Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand

aka: Bokura no taiyō
Moby ID: 10627



The reason that the sun sensor idea even came up was when Hideo Kojima wanted to make a new, innovative game, but he didn't have any ideas. Then he went to the toy division of Konami, and thought "Hey! I could get them to make a sensor and we'll put it on a Game Boy cartridge as a game!" Or something like that. And Boktai was born.


In the game there is a dark curse named 'kaamos'. Kaamos is Finnish meaning a kind of dark atmosphere, both mental and physical. Some have said that late in the autumn when there's little light, trees have lost their leaves but there isn't snow so it's not quite winter yet, that is a time of kaamos.


The default name of the main character, Django, probably comes from a spaghetti western by the same name where the main character (named Django) also drags a coffin around with him.


Sometimes the characters will shout "Taiyohhh!" and it's not translated. In Japanese, Taiyoh means sun.


The title of the game, Boktai, is most likely an abbreviation of the Japanese name of the game, "Bokura no Taiyou". Another game that does this is Pokémon - the full Japanese title of the game is "Pocket Monsters".

Information also contributed by Ben K and Timo Takalo

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Trivia contributed by ~~, Patrick Bregger.