Fallout 2

aka: FO2, Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game
Moby ID: 239

You are the Chosen One, the direct descendant of the Vault Dweller. The village elders have selected you to wear the sacred Vault-suit of your grandsire and, in time, to ascend to the leadership of your people. First you must prove your devotion to your people. Your tribe needs help.

If you are truly the Chosen One, then you alone are capable of claiming the heritage of the Vault Dweller, to take back your birthright. Among the many wonders described in hallowed yellow pages of the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide is the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. The GECK is said to have the power to turn the harsh Wastes into a fruitful paradise. The Vault Dweller's Survival Manual promises the redemption of the GECK to all Vault Dwellers.

Your tribe has survived over ten-years of drought but now their reserves are at an end. You must find Vault 13 and claim the technology that your tribe needs to survive. If you fail in this quest your tribe will surely die. You must travel the perilous Wastes on a holy quest to find Vault 13. The same Vault that cruelly cast your grandsire out into the Wastes 80 years ago. The Vault owes you. The Vault owes your tribe. Now it's time to collect.

Some of the elders doubt that you have the strength of the Vault Dweller running through your veins. They doubt that you are the Chosen One. In order to prove yourself; you must brave the Cave of Trials before the elders make their final selection.

Making your way through the Cave of Trials would be difficult for some, but not for the Chosen One. Foul Creatures and Devilish Traps are nothing to one of your quickness and resolve. You learn to identify the sinking floor-plates in time to avoid the painful whoosh of spears. Rabid beasts allow you to warm your muscles for the hunt ahead. The Cave of Trials shows you some of the dangers you may face and how to deal with them.

Even the most reluctant elder is forced to nod in silent approval of your swift passage through the Cave. Your people are simple herdsmen and farmers, they cannot give you much with which to start your quest. You are given the Vault-Suit that your ancestor wore when they came to this valley so many years ago. You are also given the wondrous Pip-BoyTM device that your ancestor found so useful in his long travels. With that and your trusty spear, you are almost ready.

The Elders hand you a strange metallic water-flask. Not at all like the hollow gourds your people use. The flask is inscribed with the divine number 13 and is dedicated to some deity named Vault-Tek(TM). The Elders explain that a passing trader sold the holy relic to them. This trader lives in Klamath, a town some days away. Your first step is to seek out this trader so that he may tell you where Vault 13 is. Then you must make the perilous journey to Vault 13 and demand the means of your people's salvation. You must get the GECKTM and return with it. Then, and only then, will the survival of your people be assured.

With grim resolve, you gird your possessions about you and cross the swaying rope-bridge that defends your village. You leave the hopeful farewells of your people behind. As you reach the far side of the bridge, many questions race through your head.

Will I find the vault? When I get there, will they give me what they denied my ancestor? Are there other Vaults that might help me? Who, or what, set up the Vaults in the first place? Is it possible that they're still out there? Watching, and waiting for some unknown event to show themselves? All of this runs through your head. As you turn your bare feet down the trail that leads away from the village, you wonder when, and if, you'll ever make it back. You wonder if you really are the Chosen One.


Unknown Source

Sequel to the RPG of the Year

Fallout 2 is the sequel to 1997's critically acclaimed Role Playing Game of the Year, which took RPG'ing out of the dungeons and into a dynamic apocalyptic retro-future.

Adventure in the wasteland as long as you want - all-new story line features no time limits, tough choices with bigger consequences, a car for faster travel, and a variety of new locations such as mobster-infested New Reno.

Interact with more than 30 intelligent and lifelike NPCs; equip them, arm them and teach them skills - just make sure they're on your side!

Advance your character through 30 levels and learn over 100 skills and "perks" including weapons mastery and shamanistic martial arts.

Brandish a whole new arsenal of customizable weapons against bigger and tougher droids, mutants, ghouls, flesh-eating plants and other post nuclear abominations.


1998 Interplay Advertisement

Sequel to the RPG of the Year

Fallout 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed game that took RPG'ing out of the dungeons and into a dynamic, apocalyptic retro-future.

It's been 80 long years since your ancestors trod across the wastelands. As you search for the Garden of Eden Creation Kit to save your primitive village, your path is strewn with crippling radiation, megalomaniac mutants, and a relentless stream of lies, deceit and treachery. you begin to wonder if anyone really stands to gain anything from this brave new world.

Mastering your character's skills and traits for survival, Fallout 2 will challenge you to endure in a post-nuclear world whose future withers with every passing moment....


Not everyone that joins you looks like you. Super-mutants, robo-dogs and ghouls may join your adventure, or why not do-it-yourself by implanting a brain into that shiny new robot body.


Improved combat AI for friends and foes alike. Most of the people in your own group won't take that burst shot with the Flechette-gun, but a couple are probably just aching for the opportunity.


If you want to, you can upgrade any traveling companions with more dangerous weapons, tougher armor, or even teach them new skills and abilities. Of course, you'd better make sure they're on your side.


Bigger, smarter, nastier enemies than you've ever fought before. We've given you a few pals that are just as ugly. You didn't think you were the only Bad-ass in town did you?


Fall in love, get married, and then pimp your spouse for a little extra chump-change. Hey, it's a dark and dangerous world.


Over 100 new skills, called perks, available to learn during the course of your travels. Better to learn the exquisite art of Pyromania, the uncanny timing as a Demolition expert, or how to squeeze the trigger on your spiffy new Gauss-rifle faster than the next guy? Decisions, decisions....


Back cover

Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

80 Years On And The Fight For Survival Continues

Twice as BIG - As direct descendant of the original "Vault Dweller", can you find the vault and acquire the Garden of Eden Creation Kit (G.E.C.K.)?

Twice as BAD - Set in Northern California, you have all the time you need to explore new locations. Race across the wasteland in a modified 50' style 8-cylinder Chevy, discover advanced weaponry and face bigger, smarter and nastier enemies than ever before. Maybe fall in love, get married and pimp your spouse for a little extra change!

Twice as TOUGH - Tough choices and even tougher consequences await you...it's a dark and dangerous world out there...


Magazine advertisement




Chegou a seqüência do jogo mais aclamado do ano. Fallout 2 resgata os

RPG's dos calabouços para um futuro dinâmico e apocalíptico.


"...Já se passaram 80 anos desde que seus antepassados passaram

por esse solo improdutivo..." Fallout 2 vai desafiá-lo!

Vença obstáculos deste mundo pós-nuclear e enfrente a escuridão.

Entre em locais proibidos, encontre restos de carne humana onde

sangue faz parte deste cenário aterrorizante. Gritos de morte te

perseguirão. Criaturas más, ratos gigantes e um exército de mutantes

desejam a sua destruição.

A sabedoria é conquistada com suor e sangue, palavras não valem nada.

O futuro é um grande desonhecido.

Sobreviva neste mundo de mentiras, decepções e traições


Aprenda a conviver com as mais estranhas criaturas. Super-

mutantes, robôs em forma de cachorros selvagens, personagens sem

cérebros e monstros perigosos, podem se juntar a essa aventura.


Inteligência artificial de combate para todas as criaturas que

participam dessa aventura. A maior parte de seus companheiros

não irão sentir o impacto do tiro da Flechette, mas da dor não há

como escapar.


Melhore sua equipe de guerra com armas perigosas,

armaduras e ensine novas habilidades, mas tenha certeza que eles

realmente ficarão do seu lado.


Enfrente seus piores inimigos, os mais sábios e sórdidos.

Nós lhe demos um exército para você vencer esta batalha, mas não

pense que você é o único cruel da história.


Apaixone-se e continue vivendo num mundo cheio de intrigas.

Lembre-se, este é um mundo escuro e perigoso.


Mais de 100 novas habilidades disponíveis durante suas

viagens. É melhor aprender a arte da Piromania, controlar o tempo

das demolições ou ser mais rápido no gatilo que seu inimigo?

Pense, a decisão é sua...


Back of Box (Brazil)

Fallout 2


Mit Fallout 2 erleben Sie die lang erwartet Fortsetzung des preisgekrönten Rollenspiel-Abenteuers Fallout!

Apokalyptische Retro-Zukunft statt modriger Kerker und Verliese! Fallout 2 versetzt Sie in eine vollkommen andersartige Rollenspielwelt!

80 lange Jahre sind vergangen, seitdem Ihr Vorgänger, der Bunkerbewohner, durch die verwüstete Landschaft gewandert ist. Sie suchen nun nach GECK, dem Garden of Eden Creation Kit, um Ihr Dorf vor dem Untergang zu bewahren. Schwere Entscheidungen und noch scherwiegendere Konsequenzen warten auf Sie. Überall auf Ihrem Weg begegnen Sie der verunstaltenden Strahlung, größenwahnsinnigen Mutanten und einen unendlichen Netz aus Lügen, Intriegen und Verrat.

Es ist eine düstere und gefährliche Umgebung da draußen. Aber sie ist einen Besuch wert!

HAUPTMERKMALE * Verbesserte Gefechts-KI für Freund und Feind * Größere, gemeinere und gerissenere Gegner als je zuvor - mehr Mutanten, Supermutanten, Droiden und gemeine Gespenster leisten Ihnen bei Ihrem Abenteuer Gesellschaft. * Keine Zeitlimits - Sie können sich beim Erforschen der post-apokalyptischen Welt also ruhig Zeit lassen. * Sex und Romantik - Ein Traum geht in Erfüllung - endlich können Sie Heiraten. * Mehr Waffen und Mehrzweckwaffen. Erstellen Sie Ihre individuellen Waffenkombinationen (z.B. Montage eines neuen Lasersichtgeräts auf Ihr Springer-Gewehr oder die automatische Schrotflinte). * Im Verlauf des Spiels können Sie sich über 100 Fähigkeiten (Perks) aneignen. * Sie können jeden Reisebegleiter mit gefährlicheren Waffen aufrüsten, stärkerer Rüstung versehen oder ihm sogar neue Fähigkeiten beibringen. * Genießen Sie die neusten Retro-Technologie, wenn Sie in einem frisch reparierten Fahrzeug durch die verkommene Landschaft düsen. * Schwere Entscheidungen, schwerwiegende Konsequenzen. Manchmal müssen Sie sich auf eine Seite schlagen, wenn Sie gewinnen wollen. Ganz egal, welche Optionen Sie haben, jede einzige Entscheidung wirkt sich mit Sicherheit auf die ganze Welt aus, in der Sie leben. Und nicht immer können Sie mit einem Happy End rechnen.


Back of Box - Windows (Germany)

Fallout 2 – культовая ролевая игра, справедливо считающаяся одним из эталонов жанра. Сюжет Fallout 2 разворачивается в мире, пережившем ядерную катастрофу. Большая часть человечества погибла, а уцелевшие люди утратили практически все накопленные знания и постепенно возвращаются в каменный век. Ваш персонаж – Избранный, потомок главного героя первой части Fallout, живущий в одном из полудиких племен. Старейшина посылает Избранного на поиски одной из утерянных людьми технологий, называемой «ГЭКК». Говорят, «ГЭКК» способен превратить выжженные радиацией пустоши в цветущие сады, поэтому все племя возлагает свои надежды на Избранного. Впереди у него – долгое путешествие, полное опасностей и неожиданных открытий.

Особенности игры

  • Легендарная ролевая игра, события которой происходят в огромном пост-ядерном мире.
  • Захватывающий нелинейный сюжет.
  • Уникальная ролевая система S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: 7 параметров, десятки умений и дополнительных особенностей персонажа.
  • Тактические походовые бои.
  • Большое разнообразие противников и методов их устранения.


games.1c.ru (Publisher's website)

Über dieses Spiel

Fallout® 2 ist die Fortsetzung zum hochgelobten Spiel, dass das RPG-Genre hinaus aus Verliesen hin zu einer dynamischen, apokalyptischen Retro-Zukunft führte. 80 lange Jahre, nachdem Ihre Vorfahren das unwirtliche Ödland durchquert hatten, sind Sie auf der Suche nach dem Garten von Eden-Creation Kit, um Ihr primitives Dorf vor dem Untergang zu bewahren. Ihr Pfad ist gepflastert mit lähmender Strahlung, gefährlichen Mutanten und unentwegten Lügen, Intrigen und Verat. Sie fangen an sich zu fragen, ob überhaupt noch irgendwer eine schönere, neuere Welt verdient. Meistern Sie die Fähigkeiten Ihres Charakters zum Überleben; Fallout® 2 wird Sie in eine post-nukleare Welt eintauchen lassen, in der die Zukunft mit jeder Sekunde unwirklicher wird...

Jetzt inklusive aller Gore- und Splatter-Effekte der Original-Fassung.


store.steampowered.com (German)

Contributed by Droog, Zovni, Klaster_1, Apogee IV, chirinea, jaXen.

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