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Moby ID: 11910
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Silpheed for the Sega CD is a shoot-'em-up sequel to the PC title of the same name. Gameplay is similar: this is basically a 2D shooter with 3D graphics. You move your ship in a 2D plane that reaches into the screen, kind of like a pinball table. The Sega CD version of Silpheed uses pre-rendered video for the backdrops, and filled polygon graphics for the player ship and enemies.

The story here is typical for a game of this type. The central computer system controlling the galaxy network has been hacked by terrorists. The terrorists are using the computer to attack colony planets throughout the system. You are the Galaxy Union's last resort: you must fight your way across 11 stages to reach Earth, and re-take control of the computer.


  • シルフィード - Japanese spelling

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Credits (SEGA CD version)

36 People (34 developers, 2 thanks) · View all

Executive Producer
Main Programmer
Polygon Character
Background CG Producer
Demoproduce/Visual Director
Background Mechanic Design/3D Modeling/Visual Director
Silpheed Mechanical Design
Mapping Data Producer
Technical Adviser
Music Compose
Sound Effects
[ full credits ]



Average score: 82% (based on 25 ratings)


Average score: 3.7 out of 5 (based on 20 ratings with 2 reviews)

"Star Fox" For The Sega CD

The Good
Silpheed for the Sega CD is a fast paced, science fiction, shoot-em-up that tries its hand at some of the 3D polygon-type graphics seen in "Star Fox" for the Super Nintendo.

Yes, the game is technically a sequel to an older PC game, but the game was released around the same time as "Star Fox" was for the Super Nintendo. Given the rivalry between Nintendo and Sega in the 1990s, comparisons were inevitable.

Silpheed's graphics, animation and music are all above average and, especially in the later levels the pre-rendered video (for the backdrops), and the polygon graphics for the player ship and enemies (including some bosses) really shine.

The Bad
Your move your space ship in a 2D plane, with 3D graphics. Sometimes this can get a tad bit annoying, not alike the feeling of your hi-tech, space ship stick in a old-school pinball machine.

The game also has a small margin for error, if you want to get past the first few levels, let alone beat all eleven levels. After a few direct hits its "Game Over" (as a voice-over reminds you).

I do not necessarily mind a tough game. However, the high difficulty level cannot be modified significantly (without some Easter Eggs) and this does mean that you will have to be a pretty good gamer in order to enjoy some of the better graphics.

The Bottom Line
Was Silpheed the Sega CD's answer to "Star Fox"? Well, yes and no.

The hardware limitations of the Sega CD meant that it could match the Super Nintendo in terms of graphics, but the 3D polygons are certainly impressive for the Sega CD and the Silpheed storyline is, overall, much better then the Star Fox storyline.

SEGA CD · by ETJB (428) · 2013

3...2...1.....Blast Off!

The Good
Silpheed is not simply a great follow-up to an earlier computer game, it was one of the only Sega CD games, that I played, which actually seemed to understand how to use the system's hardware capabilities.

I often criticize Sega for dumping the Sega CD onto the public, but for all the system's (MANY) faults, it did have the potential to create some long and truly exciting games.

Silpheed highlights this potential by the fact that it's a long game, by 16bit standards, with plenty of fast-paced shooting and 3D polygon-inspired graphics.

The game's controls are easy to pick up, generally quite responsive and a few weapons upgrades can can the space shooting from becoming too monotonous.

The game's sci fi story is enjoyable, with anime influences, as is the game's music and sound effects.

The Bad
The game was released around the same time as Nintendo's Star Fox game, so comparisons (while unfair) were inevitable.

Silpheed's polygon based characters designs are nice, but it's mostly a 2D shooter with some polygons and 3D-inspired elements pasted onto the game.

The difficulty level fact probably could have been balanced out a bit, as the game becomes exceptionally difficult, early on.

The designers may have been aware of the difficulty level, as codes were put into the game to (among other things) restore hit points. Although I don't think I ever managed to enter in the secret code properly.

This is especially the case if you lose the weapons upgrades, which I felt happened a bit too easily,

Frankly having the codes, if you are going to have them, probably should been entered via a password system.

The Bottom Line
Silpheed is a great entry in the franchise, which shows off some of the Sega CD's hardware potential. Gamers eager for a long and difficult space battle, should enjoy it.

SEGA CD · by Edward TJ Brown (118) · 2014



  • FLUX Magazine
    • April 1995 (Issue #4) - rated #25 in the Top 25 Worst Video Games of All-Time .



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Related Games

Silpheed Alternative AM
Released 2011 on Android
Silpheed: The Lost Planet
Released 2000 on PlayStation 2

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  • MobyGames ID: 11910
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by quizzley7.

Additional contributors: Alaka, Big John WV, Rik Hideto.

Game added February 1, 2004. Last modified June 19, 2024.