🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping


Early history

The game started life as, of all things, a first-person-shooter tie-in to the grisly horror movie Hellraiser. However, the developers eventually realized that their target platform (NES) was too weak for their intended game, and besides the horror game would clash with Wisdom Tree's family-friendly Christian image. Development was promptly moved onto the SNES and the game redesigned with a nonviolent Biblical theme.


A popular rumor has it that the Wolfenstein 3D engine was given to Wisdom Tree by id Software as a kind of 'revenge' against Nintendo for all the censorship that Wolfenstein 3D had to go through to be on the Super Nintendo. However, there's no proof of this, and Wisdom Tree bought a license for the engine like everybody else instead of having it "given" to them.

Another rumor (repeated in many sources) is that the game is merely a reskin of Wolfenstein 3D, with the level layouts being identical; this is, however, false.

Unlicensed cartridge

Super Noah's Ark 3-D is the ONLY commercial unlicensed (by Nintendo) Super Nintendo game in North America and possibly the world. Because it is unlicensed... it doesn't actually work in a Super Nintendo by itself. Indeed you must attach a working (legitimate) SNES cartridge on top of it in order to get it to work. This is due to the copy protection method used on the Super Nintendo. The Piko Interactive 2013 release for the SNES uses a standard North American SNES cartridge and, therefore, can work directly in a North American SNES without requiring another cartridge. Information also contributed by LepricahnsGold

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Trivia contributed by Shoddyan, Havoc Crow.