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Jon B. Kimmich

aka: Jon Kimmich
Moby ID: 29505

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On July 6, 2004, Jon Kimmich joined Day 1 Studios as the company’s new Producer and Director of Business Development.

Prior to Day 1 Studios, Kimmich worked at Microsoft Game Studios. There he was most recently a lead product planner, where his responsibilities included securing intellectual property and first-party development capacity for the launch of Microsoft's Xbox. He established successful relationships with key developers to create critically acclaimed and commercially successful entertainment, in addition to helping developers (such as Big Huge Games and Gas-Powered Games) start their companies. Kimmich was also responsible for spearheading the acquisition of FASA Interactive (developers of MechWarrior 4 and Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge), and Bungie Studios (creators of Halo and Halo 2).

Before joining MGS, Kimmich held other positions at Microsoft, which included program management lead at MSN Production, where he was responsible for developing online programming (both internally and externally) for the network. He was also a development manager for the new product development group in Microsoft’s Hardware Team, responsible for the conceptualization and development of software and hardware for Microsoft Hardware devices such as the award-winning Microsoft Natural Keyboard. Kimmich began his career at Microsoft in 1988 as a Software Developer.

Source: Day 1 Studios company homepage

Credited on 33 games

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The Casting of Frank Stone (2024, PlayStation 5) Director of Portfolio
Mind Over Magic (2023, Windows) Sparkypants
Meet Your Maker (2023, Windows) Director of Portfolio
Hell is Others (2022, Windows) Special Thanks
Hooked on You: A Dead by Daylight Dating Sim (2022, Windows) Portfolio Manager
Haimrik (2018, Windows) Special Thanks
Rise of Nations: Extended Edition (2017, Windows Apps) Lead Product Planner
DomiNations (2015, Android) Special Thanks
Distance (2014, Windows) Thanks for the invaluable support and advice
Shadowrun Returns (2013, Windows) Special Thanks
F.3.A.R. (2011, PlayStation 3) Production
Fracture (2008, PlayStation 3) MP Producer
F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon (2006, Xbox 360) Special Thanks to the following Day 1 Studios personnel
MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf (2004, Xbox) Bussiness Staff Business Development
Rise of Nations: Gold Edition (2004, Windows) Lead Product Planner
Phantom Dust (2004, Xbox) Lead Product Planner
Rise of Nations: Thrones & Patriots (2004, Windows) Product Planning
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (2003, Xbox) Product Planning
Brute Force (2003, Xbox) Product Planning
Rise of Nations (2003, Windows) Product Planning

[ full credits ]


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