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Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

aka: MI2, The Secret of Monkey Island 2

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DOS credits (1991)

85 people (82 professional roles, 3 thanks) with 119 credits.

Created and Designed by Ron Gilbert
Programmed by Tim Schafer, Tami Borowick, David Grossman, Bret Barrett, Ron Gilbert
Background Art by Peter Chan, James Alexander Dollar, Steve Purcell, Sean Turner
Animation by Larry Ahern, Peter Chan, Ken Macklin, Michael McLaughlin, Collette Michaud, Steve Purcell, Sean Turner
Original Music by Michael Z. Land, Peter McConnell, Clint Bajakian, Robin Goldstein, J. White
Graphics / Artwork Larry Ahern, Peter Chan, James Alexander Dollar, Ken Macklin, Michael McLaughlin, Collette Michaud, Steve Purcell, Sean Turner
Arrangements by Robin Goldstein, J. White, Robert Marsanyi, Matt Berado
SCUMM Story System by Ron Gilbert, Aric Wilmunder, Brad P. Taylor, Vince Lee
iMUSE Music System by Michael Z. Land, Peter McConnell
Testers James Hampton, Jim Current, Justin Graham, Chip Hinnenberg, Eli Mark, Kristina Jontag, Jon Van, Kristina Sontag
Additional Testing by Jo Ashburn, Khris Brown, Wayne Cline, Erin Collier, James Hanley, Howard Harrison, Kirk Lesser, Bret Mogilefsky, Gwen Newton Musengwa, Tabitha Tosti, David Wessman, Squiggy
Produced by Shelley M. Day
Project Leader Ron Gilbert
Lucasfilm Games General Manager Doug Glen
Lucasfilm Games Director of Development Kelly Flock
Lucasfilm Games Associate Director of Development Lucy Bradshaw
Lucasfilm Games Director of Sales Cynthia Wuthmann
Product Marketing Manager Robin Holland
Public Relations Sue Seserman
Product Support Khris Brown, Erin Collier, Livia Knight, Gwen Newton Musengwa
International Coordinator Lisa Star
Administrative Support Annemarie Barrett, Wendy Bertram, Meredith Cahill, Alexa Eurich, Claudia Hardin, Michele Harrell, Brenna Kruppa-Holden, Marcia Keasler, Debbie Ratto, Lisa Star, Kim Thomas, James Wood, Dawn Yamada
Additional Art Avril Harrison, Collette Michaud, Aaron Muszalski, Gary Winnick
Lettering Artist Christine Benson Miller
Proofreading Jo Ashburn, Andrea Siegel
Fun and Excitement Supervisor Alexa Eurich
Gum Chewing Michele Harrell
Goofy Pun Consultant Noah Falstein
Environmental Specialist Paul Thermidor
Wrangling Lucy Bradshaw
Inspiration and Admiration Paul Hill
"Works like crazy!" Hal Barwood
"So, what's for dinner?" Jennifer Sward
Sam and Max appear courtesy by Steve Purcell
Introducing Khris Brown (as Chester)
German Version Boris Schneider-Johne
Associate Producer Brenna Kruppa-Holden
Package Design Collette Michaud
Cover Artwork by Steve Purcell
Manual Illustration Steve Purcell
Manual Writer Judith Lucero
Manual Layout Mark Shepard
Print Production by Carolyn Knutson
Special Thanks to George Lucas

German Version

Translation Boris Schneider-Johne, doc bobo wordworks
Programming & US contact Tamlynn Niglio
German Manual Boris Schneider-Johne, Uwe Schaffmeister
German Support Kristin Dodt
Thanks to Heinrich Lenhardt (for his really good ideas and jokes)
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People credited on this game were also credited on:

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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by IJan, Boris Schneider-Johne, formercontrib, MAT.