Battle Squadron
Description official descriptions
Battle Squadron is a classic arcade style shooter for 1 or 2 players, and a spiritual successor to Hybris. You take a space ship and fly it over a high tech hostile surface, and then into an organic setting. .
You can control the number of 'credits' you have from 1 to 3. You choose how many lives you get. You also get to choose the max number of enemy bullets and their speed.
You get power-ups along the way that modify your weapons, and also the "Nova Smart Bomb".
Groups +
Credits (Amiga version)
10 People
Programming | |
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Average score: 81% (based on 32 ratings)
Average score: 3.7 out of 5 (based on 29 ratings with 1 reviews)
One of the hardest vertical scrolling shooters ever made.
The Good
This game is a true test of your shooter gaming abilities. The power-ups are excellent and the graphics are fantastic. The background music is also pretty good.
The Bad
I really don't like saying that because a game is too hard that it is a negative thing. But if you play single player without changing any of the options, this is the hardest game I have ever played on the Genesis.
The multi layered graphics in the underground make it almost impossible to get through without loosing a ship.
But all that aside something I consider a major flaw is that when the game is over you can not see what your score was. So scoring is pointless the goal becomes how many of the three underground sequences can you get through. (if any:)
The Bottom Line
Classic vertical scrolling shooter. One button to fire your weapon, another to fire a smart bomb. Several different weapon types are available based on the color of the power-up. Each one makes you stronger. You have a limited number of bombs but they can also be found. Make your way underground only when you think you are strong enough. Memorize the attack patterns and always keep moving. Concentrate on the flying ships first and ground targets that shoot second and save the ground targets that don't shoot till last.
You can play with a friend controlling a second ship, but prepare for twice the number of enemy bullets. If you like ultra hard shooters then this is a must have game.
Genesis · by gametrader (208) · 2004
Amiga Computing review
Amiga Computing gave Battle Squadron a whopping 109% (!) in their review, with both the graphics and gameplay scores going off the scale.
Atari ST conversion
Although The One reported the conversion of Battle Squadron on the ST is in production and should be released in autumn 1990, this version was never released.
The non-playable demo of the Amiga version contains an intro sequence that is animated and colorful when compared to the same but non-animated and black and white intro sequence in the game. Apparently there wasn't enough disk space for a full quality intro so they cut it down. The same cut-down intro is used in the Genesis version too.
- Amiga Power
- May 1991 (Issue #00) - #49 in the "All Time Top 100 Amiga Games"
According to text displayed after the outro sequence on the Amiga, Battle Squadron was developed in 8 months.
Information also contributed by B.L. Stryker.
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Related Sites +
Wikipedia: Battle Squadron
Information about Battle Squadron on Wikipedia.
Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Roland Kippenhan.
Windows added by Placio74. iPhone added by ronaldvd. Macintosh added by Sciere. Amiga, iPad, Android added by Kabushi.
Additional contributors: B.L. Stryker, Kabushi, Игги Друге, Picard, Patrick Bregger, Jo ST.
Game added April 14, 2003. Last modified July 3, 2024.