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Christian Erickson

aka: Christian Erichson, Christian Erikson, Christian Eriksson
Moby ID: 2595

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Christian Erickson is an American actor living in Paris, France. He has done acting and voice acting work for numerous videogames. His arguably most popular role is that of Lance Boyle, the TV presenter in the MegaRace series of futuristic racing games.

On a related note, he also played the role of General Kormarov in the movie adaption of Hitman.

Credited on 51 games

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XIII (2020, Windows) Conspiration Members
The Council: Episode 2 - Hide and Seek (2018, PlayStation 4) Voice Actors
The Council: Complete Season (2018, Windows) Voice Actors
Outcast: Second Contact (2017, PlayStation 4) Kaufmann
Furi (2016, Windows) The Line
Californium (2016, Windows) English Voices
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy - Remastered (NSFW) (2015, Windows) Voice Acting (English Version)
Outcast 1.1 (2014, Windows) Kaufmann
Mars: War Logs (2013, Windows) Actors Voices
Red Johnson's Chronicles (2013, Windows) Carlos Montoya
Red Johnson's Chronicles: One Against All (2013, Windows) Carlos Montoya
Heavy Rain (2010, PlayStation 3) Additional Cast
Runaway: A Twist of Fate (2009, Windows) Mickey / Winquiphone
Dark Messiah: Might and Magic - Elements (2008, Xbox 360) English Voice Actors
Dark Messiah: Might and Magic (2006, Windows) English Voice Actors
Faces of War (2006, Windows) English Voice Actors
Paradise (2006, Windows) Voices
Act of War: High Treason (2006, Windows) Voice Talents
Indigo Prophecy (NSFW) (2005, PlayStation 2) Voice Acting (English Version)
Tork: Prehistoric Punk (2005, Xbox) Cast of Voices

[ full credits ]


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