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Mitsumete Knight

Moby ID: 26353
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In Mitsumete Knight, you are a young man who is sent to the fictional medieval country of Dolphan, where you must train to become a Holy Knight and to defend the country from attacks by the neighboring state Valpha. But as you arrive at Dolphan, your interest is shifted towards the pretty local girls. Will you be valiant in your training, or will you spend your time trying to have a date?

This is essentially a "dating-sim" game with elements of RPG. You have a schedule and have to decide what to do in order to charm the girl of your dreams. Various activities increase your skills, and it's important to remember which girl will be impressed by a particular skill. In addition, you also have hit points and gain levels, just like in a traditional RPG. Sometimes you'll be attacked by the knights from Valpha or other enemies, which will result in battles. The outcome of such battles largely depends on your previous training.


  • みつめてナイト - Japanese spelling

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Credits (PlayStation version)

132 People (128 developers, 4 thanks) · View all

Sophia Loveling (ソフィア・ロベリンゲ)
Lolie Corwell (ロリィ・コールウェル)
Hannah Showski (ハンナ・ショースキー)
Leslie Ropicanna (レズリー・ロピカーナ)
Jean Petromola (ジーン・ペトロモーラ)
Teddy Adelade (テディー・アデレード)
Carol Paretski (キャロル・パレッキー)
Sue Grafton (スー・グラフトン)
Claire Marjoram (クレア・マジョラム)
Priscilla Dolphin (プリシラ・ドルファン)
Sera Pixis (セーラ・ピクシス)
Linda Zackroyd (リンダ・ザクロイド)
Anne (アン)
Menesis (メネシス)
Pico (ピコ)
Liza Heimer (ライズ・ハイマー)
Dunos Wolfgalio (デュノス・ヴォルフガリオ)
Killing Mihilvis (キリング・ミーヒルビス)
Sail Nekselaria (セイル・ネクセラリア)
Bardot Branchio (バルドー・ボランキオ)
Mikhail Zelvis (ミハエル・ゼールビス)
Gustav Benindandy (グスタフ・ベナンダンディー)
Miracalio Messeni (ミラカリオ・メッセニ)
Joan Elitas (ジョアン・エリータス)
Robert Loveling (ロバート・ロベリンゲ)
[ full credits ]


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Identifiers +

  • MobyGames ID: 26353
  • [ Please login / register to view all identifiers ]


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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Unicorn Lynx.

Additional contributors: DreinIX.

Game added February 11, 2007. Last modified November 27, 2024.