bad
The dreadful crushing linearity which was very well disguised until you played a little way in. The light/dark options were pretty much cosmetic until the very end. I was beastly to absolutely everyone and my crew still stood by me..even as I went on the rampage, killing, lying and stealing. The combat was arbitrary and the feeling of control was totally missing. Constant pausing to reissue orders became a chore. Fights just became one big scramble. I could have let everyone go auto and still have won every fight. Also I really didn't feel that any of my levelling up choices made much of a difference to the game at all. There was always someone to bail me out..whatever happened. As I got further into the game the limited vista became more apparent...sure there were plenty of sub-missions but they were basically the same four or five ideas rehashed again and again. Dull and repetitive are the words that spring to mind. I nearly forgot the awful, awful awful, "everyone levels up automatically" thing. What happened to the idea of working for advancement? What's the point in offering rewards for character advancement when the rest of the characters just get it automatically anyway?
The final nail in the coffin was how easy the game became..BEFORE I was even half way through.
The Bottom Line
A very clever job of camouflage. A sub-standard game dressed in "the kings new clothes". I feel like the little boy in the crowd, my finger points and everyone around glares at me. Initially fun but not very taxing and ultimately disappointing. Everything that makes RPGs great has been abandoned here for window dressing..
Xbox · by kemmysunshine (9) · 2003
Subject | By | Date |
KotOR for teh cheaps! Should I? | Slug Camargo (583) | Oct 4, 2009 |
1001 Video Games
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.
- Bastila Shan's character was originally meant to be Vima Sunrider, a Jedi from Dark Horse Comics' Tales of the Jedi series. The name Bastila was originally meant for Juhani's character. Eventually, it was decided to create a different character rather than use Vima Sunrider. The new character was named Bastila, while the other character who bore this name was named Juhani.
- Master Vrook Lamar is voiced by Ed Asner, of Lou Grant fame.
There are two different endings, based on the choices your main character makes. A third, funny ending can be accessed by pressing a button combination just before the final confrontation with Darth Malak.
Despite the nature of Hutts seen in the Star Wars films and various literature, none of the Hutts met in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a kingpin of organized crime, and most have almost nothing to do with criminal activity at all.
When the player first meets the female Jedi Juhani, they can choose whether to turn her back to the light side or kill her. When doing the latter, the player will have a showdown with another female Jedi who claims to be her lover (she also makes an appearance later in Korriban in which she makes a final attempt to avenge her lover). Furthermore, when playing as a female character and taking her with, she will occasionally flirt with the player in classic Baldur's Gate II fashion and, by the end of the game, confess to have romantic feelings (which the player can return). These two females are thus the first homosexual characters in the Star Wars universe.
Juhani is actually a boy's name in Finland and Estonia.
Naturally the game features numerous references to the Star Wars movies: * The line "My name's [your character's name], I'm here to save you", which is what was said by Luke Skywalker when saving Leia Organa. * Mission Vao says "I have a bad feeling about this" at least twice. This is an homage to a repeated line in each of the Star Wars films. * Probable ancestors of characters seen in the films can be seen in this game or are at least mentioned in literature. Examples include: Galduran Calrissian - Probable ancestor of Lando Calrissian, Cassus Fett - Probable ancestor of Jango and Boba Fett, Komad Fortuna - Probable ancestor of Bib Fortuna, Admiral Forn Dodonna - Probable ancestor of General Jan Dodonna. The wealthy Organa family is also mentioned early on in the game. * T3-M4 and Ebon Hawk are modeled in part after R2-D2 and the Millennium Falcon respectively. * Darth Malak was modeled in part after Darth Vader. The game programmers wanted to create a Dark Lord of the Sith who would instill images of Vader's character without being a near-complete carbon copy. Malak was given a cybernetic vocal implant, and the rest of his body was left alone. * On Taris, the player has a goal to capture Bendak Starkiller. Starkiller was the name that Lucas originally wanted to use for Luke before changing it to Skywalker.
Some droids are doing the robot dance. They pivot at the waist and jerk their arms in a style that emulates the popular 80s dance.
- 4Players
- 2003 – Best Console Game of the Year
- 2003 – Best Console Role-Playing Game of the Year
- 2003 – Best PC Role-Playing Game of the Year
- 2003 – Best Console Story of the Year
- 2003 – Best Console Voice Acting of the Year
- 2003 – Best PC Voice Acting of the Year
- Computer Games Magazine
- March 2004 - #1 Game of the Year 2003
- Computer Gaming World
- March 2004 (Issue #236) – Game of the Year
- March 2004 (Issue #236) – Role-Playing Game of the Year
- March 2004 (Issue #236) – NPC of the Year (for HK-47)
- March 2004 (Issue #236) – Best Story of the Year* GamePro (Germany)
- February 13, 2004 - Best Xbox Game in 2003 (Reader's Voting)
- GameSpy
- 2003 – Game of the Year
- 2003 – Xbox Game of the Year
- 2003 – #3 PC Game of the Year
- 2003 – PC RPG of the Year
- 2003 – Xbox RPG of the Year
- 2003 – Xbox Game of the Year (Readers' Vote)
- 2003 – PC RPG of the Year (Readers' Vote)
- 2003 - Best Music of the Year (PC)
- 2011 – #16 Top PC Game of the 2000s
- GameStar (Germany)
- February 13, 2004 - Best PC Game in 2003 (Reader's Voting)
- February 13, 2004 - Best PC RPG in 2003 (Reader's Voting)
- Golden Joystick Awards
- 2003 - Xbox Game of the Year
- PC Gamer
- March 2004 - Game of the Year 2003
- April 2005 - #19 in the 50 Best Games of All Time list
- PC Games (Germany)
- Issue 02/2004– Best Adventure Game in 2003 (Readers' Vote)
- PC Powerplay (Germany)
- Issue 06/2005 - #10 Likeable Secondary Character (for HK-47)
Information also contributed by MegaMegaMan, PCGamer77, piltdown man, Rabbi Guru, Scott Monster and Zovni.
Related Sites +
A Very Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
An Apple Games article about the Macintosh version of Knights of the Old Republic, with commentary being provided by Producer Mike Gallo (September, 2004). -
Lucas Arts: Knights of the Old Republic
Official site. -
Fansite containing various information about the series. -
Something Awful review
A humorous review on Something Awful (Windows version) -
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
developer's website -
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
publisher's website -
Star Wars: KotOR @ GameBanshee
A site containing various information about the first game in the series (walkthroughs, strategy guide, downloads, etc.). -
English fansite containing news, strategy guides, downloads and more (complete series covered). -
German fansite containing news, walkthroughs, downloads and more (complete series covered).
Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by JPaterson.
Macintosh added by Corn Popper. iPad added by GTramp. Nintendo Switch added by Rik Hideto. Windows added by Trunks. Xbox One added by Kennyannydenny. Android added by Kabushi. iPhone added by LepricahnsGold.
Additional contributors: Rebound Boy, Unicorn Lynx, Indra was here, Zack Green, Apogee IV, Zeppin, Paulus18950, Cantillon, Patrick Bregger, FatherJack, Evolyzer.
Game added July 16, 2003. Last modified March 15, 2025.