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Daze Before Christmas

Moby ID: 10698

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Average score: 61% (based on 8 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.4 out of 5 (based on 17 ratings with 1 reviews)

Who Thought a game where you played as Santa would be this fun!

The Good
In Daze Before Christmas you play as Santa Claus and must save Christmas from the Evil Snowman, the Timekeeper, Louse Mouse, and Mr. Weather itā€™s a platformer Santa uses magic to Smite his enemies at the end of each set of stages you play a level in which you fly and drop presents in chimneys all over the world like England and Russia.

The music has a very Chritmasy sound with variations of songs like ā€œJingle Bellsā€ . Since this was a late genesis game the graphics are really good about 1995 I think This game is a good game to play during the christmas holiday's i've made a tradition of it.

There are points in the game where you can play as a evil version of Santa Claus called Anti-Claus in which you are impervious to all attacks.

The Bad
Thereā€™s really nothing wrong in particular with it on less you have no interest in playing as Santa Claus. The game may be a little too easy none of the bosses are really a challenge including the final boss

The Bottom Line
This game is a great Genesis game although it is very hard to find the only copy Iā€™ve found is the European version and seeing as how Iā€™m American is of no use to me.

Genesis · by Classic Nigel (108) · 2006

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Alsy, Ryan DiGiorgi, Big John WV, Patrick Bregger, Bozzly, chirinea, Riemann80.