Charade describes the daily high-school routine of a girl named Kazumi. The game proceeds from one school day to another, putting Kazumi in the same situations, facing the same choices. Those choices, as well as random events and meetings with other characters, schoolmates and teachers (only female), change Kazumi's viewpoints as well as relationships with the other girls.
The game is basically a visual novel, though choices pop out more than usually in games of this genre. Basically, each situation leads to two or more choices, such as choosing a location to go to, waiting for a character or leaving the room, dialogue choices, joining high school clubs, etc.
- シャレード - Japanese spelling
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Unicorn Lynx.
Additional contributors: Skippy_Chipskunk.
Game added July 7, 2010. Last modified January 15, 2025.