Galus plans for world domination.
Plan of attack: drop little moon filled with cute but bloodthirsty creatures near the village.
His reasons for being here can't be good.
Intro title screen.
Hey...did you hear something?
Main menu.
Character and stage select screen.
Start of the first stage.
The blue-haired girl uses a whip.
This is a pretty sweet level.
Strike a pose!
I can hardly tell the difference.
Some very vicious enemies wait for me.
These springs launch her really, really high.
Green-haired girl has magic paper fans.
Moving platforms!
Found a health refill...while at full health.
Take that, you stupid munchkin.
Used a shield powerup.
This guy waves his fan to push you back with the wind.
Super Mario taught me to always trust things growing out of question blocks!
This guy and his brother shoot lightning at me.
The stamp says "You did really super good."
Every stage has a name like this.
The redhead uses a long-range yo-yo.
These guys can't be killed, and tend to be in very irritating spots.
I wanna fly high, higher than all of the heavens!
Another magic attack.
Watch your head!
A rather odd boss.
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