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Piotr Lukaszuk

aka: Peter Lukaszuk, P. Lukaszuk
Moby ID: 997

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Piotr Lukaszuk and his brother Dariusz (Darek) moved from Poland to USA in the 1980s and started working on PC (and C64) games for Dynamix. In the early 1990s Piotr began using the first name Peter (direct translation of Piotr). The original pronunciation of the Lukaszuk brothers' last name sounds approximately like: "Woo-kah-shook" (accent on "kah").

After Dynamix was sold, Peter began working for Microsoft at Bellevue, WA., from January 2000, designing Windows CE. He then went on to create software for the SEGA Dreamcast, created photo utilities, now is said to have worked on a new version of Windows 2000 Server.

Peter's portrait can be found in the racing game Deathtrack from Dynamix. He plays the caped gangster wearing shades.

  • Dynamix: jak się pisze gry? - article in Secret Service 1/1994, Poland - introduction to Dynamix and Sierra, preview of game development process

Credited on 30 games

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Betrayal at Krondor (2010, Windows) Research & Development
3-D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride (2000, Windows) Engine Programmers
3-D Ultra NASCAR Pinball (1999, Macintosh) Shell Programmer
Front Page Sports: Football Pro '98 (1997, Windows) Previous additional work for Football Pro was done by
3-D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent (1997, Windows) Lead Programmer
Red Baron with Mission Builder (1997, DOS) Technical Assistance
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro '98 (1997, Windows) Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro '98 Season would not have been possible without the previous work of the following people
Hunter Hunted (1996, Windows) Programmers
Front Page Sports: Football Pro '97 (1996, Windows) Previous additional work for Front Page Sports: Football Pro was done by
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro '96 Season (1996, Windows 16-bit) Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro '96 Season would not have been possible without the previous work of the following people
Aces of the Deep: Expansion Disk (1995, DOS) Programming
Command: Aces of the Deep (1995, Windows) Technical Director and Programming
Front Page Sports: Football Pro '95 (1994, DOS) Programming Support
Aces of the Deep (1994, DOS) Technical Director
Front Page Sports: Baseball '94 (1994, DOS) Virtual Machine
The Incredible Machine (1994, 3DO) Special Thanks
Aces Over Europe (1993, DOS) Special Thanks To
Stellar 7: Draxon's Revenge (1993, 3DO) Producers
Front Page Sports: Football Pro (1993, DOS) Parts of this game were based on previous work for Front Page Sports: Football which was done by the Football Pro team and these additional fine people
Front Page Sports: Football (1992, DOS) Tools Programming

[ full credits ]

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