Mission details
Sub-mission details
Swimming - this section uses complex colour effects
The outcome if the training
About to dive
Oh dear
Touching down
Low visibility in this underwater section
It's a shark
Shooting a fish out
Got to winch down here
DOS screenshots
Title screen (EGA)
The main menu (EGA)
Preparing to jump out of a plane (EGA).
Parachute deployed! (EGA)
Beginning the Lochness mission (EGA).
Swimming; avoid the enemies! (EGA)
Infiltrate an enemy base (EGA).
Infiltrate mission successful so far... (EGA)
Title screen (CGA)
The main menu (CGA)
Ready to jump out of a plane (CGA).
My parachute has been deployed (CGA).
Beginning the second mission (CGA).
Swimming; don't get eaten by a shark! (CGA)
Infiltrate an enemy camp (CGA).
Uh oh, I'm surrounded! (CGA)
Are we missing some important screenshots? Contribute.